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On February 1, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agrepe of Velay (French, bishop, 7th Century)

     Bl. Andrew dei Conti of Segni [also called Andrew of Anagni] [Andrea] (Italian, Franciscan  hermit, mystic, died at about age 61 in 1302 [beatified 1723]) [commemorated by some on the 15th or 17th]

     Blessed Martyrs of Angers (French, 99 people [12 priests, 3 women religious, 4 laymen, 80 laywomen], martyred [guillotined or shot] by revolutionaries in 1793 and 1794 [beatified 1984])

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     Bl. Anthony Manzoni of Padua [Antonio] ["The Pilgrim"] (Italian, always on pilgrimage [Spain to Palestine], died at about age 30 in 1267)

     St. Autbert of Landevenec (French, Benedictine  monk, chaplain to nuns, d. 1129)

     St. Brigid of Fiesole (Italian, hermitess, 9th Century)

     St. Brigid of Kildare [also called Bridget of Ireland] (Irish, slave, nun, foundress and abbess of convents and first double monastery, died at about age 69 c. 525) [Feast on the Irish (and optional memorial on New Zealand's) "particular calendar"]

     St. Cecilius of Granada (Spanish, bishop, c. 3rd Century)

     St. Cinnia of Ulster (Irish, pagan princess, nun, 5th Century)

     Blessed Claretian Martyrs of Mas Claret (Spanish, 109 Claretian  priests, brothers, and students, martyred during Civil War in 1936 and 1937 [beatified 2017]) [Their names include the following ...]

----- Bl. Matthew Casals Mas [Mateu] (priest)

----- Bl. Ferran Saperas Alja (brother)

----- Bl. Theophilus Casajús Alduán [Teófilo]  (student)

     St. Clarus of Seligenstadt (German, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 1048)

     St. Crewenna of Cornwall (Irish, missionary to Britain, 5th Century)

     St. Darlaugdach of Kildare (Irish, abbess, c. 525)

     Bl. Ela of Laycock (English, widow of crusader, foundress of monastery and convent, abbess, d. 1261)

     St. Henry Morse of Broome (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 50 under Charles I in 1645 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     Bl. Jane Frances of the Visitation Michelotti of Annecy [Jeanne-Françoise-de-la-Visitation] [baptized Anne] (French, founded Congregation of Little Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died in Italy at age 44 in 1888 [beatified 1975])

     St. Jarlath of Armagh (Irish, missionary, bishop, c. 480)

     St. John of the Grating of Saint-Malo [Jean] (French, Cistercian  abbot, bishop of Aleth, died at about age 65 in 1163 [canonized 1517])

     St. Kinnia (Irish, virgin, baptized by St. Patrick, 6th Century)

     Bl. Louis Variara of Viarigi [Luigi] (Italian, Salesian  priest, missionary to lepers in South America, founder of Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, died at age 48 in Colombia in 1923 [beatified in 2002])

     St. Paul of Rheims (French, hermit, bishop of Trois-Châteaux, c. 405)

     St. Pionius and fifteen companions, of Smyrna (Greek, priest and flock, tortured and martyred [burned at stake] in 250)

     Bl. Reginald of Saint-Gilles (French, teacher of church law, Dominican  friar, visionary, died at about age 37 in 1220 [beatified 1885])

     St. Severus of Avranches (French, abbot, bishop, c. 690)

     St. Severus of Ravenna (Italian, weaver, bishop, c. 348)

     St. Sigebert of Austrasia (French, king, founder of monasteries, died at age 25 in 656)

     St. Sour of Auvergne (French, miracle worker, c. 580)

     St. Ursus of Aosta (Irish, deacon in Italy, arch-opponent of Arianism, d. 6th Century)

     St. Veridiana of Castelfiorentino (Italian, Benedictine  nun, hermitess, died at about age 60 in 1242 [canonized 1533]) [commemorated by some on the 16th]

   [Attributed to St. Brigid of Kildare:]

     "I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all. I would like Jesus to be present. I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us. I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all parts. I would like myself to be a rent-payer to the Lord; that I should suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me. I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings. I would like to be watching Heaven's family drinking it through all eternity."



     Blessed Martyrs of Angers -- CONTINUED

(French, 99 people [12 priests, 3 women religious, 4 laymen, 80 laywomen], martyred [guillotined or shot] by revolutionaries in 1793 and 1794 [beatified 1984])
[Here are their names. Assume death in 1794 by shooting, unless otherwise noted:]
-- [Priests]:
----- Bl. Andrew
Fardeau of Soucelles [André] (guillotined at age 33)
----- Bl. Francis Louis
Chartier of Marigné [François-Louis] (guillotined at age 32)
----- Bl. Francis
Peltier of Savennières [François] (guillotined at age 66)
----- Bl. James
Laigneau de Langellerie of La Flèche [Jacques] (guillotined at age 47)
----- Bl. James
Ledoyen of Rochefort-sur-Loire [Jacques] (guillotined at age 33)
----- Bl. John Michael
Langevin of Ingrandes [Jean-Michel] (guillotined at age 62 in 1793 [first martyr])
----- Bl. John the Baptist
Lego of La Flèche [Jean-Baptiste] (guillotined at age 27)
----- Bl. Joseph
Moreau of Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine (guillotined at age 31)
----- Bl. Lawrence
Batard of Chalonnes-sur-Loire [Laurent] (guillotined at age 50)
----- Bl. Peter
Tessier of Trinité d'Angers [Pierre] (guillotined at age 27)
----- Bl. René
Lego of La Flèche (guillotined at age 29)
----- Bl. William
Repin of Thouarcé [Guillaume] (guillotined at age 84 in 1794)
-- [Religious Sisters]:
----- Bl. Mary Ann
Vaillot of Fontainebleau [Marie-Anne] (age 60)
----- Bl. Odile
Baumgarten of Gondrexange (age 43)
----- Bl. Rosalie
du Verdier de la Soriniere (guillotined at age 49)
-- [Laymen]:
----- Bl. Anthony
Fournier of La Poitevinière [Antoine] (age 58)
----- Bl. John
Menard of Andigné [Jean] (age 60)
----- Bl. Peter
Delepine of Marigné [Pierre] (age 60)
----- Bl. Peter
Fremond of Chaudefonds [Pierre] (age 40)
-- [Laywomen]:
----- Bl. Anne Frances
de Villeneuve of La Chapelle-Saint-Laud [Anne-Françoise] (age 52)
----- Bl. Anne
Hainard of Saint-Clément-de-Craon (age 51)
----- Bl. Anne
Maugrain of Rochefort-sur-Loire (age 35)
----- Bl. Catherine
Cottenceau of Bressuire (age 60)
----- Bl. Charlotte
Davy of Chalonnes-sur-Loire (age 33)
----- Bl. Charlotte
Lucas of Chalonnes-sur-Loire (age 41)
----- Bl. Felicitas
Pricet of Châtillon-sur-Sèvre [Felicite] (age 48)
----- Bl. Frances
Bellanger of Trinité d'Angers [Françoise] (age 58)
----- Bl. Frances
Gillot of Chanteloup [Françoise] [nee Micheneau] (age 57)
----- Bl. Frances
Menard of Sainte-Gemmes d'Andigné [Françoise] [nee Suhard] (widow, age 63)
----- Bl. Frances
Michau of La Pommeraye [Françoise] (age 28)
----- Bl. Frances
Roulleau of Gouis [Françoise] [nee Pagis] (age 62)
----- Bl. Jacqueline
Monnier of Saint-Melaine (age 68)
----- Bl. Joan
Bourigault of Chaudefonds [Jeanne] (age 35)
----- Bl. Joan
Delaunay of Montjean [Jeanne] [nee Thomas] (widow, age 70)
----- Bl. Joan Marie
Paquier of Chalonnes-sur-Loire [Jeanne-Marie] [nee Leduc] (age 40)
----- Bl. Joan
Onillon of Montjean [Jeanne] (age 41)
----- Bl. Gabrielle, Bl. Perrine, and Bl. Suzanne
Androuin, of Saint-Lambert-du-Lattay (sisters, aged 38, 32, and 36)
----- Bl. Joan
Chalonneau of Chalonnes-sur-Loire [Jeanne] [nee Fouchard] (age 44)
----- Bl. Joan
Doly of Beaupréau [Jeanne] [nee Gruget] (age 63)
----- Bl. Joan
Moreau of Sainte-Christine [Jeanne] [nee Gourdon] (widow, age 60)
----- Bl. Louise
Barre of Longeron [nee Poirier] (age 37)
----- Bl. Louise
Bessay de la Voute of Saint-Mars-des-Prés (age 72)
----- Bl. Louise
Rallier Dean de Luigne [nee de la Tertiniere] and Bl. Louise Amy Dean de Luigne [Louise-Aimee] (mother and daughter, aged 60 and 37)
----- Bl. Madeleine
Blond of Angers (age 30)
----- Bl. Madeleine
Cady of Chalonnes-sur-Loire (age 38)
----- Bl. Madeleine
Rousseau of Saint-Germain-des-Prés [nee Perrotin] (age 50)
----- Bl. Madeleine
Salle of Châteauneuf-sur-Sarthe (age 41)
----- Bl. Marguerite
Huau of Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné [nee Riviere] (age 37)
----- Bl. Marguerite
Robin of Montjean (age 68)
----- Bl. Marie
Banchereau of Boësse [nee Fausseuse] (age 53)
----- Bl. Marie
Bouju of Vezins [nee Roualt] (age 49)
----- Bl. Marie
Brevet of Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine [nee Leroy] (age 38)
----- Bl. Marie
Charrier of Montjean [nee Roger] (widow, age 67)
----- Bl. Marie
Couffard of Montjean [nee Gingueneau] (widow, age 55)
----- Bl. Marie
de la Dive du Verdier, Bl. Catherine du Verdier de la Soriniere, and Bl. Marie-Louise du Verdier de la Soriniere (mother guillotined at age 70, two daughters shot at ages 35 and 28)
----- Bl. Marie
Delahaye [nee Pichery] and Bl. Monique Pichery of Chalonnes-sur-Loire (sisters, ages ? and 30)
----- Bl. Marie
Forestier of Montjean (age 26)
----- Bl. Marie-Geneviève and Bl. Martha
Poulain de la Forestrie [Marthe] (sisters, ages 51 and 55)
----- Bl. Marie and Bl. Renée
Grillard (sisters, aged 40 and 28)
----- Bl. Marie
Lardeux of Freigné (age 45)
----- Bl. Marie
Lepage Varance of Saumur [nee Lenée] (age 64)
----- Bl. Marie
Leroy of Montilliers (age 24)
----- Bl. Marie
Moreau of Chanteloup [nee Cassin] (widow, age 44)
----- Bl. Marie
Rochard of Montjean (age 30)
----- Bl. Marie Joan
Rorteau of la Jumellière [Marie-Jeanne] [nee Chauvigne] (age 39)
----- Bl. Marie
Mercier of Saint-Georges-du-Ménil [nee Gasnier] (age 38)
----- Bl. Marie
Queson of Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine [nee Gallard] (age 54)
----- Bl. Marie
Supiot of Saint-Pierre-Montlimart [nee Piou] (age 36)
----- Bl. Mary Ann
du Bois of Jallais [Marie-Anne] [nee Hacher] (age 28)
----- Bl. Perrine-Charlotte
Sailland d'Epinatz [nee Phélippeaux], Bl. Joan Marie Sailland d'Epinatz [Jeanne-Marie], Bl. Madeleine Sailland d'Epinatz, and Bl. Perrine-Jeanne Sailland d'Epinatz, of Saumur ... and Bl. Frances Bonneau of Saint-Léger  [Françoise] (mother, three daughters, and servant ... ages 54, 24, 23, 25, and 33)
----- Bl. Perrine
Grille of Rochefort-sur-Loire (age 50)
----- Bl. Perrine
Laurent of Louvaines (age 48)
----- Bl. Perrine
Ledoyen of Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné (age 29)
----- Bl. Perrine-Renée
Turpault of Cléré-sur-Layon [nee Potier] (age 43)
----- Bl. Renée
Dacy of Montjean [nee Seichet] (widow, age 40)
----- Bl. Renée
Girault of Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné [nee Cailleau] (age 42)
----- Bl. Renée-Marie
Feillatreau (guillotined at age 44)
----- Bl. Renée
Martin of Chalonnes-sur-Loire (age 42)
----- Bl. Renée
Papin of Saint-Florent-le-Vieil [nee Rigault] (age 43)
----- Bl. Renée
Valin of Chaudefonds (age 35)
----- Bl. Renée
Juret [nee Bourgeais] and Bl. Perrine Bourigault of Montjean (widow and her half-sister, ages 43 and 50)
----- Bl. Rose
Quenion of Mozé-sur-Louet (age 28)
----- Bl. Simone
Charbonneau [nee Chauvigné] (widow, age 68)
----- Bl. Victoria
Gusteau of Châtillon-sur-Sèvre [Victoire] (age 48)
----- Bl. Victoria
Reveillere of Thouars [Victoire] [nee Bauduceau] and Bl. Perrine Besson of Cholet (woman and her servant, aged 48 and 51)




