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On June 1, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Justin
of Flavia Neapolis [better known as "Justin Martyr"] (Samaritan [Palestinian], adult convert, philosopher, apologist in Rome, martyred by beheading at about age 65 in 165)

     Bl. Alphonse
Navarrete of Valladolid [Alonso] and Bl. Ferdinand of Saint Joseph Ayala of Ballesteros [Fernando de San Jose] (Spanish, Dominican and Augustinian  friars, missionaries in Japan, martyred by beheading at about ages 46 and 42 in 1617 [beatified 1867])

     Bl. Alphonse de Mena of Logroño [Alonso] (Spanish, Dominican  friar, missionary to Nagasaki, martyred by burning in Japan in 1622 [beatified 1867])

     St. Atto of Oca (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, bishop, c. 1044)

     Bl. Bernard, Bl. Mary, and Bl. Grace, of Lérida [Bernardo, Maria, and Gracia] [names prior to baptism: Achmed, Zoraida, and Zaida] (Spanish, children of a Moslem caliph, converts, Cistercians, martyred c. 1180)

     St. Caprasius of Lérins (French, hermit, abbot, c. 430)

     St. Clarus of Aquitaine (French, bishop, early martyr)

     St. Conrad of Trier [Konrad] (German, bishop, martyred [thrown from a high place] at about age 49 in 1066)

     Bl. Conrad of Hessen [Konrad] (Germany, Cistercian  monk, 13th Century)

     St. Crescentian of Saldo (Italian, soldier, martyred by beheading c. 287)

     Bl. Ercolano of Piegare (Italian, Franciscan  friar, great preacher, d. 1541 [beatified 1860])

     Bl. Ermengardis of Angers (French, widow, Cistercian  nun, died at about age 80 c. 1147)

     Sts. Felinus and Gratian (Italian, soldiers, martyred in 250)

     St. Felix of Nicosia [Felice] (Sicilian, cobbler's apprentice, Capuchin  brother, beggar, died at age 71 in 1787 [beatified 1888, canonized 2005]) [commemorated by some on June 2]

     St. Firmus (martyred c. 290)

     St. Fortunatus of Spoleto (Italian, parish priest, c. 400)

     Bl. Gaius Xeymon of Nagasaki (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, martyred in 1627)

     St. Gaudentius of Ossero (Istrian [Croatian], bishop, Benedictine  monk, d. 1044)

     St. Hannibal Mary di Francia of Messina [Hanibal Maria] (Italian, priest, founded Congregation of the Rogationist Fathers and the Daughters of Divine Zeal, died at about age 76 in 1927 [beatified 1990, canonized 2004])

     St. Ignatius of Calatayud [Iñigo] (Spanish, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, miracle worker, d. 1057 [canonized 1259])

     St. Ischirion and five companions (Egyptian, magistrate's steward and soldiers, martyred by impaling in 250)

     Bl. James of Strepar [Jakub Strzemie] (Polish, Franciscan  friar, archbishop of Halicz, died at about age 60 in 1411 [beatified 1791]) [commemorated by some on October 18, by others on October 20]

     St. John Baptist Scalabrini of Firno Monasco [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, bishop of Piacenza for 29 years, visited his 365 parishes five times [some by foot or mule], founded Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles [Scalabrinians], died at age 65 on Ascension Thursday in 1905 [beatified 1997, canonized 2022])

     Bl. John Pelingotto of Urbino [Giovanni] (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, devoted to prayer and charitable works, died at about age 64 in 1304 [beatified 1918])

     Bl. John Storey (English, professor of law, married man, member of Parliament, Belgian customs official, tortured and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 66 in 1571)

     St. Juventius of Rome (Italian, early martyr)

     St. Melosa of Thessalonica (Greek, early martyr)

     St. Pamphilius and eleven companions, of Beirut (Lebanese ... scholar/priest, deacon, and ten others ... tortured and martyred in Palestine in 309)

     St. Proculus of Rome (Italian, military officer, martyred c. 304)

     Sts. Reverianus, Paul, and companions (Italian ... bishop, priest, and several others ... martyred in 272)

     St. Ruadan of Cornwall (British, bishop in France, 6th Century)

     St. Secundus of Amelia (Italian, martyred by drowning in 304)

     St. Simeon of Siracusa [Simeone] (Sicilian, Benedictine  hermit in Palestine and Germany, d. 1035 [canonized 1042])

     St. Tegla of Denbighshire (British, virgin)

     Bl. Theobald Roggeri of Vico [Teobaldo] (Italian, cobbler, transporter of grain, d. 1150)

     St. Thespesius of Cappadocia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred c. 230)

     St. Whyte (British, virgin)

     St. Wistan of Evesham (British, prince, martyred in 849)

On June 2, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
of Rome (Italian, priest and exorcist [named in Eucharistic Prayer I], martyred by beheading in 304)

     St. Adalgis
of Novara (Irish, monk-priest, hermit in France, c. 686)

     St. Blandina
of Lyons (French, slave, martyred by beheading in 177)

     St. Bodfan (monk, 7th Century)

     Blessed Dominican Martyrs of Poland [also called Bl. Sadok and companions] (Italian and Polish, Dominican  missionary prior and 48 disciples [priests, seminarians, brothers, etc.], martyred by pagan Tartars in Poland in 1260 [beatified 1807])
[Click here to see the martyrs' names.]

     St. Erasmus
of Formiae (Italian, bishop, martyred [disemboweled] in 303)

     Pope St. Eugene I
of Rome (Italian, priest, elected to papacy in 654, opposed Monothelite heresy, reigned until death in 657)

     St. Guy
of Acqui [Guido] (Italian, bishop for 36 years, d. 1070 [canonized 1853])

     St. John
de Ortega [Juan] (Spanish, priest, pilgrim, hermit, c. 1150)

     Blessed Martyrs of Laos [also known as Bl. Joseph Tien and 16 Companions] (5 Laotians, 1 Thai, 1 Italian, 10 French ... 5 members of Society of Foreign Missions of Paris, 6 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1 diocesan priest, 5 laymen ... martyred by communists between 1954 and 1969 in Indochina, mainly in what is now Laos [beatified 2015])  [Here are their names and other details:]
----- Bl. John
Wauthier of Fourmies [Jean] (French, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 41 in 1967)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Malo of La Grigonnais [Jean-Baptiste] (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society  in Vietnam, died at age 64 in 1954)
----- Bl. Joseph
Boissel of Le Loroux (French, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 59 in 1969)
----- Bl. Joseph
Outhay Phongphumi of Kham Koem (Thai, layman, catechist, died at about age 27)
----- Bl. Joseph
Thao Tien of Ban Ten (Laotian, diocesan priest, died at age 35 in 1954)
----- Bl. Louis
Leroy of Ducey (French, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 37)
----- Bl. Lucien
Galan of Bolinhac (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died at age 46 in 1968)
----- Bl. Luke
Sy of Ban Pha Hok [Luc] (Laotian, married layman, catechist, died at about age 31 in 1970)
----- Bl. Maisam
Pho Inpeng of Sam Neua (Laotian, married layman, died at about age 35 in 1970)
----- Bl. Marcel
Denis of Alençon (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died at age 42)
----- Bl. Mario
Borzaga of Trento (Italian, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 27 in 1960)
----- Bl. Michael
Coquelet of Wignehies [Michel] (French, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 29 in 1961)
----- Bl. Noël
Tenaud of Rocheservière (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died at age 56 in 1961)
----- Bl. Paul
Thoj Xyooj Paj Lug of Kiukatiam (Laotian, layman, catechist, died at about age 18 in 1960)
----- Bl. René
Dubroux of Haroué (French, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died at age 45)
----- Bl. Thomas
Khampheuane Inthirath of Nong Sim (Laotian, layman, died at about age 16 in 1968)
----- Bl. Vincent
l'Henoret of Pont-l'Abbe (French, priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, died at age 40 in 1961)

     St. Nicholas the Pilgrim
of Apulia (Greek, walked with cross and cried "Kyrie, eleison," died at age 19 in Italy in 1094 [canonized 1098])

     Sts. Photinus, Sanctius, Vetius, Epagathus, Maturus, Ponticus, Biblides, Attalus, Alexander, and about forty companions,
of Lyons (French, bishop and disciples, tortured and martyred [roasted, thrown to animals] in 177)

     Blessed Martyrs of Romania (Romanian, seven Byzantine Catholic bishops who refused to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy, arrested [for "treason"] by the Communist government in 1948, never tried nor sentenced, martyred [left to die of hunger, exposure/hypothermia, disease, or the effects of hard labor] between 1950 and 1970 [beatified 2019])

~~~~~ Bl. Alexander Rusu of Saulia de Campie [Alexandru] (Bishop of Maramureş, Major Archbishop of Fagaraş and Alba Iulia, died at age 78 in 1963)

~~~~~ Bl. Basil Aftenie of Lodroman [Vasile] (Auxiliary Bishop of Fagaraş and Alba Iulia (Romanian), Romania, tortured and died [beaten] at age 50 in 1950)

~~~~~ Bl. John Bălan of Teiuş [Ioan] (Bishop of Lugoj, in solitary confinement for over a decade, died at age 79 in 1959)

~~~~~ Bl. John Suciu of Blaj [Ioan] (Auxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare, died at age 45 in 1953)

~~~~~ Bl. Julius Hossu of Milaș [Iuliu] (World War I chaplain, Bishop of Gherla, bishop of Cluj-Gherla, under arrest for over 35 years, died at age 85 in 1970)

