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On July 1, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Juniper Serra y Abram of Petra [Junípero] [baptized Miguel José (Michael Joseph)] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest, university professor, missionary in North American West, established the first 9 of 21 California missions, died at age 70 in 1784 [beatified 1988, canonized 2015]) [On U.S. "particular calendar"]

     St. Aaron (Israelite born in Egypt, brother of patriarch Moses, high priest, 13th Century B.C.)


     Bl. Anthony Rosmini of Rovereto [Antonio] (Italian, priest, theologian/philosopher, founded Institute of Charity and the Sisters of Providence, died at age 58 in 1855 [beatified 2007])

     St. Arnulf of Mainz (German, archbishop, martyred in 1160)

     Bl. Assunta Marchetti of Lombrici de Camaiore (Italian, religious of Scalabrinian Missionaries  in Brazil, died at age 76 in 1948 [beatified 2014])


     St. Carilefus of Auvergne (French, monk, hermit, abbot, d. 536)

     Sts. Castus and Secundinus (Italian, bishops, early martyrs)

     St. Cewydd of Anglesey (Welsh, 6th Century)

     St. Domitian of Rome (Italian, orphan, monk in France, d. 440)

     St. Eparchius of Perigord (French, duke, hermit, abbot, d. 581)

     St. Esther [Hadassah] (Israelite, Jewish queen of Persian king in Old Testament, 5th Century B.C.)

     St. Felix of Como (Italian, bishop, c. 390)

     St. Gall of Clermont (French, courtier, bishop, died at about age 65 c. 554)

     Bl. Ignatius Falzon of Valletta [Nazju] (Maltese, layman, founded Congregation of the Rosary, died on his 52nd birthday in 1865 [beatified 2001]) [On Maltese "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Martyrs of Izabal (two men, martyred [shot] by anti-Catholic guerrillas in 1981 [beatified 2018])

----- Bl. Tullio Maruzzo of Lapio di Arcugnano [baptized Marcello] (Italian, Franciscan  missionary priest, died at age 51)

----- Bl. Louis Obdulio of Quiriguá [Luis] (Guatemalan, lay catechist, member of Secular Franciscan Order, died at age 31)


     Bl. John Nepomucene Chrzan of Gostyczyn [Jan Nepomucen] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 57 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Juthware (British, virgin, martyred in 7th Century)

     St. Martin of Vienne (Italian? missionary bishop in France, 2nd Century)

     St. Servan [“Apostle of West Fife”] (Irish, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Simeon Salos of Emesa ["The Holy Fool"] (Syrian, hermit, 6th Century)

     St. Theodoric of Mont d’Or (abbot in France, healer, d. 533)

     Bl. Thomas Maxfield of Enville [or Macclesfield] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I at about age 26 in 1616 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. Thomas Sprott of Skelsmerg (English, priest, martyred under Elizabeth I at about age 29 in 1600 [beatified 1987])

     St. Veep [also called Wennapu] (Welsh?, 6th Century)


On July 2, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Acestes (soldier, guarded St. Paul after his arrest, martyred by beheading in first Century)

     Sts. Ariston, Eutychian, Felicissimus, Felix, Justus, Marcia, Symphorosa, Urban, Vitalis, and Crescentian, of Campania (Italian, martyred in 284)

     St. Bernardine Realino of Lecce [Bernardino] (Italian, nobleman, lawyer, mayor, judge, Jesuit  priest, college rector, hero of poor and galley slaves, died at age 85 in 1616 [beatified 1896, canonized 1947])

     Bl. Eugenia Joubert of Yssingeaux [Eugénie] (French, virgin, religious of Congregation of the Holy Family of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 28 in 1904 [beatified 1994])

     Bl. George Beesley of Goosenoor and Bl. Montford Scott of Hawkestead (English, priests, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 28 and 41 in 1591 [beatified 1987])

     St. Lidanus of Sezze (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1118)

     St. Monegundis of Chartres (French, mother of two children that died young, hermitess, c. 570)

     St. Otto of Bamberg (German, nobleman, imperial chancellor, bishop, converted twenty thousand pagan Poles, died at about age 79 in 1139 [canonized 1189])

     St. Oudoceus of Brittany (bishop of Landaff in Wales, c. 580)