On February 2, we members of the Catholic Church family celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

     We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adalbald of Ostrevant (Belgian, duke, son of a saint, husband of a saint, father of four saints, devoted to pious works, c. 652)

     St. Adeloga of Kitzingen (French, princess, Benedictine  abbess, c. 745)

     Bl. Andrew Carl Ferrari of Lalatta di Protopiano [Andrea Carlo] (Italian, cardinal archbishop of Milan, died at age 70 in 1921 [beatified 1987])

     St. Apronian of Rome (Italian, executioner of Christians, converted by a martyr, martyred c. 304)

     Bl. Benedict Daswa of Mbahe [pre-Christian name: Tshimangadzo Samuel] (South African, convert at about age 17, layman, schoolteacher and principal, martyred [beaten and stabbed by superstitious pagans] at age 43 in 1990 [beatified 2015])

     St. Columbanus of Ghent (Irish, abbot in Belgium, hermit, d. 959)

     St. Cornelius of Rome (Italian, centurion in Palestine, baptized with family by St. Peter [Acts 10], bishop of Caesarea, 1st Century)

     Holy Martyrs of Ebsdorf (German ... duke, four bishops, eleven noblemen, and countless footsoldiers ... martyred by pagan invaders in 880) [Included were the following:]
----- St. Bruno (duke)
----- St. Marquard
of Hildesheim (Benedictine  monk, bishop)
----- St. Theodoric
of Ninden (bishop)

     St. Feock (Irish? virgin)

     St. Flosculus of Orléans (French, bishop, c. 480)

     Sts. Fortunatus, Felician, Firmus of Rome, and Candidus (early martyrs)

     St. Joan de Lestonnac of Bordeaux [Jeanne] (French, mother of seven, widow, visionary, foundress and superior of Sisters of the Company of Mary, died at age 83 in 1640 [beatified 1900, canonized 1949])

     Bl. Louis Brisson of Plancy-l'Abbaye (French, diocesan priest, co-founded Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, founded Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, died at age 90 in 1908 [beatified 2012])

     St. Mary Catherine Kasper of Dernbach [Maria Caterina] [baptized Katharina] (German, virgin, founded Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, died [heart attack] at age 77 in 1898 [beatified 1978, canonized 2018])

     St. Mary Josephine of the Immaculate Mantovani of Castelletto di Brenzone (Maria Giuseppina dell’Immacolata) [baptized Maria Domenica (Mary Dominic)] (Italian, virgin, co-founded Institute of Little Sisters of the Holy Family, died at age 71 in 1934 [beatified 2003, canonized 2022])

     Bl. Peter Cambiano of Chieri [Pietro] (Italian, Dominican  priest, inquisitor general, martyred with daggers by Waldensian heretics in France at about age 44 in 1365 [beatified 1856])



On February 3, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Blaise of Sebaste (Armenian, physician, bishop, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 316)

     St. Ansgar of Amiens ["Apostle of the North"] (French, nobleman, missionary in Scandinavia, archbishop of Hamburg in Germany, died at about age 63 in 865)

     Bl. Aloysius Andritzki of Radibor [Alois] (German, diocesan priest, produced anti-Nazi plays, martyred by Nazis [lethal injection] at Dachau [Germany] at age 28 in 1943 [beatified 2011])

     St. Anatolius of Salins (Irish or Scottish, bishop, hermit, 11th Century?)

     St. Berlinda of Meerbeke (Belgian, Benedictine  nun, hermitess, d. 702)

     St. Caellainn (Irish, virgin, 6th Century)

     St. Celerinus of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], deacon, tortured, d. 250)

     Sts. Celsa and Nona of Brabant (Belgian, virgins)

     St. Deodatus of Lagny (French, Benedictine  monk, 8th Century)

     St. Elinand of Pronleroy (French, court singer, Cistercian  monk, d. 1237)

     Sts. Felix, Symphonius, Hippolytus, and companions (African, early martyrs)

     St. Hadelin of Dinant (French, Benedictine  abbot in Belgium, hermit, c. 690)

     St. Ia of Cornwall (Irish, virgin, martyred in England in 450?)

     Bl. John Nelson of Skelton (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 43 in 1578 [beatified 1886])

     Bl. John Zakoly of Csanad [Janos] (Hungarian, bishop, Pauline  prior, d. 1494)

     Bl. Justus Takayama Ukon of Haibara (Japanese, lay nobleman, exiled to Philippines, died at about age 63 in 1615 [beatified 2017])

     St. Lawrence the Illuminator of Spoleto (Syrian, bishop in Italy, healer of physical and spiritual blindness, d. 576)

     Sts. Laurentinus, Ignatius, and Celerina, of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], two uncles and an aunt of St. Celerinus [see above], martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Lawrence of Rome (Italian, Benedictine  monk, archbishop of Canterbury in England, d. 619)

     Sts. Lupicinus and Felix, of Lyons (French, bishops, 5th Century)

     St. Margaret of Sauve-Benite (born to an English mother in Hungary, Cistercian  nun in France, d. 1192)

     St. Mary Ann Rivier of Montpezat-sous-Bauzon [Marie-Anne] (French, co-founder of Sisters of the Presentation of Mary,  died at age 69 in 1838 [beatified 1982, canonized 2022])

     St. Mary of St. Ignatius Thevenet of Lyons [Marie-de-Saint-Ignace] [baptized Claudine] (French, co-foundress and superior of Religious of Jesus and Mary, died at age 62 in 1837 [beatified 1981, canonized 1993])

     Bl. Mary the Virgin Stollenwerk of Rollesbroich [Maria Virgo] [baptized Helena] (Bavarian, virgin, co-founded Congregation of the Holy Spirit, died in the Netherlands at age 47 in 1900 [beatified 1995])

     Bl. Matthew Guimerà of Girgenti [Matteo] (Sicilian, Franciscan  friar, bishop, d. 1450 [beatified 1767]) [commemorated by some on October 21]

     St. Oliver of Ancona [Oliviero] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1050)

     St. Philip of Vienne (French, bishop, c. 578)

     Bl. Simon Fidati of Cascia [Simone] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, died at about age 53 in 1348 [beatified 1833])

     Bl. Stephen Bellesini of Trent [Stefano] (Italian, inspector of schools, Augustinian  friar, novice master, parish priest, died at age 63 in 1840 [beatified 1904])

     St. Theodore of Marseilles (French, bishop, c. 594)

     Sts. Tigrides and Remedius, of Gap (French, bishops, c. 6th Century)

     St. Werburg of Mercia (British, widow, Benedictine  abbess, c. 785)

     St. Werburga of Chester (British, princess, Benedictine  superior, c. 700)



On February 4, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Aldate of Gloucester (British, 5th centuy)

     St. Andrew Corsini of Florence [Andrea] (Italian, Carmelite  prior and provincial, bishop of Fiesole, died at about age 71 in 1373 [beatified 1374, canonized 1629])

     Sts. Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, Magnus, and Donatus, of Fossombrone (Italian, martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Aventinus of Troyes (French, hermit, d. 538)

     St. Aventinus of Chartres (French, bishop, c. 520)

     Bl. Edward Francis Pironio of Buenos Aires [Eduardo Francisco] (Argentine, last of 22 children, diocesan priest, Bishop of Mar del Plata, high official of Vatican curial dicasteries for twenty years, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto, died at age 77 in 1998 [beatified 2023])

     St. Eutychius of Rome (Italian, tortured and martyred [thrown into well] in 4th Century)

     St. Gillebert of Limerick (Irish, bishop, d. 1140)

     St. Isidore of Pelusium (Egyptian, hermit, abbot, theologian, author of over 2,000 extant letters, died at about age 74 c. 450)

     St. Joan of Valois [Jeanne] (French, princess, co-foundress of the contemplative Order of the Annonciades, died at about age 40 in 1505 [beatified 1742, canonized 1950])

     Bl. John Speed of Durham [alias Spence] (English, layman who helped "illegal" priests, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1594 [beatified 1929])

     St. John de Brito of Lisbon [João] (Portuguese, nobleman, Jesuit  priest, missionary to central Asia, may have converted 10,000 Hindus, martyred [dismembered and beheaded] in India at age 45 in 1693 [beatified 1853, canonized 1947])

     St. Joseph Desideri of Leonissa [Giuseppe] [baptized Eufranio] (Italian, Capuchin Franciscan  priest, converted highway bandits, missionary to Moslems, chaplain to galley slaves, died at age 56 in 1612 [beatified 1737, canonized 1746])

     St. Liephard (British, martyred in 649)

     St. Modan of Dryburgh (Irish, abbot in Scotland, hermit, 6th Century?)