~~~~~ Bl. Titus Livius Chinezu of Huduc [Tit Liviu] (ordained bishop in prison by other incarcerated bishops, died at age 50 in 1955)

~~~~~ Bl. Walter Trajan Frentiu of Reșița [Valeriu Traian] (Bishop of Lugoj, Bishop of Oradea Mare, died at age 77 in 1952)


     St. Stephen of Corvey [Stefan] (German, Benedictine  monk, missionary bishop in Sweden, martyred c. 1075)

     Blessed Dominican Martyrs of Poland [also called Bl. Sadok and companions] -- CONTINUED
(Italian and Polish, Dominican  missionary prior and 48 disciples [priests, seminarians, brothers, etc.], martyred by pagan Tartars in Poland in 1260 [beatified 1807])
----- Bl. Sadok
----- Bl. David [Dawid]
----- Bl. Aaron
----- Bl. Benedikt [Benedykt]
----- Bl. Onofrius [Onufry]
----- Bl. Dominikus [Dominik]
----- Bl. Michael [Michal]
----- Bl. Matthias [Maciej]
----- Bl. Maurus
----- Bl. Timothy [Tymoteusz]
----- Bl. Felician [Felicjan]
  [Deacons (D), Subdeacons (S):]
----- Bl. Joachim (D)
----- Bl. Joseph [Jozef] (D)
----- Bl. Steven [Szczepan] (D)
----- Bl. Moses [Mojzesz] (S)
----- Bl. Abraham (S)
----- Bl. Basil [Bazyli] (S)
----- Bl. Gordian
----- Bl. Mark [Marek]
----- Bl. John [Jan]
----- Bl. Gervase [Gerwazy]
----- Bl. Christopher [Krzysztof]
----- Bl. Donatus [Donat]
----- Bl. Medard
----- Bl. Valentine [Walenty]
  [Novices and others:]
----- Bl. Daniel
----- Bl. Makarios [Makary]
----- Bl. Raphael [Rafal]
----- Bl. Isaiah [Izajasz]
----- Bl. Paul [Pawel]
----- Bl. Malachi [Malachiasz]
----- Bl. Abel
----- Bl. Simon [Szymon]
----- Bl. Clement [Klemens]
----- Bl. Elijah [Eljasz]
----- Bl. Barnabas [Barnaba]
----- Bl. Bartholomew [Bartlomiej]
----- Bl. Luke [Lukasz]
----- Bl. Matthew [Mateusz]
----- Bl. John [Jan])
----- Bl. Barnabas [Barnaba]
----- Bl. Philip [Filip]
----- Bl. Cyril [Cyryl]
----- Bl. Jerome [Hieronim]
----- Bl. Thomas [Tomasz] (organist)
----- Bl. Peter [Piotr]
----- Bl. Andrew [Andrzej]
----- Bl. James [Jakub] (novice master)

On June 3, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Holy Martyrs of Uganda [also known as "St. Charles Lwanga and companions"] ["Protomartyrs of Black Africa"] (Ugandan ... 22 laymen and boys from various walks of life [seventeen between ages 13 and 30], resisted king's perverted demands, martyred between 1885 and 1887 [beatified 1920, canonized 1964]) [Commemorated in Ireland on June 4]
----- St. Charles
Lwanga (servant, doused with fuel and set afire at age 21 in 1886)
----- St. Achilles
Kiwanuka (clerk, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Adolph
Mukasa Ludigo (herdsman, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Ambrose
Kibuuka (page, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Anatole
Kiriggwajjo (page, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Andrew
Kaggwa (beheaded in 1886)
----- St. Athanasius
Bazzekuketta (hacked to pieces in 1886)
----- St. Bruno
Sserunkuuma (set afire in 1886)
----- St. Denis
Ssebuggwawo (beheaded in 1886)
----- St. Gonzaga
Gonza (beheaded in 1886)
----- St. Gyavire (set afire in 1886)
----- St. James
Buzabaliao (soldier, set afire in 1886)
----- St. John Maria
Muzeyi (courtier, beheaded in 1887)
----- St. Joseph
Mukasa Balikuddembe (chief steward, rebuked king for sodomy and murder of Anglican clergyman, beheaded in 1885)
----- St. Kizito (boy aged 13, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Luke
Baanabakintu (set afire in 1886)
----- St. Matthias
Kalemba Mulumba (hacked to pieces in 1886)
----- St. Mbaga
Tuzinde (set afire in 1886)
----- St. Mugagga (set afire in 1886)
----- St. Mukasa
Kiriwawanvu (table servant, set afire in 1886)
----- St. Noah
Mawaggali (stabbed and torn apart by wild dogs in 1886)
----- St. Pontian
Ngondwe (soldier, beheaded in 1886)

     St. Albert
of Como [Alberto] (Italian, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, c. 1092)

     Bl. Andrew Caccioli of Spello [Andrea] (Italian, priest, one of original 72 followers of St. Francis of Assisi, died at about age 59 in 1254)

     St. Cecilius of Carthage (North African, priest, 3rd Century)

     Queen St. Clotilda of Lyons (French, wife of King Clovis, mother of three, widow [cared for poor and sick for over 30 years], died at about age 70 in 545)

     St. Cono of Lucania (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1200 [beatified 1871])

     St. Cronan (Irish, tanner, disciple of St. Kevin, d. 617) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Davinus of Lucca (Armenian, pilgrim, died in Italy in 1051)

     Bl. Diego Oddi of Vallinfreda [baptized Giuseppe (Joseph)] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, died 3 days before his 80th birthday in 1919 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Gausmarus of Savigny (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 984)

     St. Genesius of Clermont (French, bishop, d. 662)

     St. Glunshallaich (Irish, disciple of St. Kevin, 7th Century)

     St. Hilary of Carcassone (French, bishop, 4th Century)

     St. Isaac of Cordova (Spanish, official employed by Moslems, monk, denounced Mohammed in a debate, tortured and martyred at about age 27 in 852)

     St. John Grande of Carmona [called himself Juan Grande Pecador (John, the great sinner)] (Spanish, hermit, member of Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God, mystic, contracted plague from those he nursed, died at age 54 in 1600 [beatified 1853, canonized 1996])

     St. Kevin of Glendalough (Irish, nobleman, priest, hermit, abbot, died at about age 120 in 618)

     St. Liphardus of Orleans (French, lawyer, hermit, priest, abbot, c. 550)

     Sts. Lucillian, Paula, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Dionysius (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], parents and four sons?, martyred [father crucified, others beheaded] in 273)

     St. Morandus of Cluny (German, priest, Benedictine  monk, c. 1115)

     St. Olive of Anagni [Oliva] (Italian, nun)

     Sts. Peregrine and Peregrine of Santa Maria dell'Isola [Pellegrino] (Italian, Camaldolese  abbot and monk, c. 1291)

     Sts. Pergentinus and Laurentinus of Arezzo (Italian, biological brothers, martyred by the sword in 251)

     St. Urbicius of Meung (French, abbot, 6th Century)



On June 4, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adegrin of Baume (French, knight, Benedictine  monk, hermit, d. 939)

     St. Alexander of Verona (Italian, bishop, 8th Century)

     Bl. Anthony Zawistowski of Strumiany [Antoni] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 59 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     Sts. Aretius and Dacian of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     Bl. Boniface of Villers (Belgian, Cistercian   prior, c. 1280)

     Sts. Breaca and Buriana of Cornwall (Irish, nuns? in England, 6th Century)

     St. Clateus of Brescia (Italian, bishop, martyred by Neronians c. 64)

     St. Cornelius McConchailleach of Armagh (Irish, Augustinian  abbot, archbishop, died in France at about age 56 in 1176)

     St. Edfrith of Lindisfarne (Irish, artist, calligrapher, monk, bishop, d. 721)

     St. Elsiar of Lavedan (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 1050)

     St. Francis Caracciolo of Villa Santa Maria [Francesco] [baptized Ascanio] (Italian, priest, co-founder and superior of Minor Clerks Regular, died at age 44 in 1608 [beatified 1769, canonized 1807])

     Bl. Francis Pianzola of Sartirana Lomellina [Francesco] (Italian, priest, founded Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Queen of Peace, died at age 61 in 1943 [beatified 2008])

     Bl. Francis Ronci of Abri [Francesco] (Italian, Celestinian  abbot general, cardinal, died at about age 71 in 1294)

     St. Luke Vu Ba Loan of Tonkin (Vietnamese, priest, martyred at age 84 in 1840 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad of Fåglavik [Maria Elisabet] (Swedish, virgin, reformer of St. Bridget’s Order of the Most Holy Savior [Brigittines], died in Italy at age 86 in 1957 [beatified 2000, canonized 2016])

     Bl. Margaret of Vau-le-Duc [Marguerite] (Belgian, Cistercian  abbess, d. 1277)

     St. Metrophanes of Byzantium (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, d. 325)

     St. Nennoc (British, abbess in France, c. 467)

     St. Optatus of Milevis (Numidian [Algerian], bishop, opposed Donatist heresy, c. 387)

     Sts. Petroc of Cornwall, Croidan, Medan, and Degan (Welsh, hermit, abbot and disciples, 6th Century)

     St. Philip Smaldone of Naples [Filippo] (Italian, diocesan priest, founded Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart, died at age 74 in 1923 [beatified 1996, canonized 2006])

     St. Quirinus of Tivoli (Italian, early martyr)

     St. Quirinus of Sisak (Dalmatian [from part of what is now Croatia], bishop, martyred by drowning in Hungary in 308)

     St. Rutilus and companions, of Sabaria (early martyrs in Hungary)

     St. Saturnina of Arras (French, virgin, early martyr)

     St. Vincenza Gerosa of Lovere [baptized Caterina (Catherine)] (Italian, orphan, co-founded and led Sisters of Charity of Lovere for health care and education of poor, tended grapevines used for sacramental wine, died at about age 63 in 1846 [beatified 1926, canonized 1950]) [commemorated by some on the 28th]

     St. Walter of Serviliano [Gualtiero] (Roman, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, c. 1250)

     St. Walter of Fontenelle [Gautier] (English, Benedictine  abbot in France, d. 1150)



On June 5, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Boniface of Crediton [baptized Wynfrith] ["Apostle of Germany"] (British, Benedictine  priest, missionary in Germany, archbishop, martyred [probably axed] by pagans in Holland when between 73 and 81 years of age in 754)

     Sts. Adaler, Hadulph, and companions (Benedictine  monks, co-workers of St. Boniface, martyred in Holland in 755)

     St. Dorotheus of Tyre (Phoenician [Lebanese], bishop, martyred [clubbed] in Greece at about age 107 c. 362)

     St. Dorotheus of Gaza (Egyptian, abbot, c. 640)

     St. Eoban of Utrecht (Irish, Benedictine  priest, missionary with St. Boniface in Germany, bishop in Holland, martyred in 755)

     St. Felix of Fritzlar (German, Benedictine  monk, martyred by pagans in c. 790)

     Bl. Ferdinand the Constant of Santarem [Fernando] (Portuguese, prince, martyred [neglect in prison] by Moslems in Morocco at age 40 in 1443 [beatified 1470])

     Sts. Florentius, Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, of Perugia (Italian, martyred by beheading in 250)

     St. Franco of Asserigo (Italian, Benedictine  hermit, c. 1275)

     Sts. Marcian, Nicanor, Apollonius, and companions (Egyptian?, martyred c. 304)

     Bl. Margaret Lucy Szewczyk of Szepetówka [Małgorzata Łucja] (Polish [born in Ukraine], founded Congregation of the Daughters of the Sorrowful Mother of God (Seraphic Sisters), died at about age 76 in 1905 [beatified 2013])

     Bl. Meinwerk of Paderborn (German, bishop, d. 1036)

     St. Sanctius of Cordova (French, prisoner of war, emir's guard in Spain, martyred by Moslems in 851)

     St. Tudno of Caernarvon (Welsh, 6th Century)

     Sts. Zenais, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia (early martyrs)

[From a letter by St. Boniface:] "In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.

     Let us stand fast in what is right -- and prepare our souls for trial. Let us wait for God's strengthening aid and say to Him: 'O Lord, you have been our refuge in all generations.'

     Let us trust in Him who has placed this burden upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ.  For He is all-powerful, and He tells us: 'My yoke is easy, and my burden light.'

     Let us continue the fight on the day of the Lord. The days of anguish and of tribulation have overtaken us. If God so wills, 'let us die for the holy laws of our fathers,' so that we may deserve to obtain an eternal inheritance with them."



On June 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Norbert of Magdeburg (French, nobleman, wandering preacher, founder of Praemonstratensian Order [Norbertines], bishop, died in Germany at about age 53 in 1134)

     St. Agobard
of Lyons (Spanish, archbishop in France, theologian, liturgist, died at about age 71 in 840)

     St. Alexander of Fiesole (Italian, bishop, martyred by drowning in 590)

     Sts. Amantius, Alexander, and four companions, of Noyon (French, three brothers and three others, early martyrs)

     Sts. Artemius, Candida, and Paulina, of Rome (Italian ... converted jailer of Christians, his wife, and their daughter ... martyred c. 302)

     St. Bertrand of Cahors (French, bishop of Aquileia in Italy, martyred at about age 90 in 1350)

     St. Ceratius of Grenoble (French, bishop, died in 5th Century [canonized 1903])

     St. Claudius of Bracon (French, abbot, Bishop of Besançon, died at about age 90 c. 697)

     St. Eustorgius of Milan (Italian, bishop, d. 518)

     St. Falco of Cava (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1146 [beatified 1928])

     Bl. Gerard Tintorio of Monza [Gerardo] (Italian, layman, nurse of lepers, d. 1207 [beatified 1582])