     Bl. Peter of Ligny [also called Peter of Luxembourg] [Pierre] (French, bishop of Metz at age 13, attempted to end Western Schism, died at age 18 in 1387 [beatified 1527])

     St. Swithun of Wessex (British, king's chaplain, prince's tutor, bishop of Winchester, died at about age 62 in 862)

On July 3, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Thomas
of Galilee ["Didymus" or "The Twin"] ["Apostle of India"] (Israelite, apostle of Jesus, missionary in Persia and India, martyred by spear in 1st Century)

     St. Anatolius
of Alexandria (Egyptian, mathematician, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine and of Laodicea in Syria, c. 283)

     St. Anatolius of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], patriarch, d. 458)

     St. Bladus of the Isle of Man (British, bishop)

     St. Byblig of Carnarvon (Welsh, 5th Century?)

     St. Cillene of Iona (Irish, abbot in Scotland, c. 752)

     St. Dathus of Ravenna (Italian, bishop, d. 190)

     St. Eulogius and companions (from Asia Minor, martyred c. 370)

     St. Germanus (Irish, nephew of St. Patrick, missionary monk in Wales and France, bishop, c. 474)

     St. Gunthiern of Brittany (Welsh, prince, hermit in France, c. 500)

     St. Guthagon of Oostkerk (Irish, hermit in Belgium, 8th Century)

     St. Heliodorus of Altinum (Dalmatian [Croatian], lifelong friend and patron of St. Jerome, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, died at about age 58 c. 390)

     St. Hyacinth of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], imperial official, martyred by starvation c. 120)

     Sts. Irenaeus and Mustiola of Chiusi (Italian, deacon and noblewoman, martyred in 273)

     Pope St. Leo II (Sicilian, elected to papacy in 681, reigned until death in 683)

     St. Maelmuire O'Gorman of Knock (Irish, abbot, c. 1168)

     Sts. Mark, Mucian, Paul, and companion (early martyrs)

     Bl. Mary Ann Mogas Fontcuberta of Corró de Vall-Grenollers [María Ana] (Spanish, virgin, founded Congregation of the Tertiary Franciscans of the Holy Mother of the Shepherd, died at age 39 in 1886 [beatified 1996])

     St. Philip Phan Van Minh of Caimong (Vietnamese, priest, martyred by beheading at about age 38 in 1853 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Rumoldus [also called Rumbold] (Irish, Benedictine  monk in England, bishop, martyred c. 775) [commemorated by some on June 24]

     St. Tryphon and twelve companions, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyrs)

On July 4, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Elizabeth
of Aragon [also called Elizabeth of Portugal] [Isabel] (Spanish, grand-niece of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, daughter of king, married king of Portugal at age 12, mother of two, Franciscan  tertiary, peacemaker, died at about age 65 in 1336 [canonized 1625])

     St. Albert Quadrelli
of Rivolta d'Adda [Alberto] (Italian, parish priest for 25 years, bishop of Lodi, d. 1179)

     St. Andrew of Jerusalem (Syrian, monk in Jerusalem, deacon in Constantinople, writer of hymns, archbishop of Gortyna in Crete, died at about age 80 c. 740)

     St. Aurelian of Lyons (French, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop, d. 895)

     St. Bertha of Blangy (French, aristocrat, mother of five, widow, Benedictine  hermitess, c. 725)

     St. Caesidius Giacomantonio of Fossa Acquilana [Cesidio] [baptized Angelo] (Italian, Franciscan  missionary priest in China, martyred at age 27 in 1900 [beatified 1946, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Catherine Jarrige of Doumis (French, virgin, Dominican  tertiary, died at age 81 in 1836 [beatified 1996])

     St. Finbar of Wexford (Irish? abbot on British island, 6th Century)

     Bl. Hatto of Ottobeuren (German, Benedictine  monk, d. 985)

     Bl. Henry of Albano [Henri] (French, Cistercian  monk, cardinal archbishop in Italy, died in France in 1188)

     Sts. Innocent, Sebastia, and thirty companions, of Sirmium (Serbian, early martyrs)

     Blessed Martyrs of Japan of 1603 to 1639 [also known as "Bl. Peter Kasui Kibe and Companions"] (Japanese, 5 priests and 183 laity, martyred at various locations [beatified 2008])

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]