     Bl. Nicholas Hermansson of Skänninge [Nils] (Swedish, poet, bishop of Linköping, died at about age 60 in 1391) [commemorated by some on July 24]

     St. Nicholas Studites of Canea (Cretan, abbot, died in what is now Turkey at about age 70 in 863)

     St. Nithard of Corbie (German, Benedictine  monk, missionary, martyred by Swedish pagans in 845)

     Bl. Obitius of Brescia [Obizio] (Italian, knight, Benedictine  monk, c. 1204 [beatified 1900])

     Sts. Phileas of Thmuis, Philoromus of Alexandria, and companions (Egyptian ... bishop, official, and others ... tortured and martyred by beheading c. 305)

     Bl. Rabanus Maurus of Mainz (German, headmaster of school, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop, fed hundreds of poor daily, religious writer and poet [composed "Veni, Creator Spiritus"], died at about age 79 in 856)

     St. Rembert of Bruges (Belgian, Benedictine  monk, missionary to Scandinavia, bishop of Hamburg-Bremen in Germany, d. 888)

     Bl. Simon of Saint-Bertin (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1148)

     St. Theophilus the Penitent of Adana (Cilician [Turkish], archdeacon, c. 538)

     St. Vincent of Troyes (French, bishop, c. 546)

     St. Vulgis of Lobbes (French, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, c. 760)



On February 5, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Agatha of Catania (Sicilian, virgin, tortured, mutilated, and martyred [rolled on coals] c. 250)

     St. Abraham
of Arbela (Assyrian [from part of what is now Iraq], bishop, martyred c. 345)

     St. Adelaide of Bellich [Adelheid] (German, noblewoman, Benedictine  abbess, counselor to an archbishop, died at about age 55 c. 1015 [canonized 1966])

     St. Agatha Hildegard of Carinthia (Austrian, widow, d. 1024)

     St. Agricola of Tongres (French, bishop, d. 420)

     Sts. Albinus and Genuinus of Brixen (Austrian, bishops, 7th and 11th centuries)

     St. Avitus of Auvergne (French, bishop of Vienne, died at about age 74 c. 519)

     St. Bertoul of Renty (Hungarian or German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 705)

     St. Buo (Irish, missionary to Iceland, c. 900)

     St. Calamanda (Spanish, 5th Century)

     Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora of Rome [Elisabetta, nee Primoli] (Italian, wife and mother, Trinitarian  tertiary, died at age 50 in 1825 [beatified 1994])

     St. Fingen of Metz (Irish, abbot in France, c. 1005)

     Sts. Indractus and Dominica of Glastonbury (Irish, chieftain and sister, martyred in England c. 710)

     St. Jacob of Beer-lahairoi [also known as St. Israel] (grandson of Abraham and son of Isaac, patriarch, father of twelve tribes, c. 1850 B.C.)

     St. Modestus of Salzburg (Austrian, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Carinthia, c. 722)

     St. Vodalus (Irish or Scottish, monk in France, missionary, hermit, c. 725)



     On February 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Paul Miki and companions [also called "Holy Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1597" and "First Martyrs of the Far East"] (mostly European and Asian, 26 missionaries and converts, martyred side by side [mostly crucified and stabbed by spears] in 1597 [beatified 1627, canonized 1862]) [Commemorated in New Zealand on Feb. 7, because of Waitangi Day on Feb. 6]

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Alphonse Mary
Fusco of Angri [Alfonso Maria] (Italian, priest, founded Congregation of the Baptistine Sisters of the Nazarene, died at age 70 in 1910 [beatified 2001, canonized 2016])

     St. Amand of Maastricht (French, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, evangelized northern Europe, missionary bishop, died in Belgium at about age 95 c. 679)

     St. Andrew of Elnon (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 690)

     Bl. Angel of Furci [Angelo] (Italian, Augustinian provincial, teacher of theology, died at about age 81 in 1372 [beatified 1888])

     St. Antholian of Auvergne (French, martyred c. 265)

     St. Dorothy of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from what is now part of Armenia], virgin, tortured and martyred by beheading in 311)

     Bl. Frances of Gubbio [Francesca] (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, d. 1360)

     St. Francis Spinelli of Milan [Francesco] (Italian, diocesan priest, founded Institute of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, died at age 59 in 1913 [beatified 1992, canonized 2018])

     St. Gerald of Ostia [Geraldo] (French or Italian, Benedictine  prior, bishop, papal legate, d. 1077)

     St. Guarinus of Bologna [Guarino] (Italian, Augustinian canon, bishop of Pavia, cardinal bishop of Palestrina, d. 1159)

     St. Hildegund of Meer (German, countess, mother of three, widow, Norbertine  prioress, d. 1183)

     Sts. Jacut and Guethenoc (British, brothers [sons of two saints], 5th Century)

     Bl. James de Azevedo of Osma [Diego] (Spanish, Cistercian  priest, bishop, d. 1207)

     Bl. Mary Therese of St. Joseph Bonzel of Olpe [Maria Theresia] [baptized/confirmed Regina Christina Wilhelmina] (German, founded and led Poor Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, died at age 74 in 1905 [beatified 2013])

     Sts. Mel and Melchu (British, nephews of St. Patrick, bishops, martyred c. 490)

     St. Mun of Lough Ree (British, nephew of St. Patrick, bishop of Longford, hermit, 5th Century)

     St. Relindis of Eyck (French, Benedictine  abbess in Belgium, c. 750)

     Sts. Saturninus, Theophilus, and Revocata (early martyrs)

     Sts. Silvanus, Luke, and Mucius, of Emesa (Phoenician [Lebanese] ... bishop, deacon, and lector ... martyred in 312)

     St. Theophilus of Caesarea (Cappadocian, lawyer, martyred by beheading c. 300)

     St. Vedast of Arras (French, missionary, bishop of Arras-Cambrai, died at about age 86 c. 539)

[Here is an excerpt from a moving contemporary account of the martyrdom of St. Paul Miki and his crucified companions -- as found in the Church's "Office of Readings" in the Liturgy of Hours for today:]

     "The crosses were set in place. Father Pasio and Father Rodriguez took turns encouraging the victims, whose steadfast behaviour was wonderful to see. ... Brother Martin gave thanks to God's goodness by singing psalms. Again and again he repeated: 'Into your hands, Lord, I entrust my life.' Brother Francis Blanco also thanked God in a loud voice. Brother Gonsalvo in a very loud voice kept saying the Our Father and Hail Mary.


     "Our brother, Paul Miki, saw himself standing now in the noblest pulpit he had ever filled. To his 'congregation' he began by proclaiming himself a Japanese and a Jesuit. He was dying for the Gospel he preached. He gave thanks to God for this wonderful blessing and he ended his 'sermon' with these words: 'As I come to this supreme moment of my life, I am sure none of you would suppose I want to deceive you. And so I tell you plainly: there is no way to be saved except the Christian way. My religion teaches me to pardon my enemies and all who have offended me. I do gladly pardon the Emperor and all who have sought my death. I beg them to seek baptism and be Christians themselves.'


     "Then he looked at his comrades and began to encourage them in their final struggle. Joy glowed in all their faces, and in Louis' most of all. When a Christian in the crowd cried out to him that he [a 12-year-old boy] would soon be in heaven, his hands, his whole body strained upward with such joy that every eye was fixed on him. Anthony [an altar boy], hanging at Louis' side, looked toward heaven and called upon the holy names - 'Jesus, Mary!' He began to sing a psalm: 'Praise the Lord, you children!' (He learned it in catechism class in Nagasaki. They take care there to teach the children some psalms to help them learn their catechism.)


     "Others kept repeating 'Jesus, Mary!' Their faces were serene. Some of them even took to urging the people standing by to live worthy Christian lives. In these and other ways they showed their readiness to die. Then, according to Japanese custom, the four executioners began to unsheathe their spears. At this dreadful sight, all the Christians cried out, 'Jesus, Mary!' And the storm of anguished weeping then rose to batter the very skies. The executioners killed them one by one. One thrust of the spear, then a second blow. It was over in a very short time."



     St. Paul Miki and companions [also called "Holy Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1597" and "First Martyrs of the Far East"] -- CONTINUED

(mostly European and Asian, 26 missionaries and converts, martyred side by side [mostly crucified and stabbed by spears] in 1597 [beatified 1627, canonized 1862]) [Commemorated in New Zealand on Feb. 7, because of Waitangi Day on Feb. 6]
----- St. Paul
Miki of Tsunokuni (Japanese [J], Jesuit  priest [died at about age 33])
----- St. Anthony
Deynan of Nagasaki (J, altar boy, Franciscan  tertiary [F3], died at about age 13)
----- St. Cosmas
Takeya of Owari (J, F3, interpreter)
----- St. Diego
Kisai of Osaka (J, layman [age 64], Jesuit  temporal coadjutor, catechist [died at about age 64])
----- St. Francis
Blanco of Monterey [Francisco] (Spanish [S], Franciscan  missionary brother, formerly in Mexico and Philippines)
----- St. Francis
of Miyako (J, F3, physician, catechist [died at about age 49])
----- St. Francis of Saint Michael
of La Parilla (S, Franciscan  missionary brother, formerly in Philippines [died at about age 53])
----- St. Gabriel
of Duisco (J, F3, [died at about age 20])
----- St. Gaius Francis
Danto (J, F3, soldier)
----- St. Gonzalo
Garcia of Bassein [Gonçalo] (Portuguese from India, catechist, interpreter, Franciscan  brother, formerly in Philippines [died at about age 41])
----- St. Joachim
Sakakibara of Osaka (J, F3, cook, catechist [died at about age 41])
----- St. John
Soan of Goto (J, adolescent, Jesuit  temporal coadjutor, catechist [died at about age 19])
----- St. John
Kisaka of Miyako (J, F3, silk weaver [died at about age 29])
----- St. Leo
Karasumaru of Owari (Korean [K], pagan priest converted by Jesuits, F3, chief catechist)
----- St. Louis
Ibaraki of Owari (J/K?, altar server, nephew of Paul Ibaraki and Leo Karasumaru [died at about age 12])
----- St. Martin of the Ascension
Loynaz de Aguirre of Vergara (S, Franciscan  missionary brother, formerly in Mexico and Philippines [died at about age 30])
----- St. Matthias
of Miyako (J, F3)
----- St. Michael
Kozaki of Ise (J, hospital nurse [died at about age 46])
----- St. Paul
Ibaraki of Owari (K, F3, interpreter, catechist, brother of Leo Karasumaru)
----- St. Paul
Suzuki of Owari (J, F3, catechist [died at about age 50])
----- St. Peter Baptist
Blásquez of Avila [Pedro Bautista] (S, Franciscan  missionary priest, formerly in Mexico and Philippines, miracle worker [died at about age 52])
----- St. Peter
Sukejiro of Kyoto (J, F3, catechist, servant, sacristan)
----- St. Philip of Jesus
de las Casas of Mexico City [Felipe de Jesus] (Mexican, Franciscan  friar, first to die [accidentally strangled on the cross] [died at about age 26])
----- St. Thomas
Kozaki of Ise (J, altar server, son of Michael Kozaki [died at about age 15]
----- St. Thomas
Shiko (J, F3, catechist, interpreter)
----- St. Ventura
of Miyako (J, layman, revert from Buddhist priesthood)


On February 7, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Adalbert Nierychlewski of Dobrowice [Wojciech] (Polish, Michaelite  priest, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 39 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Adaucus of Antandro (Italian, courtier in Phrygia [part of what is now Turkey], martyred in 304)

     Bl. Alfred Cremonesi of Ripalta Guerina [Alfredo] (Italian, priest of Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions  [PIME] in Burma, shot to death at age 47 in 1953 [beatified 2019])


     St. Amulwinus of Lobbes (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, c. 750)

     St. Anatolius of Cahors (French, bishop)

     Bl. Ann Mary Botti of Fivizzano [Anna Maria, nee Adorni] (Italian, widow, founded Handmaidens of Blessed Mary Immaculate, founded Institute of the Good Shepherd of Parma, died at age 87 in 1893 [beatified 2010])

     Bl. Anselm Polanco Fontecha of Buenavista de Valdavia [Anselmo] and Bl. Philip Ripoll Morata of Teruel [Felipe] (Spanish ... Augustinian  friar/bishop and diocesan priest ... martyred [at ages 57 and 60] during Civil War in 1939 [beatified 1995])

     Bl. Anthony of Stroncone [Antonio] (Italian, Franciscan  brother, died at about age 70 in 1461 [beatified 1687])

     St. Augulus (French, bishop, martyred c. 303)

     St. Chrysolius (Armenian, missionary in France, bishop, martyred in Belgium in 4th Century)