     St. Gilbert of Neufontaines (French, Norbertine  abbot, d. 1152)

     St. Gudwall (Welsh, founder of monasteries, 6th Century)

     St. Gonzalo of Azebeyro [Gonsalvo] (Spanish, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1466)

     St. Jarlath of Connaught (Irish, nobleman, college founder, abbot, bishop, prophet, died at about age 95 c. 540) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Bl. John Davy (English, Carthusian  monk, deacon, chained to a wall and martyred by starvation under Henry VIII in 1537 [beatified 1886])

     St. John of Verona (Italian, bishop, 7th Century)

     St. Marcellinus Champagnat of Hameau du Rosey [Marcellin] (French, seminarian with St. John Mary Vianney, priest, educator, founder of Little Brothers of Mary [Marists], died at age 51 in 1840 [beatified 1955, canonized 1999]) [On New Zealand's "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Mary Karlowska of Slupowka [Maria] (Polish, founded Congregation of the Good Shepherd of the Divine Providence, died at age 69 in 1935 [beatified 1997])

     Bl. Mary Laura Mainetti of Colico [Maria Laura] [baptized/confirmed Teresina Elsa] (Italian, member [later convent superior] of Sisters of the Cross, schoolteacher, martyred [stabbed 19 times by three girls who wished to commit a satanic act] at age 60 in 2000 [beatified 2021])

     St. Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan of Trichur ([Asian] Indian, virgin, founded Congregation of the Holy Family, died at age 50 in 1926 [beatified 2000, canonized 2019]) [commemorated by some on the 8th]

     St. Philip (Israelite, deacon [Acts 6], 1st Century)

     St. Raphael Guizar Valencia of Cotija [Rafael] (Mexican, bishop of Veracruz, died at age 60 in 1938 [beatified 1995, canonized 2006])

     Holy Martyrs of Tarsus (Cilician [from what is now Turkey], early martyrs)

     St. Willibald of Wessex (British, prince, Benedictine  monk in Italy, missionary and bishop in Germany, died at about age 86 in 786 [canonized 938])



On June 7, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Anne of St. Batholomew Garcia of Almendral [Ana de San Bartolomé] (Spanish, shepherdess, first to join reformed Discalced Carmelites [of St. Teresa of Avila], prioress, poet, died at about age 76 in 1626 [beatified 1917])

     St. Anthony Mary Gianelli of Cereta [Antonio Maria] (Italian, parish priest, bishop of Bobbio, founder of Missioners of St. Alphonsus  and Sisters of St. Mary of the Garden, died at age 57 in 1846 [beatified 1925, canonized 1951])

     St. Aventinus of Bagneres (French, hermit, martyred by Moslems in 732)

     St. Colman of Argyll (Irish, abbot, bishop of Dromore, c. 610 [canonized 1903]) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Deochar of Herriedon (French or German, hermit, Benedictine  abbot, d. 847)

     St. Gottschalk (German, prince, missionary, martyred in 1066)

     St. Landolfo Variglia of Asti (Italian, Benedictine  monk, bishop, died at about age 64 in 1134)

     St. Lycarion (Egyptian, early martyr)

     St. Meriadoc of Vannes (French, hermit, bishop, d. 1302)

     St. Meriadoc (Welsh, hermit, bishop in France, c. 688)

     Bl. Odo of Massy (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 967)

     St. Paul of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], patriarch (bishop), exiled and imprisoned, martyred by strangling in Armenia c. 350)

     Sts. Peter, Wallabonso, Sabinianus, Wistremundus, Habentius, and Jeremias, of Cordova (Spanish ... priest, deacon, three monks, old man ... martyred [beheaded, burned, scourged to death] by Moslems in 851)

     St. Potamioena the Younger of Alexandria (Egyptian, young girl, martyred c. 304)

     St. Robert of Gargrave (English, Cistercian  abbot, mystic, died at about age 58 in 1159)

     St. Vulflagius of Abbeville (French, parish priest, hermit, c. 643)



On June 8, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Alexander Istvan of Szolnok [Sándor] (Hungarian, printer, Salesian  brother, martyred [hanged] by communists at age 38 in 1953 [beatified 2013])

     St. Bron of Cassel (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, bishop, c. 511)

     St. Calliope (virgin, martyred c. 250)

     St. Clodulf of Metz (French, Benedictine  abbot?, bishop for 40 years, died at about age 91 in 696)

     St. Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier (French, widow, Benedictine  abbess, d. 690)

     St. Gildard of Rouen (French, bishop, c. 514)

     St. Heraclius of Sens (French, bishop, c. 515)

     St. James Berthieu of Polminhac [Jacques] (French, diocesan priest, Jesuit  at age 35, missionary in Madagascar, martyred [beaten] at age 57 in 1896 [beatified 1965, canonized 2012]) [Commemorated by some on February 4]

     Bl. John Rainuzzi of Todi [Giovanni] ["The Almsgiver"] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1330)

     St. Levan of Cornwall (Irish, 6th Century)

     Bl. Mary of the Divine Heart Dröste zu Vischering of Münster [Maria vom Göttlichen Herzen] (German, virgin, religious of Sisters of the Good Shepherd  in Portugal, died at age 36 in 1899 [beatified 1975])

     St. Maximinus of Aix (bishop in France, 1st Century)

     St. Medard of Salency (French, bishop, died at about age 88 c. 545)

     St. Melania the Elder of Rome (Italian, patrician, widow, foundress of monastery in Palestine, died at about age 68 c. 410)

     St. Muirchu (Irish, 7th Century)

     Bl. Nicholas Medda of Gesturi [Nicola] [baptized Giovanni (John)] (Italian, Capuchin  friar, died at age 75 in 1958 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Pacifico Ramota of Cerano (Italian, Franciscan  friar, moral theologian, died at about age 61 in 1482 [beatified 1745])

     St. Robert of Frassinoro [Roberto] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1070)

     St. Sallustian of Sardinia (Italian)

     St. Syra of Troyes (Irish, nun in France, 7th Century)

     Sts. Victorinus of Camerino and Severinus of Septempeda (Italian, biological brothers, hermits, bishops, d. 543 and 550)

     St. William Fitzherbert of York (English, nobleman, king's chaplain, archbishop, monk, died at about age 53 in 1154 [canonized 1226])



On June 9, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Ephrem of Nisibis ["Harp of the Holy Spirit"] (West Mesopotamian [Syrian], deacon, hermit, theologian, composer of hymns, Doctor of the Church, died [in what is now Iraq] at about age 67 in 373)

     Bl. Ann Mary
Taigi of Siena [Anna Maria Geralda Antonia, nee Gianetti] (Italian, married for 48 years to a butler, mother of seven, repentant adulteress, Trinitarian  tertiary, mystic, counseled cardinals and popes, died at age 68 in 1837 [incorruptible] [beatified 1920])

     St. Baithin of Iona (Irish, abbot in Scotland, c. 598)

     St. Columba of Garton [also called Columkille and Colum Cille] (Irish, nobleman, bard, itinerant preacher, miracle worker, founder of monasteries, exiled to Scottish island, died at age 75 in 597) [On English, Irish, and Scottish "particular calendars"]

     St. Cumian of Bobbio (Irish, bishop, Benedictine  monk in Italy, 8th Century)

     Bl. Diana d'Andalo and Bl. Cecilia Caesarini of Bologna (Italian, disciples of St. Dominic, Dominican  nuns, 13th Century [beatified 1891])

     St. Joseph Anchieta of San Cristobal de la Laguna [Jose] ["Apostle of Brazil"] (Spanish [Canary Islander], Jesuit  in Portugal, missionary to Brazil from age 19, died at age 63 in 1597 [beatified 1980, canonized 2014])

     St. Julian (slave in Syrian Mesopotamia, monk, disciple of St. Ephrem, c. 370)

     Bl. Louis Boccardo of Torino [Luigi] ["Apostle of Merciful Love"] (Italian, parish priest, seminary professor, founded contemplative Order of Sisters of Christ the King, died at age 74 in 1936 [beatified 2007])

     St. Maximian of Siracusa (Sicilian, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 594)

     St. Pelagia of Antioch (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], virgin, martyred at age 15 c. 311)

     Sts. Primus and Felician of Rome (Italian, noblemen, biological brothers, tortured [force-fed molten lead] and martyred by beheading c. 297)

     St. Richard of Andria (English, bishop in Italy, miracle worker, c. 1197)

     Bl. Silvester Ventura of Florence [Silvestro] (Italian, wool carder and bleacher, Camaldolese  brother at age 40, cook, visionary, d. 1348)

     St. Vincent of Agen (French, deacon, martyred [beheaded] by Druid pagans c. 292)



On June 10, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Amata of San Sisto (Italian, Dominican  nun, d. 1270)

     Sts. Aresius, Rogatus, and fifteen companions (African, early martyrs)

     St. Asterius of Petra (Arabian, converted from Arian heresy, bishop, c. 363)

     Sts. Basilides, Tripos, Mandal, and twenty companions (martyred in 275)

     St. Bogumil of Dobrow (Polish, parish priest, archbishop of Gniezno, Camaldolese  hermit, died at about age 65 in 1182 [canonized 1925])

     Bl. Bonaventure Balduario of Peraga [Bonaventura] (Italian, Augustinian  hermit, superior general, cardinal, died at about age 54 in 1386)

     Blessed Capuchin Martyrs of Turkey (Lebanese, two Capuchin Franciscan  priests, refused to become Moslems, tortured and martyred in Turkey in 1881 and 1917 [beatified 2022])

----- Bl. Leonard Melki of B'abdat [Liunar] [baptized/confirmed Yusuf Habib] (died at age 33)

----- Bl. Thomas Saleh of B'abdat [Thuma] [baptized/confirmed Jirays Hana] (Maronite Catholic, died at age 37)

     St. Censurius of Auxerre (French, bishop, d. 486)

     Bl. Cosmas Spessotto Zamuner of Mansuè [Cosma] [baptized Sante] (Italian, peasant, Franciscan, parish priest in El Salvador, martyred [shot in church] at age 57 in 1980 [beatified 2022])

     Sts. Crispulus and Restitutus (martyred in 1st Century)

     Bl. Edward John Mary Poppe of Moerzeke [Edward Johannes Maria] (Belgian, parish priest, died at age 33 in 1924 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Eustace Kugler of Neuhaus bei Nittenau [Eustachius] [baptized Josef (Joseph)] (German, blacksmith's apprentice, religious brother and provincial superior of Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, died [stomach cancer] at age 79 in 1946 [beatified 2009])

     St. Evermund of Fontenay (French, married man, courtier, Benedictine  abbot, c. 720)

     Sts. Getulius, Caerealis, Amantius, and Primitivus of Rome (Italian, military officers, martyred by clubbing c. 120)

     Bl. Henry of Treviso [Enrico] (Italian, day laborer, beggar, died at about age 64 in 1315 [beatified 1750])

     St. Illadan of Rathliphthen (Irish, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Ithamar of Rochester (British, bishop, c. 656)

     Bl. John of Dominic de Banchini of Florence [Giovanni Dominici] (Italian, Dominican  priest and vicar-provincial, theologian, confessor and advisor of pope, cardinal archbishop of Ragusa, papal legate, writer of scriptural commentaries and hymns, died in Hungary at about age 62 in 1419 [beatified 1837])

     Blessed Martyrs of La Rochelle [also called "... of Rocheport"] (French, 64 men [at least 30 ordained], martyred by revolutionaries in 1794 and 1795 [beatified 1995])
[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Landerico of Novalese (Italian, Benedictine  monk, martyred by drowning in 1050)

     St. Landericus of Paris (French, bishop, c. 661)

     Bl. Mary Magdalen of Carpi [Maria Maddalena] (Italian, Servite  sister, collector of alms, d. 1546)

     St. Maurinus of Cologne (German, abbot, martyr)

     St. Maximus of Naples (Italian, bishop, martyred in 4th Century)

     St. Timothy of Prusa (Bithynian [from what is now Turkey], bishop, d. 362)

     St. Zachary of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], early martyr)



     Blessed Martyrs of La Rochelle [also called "Blessed Martyrs of Rocheport"]  -- CONTINUED

(French, 64 men [at least 30 ordained], martyred by revolutionaries in 1794 and 1795 [beatified 1995])
  [Parish priests, vicars general, and canons:]
----- Bl. Andrew Joseph
Marchandon [André-Joseph] (parish priest, died at age 49)
----- Bl. Anthony
Bannassat [Antoine] (parish priest, died at age 65)
----- Bl. Charles Arnold
Hanus [Charles-Arnaud] (canon, died at age 71)
----- Bl. Claude Barnabas
de Laurent de Mascloux [Claude-Barnabé] (canon, died at age 59)
----- Bl. Claude
Dumonet (priest, died at age 47)
----- Bl. Florent
Dumontet de Cardaillac (vicar general, died at age 45)
----- Bl. Francis
d'Oudinot de la Boissière [François] (canon, died at age 48)
----- Bl. Francis
Hunot [François] (canon, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Francis
Mayaudon [François] (priest, died at age 55)
----- Bl. George Edme
René [Georges] (canon, died at age 46)
----- Bl. James
Lombardie [Jacques] (parish priest, died at age 57)
----- Bl. John Baptist
de Bruxelles [Jean-Baptiste] (canon, died at age 60)
----- Bl. John Baptist Ignatius Peter
Vernoy de Montjournal [Jean-Baptiste Ignace Pierre] (canon, died at age 58)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Souzy [Jean-Baptiste] (vicar general, died at age 62)