     Bl. John Cornelius of Bodmin [aka Mohun], Bl. Thomas Bosgrave of Cornwall, Bl. Patrick Salmon, and Bl. John [aka Terence] Carey of Dublin (English [3] and Irish ... Jesuit  priest, gentleman, two servants ... tortured and martyred [hanged] under Elizabeth I in 1594 [beatified in 1929]) [Cornelius was about 37]

     Bl. Joseph Kowalski of Siedliska [Józef] (Polish, Salesian  priest, martyred by Nazis [drowned] at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 31 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Joseph Peter Nguyen Dinh Uyen of East Tonkin (Vietnamese ... Dominican  tertiary, catechist, martyred by strangling at about age 60 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Jucundian (African, early martyr by drowning)

     St. Laurian of Seville (Hungarian, deacon in Italy, archbishop in Spain, martyred in France c. 544)

     Bl. Lucy of the Immaculate Ripamonti of Acquate [Lucia dell'Immacolata] (Italian, virgin, religious sister of the Handmaids of Charity, died at age 45 in 1954 [beatified 2021])


     Bl. Mary of the Crucifix Curcio of Ispica [Maria Crocifissa] [baptized Rosa] (Sicilian, founded and led Congregation of the Carmelite Missionary Sisters of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, died at age 80 in 1957 [beatified 2005])

     St. Namphanion and companions, of Madaura (Numidian [North African], martyred c. 180)

     St. Odo the Good of Canterbury (British, Benedictine  monk, archbishop, advisor to kings, died at about age 88 in 959)

     St. Peter George Frassati of Turin [Pier Giorgio] (Italian, single layman, Dominican  tertiary, died at age 24 in 1925 [beatified 1990, canonized 2025])

     St. Procopius of Sazaba [Prokop] (Czech, priest, hermit, Basilian  abbot, died at about age 72 in 1053 [canonized 1204])

     St. Theodore of Cyrene (Libyan, scriptural copyist, bishop, martyred c. 310)

     St. Ulrich of Augsburg (German, bishop for 50 years, died in Switzerland at about age 83 in 973 [canonized 993 - reputedly the first canonization by a pope for the universal Church])

     Bl. William Andleby of Etton, Bl. Edward Fulthrop of Yorkshire, Bl. Thomas Warcop of Yorkshire, and Bl. Henry Abbot of Howden (English, priest and three laymen, martyred [hanged] under Elizabeth I in 1597 [beatified in 1929])

     Bl. William of Hirsau [Wilhelm] (German, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1091)


     Blessed Martyrs of Japan of 1603 to 1639 – [CONTINUED]

(Japanese, 5 priests and 183 laity, martyred at various locations [beatified 2008])


----- Bl. Didacus Yuki Ryosetsu of Awa (Jesuit, died at about age 61 in 1636)

----- Bl. Julian Nakaura of Nakaura (Jesuit, died at about age 66 in 1633)

----- Bl. Peter Kasui Kibe of Kibe (made pilgrimage to Jerusalem, ordained in Rome, Jesuit  in Siam and Japan, tortured and died [speared] at about age 53 in 1639)

----- Bl. Thomas of St. Augustine Ochia Jihyoe of Omura (Augustinian, died at about age 35 in 1637)

  [Jesuit  brother:]

----- Bl. Nicholas Fukunaga Keian of Nagawara (died at about age 63 in 1633)

  [Other laity:]

----- Bl. Adam Arakawa (married man, catechist, died at about age 63 in 1614)

----- Bl. Adrian Takahashi Mondo and Bl. Joanna Takahashi, of Arima (husband and wife, died in 1614)

----- Bl. Agatha of Omi (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Alexis Choemon, Bl. Candidus Bozu, and Bl. Ignatius, of Hanazawa (married man, his brother-in-law, and the latter's nephew ... died at about ages 26, 14, and 1 in 1629)

----- Bl. Alexis Sato Seisuke of Shindogadai, Bl. Lucy Sato of Yonezawa, Bl. Elizabeth Sato of Shindogadai, and Bl. Paul Sato Matagoro of Shindogadai (husband, wife, daughter, and brother ... died in 1629) [Bl. Elizabeth died at about age 3.]

----- Bl. Alexis Sugi Shohachi of Amakusa (died at about age 25 in 1627)

----- Bl. Andrew Yamamoto Shichiemon, Bl. Mary Yamamoto, and Bl. Ursula Yamamoto, of Yonezawa (husband, wife, and daughter ... died in 1629) [Bl. Ursula died at about age 3.]