     Bl. Clare Louise Szczęsna of Cieszki [Klara Ludwika] (Polish, virgin, co-foundress and superior of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 52 in 1916 [beatified 2015])

     St. Fidelis of Mérida (Spanish, bishop, c 570)

     St. Giles Mary of Saint Joseph Pontillo of Taranto [Egidio Maria di San Giuseppe] [baptized Francesco (Francis)] (Italian, rope maker, Franciscan  brother, porter, cared for outcasts, died at age 82 in 1812 [beatified 1888, canonized 1996])

     Bl. Guy di Montpellier of L'Hérault [Guido] (French, founded Hospitallers of the Holy Spirit  to care for abandoned/poor/sick children, died in Italy at about age 47 in 1208 [beatified 2024])

     Bl. James Salès of Lezoux [Jacques] and Bl. William Saultemouche of Saint-Germain-l'Herm [Guillaume] (French ... Jesuit  priest and brother ... preached against Huguenot heresies, martyred [one shot at about age 37, one stabbed at about age 36] in 1593 [beatified 1926])

     St. Juliana of Bologna (Italian, mother of four, widow, d. 435)

     St. Laurence Majoranus of Siponto (Italian, bishop for more than fifty years, c. 546)

     St. Luke Thaumaturgus of Thessaly ["thaumaturgus" means "wonder-worker"] (Greek, hermit, mystic, miracle-worker, c. 946)

     Bl. Mary of Providence Smet of Lille [Marie de la Providence] [baptized Eugénie] (French, founded Society of Helpers of the Holy Souls [in Purgatory], died at age 45 in 1871 [beatified 1957])

     St. Meldon of Peronne [also called St. Mel] (Irish, hermit in France, 6th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Moses (Arabian, hermit, bishop in Egypt, c. 372)

     Bl. Nivard of Vaucelles (French, Cistercian novice-master, brother of St. Bernard, died at about age 50 c. 1000)

     Bl. Pope Pius IX Mastai Ferretti of Senigallia [Pio] [baptized Giovanni Maria (John Mary)] (Italian, archbishop of Spoleto, cardinal archbishop of Imola, elected to papacy in 1846, last pope to hold temporal power [Papal States], presided over Vatican I [ecumenical council], reigned until death at age 85 in 1878 [beatified 2000])

     St. Richard of Saxony (British, possibly a king, father of three saints, died in Italy in 722)

     Bl. Rizzerio of Muccia (Italian, Franciscan  priest and provincial, d. 1236 [beatified 1838])

     St. Ronan of Kilmaronen (Scottish, bishop)

     Bl. Rosalie Rendu of Confort [baptized Jeanne-Marie (Joan Mary)] (French, virgin, religious sister and superior of the Society of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, served the poorest people of Paris, died at age 69 in 1856 [beatified 2003])

     St. Theodore Stratelates of Rome ["stratelates" is Greek for general] (Italian, military officer in Asia Minor [now called Turkey], tortured and martyred by burning in 319)

     Bl. Thomas Sherwood of London (English, draper's assistant, arrested when about to become seminarian, tortured [racked] and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 26 under Elizabeth I in 1578 [beatified 1886])

     St. Tressan of Mareuil (Irish, swineherd, parish priest in France, d. 550)



On February 8, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Jerome Emiliani of Venice [Girolamo] (Italian, soldier, priest, founded Company of Servants of the Poor [Somascans], believed to have written first Q&A catechism, died at about age 55 in 1537 [beatified 1747, canonized 1767])

     St. Josephine of Oglassa [name before baptism: Bakhita ("lucky")] [also known as Madre Moretta] (Sudanese, kidnapped by slave-traders at age 9, purchased by an Italian, nanny, adult convert, religious sister for 50 years [Canossian Daughters of Charity], died at about age 78 in 1947 [beatified 1992, canonized 2000])

     Holy Martyrs of Constantinople (monks, martyred by schismatics in 485)

     St. Cointha of Alexandria (Egyptian, virgin, scourged and martyred [dragged by horse] in 249)

     St. Cuthman of Steyning (British, shepherd, hermit, miracle worker, 9th Century)

     Sts. Dionysus, Aemilian, and Sebastian (Armenian, monks, martyred)

     St. Elfleda of Whitby (British, princess, Benedictine  abbess, died at about age 61 in 714)

     Bl. Elizabeth Martinez of Galatina [Elisabetta] (Italian, virgin, founded Congregation of the Daughters of Saint Mary of Leuca, died at age 85 in 1991 [beatified 2023])

     St. Honoratus of Milan (Italian, bishop, d. 570)

     Bl. Isaias Boner of Krakow (Polish, Augustinian  priest, theologian, professor of Scripture, d. 1471)

     St. Jacqueline de Settesoli of Rome [Giacobba] (Italian, noblewoman, mother of two, widow, friend of Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi, Franciscan  tertiary, c. 1273)

     St. John de Matha of Fauçon [Jean] (French, nobleman, hermit, theologian, priest, founder and first superior general of Hospitaler Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of Captives [Trinitarians], ransomed Christian prisoners of Moslems, died in Rome at age 62 in 1223 [beatified 1262, canonized 1666])

     Bl. John Philip Jeningen of Eichstätt [Johann Philipp] (German, Jesuit  priest, died at age 62 in 1704 [beatified 2022])

     Bl. Josephine Gabriel Bonino of Savigliano [Giuseppina Gabriella] (Italian, virgin, founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family, died at age 62 in 1906 [beatified 1995])

     St. Juventius of Pavia (Italian? bishop, 1st Century)

     St. Kigwe (British, virgin, 5th Century?)

     Bl. Mary Hope of Jesus Alhama y Valera of Santomera [Maria Esperanza de Jesus] [baptized/confirmed Maria Josefa] (Spanish, virgin, mystic, founded Servants of Divine Love, founded Sons of Divine Love, died in Italy at age 89 in 1983 [beatified 2014])

     St. Meingold of Huy (Belgian, nobleman, d. 892)

     Bl. Mlada of Prague (Czech, Benedictine  abbess, d. 994)

     St. Nicetius of Besançon (French, bishop, d. 611)

     St. Oncho of Clonmore (Irish, poet, c. 600)

     Sts. Paul, Lucius, and Cyriacus, of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Paul of Verdun (German? Benedictine  monk, hermit, bishop in France, c. 649)

     Holy Martyrs of Persia (6th Century)

     St. Peter "Igneus" Aldobrandini of Florence [Pietro] [igneus means fiery] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, cardinal archbishop of Albano, papal legate, c. 1089)

     St. Stephen of Thiers [Etienne] [also known as Stephen of Muret and of Grandmont] (French, permanent deacon, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 76 in 1124 [canonized 1189])

     St. Stephen Theodore Cuénot of Beaulieu [Etienne-Théodore] (French, missionary bishop, martyred [dysentery or poison in prison] in Vietnam at about age 59 in 1861 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])



On February 9, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Bl. Alvarez of Cordova (Spanish, Dominican  friar, c. 1430 [beatified 1741]) [commemorated by some on the 19th]

     St. Alexander and 38 companions, of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Alto of Altomünster (Irish, Benedictine  hermit, abbot in Germany, c. 760)

     Sts. Ammon, Emilian, Lassa, and 41 companions, of Membressa (North African, early martyrs)

     Sts. Ammonius and Alexander (Cypriot, early martyrs)

     Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich of Flamsche [Anna Katharina Emmerick] (German, farmgirl, seamstress, housekeeper, bedridden mystic, stigmatist, dictated many private revelations allegedly received concerning Jesus and Mary, survived on Holy Communion alone for years, died at age 49 in 1824 [beatified 2004])

     St. Ansbert of Fontenelle (French, king's chancellor, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Rouen, d. 695)

     Sts. Apollonia, Metras, Quinta, and Serapion, of Alexandria (Egyptian, virgin and companions, martyred by burning in 249)

     St. Brachio (Italian?, hunter, hermit, d. 576)

     St. Cuaran the Wise of Iona (Irish, bishop, c. 700)

     St. Eingan of Llanengan (British, prince, hermit in Wales, c. 590)

     Bl. Erizzo of Florence (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1094 [beatified 1600])

     Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes of Cantalpino (Spanish, religious sister of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, died at age 35 in 1935 [beatified 2004])

     Bl. James Abbondo of Salomino [Giacomo] (Italian, priest, died at age 67 in 1788 [beatified 2016])

     Bl. Leopold Sánchez Márquez of Alpandeire [Leopoldo] [baptized Francisco Tomás (Francis Thomas)] (Spanish, Capuchin  brother, died at age 89 in 1956 [beatified 2010])

     Bl. Marianus "Scotus" MacRobartaigh of Donegal [baptized Muirdach] (Irish, expert calligrapher, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, d. 1088)

     St. Michael Febres Cordero Munoz of Cuenca [Miguel] (Ecuadoran, member of Christian Brothers, teacher, author, translator in Europe, died in Spain at age 55 [pneumonia] in 1910 [beatified 1977, canonized 1984] [incorruptible])

     St. Nebridius of Egara (Spanish, bishop, d. 527)

     St. Nicephorus of Antioch (Syrian, martyred by the sword in 260)

     Sts. Primus and Donatus, of Lavallum (Northwest African, deacons, martyred by heretics in 362)

     St. Raynald of Nocera (German born in Italy, nobleman, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 1225)

     St. Romanus the Wonder-worker (Syrian, hermit, 5th Century)

     St. Sabinus of Canosa (Italian, bishop, papal ambassador, d. 556)

     St. Teilo of Llandaff (British, bishop in Wales, c. 580) [On Welsh "particular calendar"]

[From St. Miguel of Ecuador:]

     "The heart is rich when it is content, and it is always content when its desires are set upon God."




On February 10, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Scholastica of Nursia (Italian, twin sister of St. Benedict, first Benedictine  nun, died at about age 63 c. 543)

     Bl. Alexander
Baldrati of Lugo [Alessandro] (Italian, Dominican  friar, tortured and martyred [hacked to pieces] by Moslems on an island at about age 50 in 1645)

     Bl. Aloysius Victor Stepinac of Zagreb [Alojzije Viktor] (Croatian, soldier, cardinal archbishop, defended human rights against Nazis and Communists, imprisoned for five years, died [possibly murdered by poisoning] at age 61 in 1960 [beatified 1998])

     Sts. Andrew and Aponius, of Bethlehem (Israelite, martyred during persecution [Acts 12] in 1st Century)

     St. Austreberta of Pavilly (French, Benedictine  abbess, miracle-worker, visionary died at about age 74 in 704)

     St. Baldegundis of Poitiers (French, abbess, c. 580)

     Bl. Clare Agolanti of Rimini [Chiara] (Italian, noblewoman, Franciscan  tertiary, widow, died at about age 61 in 1344 [beatified 1784])

     St. Desideratus of Clermont (French, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Erluph of Werden (Irish, missionary bishop in Germany, martyred by pagans in 830)

     Bl. Eusebius of Murano [Eusebio] (Spanish, ambassador, Camaldolese  monk on Venetian island, d. 1501)

     Bl. Hugh of Fosse (Belgian, Norbertine  priest and superior general, died at about age 71 in 1164 [beatified 1927])

     St. Joseph Louis Sánchez del Río of Sahuayo [José Luis] (Mexican, student, flagbearer of rebel "Cristeros," tortured and martyred [shot] by anti-religious government at age 14 in 1928 [beatified 2005, canonized 2016])

     Bl. Paganus (Sicilian, Benedictine  monk, hermit, d. 1423)

     St. Prothadius of Besançon (French, bishop, d. 624)

     St. Salvius of Albelda (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, d. 962)

     St. Silvanus of Terracina (Italian, bishop)

     St. Soteris of Rome (Italian, noblewoman, virgin, tortured and martyred [beheaded] in 304)

     St. Trumwin of Whitby (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop to the Picts, c. 700)

     St. William of Maleval [Guillaume] (French, soldier, Benedictine  hermit in Italy, d. 1157 [canonized 1202])

     Sts. Zoticus, Irenaeus, Hyacinth, Amantius, and six companions (soldiers, martyred in Rome in 120)

     [In Malta, Feb. 10 is observed as a Feast honoring St. Paul's giving "birth" to the Catholic Church there.]