----- Bl. John Francis
Jarrige de la Morelie de Breuil [Jean-François] (canon, died at age 42)
----- Bl. John
Hunot [Jean] (canon, died at age 52)
----- Bl. John Joseph
Juge de Saint-Martin [Jean-Joseph] (canon, died at age 55)
----- Bl. Michael Bernard
Marchand [Michel-Bernard] (priest, died at age 45)
----- Bl. Nicholas
Tabouillot [Nicolas] (parish priest, died at age 50)
----- Bl. Noel Hilary
le Conte [Noël-Hilaires] (priest, died at age 29)
----- Bl. Peter
Gabilhaud [Pierre] (parish priest, died at age 47)
----- Bl. Peter
Jarrige de la Morelie de Biars [Peter] (canon, died at age 57)
----- Bl. Peter Joseph
Legroing de la Romagère [Pierre-Joseph] (priest, died at age 42)
----- Bl. Peter Michael
Noël [Pierre-Michel] (priest, died at age 40)
----- Bl. Peter Yrieix
Labrouche de Laborderie [Pierre-Yrieix](canon, died at age 38)
----- Bl. Philippe
Papon (parish priest, died at age 50)
----- Bl. Raymond
Petiniaud de Jourgnac (vicar general, died at age 47)
----- Bl. Scipio Jerome
Brigéat de Lambert [Scipion-Jérôme] (canon, died at age 61)
----- Bl. Sebastian Lupus
Hunot [Sebastian-Loup] (canon, died at age 49)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Laborier du Vivier [Jean-Baptiste] (died at age 60)
  [Members of religious orders/congregations (monks and friars -- priests and brothers):]
----- Bl. Augustine Joseph
Desjardin (Cistercian  monk, died at age 44)
----- Bl. Charles Anthony Nicholas
Ancel [Charles-Antoine-Nicolas] (member of Society of Jesus and Mary, died at age 31)
----- Bl. Charles René
Collas du Bignon (Sulpician, died at age 51)
----- Bl. Claude
Béguignot (Carthusian, died at age 58) [commemorated by his order on August 5]
----- Bl. Claude
Richard (Benedictine, died at age 53)
----- Bl. Claude Joseph
Jouffret de Bonnefont (Sulpician, died at age 42)
----- Bl. Francis
François [François] (Capuchin, died at age 45)
----- Bl. Gabriel
Pergaud (Augustinian, died at age 42)
----- Bl. Gervase Protase
Brunel [Gervaise-Protase] (Cistercian, died at age 50)
----- Bl. Louis Francis
Lebrun [Louis-François] (Benedictine, died at age 50)
----- Bl. James
Gagnot [Jacques] (Discalced Carmelite, died at age 41)
----- Bl. James
Retouret [Jacques] (Carmelite, died at age 48)
----- Bl. John
Bourdon [Jean] (Franciscan, died at age 47)
----- Bl. John
Mopinot [Jean] (Christian Brother, died at age 70)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Duverneuil [Jean-Baptiste] (Discalced Carmelite, died at age 57)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Guillaume [Jean-Baptiste] (Christian Brother, died at age 49)
----- Bl. John Baptist James Louis Xavier
Loir [Jean-Baptiste Jacques] (Franciscan, died at age 74)
----- Bl. John George
Rehm [Jean-Georges] (Dominican, died at age 42)
----- Bl. John Nicholas
Cordier [Jean-Nicolas] (Jesuit, died at age 84)
----- Bl. Joseph
Imbert (Jesuit, died c. age 74)
----- Bl. Lazarus
Tiersot [Lazare] (Carthusian, died at age 55) [commemorated by his order on August 5]
----- Bl. Louis Armand Joseph
Adam (Franciscan, died at age 53)
----- Bl. Michael Louis
Brulard [Michel-Louis] (Discalced Carmelite, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Nicholas
Savouret [Nicolas] (Franciscan, died at age 61)
----- Bl. Paul John
Charles [Paul Jean] (Cistercian, died at age 44)
----- Bl. Peter Sulpicius Christopher
Faverge [Pierre-Sulpice-Christophe] (Christian Brother, died at age 49)
  [Other laity and people of uncertain status:]
----- Bl. Anthony
Auriel [Antoine] (died at age 30)
----- Bl. Bartholomew
Jarrige de la Morelie de Biars [Barthélémy] (layman, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Claude
Laplace (died at age 69)
----- Bl. Elijah
Leymarie de Laroche [Élie] (died at age 36)
----- Bl. James Morellus
Dupas [Jacques-Morellus] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Menestral [Jean-Baptiste] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Louis
Wulphy Huppy (layman, died at age 27)
----- Bl. Marcel
Gaucher Labiche de Reignefort (died at age 43)



On June 11, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Barnabas ["Son of Encouragement," real name Joseph] (Cypriot, Jewish [Levite], apostle [by extension], companion of Sts. Paul and Mark, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Blitharius
of Seganne (Scottish, died in France in 7th Century)

     Sts. Felix and Fortunatus of Vicenza (Italian, biological brothers, died in 296)

     St. Herebald of Brittany (British, hermit in France, 8th Century)

     Bl. Hugh of Marchiennes [Hugues] (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1158)

     Bl. Ignatius Maloyan of Mardin [baptized Shoukrallah] (Armenian [Turkish-born], archbishop, tortured and martyred by Moslems at age 46 in 1915 [beatified 2001])

     Bl. Mary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Schinina of Ragusa [Maria del Sacro Cuore di Gesu] (Italian, virgin, founded Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 66 in 1910 [beatified 1990])

     St. Mary Rose Molas y Vallvé of Reus [Maria Rosa] (Spanish, founded Institute of the Sisters of Consolation, died at age 61 in 1876 [beatified 1977, canonized 1988])

     St. Parisio of Treviso (Italian, Camaldolese  priest, chaplain to Camaldolese  nuns for 77 years, died at age 115 in 1267)

     St. Paula Frassinetti of Genoa [Paola] (Italian, sister of four priests, founded Sisters of St. Dorothy  to teach poor children, died at age 73 in 1882 [incorruptible] [beatified 1930, canonized 1984])

     Bl. Peter Rodrigues [Pedro], Bl. Damian Vaz [Damiano], and five companions (Portuguese, knights, martyred by Moslems in 1242)

     Bl. Sultan Louis Meszlenyi of Hatvan [Zoltan Lajos] (Hungarian, auxiliary bishop of Esztergom, martyred by Communists at age 61 in 1953 [beatified 2009])

     St. Tochumra of Kilmore (Irish, virgin)

     St. Tochumra of Tuam (Irish, virgin)



On June 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Amphion of Cilicia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop of Epiphania, bishop of Cilicia, bishop of Nicomedia, d. 325)

     St. Antonia (from Asia Minor?, virgin, martyred c. 304?)

     Bl. Antonia Maria Verna of Pasquaro di Rivarolo Canavese (Italian, virgin, founded Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea, died at age 65 in 1838 [beatified 2011])

     Sts. Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius (early martyrs [beheaded] in Rome)

     St. Caspar Bertoni of Verona [Gaspare] (Italian, visionary as a child, priest, chaplain to sisters, spiritual counselor, founder of Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ [Stigmatines], died at age 57 in 1835 [beatified 1975, canonized 1989])

     St. Christian O'Morgair of Clogher (Irish, bishop, d. 1138)

     St. Cunera (British, virgin)

     St. Eskil of Strangnäss (English, missionary in Sweden, bishop, martyred [stoned] by pagans c. 1080)

     St. Gerebald of Châlons-sur-Seine (French, bishop, d. 885)

     Bl. Guy Vignotelli of Cortona [Guido] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, d. 1245)

     Bl. Helen of Gniezno [Jolanta] (Polish, princess, duchess, widow, superior of convent, d. 1298 [beatified 1827])

     Bl. Hildegard Burjan of Görlitz [nee Freund] (German, wife and mother, completed Jew, member of Austrian parliament, supporter of workers and oppressed people, founded Association of Christian Women Home Workers  and Congregation of Sisters of Social Charity, died at age 50 in 1933 [beatified 2012])

     St. John Gonzales de Castrillo of Sahagun [Juan] (Spanish, priest, Augustinian   prior, mystic, died at about age 59 in 1479 [beatified 1601, canonized 1690])

     Bl. Lawrence Mary of St. Francis Xavier Salvi of Rome [Lorenzo Maria di San Francesco Saverio] (Italian, Passionist  priest and superior, itinerant missionary, promoter of Holy Childhood of Jesus, died at age 73 in 1856 [beatified 1989])

     Pope St. Leo III of Rome (Italian, priest, cardinal, elected to papacy in 795, crowned Bl. Charlemagne as first head of Holy Roman Empire, reigned until death in 816 [canonized 1673])

     Bl. Louis Nai-sen (Japanese, martyred by beheading at age 7 in Nagasaki in 1626 [beatified 1867])

     Sts. Marinus, Vimius, and Zimius, of Regensburg (German, Benedictine  monks, hermits, 12th Century)

     Bl. Mary Candida of the Eucharist Barba of Catazaro [Maria Candida dell'Eucharistia] [baptized Maria] (Italian, daughter of a judge in Sicily, Discalced Carmelite  nun at age 35, prioress, died at age 65 in 1949 [beatified 2004])

     Bl. Mercedes Mary of Jesus Molina of Baba [Mercedes Maria de Jesus] (Ecuadoran, virgin, founded Institute of the Sisters of St. Mary Ann of Jesus, died at about age 54 in 1883 [beatified 1985])

     St. Odulf of Stavoren (Belgian, parish priest, missionary in Holland, died c. 855)

     St. Olympius of Enos (Rumelian [Bulgarian], bishop, opponent of Arian heresy, c. 344)

     St. Onuphrius (Egyptian, desert hermit for 70 years, c. 400)

     Bl. Placid of Val d'Ocre [Placido] (Italian, hermit, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1248)

     Blessed Polish Martyrs of World War II (of Polish nationality, 108 people [approximate numbers: 3 bishops, over 80 priests and seminarians, over 15 religious brothers, religious sisters, and other laity], many helped Jews, martyred [gassed, shot, drowned, burned, beaten, etc.] by Nazis in Poland and Austria and Germany [at Dachau, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, Majdanek, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen, etc.] between 1939 and 1945 [beatified 1999])
[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     Bl. Stephen Bandelli of Castelnuovo [Stefano] (Italian, nobleman, Dominican  priest, university lecturer, died at about age 80 in 1450 [beatified 1856])

     St. Ternan of Culross (Scottish, missionary bishop, 5th Century)



     Blessed Polish Martyrs of World War II -- CONTINUED

(of Polish nationality, 108 people [approximate numbers: 3 bishops, over 80 priests and seminarians, over 15 religious brothers, religious sisters, and other laity], many helped Jews, martyred [gassed, shot, drowned, burned, beaten, etc.] by Nazis in Poland and Austria and Germany [at Dachau, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, Majdanek, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen, etc.] between 1939 and 1945 [beatified 1999])
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Goral of Stoczek [Wladyslaw] (auxiliary bishop of Lublin, died at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 47 in 1945)
----- Bl. Anthony Julian
Nowowiejski of Lubienie [Antoni Julian] (archbishop of Plock, refused to step on crucifix at Dzialdowo [Poland] concentration camp, died at age 83 in 1941)
----- Bl. Leon
Wetmanski of Zuromin (auxiliary bishop of Plock, died at Dzialdowo [Poland] at age 55 in 1941)
  [Diocesan priests:]
----- Bl. Roman
Archutowski of Karolin (died at Majdanek [Poland] at age 60 in 1943)
----- Bl. Adam
Bargielski of Kalinowo (died at Dachau [German] at age 39 in 1942)
----- Bl. Anthony
Beszta-Borowski of Borowskie Olki [Antoni] (died at Piliki [Poland] at age 63 in 1943)
----- Bl. Maximilian
Binkiewicz of Zarnowiec [Maksymilian] (beaten to death at Dachau [Germany] at age 29 in 1942)
----- Bl. Michael
Bohatkiewicz of Krykaly [Mieczyslaw] (shot at Borek [Poland] at age 38 in 1942)
----- Bl. John Nepomucene
Chrzan of Gostyczyn [Jan Nepomucen] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 57 in 1942)
----- Bl. Joseph
Czempiel of Jozefka [Józef] (died at Mauthausen [Germany] at age 58 in 1942)
----- Bl. Francis
Dachtera of Salno [Franciszek] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 33 in 1944)
----- Bl. Peter Edward
Dankowski of Jordanow [Piotr] (died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 33 in 1942)
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Demski of Sztum [Wladyslaw] (died at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at about age 56 in 1940)
----- Bl. Edward
Detkens of Mokotow (died at Linz [Austria] four days before his 57th birthday in 1942)
----- Bl. Louis Roch
Gietyngier of Zarki [Ludwik] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 37 in 1941)
----- Bl. Casimir
Gostynski of Warsaw [Kazimierz] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 58 in 1942)
----- Bl. Marian
Gorecki of Poznan (died at Stutthof [Germany] at age 36 in 1940)
----- Bl. Casimir
Grelewski of Dwikozy [Kazimierz] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 37 in 1942)
----- Bl. Steven
Grelewski of Dwikozy [Stefan] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 41 in 1941)
----- Bl. Edward
Grzymala of Kolodziaz (died at Dachau [German] at age 33 in 1942)
----- Bl. Henry
Hlebowicz of Grodno [Henryk] (shot at Borysow [Poland] at age 37 in 1941)
----- Bl. Dominic
Jedrzejewski of Kowal [Dominik] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 56 in 1942)
----- Bl. Henry
Kaczorowski of Bierzwienna [Henryk] (seminary rector, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 53 in 1942)
----- Bl. Bronislaus
Komorowski of Barlozno [Bronislaw] (died at Stutthof [Germany] at age 50 in 1940)
----- Bl. Marian