----- Bl. Anna Kajiya and Bl. Thomas Kajiya Yoemon, of Tanba (widowed mother and son, died in


----- Bl. Anthony Anazawa Han'emon, Bl. Crescentia Anazawa, Bl. Paul Anazawa Juzaburo, Bl. Roman Anazawa Matsujiro, and Bl. Michael Anazawa Osamu, of Yonezawa (husband, wife, and three sons ... died in 1629) [Bl. Roman and Bl. Michael died at about ages 14 and 11.]

----- Bl. Anthony Domi of Yamato (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Balthasar Kagayama Hanzaemon of Takatsuki and Bl. James Kagayama of Hiji (father and son, died at about ages 47 and 4 in 1619)

----- Bl. Bartholomew Baba Han'emon of Fukae (married man, died at about age 53 in 1627)

----- Bl. Cosmas and Bl. Francis Shizaburo, of Kyoto (father and son, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Damian of Sakai [surname unknown] (catechist, died at about age 45 in 1605)

----- Bl. Damian Ichiyata of Antoku Koba (married man, died in 1627)

----- Bl. Dennis Saeki Zenka and Bl. Luke Saeki Kizo, of Fukae (father and son, died in 1627)

----- Bl. Didacus Kagayama Haito of Takatsuki (married man, died at about age 54 in 1619)

----- Bl. Didacus Tsuzu of Kyoto (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Emmanuel Kosaburo of Tanba (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Francis of Kyoto (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Francis Toyama Jintaro of Yamanashi (died at about age 24 in 1624)

----- Bl. Gabriel of Owari [surname unknown] (died at about age 70 in 1619)

----- Bl. Gaspar Kizaemon of Arie (died in 1627)

----- Bl. Gaspar Nagai Sohan of Kuchinotsu (died in 1627)

----- Bl. Gaspar Nishi Genka, Bl. Ursula Nishi, and Bl. John Nishi Mataishi, of Ikitsuki (father, wife, and son ... died at about ages 54, 54, and 24 in 1609)

----- Bl. Ignatius Iida Soemon and Bl. Lucy Iida, of Yonezawa (husband and wife, died in 1629)

----- Bl. Jerome and Bl. Lucia Soroku, of Aki (husband and wife, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Joachim Kuroemon of Aki (catechist, died at about age 65 in 1624)

----- Bl. Joachim Mine Sukedayu and Bl Mary Mine, of Kuchinotsu (husband and wife, died in 1627) [Bl. Joachim died at about age 60.]

----- Bl. Joachim Ogawa of Mino (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Joachim Saburobyoe of Wada (died in 1629)

----- Bl. Joachim Watanabe Jirozaemon of Yatsushiro (married man, died at about age 55 in 1606)

----- Bl. Joanna Takeda of Ise, Bl Simon Takeda Gohyoe of Kyoto, and Bl. Agnes Takeda of Ise (mother, her son, and his wife ... died at about ages 55, 35, and 30 in 1603)

----- Bl. John and Bl. Ursula Sakurai, of Bungo (married man and daughter-in-law, died in 1619)

----- Bl. John, Bl. Magdalena, and Bl. Regina Kyusaku, of Kyoto (husband, wife, and daughter ... died in 1619)

----- Bl. John Araki Kanshichi of Koga (died at about age 34 in 1627)

----- Bl. John Arie Kiemon, Bl. Magdalen Arie, and Bl. Peter Arie Jinzo, of Yonezawa (husband, wife, and son ... died in 1629)

----- Bl. John Banzai Kazue, Bl. Aurea Banzai, Bl. Anthony Banzai Orusu, Bl. Rufina Sanjuro [nee Banzai], Bl. Paul Sanjuro [Sr.], Bl Paul Sanjuro [Jr.], Bl. Martha Sanjuro, of Yonezawa (husband, wife, son, daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter ... died in 1629) [Bl. Anthony died at about age 12.  The grandchildren died at about ages 5 and 1.]