On February 11, we members of the Catholic Church family celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes.

We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adolph of Osnabrück [Adolf] (German, count, Cistercian  monk, bishop, died at about age 39 in 1224)

     St. Ardanus of Tournus (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1058)

     St. Benedict of Aniane (French, courtier, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, died at about age 70 in 821)

     St. Caedmon of Whitby (British, cowherd, Benedictine  brother, singer of sacred poetry, d. 670)

     St. Calocerus of Ravenna (Italian, bishop, c. 130)

     St. Castrensis of Capua (Italian, bishop, 5th Century)

     St. Desiderius (French, bishop, early martyr)

     Bl. Elizabeth Salviati of Boldrone [Elisabetta] (Italian, Camaldolese  abbess, d. 1519)

     St. Gobnata of Ballyvourney [also called St. Gobnait] (Irish, abbess, 6th Century?) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Pope St. Gregory II of Rome (Italian, Vatican librarian under four popes, elected to papacy in 715, reigned until death in 731)

     Bl. Heloise of Coulombs (French, Benedictine  hermitess, c. 1065)

     St. Jonas of Demeskenyanos (Egyptian, monk, gardener for 84 years, 4th Century)

     St. Lazarus of Milan (Italian, archbishop, d. 450)

     St. Lucius and companions, of Adrianople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop and disciples in France, martyred [died in prison or beheaded by Arian heretics] in 350)

     Pope St. Paschal I of Rome (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, elected to papacy in 817, fought iconoclasm, reigned until death in 824)

     Sts. Saturninus the elder, Saturninus the younger, Felix, Mary, Hilarianus, Dativus, Felix, Thelica, Emeritus, Ampelius, Rogatus, Victoria, and 37 companions, of Abitina (Numidian [from what is now Algeria] ... priest, his four children, two senators, and disciples ... guarded holy scriptures from burning by pagans ... tortured and martyred [racked, torn with iron hooks, beaten with cudgels] in 304)

     St. Severinus of Agaunum (French, abbot, c. 507)

     St. Theodora of Constantinople (Turkish, empress, d. 867)



On February 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Anthony Kauleas of Constantinople (Turkish, nobleman, abbot, patriarch [bishop], died at about age 72 in 901)

     St. Benedict Revelli of Albenga (Italian, Benedictine  hermit, bishop, c. 900)

     Bl. Charles Meehan (Irish, Franciscan  priest shipwrecked on Welsh coast, martyred at about age 39 under Charles II in 1679 [beatified 1987])

     St. Damian of Alexandria (Egyptian, soldier, early martyr)

     St. Damian of Rome (Italian, early martyr)

     St. Ethelwald of Northumbria (British, leather worker, Benedictine  abbot in Scotland, bishop of Lindisfarne, c. 740)

     St. Eulalia of Barcelona (Spanish, virgin, tortured and martyred by crucifixion at about age 14 in 304)

     St. Gaudentius of Verona (Italian, bishop, c. 465)

     Bl. George Haydock of Cottam Hall (English, priest, martyred at about age 27 under Elizabeth I in 1584 [beatified 1987])

     St. Goscelinus of Turin [Goscelino] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1153)

     Bl. Humbeline de Fontaine of Jully [Hombeline] (French, Benedictine  abbess, sister of St. Bernard and Bl. Gerard of Clairvaux, died at about age 45 in 1136)

     Bl. James Fenn of Montacute, Bl. John Nutter of Lancastershire, Bl. John Munden of Coltley, and Bl. Thomas Hemerford of Dorsetshire (English, priests, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1584 [beatified 1929]) [Fenn died at about age 44, Munden at about 41.]

     St. Ludan of Alsace (French, pilgrim to Jerusalem, c. 1202)

     St. Marina of Bithynia (from Asia Minor [Turkish], virgin)

     St. Meletius of Melitene (Armenian, bishop of Sebastea, archbishop of Antioch in Syria, died in Asia Minor in 381)

     St. Modestus of Sardinia (Italian, deacon, martyred c. 304)

     Sts. Modestus and Ammonius, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyrs)

     Sts. Modestus of Carthage and Julian of Alexandria (North African, early martyrs)

     St. Nicholas Saggio of Longobardi [Niccola] (Italian, Minim  brother, died at age 60 in 1709 [beatified 1786, canonized 2014])

     Bl. Robert Middleton of York (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred at about age 31 under Elizabeth I in 1601 [beatified 1987])

     St. Sedulius of Athens ["The Christian Virgil"] (Irish, epic poet ["Carmen Paschale"] in Greece, 5th Century)

     Bl. Stephen Rowsham of Oxfordshire (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] at about age 35 under Elizabeth I in 1587 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Thomas Belson of Brill (English, layman, martyred at about age 24 under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Thomas Hunt of Norfolk [alias Benstead] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] at about age 26 under Elizabeth I in 1600 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Thurstan Hunt of Carleton Hall (English, priest, martyred at about age 46 under Elizabeth I in 1601 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. William Lampley of Gloucester (English, layman, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1588 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. William Pike of Dorset (English, layman, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1591 [beatified 1987])



On February 13, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agabus of Jerusalem (Israelite, prophet [Acts 11 and 21], martyred in Syria in 1st Century)

     St. Aimo of Meda (Italian, c. 790)

     Bl. Archangela Girlani of Trino [baptized Eleanora] (Italian, Carmelite  prioress, mystic, died at about age 34 in 1495 [beatified 1864])

     St. Benignus of Todi (Italian, priest, martyred c. 303)

     St. Castor (German, monk, d. 389)

     St. Catherine dei Ricci of Florence [Caterina] [baptized Alessandrina Lucrezia (Alexandrina Lucretia)] (Italian, Dominican  prioress, mystic, stigmatist, died at age 67 in 1590 [beatified 1732, canonized 1746]) [commemorated by some on February 2]

     Bl. Christine Camozzi of Spoleto [Cristina] (Italian, dissolute youth, penitent, died in 1458 at age 23 [beatified 1834])

     St. Dyfnog (Welsh, 7th Century)

     St. Ermengild of Ely (British, princess, mother of two, widow, Benedictine  abbess, d. 703)

     Bl. Eustochium Bellini of Padua [baptized Lucrezia (Lucretia)] (Italian, Benedictine  nun, died at about age 25 in 1469)

     St. Francis Mary Lantrua of Molini di Triora [Francesco Maria] [baptized Giovanni (John)] (Italian, Franciscan  missionary friar, martyred by strangling in China at age 56 in 1816 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000]) [commemorated by some on February 7]

     St. Fulcran of Lodeve (French, bishop for more than 50 years, d. 1006)

     Sts. Fusca and Maura, of Ravenna (Italian, 15-year-old girl and her nurse, martyred c. 250)

     St. Gilbert of Meaux (French, bishop, d. 1009)

     St. Gosbert of Osnabruck (German, Benedictine  monk, bishop, c. 859)

     St. Huna of Ely (British, Benedictine  priest, hermit, c. 690)

     St. Julian of Lyons (French, early martyr)

     Bl. Leo William Miller of Stevens Point [baptized and confirmed James Alfred] (American [from Wisconsin], religious of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, missionary in Guatemala, martyred [shot] at age 37 in 1982 [beatified 2019])

     St. Licinius of Angers (French, courtier, bishop, c. 618)

     St. Martinian of Caesarea (Palestinian, hermit, miracle worker, died in Greece at about age 48 c. 400)

     St. Modomnoc O'Neil of Ossory (Irish, beekeeper, monk, bishop, c. 550)

     St. Paul Liu Han-zuo of Lezi (Chinese, priest, martyred at age 41 in 1819 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     St. Paul Le Van Loc of An-nhon (Vietnamese, priest, martyred by beheading at about age 29 in 1859 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])

     St. Polyeuctus of Melitene (Roman? military officer, tortured and martyred by beheading in Armenia c. 250)

     St. Stephen of Lyons (French, bishop, d. 512)

     St. Stephen of Rieti (Italian, abbot, c. 590)



On February 14, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Cyril and Methodius, of Thessalonika [baptized Constantin and Methodios] ["Apostles to the Slavs"] (Greek, noblemen, biological brothers, monk-priest and bishop of Sirmium, developers of Cyrillic alphabet [used in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia], died [respectively] in Rome and Moravia in 869 and 885) [St. Cyril died at about age 41, St. Methodius at about 58.]

     St. Abraham
of Cyrrhus (Syrian, hermit, bishop of Carrhae in Mesopotamia [in what is now Iraq], died at Constantinople [in what is now Turkey] c. 422)

     Bl. Angel of Gualdo [Angelo] (Italian, Camaldolese  hermit brother, died at about age 59 in 1325 [beatified 1825])

     St. Antoninus of Sorrento (Italian, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, d. 830)

     St. Auxentius of Bithynia (Syrian, hermit, died in Asia Minor [now called Turkey] in 473)

     Sts. Bassus, Anthony, and Protolicus, of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred by drowning)

     St. Conran (bishop, 7th Century?)

     Sts. Cyrion, Bassian, Agatho, and Moses, of Alexandria (Egyptian ... priest, lector, exorcist, layman ... early martyrs [burned])

     Sts. Dionysius and Ammonius, of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred by beheading)

     St. Eleuchadius of Ravenna (Greek, bishop in Italy, d. 112)

     St. John Baptist of the Conception Garcia of Almodovar [Juan Bautista de la Concepcion] (Spanish, Discalced Trinitarian  superior, died at about age 52 in 1613 [beatified 1819, canonized 1975])

     St. Lienne of Poitiers (French, friend of St. Hilary, 4th Century)

     St. Maro of Beit-Marun [also called Maron] (Syrian, hermit priest, healer, abbot, friend of St. John Chrysostom, c. 435)

     Bl. Nicholas Paglia of Giovinazzo [Niccola] (Italian, nobleman, Dominican  prior, great preacher, miracle-worker, died at about age 58 in 1255 [beatified 1828])

     St. Nostrianus of Naples (Italian, bishop, c. 450)

     St. Paulien (French, bishop, d. 660)

     Sts. Proculus of Terni, Ephebus, and Apollonius (Italian, bishop and others, martyred by beheading in 273)

     St. Theodosius of Vaison (French, bishop, d. 554)

     St. Valentine of Rome (Italian, physician, priest [possibly bishop], martyred [beaten and beheaded] c. 269)

     Bl. Vincent of Siena [Vincenzo] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, companion of St. Bernardine, d. 1442)

     Bl. Vincent Vilar David of Manises [Vicente] (Spanish, layman, martyred during Civil War at about age 47 in 1937 [beatified 1995])

     Sts. Vitalis, Felicula, and Zeno, of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)




On February 15, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agape of Terni (Italian, virgin, martyred c. 273)

     Bl. Angel Scarpetti of Borgo San Sepolcro [Angelo] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, miracle-worker, c. 1306 [beatified 1921])