Konopinski of Kluczewo (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 35 in 1943)
----- Bl. Stanislaus
Kubski of Ksiaz [Stanislaw] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 66 in 1942)
----- Bl. Joseph
Kurzawa of Swierczyn [Józef] (died at Witowo [Poland] at age 30 in 1940)
----- Bl. Joseph
Kut of Slawin [Józef] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 37 in 1942)
----- Bl. Vladimir
Laskowski of Rogozno [Wlodzimierz] (died at Gusen [Poland] at age 54 in 1940)
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Mackowiak of Sytki [Wladyslaw] (shot at Borek [Poland] at age 32 in 1942)
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Maczkowski of Ociaz [Wladyslaw] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 31 in 1942)
----- Bl. Vincent
Matuszewski at Chruscienska Wola [Wincenty] (died at Witowo at age 71 in 1940)
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Miegon of Samborzec [Wladyslaw] (chaplain of Military Ordinariate, died at age 49 in 1942)
----- Bl. Stanislaus
Mysakowski of Wojslawice [Stanislaw] (died at Hartheim [Austria] at age 46 in 1942)
----- Bl. Leon
Nowakowski of Byton (died at Piotrkow Kujawski [Poland] at age 26 in 1939)
----- Bl. Michael
Ozieblowski of Izdebno [Michal] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 41 in 1942)
----- Bl. Joseph
Pawlowski of Proszowice [Józef] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 51 in 1942)
----- Bl. Michael
Piaszczynski of Lomza [Michal] (died at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 55 in 1940)
----- Bl. Sigmund
Pisarski of Krasnystaw [Zygmunt] (died at Gdeszyn [Poland] at age 40 in 1943)
----- Bl. Narcissus
Putz of Sierakow [Narcyz] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 65 in 1942)
----- Bl. Stanislaus
Pyrtek of Bystra Podhalanska [Stanislaw] (died at Borek [Poland] at age 29 in 1942)
----- Bl. Anthony
Rewera of Samborzec [Antoni] (founder of Congregation of the Sons of the Seraphic St. Francis, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 73 in 1942)
----- Bl. Francis
Rogaczewski of Lipinki [Franciszek] (died at Stutthof [Germany] at age 37 in 1940)
----- Bl. Francis
Roslaniec of Wysmierzyce [Franciszek] (died at Linz [Austria] at age 52 in 1942)
----- Bl. Sigmund
Sajna of Zurawlowka [Zygmunt] (died at Palmiry [Poland] at age 43 in 940)
----- Bl. Roman
Sitko (died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 62 in 1942)
----- Bl. Marian
Skrzypczak of Janowiec (shot at Plonkowo [Poland] at age 30 in 1939)
----- Bl. Alexis
Sobaszek of Przygodzice Wielkie [Aleksy] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 47 in 1942)
----- Bl. Joseph
Straszewski of Wloclawek [Józef] (died at age 57 in 1942)
----- Bl. William
Strzelecki of Poniemon [Boleslaw] (died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 44 in 1941)
----- Bl. Anthony
Swiadek of Pobiedziska [Antoni] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 35 in 1945)
----- Bl. Casimir
Sykulski of Konskie [Kazimierz] (died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 58 in 1942)
----- Bl. Emil
Szramek of Tworkow (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 54 in 1942)
----- Bl. Michael
Wozniak of Sokolowo [Michal] (died at Dachau [Poland] at age 66 in 1942)
----- Bl. Anthony
Zawistowski of Strumiany [Antoni] (died at Dachau [Germany] at age 59 in 1942)
  [Religious order priests and seminarians:]
----- Bl. Antoninus
Bajewski of Vilnius [Antonin] [baptized Jan Eugeniusz (John Eugene)] (Lithuanian-born, Franciscan, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 26 in 1941)
----- Bl. Pius
Bartosik of Kokanin [baptized Ludwik (Louis)] (Franciscan, confrere of St. Maximilian Kolbe, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 32 in 1941)
----- Bl. Ladislaus
Bladzinski of Myzlatycze [Wladyslaw] (Michaelite, died at Gross-Rosen at age 36 in 1944)
----- Bl. Joseph
Cebula of Malnia [Józef] (Oblate of Mary Immaculate, died at Mauthausen [Germany] at age 39 in 1941)
----- Bl. Fidelis
Chojnacki of Lodz [baptized Hieronim (Jerome)] (Capuchin, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 35 in 1942)
----- Bl. Michael
Czartoryski of Pelkinie [Michal] [baptized Jan (John)] (Dominican, died at Sluzew at age 47 in 1944)
----- Bl. Francis
Drzewiecki of Zduny [Franciszek] (priest of Congregation of the Little Work of Divine Providence, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 34 in 1942)
----- Bl. Symforian
Ducki of Warsaw [baptized Felix] (Capuchin, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 53 in 1942)
----- Bl. Gregory
Frackowiak of Lowenice [Grzegorz] [baptized Boleslaw (William)] (Divine Word Missionary, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 31 in 1943)
----- Bl. Christian
Gondek of Slona [Krystyn] [baptized Wojciech (Adalbert)] (Franciscan, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 33 in 1942)
----- Bl. Innocent
Guz of Lviv [Innocenty] [baptized Józef Wojciech (Joseph Adalbert)] (Ukrainian-born, Franciscan, died at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 50 in 1940)
----- Bl. Joseph
Jankowski of Czyczkowy [Józef] (Palottine, beaten to death at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 30 in 1941)
----- Bl. Hilary
Januszewski of Krajenki [baptized Pawel (Paul)] (Carmelite, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 38 in 1945)
----- Bl. Chester
Jozwiak of Lazyn [Czeslaw] (Salesian seminarian, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 22 in 1942)
----- Bl. George
Kaszyra of Aleksandrowo [Jerzy] (Marianist, burned to death at Rosica [Poland] at age 38 in 1943)
----- Bl. Edward
Kazmierski of Poznan (Salesian seminarian, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 22 in 1942)
----- Bl. Francis
Kesy of Berlin [Franciszek] (German-born, Salesian seminarian, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 21 in 1942)
----- Bl. Edward
Klinik of Bochum (German-born, Salesian seminarian, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 23 in 1942)
----- Bl. Anicletus
Koplinski of Debrzno [Anicet] (Capuchin, died at Debrzno [Poland] at age 66 in 1941)
----- Bl. Joseph
Kowalski of Siedliska [Józef] (Salesian, drowned at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 31 in 1942)
----- Bl. Henry
Krzysztofik of Zachorzew [Henryk] [baptized Józef (Joseph)] (Capuchin, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 34 in 1942)
----- Bl. Stanislaus
Kubista of Kostuchna [Stanislaw] (Divine Word Missionary, died at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 41 in 1940)
----- Bl. Anthony
Leszczewicz of Abramowszczyzna [Antoni] (Marianist, burned to death at Rosica [Poland] at age 52 in 1943)
----- Bl. Aloysius
Liguba of Winow [Alojzy] (Divine Word Missionary, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 44 in 1942)
----- Bl. Alphonse Mary of the Holy Spirit
Mazurek of Baranowka [Alfons Maria] [baptized Jozef (Joseph)] (Discalced Carmelite, shot at Nawojowa Gora [Poland] at age 53 in 1944)
----- Bl. Louis
Mzyk of Chorzow Stary [Ludwik] (Divine Word Missionary, died at Poznan [Poland] at age 36 in 1942)
----- Bl. Adalbert
Nierychlewski of Dobrowice [Wojciech] (Michaelite, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 39 in 1942)
----- Bl. Martin
Oprzadek of Koscielec [Marcin] [baptized Jan (John)] (Franciscan, died at Linz [Austria] at age 58 in 1942)
----- Bl. Achilles
Puchala of Kosina [baptized Józef (Joseph)] (Franciscan, died at Borowikowszczyzna [Poland] at age 32 in 1943)
----- Bl. Joseph
Stanek of Lapsze Nizne [Józef] (Palottine, died at Czerniakow [Poland] at age 27 in 1944)
----- Bl. Herman
Stepien of Lodz [baptized Karol (Charles)] (Franciscan, died at Borowikowszczyzna [Poland] at age 32 in 1943)
----- Bl. Florian
Stepniak of Zdzary [baptized Józef (Joseph)] (Capuchin, died at Linz [Austria] at age 30 in 1942)
----- Bl. Narcissus
Turchan of Biskupice [Narcyz] [baptized Jan (John)] (Franciscan, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 62 in 1942)
----- Bl. Jarogniew
Wojciechowski of Poznan (Salesian seminarian, guillotined at Dresden [Germany] at age 19 in 1942)
----- Bl. Bruno
Zembol of Letownia [Brunon] [baptized Jan (John)] (Franciscan, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 36 in 1942)
  [Religious brothers and sisters:]
----- Bl. Celestina
Faron of Zabrzez [Celestyna] [baptized Katarzyna (Catherine)] (Sister Servant of the Immaculate Conception, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 30 in 1944)
----- Bl. Alicia
Kotowska of Warsaw [Alicja] [baptized Maria Jadwiga (Mary Hedwig)] (Resurrectionist, died at Piasnica nine days before her 40th birthday in 1939)
----- Bl. Maria Teresa of the Child Jesus
Kowalska of Warsaw [baptized Mieczyslawa] (Poor Clare Capuchin  nun, died at Dzialdowo [Poland] at about age 39 in 1941)
----- Bl. Maria Antonina
Kratochwil of Ostrava-Vitcovice [baptized Maria Anna (Mary Ann)] (Moravian-born, religious of School Sisters of Notre Dame, died at Stanislawow at age 61 in 1942)
----- Bl. Mary Eve of Providence
Noiszewska of Osaniszki [Maria Ewa] [baptized Bogumila] (Lithuanian-born, religious of Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, died at Gora Pietralewicka at age 57 in 1942)
----- Bl. Anastasius
Pankiewicz of Nagorzany [Anastazy] [baptized Jakub (James)] (Franciscan, founder of Congregation of the Antonian Sisters of Christ the King, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 59 in 1942)
----- Bl. Julia
Rodzinska of Nawojowa [baptized Stanislava (Estelle)] (Dominican, died at Stutthof [Germany] at age 45 in 1945)
----- Bl. Mary Clement of the Crucified Jesus
Staszewska of Zloczew [Maria Klemensa] [baptized Elena (Helen)] (Ursuline, died at Auschwitz [Poland] three days before her 53rd birthday in 1943)
----- Bl. Timothy
Trojanowski of Sadlowo [Tymoteusz] [baptized Stanislaw Antoni (Stanislaus Anthony)] (Franciscan, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 33 in 1942)
----- Bl. Mary Martha of Jesus
Wolowska of Lublin [Maria Marta] [baptized Kazimiera] (Immaculatian, died at Gora Pietralewicka at age 63 in 1942)
----- Bl. Joseph
Zaplata of Jerka [Józef] (member of Congregation of Christian Brothers, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 40 in 1945)
----- Bl. Boniface
Zlukowski of Baran-Rapa [Bonifacy] [baptized Piotr (Peter)] (Franciscan, died at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 29 in 1942)
  [Other Laity:]
----- Bl. Mary Ann
Biernacka of Lipsk [Marianna] [née Czokala] (died at Naumowicze [Poland] at about age 55 in 1943)
----- Bl. Thaddeus
Dulny of Kszczonowice [Tadeusz] (seminarian, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 27 in 1942)
----- Bl. Bronislaus
Kostowski of Slupsk [Bronislaw] (seminarian, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 27 in 1942)
----- Bl. Stanislaus
Starowiejski of Ustrobna [Stanislaw] (husband and father, died at Dachau [Germany] at age 45 in 1941)
----- Bl. Francis
Stryjas of Popowo [Franciszek] (died at Kalisz [Poland] at age 62 in 1944)
----- Bl. Natalie
Tulasiewicz of Rzeszow [Natalia] (gassed at Ravensbruck [Germany] at age 38 in 1945)



On June 13, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Anthony of Lisbon [better known as Anthony of Padua] [Antonio] [baptized Fernando (Ferdinand)] ["Hammer of Heretics"] (Portuguese, Augustinian  friar in Portugal, Franciscan  priest in Italy, miracle worker, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 35 in 1231 [canonized 1232])

     St. Aquilina
of Byblus (Syrian, virgin, tortured and martyred by beheading at about age 12 in 293)

     St. Augustine Phan Viet Huy (Vietnamese, soldier, helper of foreign missionaries, tortured and martyred [sawn in half] at about age 42 in 1839 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Damhnade (Irish, virgin)

     St. Fandilas of Penamelaria (Spanish, abbot, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 853)

     St. Felicula of Rome (Italian, virgin, martyred by starvation and dehydration c. 90)

     Sts. Fortunatus and Lucian (African, early martyrs)

     Bl. Gerard de Fontaine of Clairvaux (French, brother of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and Bl. Humbeline of Jully, soldier, Cistercian  monk, died at about age 58 in 1138)

     St. Peregrinus of Aquila (Italian, bishop of Amiternum, martyred [drowned] by Arian heretics c. 600)

     St. Rambert (French, courtier, martyred c. 680)

     St. Triphyllius of Nicosia (Cypriot, lawyer, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, c. 370)



On June 14, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Anastasius of Cordova, Felix of Alcala, and Digna of Tábanos (Spanish, Benedictines ... two monks and nun at a double monastery ... martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 853)

     Bl. Castora Gabrielli of Sant'Angelo in Vado (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, widow, d. 1391)

     St. Cearan the Devout of Belloch-Duin (Irish, abbot, d. 870)

     St. Dogmael of Cunedda (Welsh, monk, 6th Century)

     St. Elgar of Bardsey (English, hermit, c. 1100)

     St. Elisha of Abelmeholah [also called Eliseus] (Israelite, prophet, successor of Elijah [Elias], 8th Century B.C.)