----- Bl. John Gorobyoe of Yonezawa (married man, died at about age 80 in 1629)

----- Bl. John Hara Mondo of Usui (Franciscan tertiary, died in 1619)

----- Bl. John Hashimoto Tahyoe, Bl. Thecla Hashimoto, Bl. Catharine Hashimoto, Bl. Thomas Hashimoto, Bl. Francis Hashimoto, Bl. Peter Hashimoto, Bl. Luke Hashimoto, of Kyoto (husband, wife, and their five children ... died in 1619) [The children were about 13, 12, 8, 6, and 3 years of age.]

----- Bl. John Hattori Jingoro of Muro and Bl. Peter Hattori of Yatsushiro (father and son, died at about ages 39 and 5 in 1609)

----- Bl. John Heisaku of Arie (married man, died in 1627)

----- Bl. John Kisaki Kyuhachi of Fukae (died in 1627)

----- Bl. John Matsutake Chozaburo of Fukae (died at about age 38 in 1627)

----- Bl. John Minami Gorozaemon of Yamato, Bl. Magdalen Minami of Setsu-No-Kuni, and Bl. Luke Minami of Yamashiro (husband, wife, and adopted son ... died at about ages 35/43/7 in 1603)

----- Bl. Leo and Bl. Martha Kyusuke, of Owari (husband and wife, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Leo Hayashida Sukeemon, Bl. Martha Hayashida, Bl. Magdalena Hayashida, and Bl. James Hayashida, of Arima (husband, wife, daughter, and son ... died in 1614) [Bl. Magdalena was about 21.  Bl. James was about 13.]

----- Bl. Leo Nakajima Sokan and Bl. Paul Nakajima, of Fukae (father and son, died in 1627)

----- Bl. Leo Saisho Shichiemon of Jonai (member or rosary confraternity, died at about age 39 in 1608)

----- Bl. Leo Takedomi Kan'emon and Bl. Paul Takedomi Dan'emon, of Arima (father and son, died in 1614)

----- Bl. Linus Rihyoe of Chugoku and Bl. Mary Rihyoe of Setsu-No-Kuni (husband and wife, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Luke and Bl. Anna Jinemon, of Yonezawa (husband and wife, died both at about age 80 in 1629)

----- Bl. Luke Amagasu Iemon of Yonezawa, Bl. Vincent Kurogan Ichibiyoe of Yonezawa, Bl. Thecla Kurogane of Sado, and Bl. Lucy Kurogane of Yonezawa (father, son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter ... died at about ages ?, 26, 18, and 1 in 1629)

----- Bl. Luke Furue Sukeemon of Arie (married man, died at about age 37 in 1627)

----- Bl. Luke Hayashida Soka, Bl. Magdalen Hayashida, and Bl. Paul Hayashida Mohyoe, of Arie (husband, wife, and son ... died at about ages 67, 68, and 35 in 1627)

----- Bl. Luke Matagoro of Kyoto (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Luke Shinzaburo of Kuchinotsu (died at about age 26 in 1627)

----- Bl. Magdalen of Owari (died at about age 3 in 1619)

----- Bl. Magdalen Shichizaemon and three other Blessed members of her family [baptismal names unknown], of Shindogadai (wife, husband, and two daughters ... died in 1629) [The two girls died at about ages 5 and 3.]

----- Bl. Mancius Kyujiro of Kyoto (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Mancius Yoshino Han'emon and Bl. Julia Yoshino, of Yonezawa (husband and wife, died in 1629)

----- Bl. Martha and Bl. Benedict, of Kawachi [surname unknown] (mother and son, died in 1619) [Bl. Benedict died at about age 2.]

----- Bl. Mary and Bl. Monica, of Yamashiro [surname unknown] (mother and daughter, died in 1619) [Bl. Monica died at about age 4.]

----- Bl. Mary and Bl. Sixtus, of Tanba [surname unknown] (mother and son, died in 1619) [Bl. Sixtus died at about age 3.]