     St. Berach of Cluain (Irish, abbot, d. 595)

     St. Claude de la Colombiere of Grenoble (French, Jesuit  priest, chaplain to Duchess of York in England until banished, spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, died at age 41 in 1682 [beatified 1929, canonized 1992])

     St. Conrad of Clairvaux (Bavarian, son of a duke, Cistercian  monk in France, died at about age 49 c. 1154 [canonized 1832])

     St. Craton and companions, of Rome (philosopher/ teacher and family, martyred c. 273)

     St. Decorosus of Capua (Italian, bishop, d. 695)

     St. Dochow of Cornwall (Welsh)

     St. Druthmar of Lorsch (German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1046)

     St. Eusebius of Aschia (Syrian, hermit, 5th Century)

     St. Euseus of Serravalle (Italian, cobbler, hermit, 14th Century)

     St. Farannan (Irish, abbot, hermit, c. 590)

     Sts. Faustinus and Jovita, of Lombardy (Italian, noblemen, biological brothers, preachers, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 121)

     St. Faustus of Glanfeuil (Italian, Benedictine  monk in France, 6th Century)

     Blessed Franciscan Martyrs of Prague [also known as "Bl. Frederick Bachstein and Companions"] (Italian, German, Czech, Spanish, French, and Dutch ... fourteen Franciscan  friars, missionaries to heretics in Bohemia, martyred [tortured to death by protestants] in 1611 [beatified 2012])

----- Bl. Anthony [Antonin] (Czech, novice)

----- Bl. Bartholomew Dalmasoni of Ponte San Pietro [Bartolomeo] (Italian, priest)

----- Bl. Caspar Daverio of Bosto [Gaspare] (Italian, brother, died at about age 27)

----- Bl. Christopher [Christoffel] (Dutch, brother, died at about age 70)

----- Bl. Clement [Klemens] (German, novice, died at about age 21)

----- Bl. Didacus Jan [DIdak] (German, brother)

----- Bl. Emmanuel (Czech, brother, died at about age 30)

----- Bl. Frederick Bachstein of Pena [Bedřich] (Czech, priest, died at about age 50)

----- Bl. Jacob of Augsburg [Jakob] (German, brother, died at about age 21)

----- Bl. Jerome Degli Arese of Milan [Girolamo] (Italian, brother, died at about age 24)

----- Bl. John [Jan] (Czech, novice)

----- Bl. John Bodeo of Mompiano [Giovanni] (Italian, brother, died at about age 30)

----- Bl. John Martínez [Juan] (Spanish, priest, died at about age 40)

----- Bl. Simon (French, priest, died at about age 30)

     St. Georgia of Clermont (French, nun, hermitess, c. 500)

     Bl. Jordan of Saxony (German, nobleman, succeeded St. Dominic as master general of Dominicans, eloquent preacher, died at about age 47 in 1237 [beatified 1825])

     St. Joseph of Antioch (Syrian, deacon, early martyr)

     Bl. Julia della Rena of Certaldo [Giulia] (Italian, domestic servant, Augustinian  tertiary, hermitess, died at about age 47 in 1367 [beatified 1819])

     Bl. Michael Sopocko of Nowosady [Michal] (Polish [from what is now Lithuania], diocesan priest, military chaplain, theologian, spiritual director of St. Faustina Kowalska, promoted devotion to Divine Mercy for decades, died at age 86 in 1975 [beatified 2008])

     St. Quinidius of Aix (French, hermit, bishop of Vaison, c. 579)

     Sts. Saturninus, Castulus, Magnus, and Lucius (Italian, disciples of St. Valentine, martyred in 273)

     St. Severus of Androcca (Italian, parish priest, miracle worker, c. 530)

     St. Sigfrid of Växjö ["Apostle of Sweden"] (British?, Benedictine  monk, evangelized Scandinavia, bishop in Sweden, c. 1045)

     St. Tanco of Werden (Irish, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, bishop, martyred by pagans in 808)

     St. Walfrid della Gheradesca of Pisa [Galfrido] (Italian, father of six, Benedictine  abbot, c. 765 [canonized 1861])

     Sts. Winaman, Unaman, and Sunaman, of Växjö (British? nephews of St. Sigfrid [see above], Benedictine  monks, missionaries in Sweden, martyred by beheading c. 1040)



On February 16, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Aganus of Airola (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 50 in 1100)

     Bl. Bernard Scammacca of Catania [Bernardo] (Sicilian, Dominican  priest, prophet, mystic, died at about age 57 c. 1487 [beatified 1825])

     Sts. Elias, Jeremy, Isaias, Samuel, and Daniel (Egyptian, tortured and martyred by beheading in Palestine in 309)

     St. Faustinus of Brescia (Italian, bishop, d. 381)

     St. Gilbert of Sempringham (English, priest, founder of Order of Sempringham [only specifically English order -- now called "Gilbertines"] for men and women, died at about age 105 in 1189 [canonized 1202])

     St. Honestus of Nimes (French, priest in Spain, martyred in 270)

     St. Joseph Allamano of Castelnuovo d'Asti [Giuseppe] (Italian, priest, founded Consolata Society for Foreign Missions, died at age 75 in 1926 [beatified 1990, canonized 2024])

     St. Julian and companions (Egyptian, early martyrs)

     St. Juliana of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], virgin, martyred [burned, boiled in oil, and beheaded] in Italy in 305)

     Bl. Mariano Arciero of Contursi Terme (Italian, parish priest, spiritual director at seminary, died at age 80 in 1788 [beatified 2012])

     St. Onesimus of Colossae (from Asia Minor, runaway then freed slave of Sts. Philemon and Apphia [see Pauline epistle to Philemon], possibly martyred by stoning in Spain c. 90)

     Bl. Philippa Mareri of Cicoli (Italian, hermitess, Poor Clare  abbess, died when under age 50 in 1236 [beatified 1806])

     Sts. Porphyrius and Seleucius, of Caesarea (Palestinian, martyred [Porphyrius torn by hooks, disemboweled, and burned -- and Seleucius beheaded] in 309)




On February 17, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servites (Italian, wealthy city councilors, founded the Servants of Mary [Servites], became six priests and one brother, died between c. 1261 and 1310 [canonized 1887])
[The names of the founders, who were all from Florence:]
--- St. Alexis
Falconieri [Alessio]
--- St. Benedict
dell'Antella [Benedetto]
--- St. John
Buonagiunta [Giovanni]
--- St. Ricovero
dei Lippi-Ugoccioni
--- St. Buonfiglio
--- St. Gerard
Sostegni [Gherardino]
--- St. Bartholomew
degli Amidei [Bartolomeo]



     St. Benedict of Cagliari [Benedetto] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Dolia on Sardinia, c. 1112)

     St. Constabilis of Lucania (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 64 in 1124 [canonized 1893])

     Sts. Donatus, Secundian, Romulus, and 86 companions, of Porto Gruaro (Italian, martyred in 304)

     Bl. Elizabeth Sanna Porcu of Codrongianos [Elisabetta] (Italian, widow, Franciscan  tertiary, died at age 68 in 1857 [beatified 2016])

     St. Evermod of Ratzeburg (German, Norbertine  abbot, bishop, died at about age 78 in 1178)

     St. Faustinus and 44 companions, of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Finan of Iona (Irish, monk, missionary, bishop in England, d. 661)

     St. Fintan of Clonenagh (Irish, hermit, abbot, d. 603) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Fortchern of Trim (Irish, bishop, hermit, 6th Century)

     St. Francis Regis Clet of Grenoble [Francois-Regis] (French, Vincentian  missionary priest for 30 years, tortured and martyred by strangling in China at age 72 in 1820 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Frowin of Bellevaux (French, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1165)

     St. Guevrock of Loc-Kirec (British, abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Habet-Deus of Luna (Italian, bishop, martyred c. 500)

     St. Loman of Trim (British, bishop in Ireland, c. 450)

     Bl. Luke Belludi of Padua [Luca] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, died at about age 85 c. 1285 [beatified 1927])

     St. Polychronius of Babylon (Mesopotamian [from part of what is now Iraq], bishop, martyred in 250?)

     St. Silvin of Auchy (French, Benedictine  monk, missionary bishop for 40 years, c. 717)

     Sts. Theodulus of Caesarea and Julian of Cappadocia (from Palestine and Asia Minor [Turkish], old man and catechumen, martyred [crucified, burned] in 308)

     Bl. William Richardson (Welsh, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] in England under Elizabeth I in 1603 [beatified 1929])



On February 18, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agatha Lin Zao of Ma-Tchang (Chinese, virgin, school teacher, catechist, martyred [beheaded] at age 41 in 1858 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     St. Agnes Le Thi Thanh of Bai-Den (Vietnamese, mother of six, martyred [died in prison] in 1841 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])

     St. Andrew Nguyen Kim Thong of Go Thi (Vietnamese, village mayor, catechist, exiled, martyred [dehydration, exposure, exhaustion on forced march] at about age 65 in 1855 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])

     St. Angilbert of Centula (French, son-in-law of Charlemagne, Benedictine  abbot, d. 814)

     Bl. Anthony Leszczewicz of Abramowszczyzna [Antoni] (Polish, Marianist  priest, martyred by Nazis [burned to death] at Rosica [Poland] at age 52 in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     St. Charalampias and five companions, of Magnesia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey] ... priest, two soldiers, three women ... martyred in 203)

     Sts. Claudius, Praepedigna, Alexander, Cutias, and Maximus, of Ostia (Italian, husband, wife, sons, and brother, martyred [burned] c. 304)

     St. Colman of Connaught (Irish, bishop of Lindisfarne, died at about age 70 in 676)

     Sts. Constance, Attica, and Artemia, of Rome (virgins, c. 354)

     St. Flavian of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [Turkish], patriarch [bishop], d. 449)

     St. Gertrude Comensoli of Biennio [Geltrude] [baptized Catarina (Catherine)] (Italian, founded Institute of the Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament, died at age 46 in 1903 [beatified 1989, canonized 2009])

     St. Helladius of Toledo (Spanish, court minister, abbot, archbishop, d. 632)

     Sts. John Chen Xian-heng of Cheng-du, John Zhang Tian-shen of Jia-shan-long, and Martin Wu Xue-Sheng of Chu-chang-bo (Chinese, catechists, martyred at ages 42, 57, and 45 in 1862 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     St. John Peter Neel of Sainte-Catherine-sur-Riverie [Jean-Pierre] (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society in China, martyred by beheading at age 30 in 1862 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     Bl. John Pibush of Thirsk (English, priest, martyred [hanged] at about age 34 under Elizabeth I in 1601 [beatified 1929])

     Sts. Leo and Paregorius, of Patara (from Asia Minor [Turkish], martyred c. 260)

     Sts. Lucius, Silvanus, Tutilus, Classicus, Secundinus, Fructuosus, and Maximus (African, early martyrs)

     St. Simeon of Jerusalem (Israelite, possibly a kinsman of Jesus, bishop, tortured and martyred by crucifixion c. 107)

     St. Theotonius of Coimbra [Teotonio] (Spanish, parish priest, Augustinian  abbot in Portugal, died at about age 80 in 1166)

     Bl. William Harrington of Mount St. John (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 27 under Elizabeth I in 1594 [beatified 1929])



On February 19, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Auxibius of Soli (Cypriot, bishop, 1st Century)

     St. Barbatus of Benevento (Italian, bishop, died at about age 71 in 682)

     St. Beatus of Libana (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, d. 789)