     St. Etherius of Vienne (French, bishop, c. 675)

     Bl. Frances of Paola of Jesus Isabel of São João del Rey [Francisca de Paula de Jesus] ["Nhá Chica" (Aunt Fannie)] (Brazilian, laywoman, daughter of former slave, orphan at age 10, illiterate anchoress, spiritual advisor, died at about age 87 in 1895 [beatified 2013])

     St. Gerold of Fontenelle (French, courtier, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Evreux, d. 806)

     Bl. Hartwig of Salzburg (Austrian, archbishop, d. 1023)

     St. Joseph of the Studium [also known as Joseph of Thessalonika] (Sicilian, monk in Greece and Constantinople, writer of hundreds of hymns, fled iconoclast heretics, slave on Crete, bishop, died at about age 76 c. 886)

     St. Lotharius of Séez (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop for 32 years, c. 756)

     St. Marcian of Siracusa (Sicilian, bishop, martyred [thrown from a tower] by Jews c. 255)

     Bl. Mario Ciceri of Veduggio (Italian, farmers' son, archdiocesan priest, died at age 44 in 1945 [beatified 2022])

     St. Mark of Lucera (Italian, bishop, c. 328)

     St. Methodius I of Siracusa (Sicilian, monk in Turkey, patriarch (bishop) of Constantinople, opposed iconoclast heresy, d. 847)

     St. Nennus of Arran (Scottish, abbot, 7th Century)

     St. Psalmodius of Limoges (Irish or Scottish, hermit in France, c. 690)

     St. Quintian of Rodez (French, bishop)

     Bl. Richard of Saint Vannes (French, Benedictine  monk, d. 1046)

     Sts. Valerius and Rufinus of Rome (Italian, missionaries to Gaul [France], martyred c. 287)



On June 15, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Abraham of Saint-Cyrgues (Mesopotamian [Syrian or Iraqi], escaped captivity in Egypt, hermit in France, abbot, priest, c. 480)

     St. Adelaide of La Cambre [Aleydis] [also known as Alice of Schaerbeck] (Belgian, Cistercian  nun, offered sufferings [blindness/leprosy/paralysis] for souls in Purgatory, d. 1250 [canonized 1907])


     Bl. Albertina Berkenbrock of São Luís (Brazilian, student, martyred [stabbed in the heart while defending her virginity] at age 12 in 1931 [beatified 2007])


     St. Amos of Tekoa (Israelite, shepherd who trimmed sycamores, Old Testament prophet, martyred [iron bar transfixed temples] in 8th Century B.C.)

     St. Bardo of Oppershofen (German, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop of Mainz, died at about age 71 in 1053)

     St. Benildis of Cordova (Spanish, virgin, martyred [burned at stake] by Moslems in 853)

     Bl. Clement Vismara of Agrate Brianza [Clemente] (Italian, Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions  priest in Burma, died at age 90 in 1988 [beatified 2011])

     St. Constantine of Beauvais (French, monk, bishop, c. 706)

     Sts. Domitian and Hadelinus of Lobbes (French, Benedictine  monks, c. 686)

     St. Edburga of Winchester (British, Benedictine  abbess, d. 960)

     St. Germaine Cousin of Pibrac (French, shepherdess, virgin, died at about age 22 in 1601 [beatified 1864, canonized 1867])

     St. Hesychius of Dorostorum (Roman, soldier, martyred in Bulgaria c. 302)

     St. Isfrid of Jerichow (German, Norbertine  monk, bishop of Ratzeburg, died at about age 90 in 1204)

     St. Landelinus of Vaux (French, repentant robber, priest, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 61 c. 686)

     St. Louis Mary Palazzolo of Bergamo [Luigi Maria] (Italian, diocesan priest, founded homes for neglected/abandoned children, founded Brothers of the Holy Family and Sisters of the Poor, died at age 58 in 1886 [beatified 1963, canonized 2022])

     Sts. Lybe, Leonis, and Eutropia, of Palmyra (Syrian, two sisters and a slave, virgins, martyred [beheaded, burned, shot by arrows] in 303)

     St. Melan of Viviers (French, bishop, d. 549)

     St. Orsiesius the Cenobite of Tabennisi (Egyptian, hermit, abbot, c. 308)

     Bl. Ralph Grimston of Nidd (English, layman, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1598 [beatified 1987])

     St. Tatian of Zepherinum [also known as Dulas] (Cilician [from part of what is now Turkey], tortured and martyred in 300)

     Bl. Thomas Green, Bl. Thomas Scryven, and Bl. Thomas Reding (English, Carthusian  monks [priest and two brothers], martyred by starvation under Henry VIII in 1537 [beatified 1886])

     St. Trillo (French, died in Wales in 6th or 7th Century)

     St. Vauge of Armagh (Irish, hermit in England, d. 585)

     Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia (Sicilian ... boy, tutor, and nurse ... tortured and martyred c. 303)

     St. Vouga of Lesneven (Irish, bishop in France, hermit, 6th Century)



On June 16, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Actinea and Graecina of Volterra (Italian, virgins, martyred by beheading in 4th Century)

     St. Aurelian of Arles (French, bishop, papal legate, c. 550)

     Sts. Aureus, Justina, and companions, of Mainz (German ... bishop, his sister, and others ... martyred by Huns in the midst of Mass)

     St. Benno of Hildesheim (German, bishop of Meissen, died at about age 95 in 1106 [canonized 1523])

     St. Berthaldus (French, hermit, priest, c. 540)

     St. Cettin of Oran (Irish, auxiliary bishop to St. Patrick, 5th Century)

     St. Colman McRoi (Irish, deacon, abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Curig of Llanbadarn (Welsh, bishop, 6th Century)

     Bl. Donizetti Tavares de Lima of Cássia (Brazilian, parish priest, miracle worker, died at age 79 in 1961 [beatified 2019])


     Sts. Felix and Maurus (Palestinian, father and son, pilgrims who settled in Italy, 6th Century)

     Sts. Ferreolus and Ferrutio (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], biological brothers, priest and deacon ordained by St. Irenaeus in France, missionaries for thirty years, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 212)

     Bl. Guy Vignotelli of Cortona [Guido] (Italian, disciple of St. Francis, priest, miracle worker, died at about age 60 c. 1245 [beatified 1583])

     St. Ismael of Menevia (French, bishop in Scotland? 6th Century)

     St. John Francis Regis of Fontcouverte [Jean-François] (French, Jesuit  priest, nursed plague victims, evangelized illiterate farmers, model for the Cure d'Ars, died at age 43 in 1640 [beatified 1716, canonized 1737]) [commemorated by some on July 2, by others on December 31]

     Sts. Julitta and Cyriacus of Iconium (from Asia Minor, mother and three-year-old son, martyred in 304)

     St. Lutgardis of Tongres (Dutch, Cistercian  nun, mystic, died at about age 63 in 1246)

     Bl. Mary Teresa Scherer of Meggen [Maria Theresia] [baptized Anna Maria Katarina (Anne Mary Catherine)] (Swiss, virgin, Franciscan  tertiary, co-founded Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross of Ingenbohl, died at age 62 in 1888 [beatified 1995])

     Bl. Peter Snow of Ripon (English, priest, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1598 [beatified 1987])

     St. Richard Backedine of Droitwich [originally known as Richard de Wych] (English, chancellor of Oxford University, bishop of Chichester, died at about age 55 in 1253 [canonized 1262]) [On English "particular calendar"] [Commemorated by some on April 3]

     St. Similian of Nantes (French, bishop, d. 310)

     St. Simplicius of Bourges (French, father of large family, bishop, d. 477)

     St. Tychon of Amathus (Cypriot, bishop, fought the cult of Aphrodite, c. 450)



On June 17, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Adulf and Botulph (British, biological brothers, noblemen, bishop? and Benedictine  abbot, c. 680)

     St. Agrippinus of Como (Italian, bishop, d. 615)

     St. Albert Chmielowski of Igolomia [baptized Adam Hilary Bernard] (Polish, politician, artist, Franciscan  tertiary, founder of the Grey Brothers [Albertines], to organize food and shelter for poor and homeless, subject of play by Fr. Karol Wojtyla, died at age 71 in 1916 [beatified 1983, canonized 1989])

     St. Antidius of Besançon (French, bishop, martyred by Vandals c. 265)

     St. Avitus of Micy (French, abbot, c. 530)

     St. Bessarion (Egyptian, hermit, c. 400)

     St. Briavel (Irish? hermit)

     St. Emily de Vialar of Gaillac [Emilie, but baptized Anne-Marguerite-Adelaide-Emilie] (French, virgin, co-foundress of Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition [of the angel], died at age 58 in 1856 [beatified 1939, canonized 1951]) [commemorated by some on August 24]

     Bl. Euphemia of Andechs (German, Benedictine  abbess, d. 1180)

     Bl. Florida Cevoli of Pisa [baptized Lucrezia Elena (Lucretia Ellen)] (Italian, member of Religious of the Second Order of St. Francis, died at age 81 in 1767 [beatified 1993])

     St. Gundulphus of Bourges (French, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Harvey of Brittany [also known as Hervé] (Welsh, born blind, singer, teacher, miracle worker, abbot in France, c. 575)

     St. Himerius of Cremona (Italian, bishop of Amelia, c. 560)

     St. Hypatius of Bithynia (Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], hermit, abbot, opposed Nestorian heresy, c. 450)

     Sts. Isaurus, Innocent, Felix, Jeremias, and Peregrinus, of Athens (Greek, martyred by beheading)

     Bl. Joseph Mary Cassant of Casseneuil [Joseph-Marie] (French, Cistercian  monk from age 16, priest for less than a year, died [tuberculosis] at age 25 in 1903 [beatified 2004])

     Sts. Manuel, Sabel, and Ismael (Persian, martyred by beheading in 362)

     St. Moling of Wexford (British, abbot, bishop of Ferns, d. 697)

     St. Montanus of Gaeta (Italian, soldier, martyred by drowning c. 300)

     St. Nectan of Hartland (Welsh, monk, hermit in England, martyred by beheading in 6th Century)

     Sts. Nicander and Marcian (soldiers, early martyrs by beheading)

     Bl. Paul Burali d'Arezzo of Itri [Paolo] (Italian, lawyer, royal counselor, Theatine  priest and superior, bishop of Piacenza, bishop of Naples, cardinal, died at about age 66 in 1578 [beatified 1772])

     Bl. Peter Gambacorta of Pisa [Pietro] (Italian, spoiled son of nobleman, repentant beggar, co-founder of Poor Brothers of St. Jerome, died at about age 80 in 1435 [beatified 1693])

     St. Prior the Hermit (Egyptian, disciple of St. Anthony in the desert, c. 395)

     St. Raniero Scacceri of Pisa (Italian, lived a wild youth as wandering musician, repentant merchant, Benedictine  hermit, died at about age 44 in 1160)

     St. Rambold of Ratisbon (German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1001)

     St. Teresa of Lorvão [Tarasia] (Portuguese, princess, Cistercian  nun, died at about age 71 in 1250 [canonized 1705])



On June 18, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Amandus of Bordeaux (French, bishop, c. 431)

     Sts. Cyriacus and Paula of Málaga (Spanish, martyred by stoning in 305)

     St. Elizabeth of Schönau [Elisabeth] (German, Benedictine  abbess, visionary, died at about age 38 in 1164)

     St. Etherius of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred c. 303)

     St. Fortunatus (Italian, philosopher, bishop, c. 569)

     St. Gerlando of Caltagirone (Sicilian, knight, 13th Century)

     St. Gregory Barbarigo of Venice [Gregorio] (Italian, bishop of Bergamo, bishop of Padua for 33 years, cardinal, worked for unity of Eastern and Western Christians, died at age 71 in 1697 [beatified 1761, canonized 1960])

     Sts. Gregory, Demetrius, and Calogerus the Anchoret (North African ... bishop, deacon, and abbot ... expelled to Sicily by Arian Vandals ... 5th Century)

     St. Guy of Baume (French, Benedictine  abbot, hermit, c. 941)

     Bl. Jerome of Vallumbrosa [Girolamo] (Italian, Vallumbrosan  monk, hermit, lived on bread and water for 35 years, d. 1135)

     Sts. Leontius, Hypatius, and Theodulus (Greek, general and soldiers, tortured and martyred [by beating] in Phoenicia [Syria] c. 135)

     Bl. Marina Vallarina of Spoleto (Italian, Augustinian  nun, c. 1300)

     St. Marina of Alexandria (Egyptian, virgin, martyred?, 8th Century)

     Sts. Mark and Marcellian of Rome (Italian, twins, deacons, tortured and martyred by lance c. 287)

     Bl. Osanna Andreasi of Mantua (Italian, noblewoman, Dominican  tertiary, visionary from age 5, mystic, nun, died at age 56 in 1505 [beatified 1694])

     St. Osmanna of Jouarre (Irish, Benedictine  hermitess in France, c. 700)



On June 19, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Romuald of Ravenna [Romualdo] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, founder of Order of Camaldolese  hermits, died at age 75 in 1027 [canonized 1582] [incorruptible])

     St. Boniface
of Querfurt [Bonifaz] [baptized Bruno] (German, Camaldolese  monk, missionary archbishop to Magyars and Ukrainians, died at about age 39 in 1009)

     St. Deodatus of Jointures (French, bishop of Nevers, hermit, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, d. 679)

     Bl. Ellen Aiello of Montalto Uffugo [Elena] (Italian, founded Sister Minims of The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, died at age 66 in 1961 [beatified 2011])

     Sts. Gaudentius, Culmatius, Andrew, and 55 companions, of Arezzo (Italian ... bishop, deacon, and laity ... martyred in 364)

     Sts. Gervase and Protase of Milan (Italian, twin brothers, sons of saints, martyred by beating and beheading in 2nd Century)

     St. Hildegrin of Châlons-sur-Marne (German, missionary, bishop in France, c. 827)

     Bl. Humphrey Middlemore of Edgbaston (English, Carthusian  monk, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Henry VIII in 1535 [beatified 1886])

     St. Innocent of Le Mans (French, bishop for over 40 years, d. 559)

     Bl. Joseph Czempiel of Jozefka [Józef] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Mauthausen [Germany] at age 58 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Juliana Falconieri of Florence [Giuliana] (Italian, noblewoman, first superior of Servite  nuns, died at about age 70 in 1341 [beatified 1678, canonized 1737])

     Bl. Odo of Orleans (French, headmaster, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Cambrai, died at about age 62 in 1113)

     Bl. Sebastian Newdigate of Harefield Place (English, widower, priest, king's privy counselor, Carthusian  monk, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Henry VIII in 1535 [beatified 1886])

     Bl. Thomas Woodhouse (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1573 [beatified 1886])

     St. Ursicinus of Ravenna (Italian, physician, martyred c. 67)

     Bl. William Exmew (English, Carthusian  sub-prior, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Henry VIII in 1535 [beatified 1886])

     St. Zosimus of Spoleto (Italian, martyred in 110)



On June 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adalbert of Magdeburg (French, missionary in Russia, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, archbishop, died at about age 70 in 981)

     St. Alban of Verulamium and Sts. Julius and Aaron of Caerleon ["Proto-Martyr of England" and companions] (Italian and Welsh, soldier in Britain and two citizens, martyred by beheading in 3rd or 4th Century) [On English and Welsh "particular calendars"]

     Bl. Anthony Turner of Leicestershire, Bl. John Fenwick of Durham, Bl. John Gavan of London, Bl. Thomas Whitbread of Essex, and Bl. William Harcourt [alias Barrow] (English, Jesuit  priests, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Charles II [at about ages 51, 51, 38, 61, and 69] in 1679 [beatified 1929])

     St. Bagnus of Calais (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Therouanne, abbot, d. 710)

     St. Benignus of Breslau (Polish, Cistercian  monk, martyred in 13th Century)

     St. Edburga of Caistor (British, Benedictine  nun, 7th Century)

     St. Florentina of Cartagena (Spanish ... sister of Sts. Leander, Fulgentius, and Isidore ... abbess, c. 636)

     St. Goban (Irish, Benedictine  monk, hermit in France, martyred c. 670)

     St. Govan (Welsh, hermit, 6th Century)

     St. Helia of Öhren (German, Benedictine  abbess, c. 750)

     Blessed Martyrs of Ireland (Irish, 16 people [4 bishops, 6 priests, 5 laymen, 1 laywoman], martyred between 1579 and 1654 [beatified 1992]) [On Irish "particular calendar"]
----- Bl. Conn
O'Rourke (Franciscan  priest, d. 1579)
----- Bl. Conor
O'Devany of Down and Connor (Franciscan  friar, bishop, d. 1612)
----- Bl. Dermot
O'Hurley of Lickadoon (archbishop, died at age 54 in 1584)
----- Bl. Dominic
Collins of Youghal (Jesuit  brother, d. 1602)
----- Bl. Edward
Cheevers of Wexford (layman, d. 1581)
----- Bl. Francis
Taylor of Dublin (married layman, lord mayor, d. 1621)
----- Bl. John
Kearney of Cashel (Franciscan  priest, d. 1653)

----- Bl. Margaret Ball of Cashel [nee Bermingham] (widow, d. 1584)

----- Bl. Matthew Lambert of Wexford (layman, d. 1581)

----- Bl. Maurice MacKenraghty of Limerick (priest, d. 1585)
----- Bl. Patrick
Cavanagh of Wexford (layman, d. 1581)
----- Bl. Patrick
O'Healy of Leitrim (Franciscan  friar, bishop, d. 1579)
----- Bl. Patrick
O'Lochran of Tyrone [or O'Loughbrain] (priest, d. 1612)

----- Bl. Peter Higgins of Dublin (Dominican  priest, prior, d. 1642)

----- Bl. Robert Meyler of Wexford (layman, d. 1581)

----- Bl. Terence Albert O'Brien of Limerick (Dominican  friar, bishop, d. 1651)
----- Bl. William
Tirry of Cork (Augustinian  priest, d. 1654)

     St. John of Matera [Giovanni] [also known as John of Pulsano] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1139)

     St. Macarius of Petra [baptized Arius] (Palestinian, bishop, opponent of Arian heresy, c. 350)

     Bl. Margaret Ebner of Donauwörth [Margarete] (Bavarian, Dominican  nun, mystic, died at about age 60 in 1351 [beatified 1979 (first beatification by Pope John Paul II)])

     Bl. Michelina Metelli of Pesaro (Italian, duchess, widow at age 20, Franciscan  tertiary, died at about age 56 in 1356 [beatified 1737])

     Blessed Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1626 (European and Asian, nine men, martyred by burning [beatified 1867])
----- Bl. Balthazar
de Torres of Granada [Baltasar] (Spanish, Jesuit  missionary priest)
----- Bl. Caspar
Sadamatsu of Omura (Japanese, Jesuit  priest)
----- Bl. Francis
Pacheco of Ponte da Lima [Francisco] (Portuguese, Jesuit  missionary priest)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Zola of Brescia [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, Jesuit  missionary priest, died at about age 50)
----- Bl. John
Kinsako of Kuchinotsu, Bl. Michael Tozo of Chijiwa, Bl. Paul Shinsuki of Urada, Bl. Peter Rinshei of Hachirao (Japanese, laymen)
----- Bl. Vincent
Kaun of Seoul (Korean, layman)

     St. Novatus of Rome (Italian, brother of two saints, c. 151)

     Sts. Paul and Cyriacus of Tomi (Moesian [Bulgarian], early martyrs)

     Pope St. Silverius of Frosinone (Italian, son of Pope Hormisdas, subdeacon, elected to papacy in 536, kidnapped, exiled, martyred by starvation at about age 57 in 537)



On June 21, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Aloysius Gonzaga of Castiglione delle Stivieri [Aluigi] (Italian, Jesuit   novice, caught plague from those he nursed, died at age 23 in 1591 [beatified 1621, canonized 1726])



     St. Aaron of Cesambre (French, hermit, abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Agofredus of Saint-Leufroy (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 739)

     St. Alban of Mainz (Greek, missionary priest in Germany, martyred by Arian heretics c. 400)

     St. Corbmac of Durrow (Irish, abbot, 6th Century)

     Sts. Cyriacus and Apollinaris (North African, early martyrs)

     St. Demetria of Rome (Italian, virgin, martyr, d. 363)

     Bl. Dominic of Comacchio (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 821)

     St. Engelmund of Vebsen (British, Benedictine  abbot in Holland, c. 739)

     St. Eusebius of Samosata (Syrian, bishop, opposed heresies, martyred [hit by roof tile thrown by Arian woman] c. 379)

     St. John Rigby of Harrock Hall (English, servant, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 30 under Elizabeth I in 1600 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     St. Lazarus (poor beggar of Jesus's parable [Luke 16])

     St. Leutfridus (French, schoolteacher, hermit, abbot, d. 738)

     St. Martin of Tongres (Belgian, bishop, c. 350)

     St. Méen of Brittany (Welsh, abbot in France, d. 617)

     St. Ralph of Bourges [Raoul] (French, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 866)

     St. Raymond of Durban (French, Augustinian canon, bishop of Barbastro in Spain, d. 1126)

     Sts. Rufinus and Martia of Siracusa (Sicilian, early martyrs)

     St. Terence of Iconium (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, 1st Century)

     St. Urciscenus of Pavia (Italian, bishop, c. 216)

     Bl. Wolfrid of Hohentwiel (German, Benedictine  abbot, c. 990)



On June 22, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. John Fisher of Beverley and St. Thomas More of London (English, martyred by beheading in 1535 [beatified 1886, canonized 1935])

----- St. John (Cambridge professor and chancellor, scriptural commentator, bishop of Rochester, only faithful bishop during the rebellion of Henry VIII, named Cardinal while imprisoned, died at about age 65)
----- St. Thomas (father of four, lawyer, writer, Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII, died at 57)

     St. Paulinus of Bordeaux [better known as Paulinus of Nola] [full name: Meropius Pontius Anicius Paulinus] (Roman born in France, lawyer, senator, provincial governor in Italy, adult convert, bishop of Nola, champion of the poor, died at about age 76 in 431)

     St. Aaron
of Brittany (British, hermit, abbot in France, c. 553)

     St. Acacius and companions (early martyrs in Armenia)

     St. Consortia (French, virgin, d. 570?)

     St. Eberhard of Nuremberg (German, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Salzburg in Austria, died at about age 79 in 1164)

     St. Flavius Clemens of Rome (Italian, brother of one emperor, uncle of two, consul who accepted Christianity, martyred [beheaded] by nephew c. 96)

     Pope Bl. Innocent V of Tarentaise-en-forez [Innocenzo] [baptized Pierre (Peter)] (French, Dominican   prior provincial, associate of St. Thomas Aquinas, teacher, cardinal archbishop of Lyons in France, elected to papacy in 1276, reigned until death in Rome at about age 50 in 1277 [beatified 1898])

     St. John I of Naples (Italian, bishop, 5th Century)

     St. John IV d'Acquarola of Naples [Giovanni] (Italian, bishop, d. 835)

     Bl. Lambert of Saint-Bertin (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1125)

     St. Nicetas of Remesiana (Dacian [from part of what is now Serbia], missionary, possible author of 'Te Deum,' bishop, died at about age 79 c. 414)

     St. Rotrudis of Saint-Omer (French, virgin, c. 869)

[From St. Thomas More:]

     "If I am distracted, Holy Communion helps me become recollected. If opportunities are offered by each day to offend my God, I arm myself anew each day for the combat by reception of the Eucharist. If I am in need of special light and prudence in order to discharge my burdensome duties, I draw nigh to my Savior and seek counsel and light from Him."



On June 23, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agrippina of Rome (Italian, virgin, martyred c. 262)

     St. Etheldreda of Exning [also known as Audrey] (British, princess, widow, Benedictine  nun, died at about age 39 in 679) [On English "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Felix of Cîteaux (French, Cistercian  monk, d. 1113)

     St. Felix of Sutri (Italian, priest, martyred by scourging in 257)

     St. Hidulphus of Lobbes (Belgian, count, Benedictine  monk, c. 707)

     St. James of Bertigny (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Toul, d. 769)

     St. John of Rome (Italian, priest, martyred by beheading in 362)

     St. Joseph Cafasso of Castelnuova d'Asti [Giuseppe] (Italian, priest, moral theologian, college administrator, teacher of St. John Bosco, died at age 49 in 1860 [beatified 1925, canonized 1947])

     Bl. Lanfranco Beccaria of Pavia (Italian, bishop, d. 1194 [beatified 1888])

     St. Libert of Brabant (French, bishop of Cambrai, d. 1076)

     Bl. Marie d'Oignies of Nivelles (Belgian, nurse of lepers, widow, hermitess, mystic, died at about age 36 in 1213)

     Bl. Mary Raphael Cimatti of Celle di Faenza [Maria Raffaella] [baptized Sanctina] (Italian, virgin, member of Religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy for the Sick, died at age 84 in 1945 [beatified 1996])

     St. Moeliai of Nendrum (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, abbot, c. 493)

     St. Peter of Juilly (English, Benedictine  monk in France, chaplain of nuns, d. 1136)

     Bl. Peter James of Pesaro [Pietro Giacomo] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, died at about age 49 c. 1496 [beatified 1848])

     Bl. Thomas Corsini of Orvieto [Tommaso] (Italian, Servite  brother, beggar of alms, visionary, d. 1343 [beatified 1768])

     St. Thomas Garnet of Southwark (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred by hanging under James I in 1608 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     St. Walhere of Dinant (Belgian, parish priest, martyred c. 13th Century)

     Sts. Zeno and Zenas of Philadelphia (Palestinians, rich man and his emancipated slave, martyred by beheading c. 304)



On June 24, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. John the Baptist of Ain Karem (Israelite, son of Sts. Zachary and Elizabeth, relative of Mary and Jesus, desert-dwelling prophet, precursor of Messiah, martyred by beheading c. 30) [This "solemnity" celebrates his birth, not his martyrdom.]

     Sts. Agoard, Agilbert, and companions, of Creteil (French, martyred by pagans c. 400)

     St. Alena of Brussels (Belgian, virgin, martyred c. 640)

     St. Amphibalus of Verulam (British, priest, martyred c. 304)

     St. Bartholomew of Farne [baptized Tostig] (English, priest, Benedictine  hermit, c. 1193)

     Bl. Erembert I of Kremsmünster (Austrian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 1051)