     St. Belina of Troyes (French, peasant, virgin, martyred defending her chastity in 1135 [canonized 1203])

     St. Boniface of Brussels (Belgian, university lecturer, bishop of Lausanne in Switzerland, chaplain to nuns, d. 1265 [canonized 1702])

     St. Conrad Confalonieri of Piacenza [Corrado] (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, hermit, died at about age 60 c. 1350 [canonized 1625])

     St. Gabinus of Rome (Italian, nobleman, brother of a pope, father of a saint, priest, martyred by starvation c. 295)

     Bl. George Kaszyra of Aleksandrowo [Jerzy] (Polish, Marianist  priest, martyred by Nazis [burned to death] at Rosica [Poland] at age 38 in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     St. George of Lodove (Spanish, Benedictine  monk in France, bishop, c. 884)

     Bl. John Sullivan of Dublin (Irish, Jesuit  priest, died at age 71 in 1933 [beatified 2017])

     Bl. Joseph Zaplata of Jerka [Jozef] (Polish, member of Congregation of Christian Brothers, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 40 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

     St. Lucy Yi Zhen-mei of Mianyang (Chinese, virgin, school teacher, catechist, martyred at age 46 in 1862 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     St. Mansuetus of Milan (Italian, bishop, fought Monothelite heresy, c. 690)

     St. Mesrob the Teacher, of Taron (Armenian, civil servant, hermit, priest, missionary in Georgia, developed written Armenian alphabet, translated New Testament, died at about age 94 in 439)

     St. Odran (Irish, chariot driver for St. Patrick, martyred c. 452)

     Holy Martyrs of Palestine (Palestinian, hermits, martyred c. 509)

     Sts. Publius, Julian, Marcellus, and companions (African, early martyrs)

     St. Valerius of Antibes (French, bishop, c. 450)

     St. Zambdas of Jerusalem (Palestinian, bishop, c. 304)



On February 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Aloysius Palić [aka Paliq] of Janjevo [Alojzije, aka Luigj] [baptized Matej, aka Mati (Matthew)] (Kosovo Croat, Franciscan  priest, refused to join Eastern schism, opposed the forced conversion of Catholics and Muslims by Serbian Orthodox Christians, tortured and martyred by Montenegran soldiers [shot] at about age 36 in 1913 [beatified 2024])

     St. Amata of Assisi (Italian, niece of St. Clare, Poor Clare  nun, c. 1250)

     St. Bolcan of Derken (French? bishop in Ireland, c. 480)

     St. Colgan of Clonmacnoise (Scottish, abbot in France, c. 796)

     St. Eleutherius of Byzantium (from Asia Minor [Turkish], bishop, martyred c. 310)

     St. Eleutherius of Tournai (French, bishop, martyred by Arian heretics at about age 76 in 532)

     Bl. Elizabeth Bartholomea Picenardi of Mantua [Elisabetta Bartolomea] (Italian, virgin, Servite  tertiary, died at about age 40 in 1468 [beatified 1804])

     St. Eucherius of Orleans (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 743)

     St. Falco of Maastricht (Dutch, bishop, d. 512)

     St. Francis Marto [Francisco] and St. Hyacinth Marto [Jacinta], of Aljustrel (Portuguese, brother and sister, reported visions of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917, died [at ages 10 and 9 (Spanish flu)] in 1919 and 1920 [beatified 2000, canonized 2017])

     Bl. Julia Rodzinska of Nawojowa [baptized Stanislawa] (Polish, Dominican  sister, martyred by Nazis at Stutthof [Germany] at age 45 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

     St. Leo of Ravenna (Italian, bishop of Catania, died at about age 83 in 787)

     Bl. Peter of Treja [Pietro] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, preacher, d. 1304 [beatified 1793])

     Sts. Pothmius and Nemesius, of Alexandria (Cypriot, early martyrs)

     St. Sadoth and eight companions, of Seleucia-Ctesiphon (Persian, bishop and disciples, tortured [racked] and martyred by beheading c. 342)

     Bl. Thomas Pormont [or Portmore] of Little Limber (English, priest, martyred at about age 22 under Elizabeth I in 1592 [beatified 1987])

     Sts. Tyrannio of Tyre, Zenobius of Sidon, Silvanus of Emesa, Peleus, and Nilus (Phoenician [Lebanese] and Egyptian ... bishop, priest/physician, bishop, and disciples ... martyred c. 310)

     St. Valerius of Conserans (French, bishop)

     St. Wulfric of Haselbury (English, hermit priest, prophet, counselor to kings, copyist/binder, d. 1154)



On February 21, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Peter Damian of Ravenna [Pietro Damiani] (Italian, swineherd, teacher, writer, Benedictine  monk, bishop, cardinal bishop of Ostia, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 65 in 1072 [canonized 1823])

     St. Avitus
of Clermont (French, bishop, d. 689)

     Sts. Daniel and Verda (Persian ... priest and virgin ... martyred in 344)

     St. Felix of Metz (French, bishop, 2nd Century)

     St. George of Amastris (Armenian, hermit, monk, bishop, c. 825)

     Sts. Germanus and Randoald of Trier (German, Benedictine  abbot and prior, martyred by the sword c. 677)

     St. Gundebert of Sens (French, bishop, Benedictine  hermit, c. 676)

     St. Irene of Rome (Italian, sister of Pope St. Damasus)

     St. Maximian of Pola (Italian, bishop of Ravenna, died at about age 56 in 556)

     Bl. Nicholas of Vangadizza [Niccola] (Italian, Camaldolese  priest, c. 1210)

     Bl. Noel Pinot of Angers (French, priest, martyred by the revolutionaries' guillotine [while vested for Mass] at age 46 in 1794 [beatified 1926])

     St. Paterius of Brescia (Roman, monk, bishop, d. 606)

     Bl. Pepin of Landen (French, duke, minister to three kings, c. 646)

     St. Peter of Majuma (Palestinian, scribe, martyred by Moslem sheik in 743)

     St. Robert Southwell of Horsham Saint Faith's (English, Jesuit  priest, horribly tortured and martyred [hanged] under Elizabeth I at about age 33 in 1595 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     St. Severian of Scythopolis (Palestinian, bishop, martyred by Eutychian heretics c. 452)

     Holy Martyrs of Sicily (seventy-nine Christians martyred c. 304)

     St. Valerius of Astorga (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, d. 695)

     Sts. Verulus, Secundinus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, and nineteen companions, of Hadrumetum (North African, martyred c. 434)




On February 22, we members of the Catholic Church family celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle.

We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Abilius of Alexandria (Egyptian, patriarch [bishop], c. 98)

     Bl. Angel Portasole of Perugia [Angelo] (Italian, Dominican  friar, bishop of Iglesias, d. 1334)

     Holy Martyrs of Arabia (Arabian/Jordanian, early martyrs)

     St. Aristion of Salamis (Israelite, one of the 72 disciples of Jesus, missionary to Cyprus, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Athanasius of Nicomedia (Constantinopolitan [Turkish], abbot, c. 818)

     St. Baradates (Syrian, desert hermit, c. 460)

     St. Elwin of Cornwall (British, 6th Century)

     Bl. John the Saxon of Athelingay (French, Benedictine  monk, abbot in England, martyred in 895)

     St. Margaret of Cortona [Margherita] (Italian, unwed mother, repentant fornicatress, Franciscan  tertiary, mystic, died at about age 49 in 1297 [canonized 1728]) [commemorated by some on May 16]

     Bl. Mary of Jesus d'Hooghvorst of Wegemont [Marie-de-Jésus] [baptized Emilie, nee d'Oultremont] (Belgian, widow, founded Institute of St. Mary Reparatrix, died at about age 60 in 1878 [beatified 1997])

     St. Papias of Hierapolis (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, c. 120)

     St. Paschasius of Vienne (French, bishop, c. 312)

     St. Raynerius of Beaulieu [Rainier] (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 967)

     Bl. Richard Henkes of Ruppach-Goldhausen (German, Pallottine  priest, martyred [typhus in Dachau concentration camp] at age 44 in 1945 [beatified 2019])

     Bl. Stephen Vincent Frelichowski of Chelmza [Stefan Wincenty] (Polish, priest, arrested by Nazi GeStaPo, kept in five concentration camps [last Dachau], martyred [typhus] at age 32 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

     Sts. Thalassius and Limnaeus (Syrian, hermits, 5th Century)



On February 23, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Polycarp of Smyrna (Palestinian?, disciple of St. John the Apostle, bishop in Asia Minor [now called Turkey] for over fifty years, martyred [stabbed] at age 86 c. 155)

     St. Alexander Akimetes (Greek, army officer, abbot, d. 430)

     St. Boisil of Melrose (British, abbot, c. 664)

     St. Dositheus of Gaza (Egyptian, monk, c. 530)

     St. Felix of Brescia (Italian, bishop, battled heretics for forty years, c. 650)

     St. Florentius of Seville (Spanish, c. 485)

     Bl. Jeannine Franchi of Como [Giovannina] (Italian, virgin, founded Nursing Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, died at age 64 in 1872 [beatified 2014])

     Bl. John of Hungary [Jean/Janos] (French, first Franciscan  friar in Hungary, d. 1287)

     St. Josephine Vannini of Rome [Giuseppina] [baptized Giuditta Adelaide Agata (Judith ... Agatha)] (Italian, virgin, founded Congregation of the Daughters of St. Camillus, died at age 51 in 1911 [beatified 1994, canonized 2019])

     St. Jurmin (British, prince, 7th Century)

     St. Lazarus Zographos of Constantinople ["zographos" is Greek for "painter"] (Turkish, monk, icon painter, c. 867)

     Bl. Louis Mzyk of Chorzow Stary [Ludwik] (Polish, Divine Word Missionary  priest, martyred by Nazis at Poznan [Poland] at age 36 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Martha of Astorga (Spanish, virgin, martyred by beheading in 252)

     St. Medrald of Vendome (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 850)

     St. Milburga of Wenlock (British, princess, Benedictine  abbess, miracle worker, d. 715)

     St. Mildgytha (British, Benedictine  nun, c. 676)

     St. Milo of Auvergne (French, archbishop of Benevento in Italy, d. 1076)

     St. Ordonius of Sahagún [Ordoño] (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Astorga, d. 1066)

     Bl. Rafaela Ybarra de Villalongo of Bilbao (Spanish, mother, widow, founded Institute of the Sisters of Guardian Angels, died at age 57 in 1900 [beatified 1984])

     St. Romana of Todi (Italian, hermitess, died at age 18 in 324)

     St. Serenus the Gardener and 72 companions, of Sirmium (Greek and Pannonian [from part of what is now Serbia], hermit and others, martyred in 303)

     St. Willigis of Schöningen (German, imperial chancellor, archbishop of Mainz, d. 1011)

     St. Zebinus (Syrian, hermit, 5th Century)



On February 24, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adele (French, queen, widow, died at about age 75 in 1137)

     Bl. Ascension of the Heart of Jesus Goi of Tafalla [Ascensión del Corazón de Jesus] [baptized Florentina Nicol] (Spanish, Dominican  nun, teacher, missionary in Peru, co-founder and superior general of Dominican Missionaries of the Rosary, died at age 71 in 1940 [beatified 2005])

     St. Betto of Sens (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Auxerre, d. 918)

     Bl. Ida of Hohenfels (German, countess, widow, Benedictine  nun, c. 1195)

     St. John Theristus of Calabria [Giovanni] ["theristus" means "harvester"] (Italian, son of slave, monk, miracle worker, d. 1129)