     St. Faustus and 23 companions, of Rome (early martyrs)

     St. Germoc of Cornwall (Irish, chieftain, died in England in 6th Century)

     St. Henry of Auxerre (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 880)

     Sts. Heros, Orentius, Pharnacius, Firminus, Firmus, Cyriac, and Longinus (brothers, soldiers, martyred c. 304)

     St. Ivan of Bohemia (Czech, hermit, d. 845)

     St. John of Tuy (Spanish, hermit, 9th Century)

     St. Joseph Yuan Zai-de of Pe-Choui-Hien (Chinese, priest, martyred by strangulation at age 51 in 1817 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     Holy Martyrs of the Neronian Fire (Roman, unknown number of innocent Christians falsely blamed for fire possibly set by Nero, martyred [crucified, exposed to wild animals, burned as torches, etc.] in 64)

     St. María Guadalupe García Zavala of Zapopan (Mexican, co-founder and superior of Handmaids of St. Margaret Mary and the Poor, died at age 85 in 1963 [beatified 2004, canonized 2013])

     St. Simplicius of Autun (French, bishop, c. 360)

     St. Theodulphus of Lobbes (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 776)



On June 25, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adalbert of Egmond (British, prince, Benedictine  monk, deacon in Holland, c. 740)

     Bl. Burchard of Mallersdorf (German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1122)

     Sts. Dominic Henares [Domingo] and Francis Do Van Chieu (Spanish and Vietnamese ... missionary bishop and catechist ... tortured and martyred by beheading at about ages 72 and 41 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Eurosia of Bayonne (French, virgin, martyred by Moslems in 714 [canonized 1902])

     St. Febronia of Nisibis (Mesopotamian [Syrian], nun, tortured and martyred by battering in 304)

     St. Gallicanus of Embrun (French, bishop, c. 542)

     St. Gallicanus of Ostia (Italian, army officer, c. 362)

     St. Gohard of Angers and companions (French ... bishop of Nantes and priests ... martyred by pagans while celebrating Mass in 843)

     Bl. Guy Maramaldi of Naples [Guido] (Italian, Dominican  priest, teacher, inquisitor general in Naples, d. 1391 [beatified 1612])

     Bl. Henry Zdik of Olmütz [Jindrich] (Czech, prince, bishop, Norbertine  monk, d. 1150)

     Bl. John of Almanza [Juan] (Spanish, Carthusian  monk in France and Switzerland, died at about age 37 in 1160 [beatified 1864]) [commemorated by his order on July 14]

     St. Maximus of Vercelli (Italian, bishop of Turin, theologian, died at about age 85 c. 470)

     St. Molonachus of Lismore (Irish, bishop in Scotland, 7th Century)

     St. Moluag of Mortlach (Scottish, missionary to the Picts, bishop, c. 572)

     St. Prosper of Aquitaine (French, missionary, leader of pilgrimages, secretary to Pope St. Leo the Great, died in Rome at about age 57 c. 463)

     St. Prosper of Reggio (Italian, bishop, c. 466)

     King St. Solomon I of Brittany (British, monarch in France, husband of a saint and father of two others, martyred by heathens in 434)

     King St. Solomon III of Brittany (French, monarch, martyred in 874)

     St. Sosipater of Berea (Greek, disciple of St. Paul [Acts 20], died in 2nd Century)

     St. William of Vercelli [Guglielmo] (Italian, orphan, hermit, pilgrim, abbot, died at about age 56 in 1142)



On June 26, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Joseph Mary Escrivá de Balaguer y Albás of Barbastro [Josemaria] (Spanish, priest, founder of prelature named Opus Dei [Work of God] to promote holiness, died at age 73 in 1975 [beatified 1992, canonized 2002])

     Bl. Andrew
Longhin of Fiumicello di Campodarsego [Andrea] [baptized Giacinto Bonaventura (Hyacinth Bonaventure)] (Italian, farmer's son, Capuchin  priest, bishop for 32 years, died at age 72 in 1936 [beatified 2002])

     St. Anthelm of Chambery (French, nobleman, Carthusian   prior, bishop of Belley, died at about age 73 in 1178)

     St. Babolenus of Fosses (abbot in France, c. 677)

     Bl. Bartholomew de Vir of Laon [Bartelemy] (French, bishop for 38 years, Cistercian  monk, d. 1157)

     St. Corbican (Irish, hermit, 8th Century)

     St. David of Thessalonica (Greek, hermit for 70 years, spiritual director, 5th Century)

     St. Hermogius of Tuy (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, bishop, c. 942)

     Bl. Jacob Haddad of Ghazir [Yacoub/Jacques] [baptized Khalil] (Lebanese, Capuchin  priest, itinerant preacher in five nations, founded the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of the Cross  in Lebanon, died at age 79 in 1954 [beatified 2008])


     Bl. Joan Gerard [Jeanne], Bl. Mary Magdalen Fontaine [Marie-Madeleine], Bl. Therese Fantou, and Bl. Frances Lanel [Françoise], of Arras (French, members of Sisters of Charity, martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1792 [beatified 1920])

     St. John of the Goths (Russian, bishop, opposed iconoclast heresy, c. 800)

     Sts. John and Paul of Rome (Italian, biological brothers, army officers, named in Eucharistic Prayer I [Roman Canon], martyred c. 362?)

     St. Maxentius of Poitou (French, abbot, c. 515)

     St. Pelayo of Oviedo (Spanish, boy taken hostage, tortured and martyred by Moslems at about age 13 in 925)

     St. Perseveranda of Poitiers (French, nun, c. 726)

     Sts. Salvius and Superius (French, bishop and companion, martyred c. 768)

     St. Terence of Rome (Italian, commander of imperial bodyguard, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Vigilius of Rome (Italian, nobleman, bishop of Trent, martyred by stoning in 405)



On June 27, we members of the Catholic Church family honor the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

     We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Cyril of Alexandria (Egyptian, monk, patriarch [bishop], opposed Nestorian heresy, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 68 in 444)

     St. Anectus
of Caesarea (Palestinian, martyred in 303)

     St. Arialdo of Milan (Italian, deacon, martyred at about age 65 in 1066 [canonized 1904])

     St. Arianell (Welsh, nun, 6th Century)

     Bl. Benvenuto of Gubbio (Italian, soldier, disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, cared for lepers, d. 1232)

     St. Crescens of Galatia (from part of what is now Turkey, disciple of St. Paul [2 Timothy 4], bishop, martyred in 2nd Century)

     St. Deodatus of Nola (Italian, bishop, d. 473)

     Bl. Eppo of Mallersdorf (German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1143)

     St. Ferdinand of the Angels of Aragon [Ferdinando degli Angeli] (Sicilian of Spanish heritage, bishop of Cajazzo, 13th Century)

     St. Hadelin of Crespin (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 700)

     St. John of Chinon (French, hermit, queen's spiritual advisor, 6th Century)

     Sts. Joseph Quang Hiên of Annam and Thomas Toan of Tonkin (Vietnamese, Dominican  priest and catechist, martyred [one beheaded at about age 64, one starved at about age 72] in 1840 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     King St. Ladislaus I of Nitra [Laszlo] (Hungarian born in Slovakia, ruled Hungary from 1077, died in Slovakia at about age 55 in 1095 [canonized 1192])

     Bl. Louise Therese de Montaignac de Chauvance of Le-Havre-de-Grace (French, virgin, founded Oblates of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 65 in 1885 [beatified 1990])

     St. Margaret Bays of La Pierraz [Marguerite] (Swiss, virgin, Franciscan  tertiary, stigmatist, died at age 63 in 1879 [beatified 1995, canonized 2019])

     St. Samson the Hospitable of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], medical doctor, priest, founder of hospital, c. 530)

     St. Zoilus and 19 companions, of Cordova (Spanish, martyred c. 301)

[From Holy Martyrs of Vietnam parish, Arlington, Virginia: "Although he was teaching the faith to others, St. Thomas Toan's faith waivered. After showing signs of apostatizing, he repented. In consequence, he was cruelly scourged and exposed in the sun to insects without food or drink for twelve days until he died ..."]


On June 28, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Irenaeus of Smyrna [better known as Irenaeus of Lyons] (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], disciple of St. Polycarp [a disciple of the Apostle John], bishop in France, opposed Gnostic and other heresies, died [probably martyred] at an advanced age in 202)

     St. Almus
of Balmerino (English, Cistercian  abbot in Scotland, d. 1270)

     St. Argymirus of Cabra (Spanish, monk, martyred by Moslems in 858)

     St. Austell (Welsh, 6th Century)

     St. Benignus of Utrecht (Dutch? bishop, martyred in 6th Century)

     St. Crummine of Westmeath (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, 5th Century)

     St. Egilo of Prum (German, abbot, d. 875)

     St. Heimrad of Baden (German, priest, Benedictine  hermit, d. 1019)

     Sts. Heron, Plutarch, Serenus, Heraclides, Rhais, Potamioena, and Marcella, of Alexandria (Egyptian, tortured and martyred [at least one boiled in tar] in 202)

     St. John Southworth of Samlesbury (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 61 under Cromwell in 1654 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     Bl. Passitea Mary of the Child Jesus Mastena of Bovolone [Passitea Maria di Gesù Bambino] [baptized Maria Pia] (Italian, member of the Sisters of Mercy of Verona, schoolteacher, founded Sisters of the Holy Face, died at age 69 in 1951 [beatified 2005])

     Pope St. Paul I of Rome (Italian, orphan, deacon, brother of Pope Stephen II, diplomat, elected to papacy in 757, opposed iconoclast heresy, reigned until death in 767)

     St. Theodichildis of Jouarre (French, Benedictine  abbess, d. 660)



On June 29, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Peter of Capernaum and Paul of Tarsus [originally named Simon and Saul] (Israelite and Cilician [from part of what is now Turkey], apostles of Jesus, writers of New Testament epistles, martyred in Rome)
----- St. Peter (fisherman, "apostle to the Jews," first pope [bishop of Antioch, then Rome], died by inverted crucifixion c. 64)
----- St. Paul (Pharisee, tent-maker, persecutor of Jesus, convert on road to Damascus, "apostle to the Gentiles" [missionary to many Mediterranean islands and mainland cities], beheaded c. 65)

     Sts. Anastasius and Marcellus, of Argenton (French, early martyrs by beheading)

     St. Cassius of Narni (Italian, bishop, d. 558)

     St. Cocha of Saighir (Irish, nurse, abbess, 6th Century)

     St. Gemma of Carinthia (Austrian? widow, nun, d. 1045)

     Sts. Judith and Salome of Niederaltaich (German, princesses, niece and her aunt, hermitesses, 9th Century)

     St. Mary of Jerusalem (Israelite, mother of St. Mark [Acts 12], 1st Century)

     St. Syrus of Genoa (Italian, parish priest, bishop, c. 380)



On June 30, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     First Martyrs of the Church of Rome (disciples of the apostles Peter and Paul, falsely accused by mad Emperor Nero of burning part of Rome, martyred [some burned as torches at evening banquets, some crucified, others fed to wild animals] in 64)

     St. Airick (English, companion of St. Godric of Finchale, hermit, 12th Century)

     St. Basilides (Egyptian, soldier, martyred in 205)

     St. Bertrand of Autun (French, bishop, died at about age 70 in 623)

     St. Clotsindis of Machiennes (Belgian?, Benedictine  abbess, d. 714)

     St. Erentrude of Salzburg (Austrian, Benedictine  abbess, c. 718)

     Bl. Francis Mottola of Tropea [Francesco] (Italian, diocesan priest, frequented Eucharistic adoration, seminary rector, founded Secular Institute of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart, died at age 68 in 1969 [beatified 2021])

     Sts. Gaius and Leo (priest and subdeacon, early martyrs)

     Bl. Januarius Mary Sarnelli of Naples [Gennaro Maria] (Italian, Redemptorist  priest, died at age 42 in 1744 [beatified 1996])

     Sts. Lucina and Emiliana (early martyrs)

     St. Marcian of Pamplona (Spanish, bishop, 8th Century)

     St. Martial of Limoges (French, missionary bishop, 3rd Century)

     St. Ostianus (French, priest)

     Bl. Philip Powell (Welsh or English, Benedictine  priest, martyred under Charles I in 1646 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. Raymond Lull of Palma [Ramon] (Spanish, courtier, troubador, Franciscan  tertiary, missionary to Moslems, died at about age 81 c. 1315)

     Holy Martyrs of the Roman Persecutions (a composite feast for fifteen groups comprising thousands of Christians who perished during persecutions, after that of Nero, between the late 1st Century and the early-4th-Century rise of the tolerant emperor Constantine)

     St. Theobald of Provins (French, nobleman, pilgrim, hermit, priest, Camaldolese  monk in Italy, died at about age 49 in 1066 [canonized 1073])

     St. Vincent Yên of Trà Lu (Vietnamese, Dominican  priest, martyred by beheading at about age 73 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])



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