     Bl. Joseph Mayr-Nusser of Bolzano [Josef] (German born in Austria-Hungary, layman, refused to swear a Nazi oath, martyred [dysentery en route to concentration camp] at age 34 in 1945 [beatified 2017])

     Bl. Mark dei Marconi of Milliarino [Marco] (Italian, Hieronymite  monk, died at about age 30 in 1510 [beatified 1906])

     St. Modestus of Trier (German, bishop, d. 489)

     Sts. Montanus, Lucius, Julian, Victoricus, Flavian, Rhenus, and two companions, of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], disciples of St. Cyprian, martyred by beheading in 259)

     St. Praetextatus of Rouen (French, archbishop, martyred by stabbing in 586)

     St. Primitiva of Rome (Italian, virgin, early martyr)

     Bl. Robert of Arbrissel (French, university chancellor, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 69 in 1117)

     St. Sergius of Cappadocia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], magistrate, monk, martyred in 304)

     Bl. Thomas Mary Fusco of Pagani [Tommaso Maria] (Italian, priest, founded Congregation of the Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood, died at age 59 in 1891 [beatified 2001])




On February 25, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Adelelmus of Engelberg (German, Benedictine  abbot in Switzerland, d. 1131)

     St. Aldetrudis of Maubeuge (French, granddaughter of two saints, daughter of two saints, sister of three saints, Benedictine  abbess, c. 696)

     St. Ananias and eight companions (Phoenician [from what is now Lebanon] ... priest, jailer, and seven guards ... martyred c. 298)

     St. Avertanus of Limoges (French, Carmelite  brother, d. 1380)

     St. Caesarius of Nazianzos (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], brother of St. Gregory Nazianzen, emperor's physician, died at about age 39 in 369)

     Bl. Constantius Bernocchi of Fabriano [Costanzo] (Italian, Dominican  prior, died at about age 70 in 1481 [beatified 1811])

     Bl. Dominic Lentini of Lauria [Domenico] (Italian, diocesan priest, died at age 57 in 1828 [beatified 1997])

     Sts. Donatus, Justus, Herena, and 47 companions (African, martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Ethelbert of Kent (British, king for 36 years, died at about age 55 in 616)

     St. Gerland of Besançon (French, bishop of Girgenti in Sicily, d. 1104)

     Bl. James Carvalho of Coimbra [Diogo] and sixty companions (Portuguese, Jesuit  missionary priest and sixty disciples, martyred by exposure to cold in Japan at about age 46 in 1624 [beatified 1867])

     Bl. Maria Adeodata Pisani of Naples (Maltese, Benedictine  sister, died at age 48 in 1855 [beatified 2001])

     Bl. Mary Louise De Angelis of San Gregorio [Maria Ludovica] [baptized Antonina] (Italian, religious of Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy in Argentina, children's hospital worker, died at age 81 in 1962 [beatified 2004])

     Bl. Rani Maria Vattalil of Pulluvazhy [baptized Mariam (Mary)] (Indian, member of Syro-Malabar church, religious of the Franciscan Clarist  congregation, martyred at age 41 in 1995 [beatified 2017])

     Bl. Sebastian Aparicio of La Gudiña ["Angel of Mexico"] (Spanish, farm laborer, maker of plows and wagons, valet, road builder, postal worker, widower, Franciscan  brother from age 72, miracle worker, begged alms until death at age 98 in 1600 [beatified 1787])

     St. Tarasius of Constantinople (Turkish, secretary of state, patriarch [bishop], d. 806)

     Bl. Victor of Saint Gall (Swiss, Benedictine  monk, hermit, d. 995)

     Sts. Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudian, Dioscorus, Serapion, and Papias, of Corinth (Greek, exiles to Egypt, tortured and martyred [three smashed in a mortar, others chopped to pieces, burned, beheaded, drowned] in 284)

     St. Walburga of Devonshire (British, princess, daughter of St. Richard, Benedictine  abbess in Germany, died at about age 68 in 779)




On February 26, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agricola of Nevers (French, bishop, c. 594)

     St. Alexander of Alexandria (Egyptian, bishop, excommunicated heretic Arius, key figure at Council of Nicaea, trained St. Athanasius, died at about age 75 c. 326)

     St. Andrew of Florence (Italian, bishop, c. 407)

     Bl. Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás of Quintana del Vidio (Spanish, seminary professor in Cuba, cardinal archbishop of Toledo, founded a congregation of the Sisters of Charity, died at age 75 in 1909 [beatified 2009])

     St. Dionysius of Augsburg (German, bishop, martyred c. 303)

     St. Faustinian of Bologna (Italian, bishop, 4th Century)

     St. Fortunatus, St. Felix, and 27 companions (early martyrs)

     St. Irene of Gaza (Egyptian, virgin, died at about age 20 in 490)

     Bl. Isabelle of Longchamps (French, princess, sister of King St. Louis IX, lived with Poor Clare  nuns, d. 1270 [beatified 1520])

     Bl. Joseph Rossi of Varallo Pombia [Giuseppe] (Italian, diocesan parish priest, martyred by fascists [stoned, stabbed, shot] at age 32 in 1945 [beatified 2024])

     Bl. Leo of Saint-Bertin (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1163)

     Bl. Matilda of Spanheim [Mechtilde] (German, Benedictine  hermitess, d. 1154)

     St. Nestor of Perge (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop of Magydos, martyred by crucifixion in 251)

     Sts. Papias, Diodorus, Conon, and Claudian, of Pamphylia (from Asia Minor, shepherds, tortured and martyred c. 250)

     St. Paula of St. Joseph of Calasanz Montal Fornés of Arenys de Mar [Paula de San José de Calasanz] [baptized Paula] (Spanish, seamstress, lace-maker, virgin, foundress of Daughters of Mary ["Pious School Sisters"], died at age 89 in 1889 [beatified 1993, canonized 2001])

     Bl. Piety of the Cross Ortiz Real of Bocairente [Piedad de la Cruz] [baptized Tomasa] (Spanish, founded Congregation of Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 73 in 1916 [beatified 2004])

     St. Porphyry of Thessalonica (Greek, hermit in Egypt and Palestine, bishop of Gaza, died at about age 66 in 420)

     St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage [name means "What God wills"] (North African [from what is now Tunisia], bishop, died in Italy c. 450)

     Bl. Robert Drury of Buckinghamshire (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] at about age 39 under James I in 1607 [beatified 1987])

     St. Victor of Troyes (French, nobleman, hermit, priest, d. 7th Century)




On February 27, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Abundius, Alexander, Antigonus, and Fortunatus (early martyrs in Rome or Greece)

     St. August Chapdelaine of La Rochelle [Auguste] (French, parish priest, member of Paris Foreign Missions Society in Asia, tortured and martyred by beheading in China at age 42 in 1856 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     St. Baldomerus of Lyons (French, locksmith, monk, d. 650)

     Sts. Basil and Procopius, of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], opposed iconoclasm)

     Sts. Besas, Cronion Eunus, and Julian, of Alexandria (Egyptian ... soldier, servant, and prisoner ... martyred in 250)

     Bl. Emmanuel of Cremona [Manuele] (Italian, bishop, died in Netherlands in 1198)

     Bl. Frances Ann of the Sorrowful Virgin Cirer Carbonell of Sencelles [Francisca Ana de la Virgen de los Dolores] (Spanish, virgin, member of Institute of the Sisters of Charity, died at age 73 in 1855 [beatified 1989])

     St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Possenti of Assisi [Gabriele dell'Addolorata] [baptized Francesco] (Italian, Passionist  priest, died two days before his 24th birthday [tuberculosis] in 1862 [beatified 1908, canonized 1920])

     St. Gregory of Rshtunik [better known as "Gregory of Narek (Grigor Narekatsi)"] (Armenian, monk, poet, mystical philosopher, theologian, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 52 c. 1003 [canonized 2001])

     St. Honorina (French, early martyr)

     St. John of Gorze (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 975)

     Bl. Joseph Tous y Soler of Igualada [Josep/José] (Spanish [Catalan], Capuchin  parish priest, founded Capuchin Sisters of the Mother of the Divine Shepherd, died while celebrating Mass at age 59 in 1871 [beatified 2010])

     St. Leander of Cartagena (Spanish, brother of three saints, monk, bishop of Seville, died at about age 65 c. 600)

     Bl. Mark Barkworth of Lincolnshire [alias Mark Lambert, alias George Barkworth] (English, Benedictine  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 28 in 1601 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. Mary of Charity Brader of Kaltbrunn [Maria Caritas] [baptized Maria Josefa Carolina] (Swiss, virgin, founded Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate, died in Colombia at age 72 in 1943 [beatified 2003])

     Bl. Mary of Jesus Deluil-Martiny of Marseilles [Marie-de-Jesus] (French, virgin, founded Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, died at age 43 in 1884 [beatified 1989])

     Bl. Roger Filcock of Sandwich (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 30 in 1600 [beatified 1987])

     St. Thalelaeus Epiklautos of Cilicia ["epiklautos" is Greek for "weeping much"] (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], hermit in Syria for 60 years, d. 450)



On February 28, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Holy Martyrs of the Alexandrian Plague (Egyptian, great number of priests, deacons, and laity who nursed the victims of deadly pestilence, regarded as martyrs, c. 256)

     Bl. Antonia of Florence (Italian, mother, widow twice, Franciscan  tertiaries' prioress, died at about age 71 in 1472 [beatified 1847])

     Sts. Caerealis, Gaius, Serapion, and Pupulus, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyr)

     Bl. Charles Gnocchi of San Colombano al Lambro [Carlo] (Italian, diocesan priest, World War II chaplain and spy, founded charitable Pro Juventute Foundation, died at age 53 in 1956 [beatified 2009])

     Bl. Daniel Brottier of La Fert-Saint-Cyr (French, priest of Congregation of the Holy Spirit, died at age 59 in 1936 [beatified 1984])

     St. Ermine (Irish?, 6th Century)

     Pope St. Gregory II of Rome (Italian, Vatican treasurer and librarian, elected to papacy in 715, reigned until death in 731)

     St. Hedwig of Buda [Hedvig/Jadwiga] (Polish born in Hungary, queen of Poland, died giving birth at about age 25 in 1399 [beatified 1979, canonized 1997])

     Pope St. Hilary of Sardinia (Italian, papal legate, elected to papacy in 461, reigned until death in 468)

     Sts. Justus, Macarius, Theophilus, and Rufinus (potters, martyred c. 250)

     St. Oswald of York (Danish born in England, Benedictine  monk in France, archbishop in England, theologian, daily washed feet of twelve poor people, d. 992)

     St. Proterus of Alexandria (Egyptian, patriarch [bishop], martyred by stabbing in 457)

     St. Romanus of Condat (French, monk, hermit, priest, healer, died at about age 69 c. 460)

     St. Ruellinus of Treguier (French, bishop, 6th Century)

     Bl. Timothy Trojanowski of Sadlowo [Tymoteusz] [baptized Stanislaw Antoni (Stanislaus Anthony)] (Polish, Franciscan  brother, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 33 in 1942 [beatified 1999])




With regard to February 29 ("leap-year day"), there seem to be two opinions:

     (1)  no saints are ever commemorated, because they would be overlooked in the three non-leap years.

     (2)  the following [listed above on the 27th or 28th] are commemorated on the 29th, when there is a 29th:  Bl. Antonia of Florence, Pope St. Hilary of Sardinia, St. Oswald of York, St. August Chapdelaine of La Rochelle.


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Thank you.)