----- Bl. Mary of Fukae [surname unknown] (married woman, died at about age 36 in 1627)

----- Bl. Mary of Tanba (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Mary Chujo of Bungo (married woman, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Mary Ito, Bl. Marina Ito Chobo, Bl. Peter Ito Yahyoe, and Bl. Matthias Ito Hikosuke, of Yonezawa (mother, daughter, and two sons ... died in 1629)

----- Bl. Matthias Shobara Ichizaemon of Aki (died at about age 37 in 1624)

----- Bl. Melchior Kumagai Motonao of Miiri (married man, died at about age 51 in 1605)

----- Bl. Mencia and Bl. Lucia, of Omi [surname unknown] (widowed mother and daughter, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Michael Amagasu Tayemon of Yonezawa, Bl. Dominique Amagasu of Wakamatsu, and Bl. Justa Amagasu of Yonezawa (husband, wife, and daughter ... died at about ages 35, 23, and 3 in 1629)

----- Bl. Michael Kusuriya of Nagasaki (died in 1633)

----- Bl. Michael Mitsuishi Hikoemon and Bl. Thomas Mitsuishi, of Yatsushiro (father and son, died at about ages 50 and 12 in 1609)

----- Bl. Monica of Mino [surname unknown] (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Monica of Omi [surname unknown] (married woman, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Ogasawara household members, of Buzen (fifteen people [father, mother, six sons, three daughters, and four servants], died in 1636) [The family members were named Bl. Yosaburo Gen'ya, Bl. Miya Louisa, Bl. Genpachi, Bl. Sasaemon, Bl. Sayuemon, Bl. Shiro, Bl. Goro, Bl. Gonnosuke, Bl. Mari, Bl. Kuri, and Bl. Tsuchi.  The servants' names are unknown.]

----- Bl. Paul Nishida Kyuhachi of Fukae (died at about age 74 in 1627)

----- Bl. Paul Nishihori Shikibu of Yonezawa (married man, died at about age 31 in 1629)

----- Bl. Paul Onizuka Magoemon of Hachirao (married man, died at about age 64 in 1627)

----- Bl. Paul Uchibori Sakuemon and Bl. Balthasar, Bl. Anthony, and Bl. Ignatius Uchibori, all of Fukae (father and three sons, died in 1627) [Bl. Anthony and Bl. Ignatius died at about age 18 and 5.]

----- Bl. Rufina and Bl. Martha, of Owari [surname unknown] (widow and daughter, died in 1619) [Bl. Martha died at about age 7]

----- Bl. Simon Takahashi Seizaemon and Bl. Thecla Takahashi, of Yonezawa (father and daughter ... died in 1629) [Bl. Thecla died at about age 13.]

----- Bl. Thomas and Bl. Lucia Toemon, of Owari (husband and wife, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Thomas Ikegami of Hokuriku (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Thomas Kian of Bungo (died in 1619)

----- Bl. Thomas Kondo Hyoemon of Mogi (died at about age 63 in 1627)

----- Bl. Thomas Koshima Shinshiro and Bl. Mary Koshima, of Yamashiro (husband and wife, died in 1619)

----- Bl. Thomas Uzumi Shingoro of Kuchinotsu (died at about age 52 in 1627)

----- Bl. Timothy Obasama Jirobyoe and Bl. Lucy Obasama, of Yonezawa (husband and wife, died in 1629)


On July 5, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Anthony Mary
Zaccaria of Cremona [Antonio Maria] (Italian, doctor of medicine, priest, founded Society of Clerics of St. Paul [Barnabites] for men, founded Angelics of St. Paul for women, died at about age 37 in 1539 [beatified 1849, canonized 1897])

     Sts. Agatho and Triphina (Sicilian, martyred in 306)

     St. Athanasius of Jerusalem (Palestinian, deacon, martyred by beheading in 462)

     St. Athanasius of Trebizond [baptized Abraham] (from Asia Minor, abbot at Mt. Athos in Greece, died at about age 83 c. 1003)

     St. Cyrilla of Cyrene (Libyan, widow, tortured and martyred c. 300)

     St. Domitius (Persian or Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], martyred by stoning in 362)

     St. Edana (Irish, virgin)

     St. Erfyl (British, virgin)

     Sts. Fragan and Gwen of Brittany (British, husband and wife, parents of four saints, refugees in France, 5th Century)

     Bl. George Nichols of Oxford (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 39 in 1589 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Humphrey Pritchard [also known as H. Richard] (Welsh, layman, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1987])

     Sts. Marinus, Theodotus and Sedolpha, of Tomi (Romanian, early martyrs)

     St. Modwenna of Whitby (British, abbess, c. 695)

     St. Numerian of Trier (German, Benedictine  monk, bishop, c. 666)

     St. Philomena of San Severino (Italian, virgin, c. 500)

     Sts. Probus and Grace (Cornish [British], husband and wife)

     Bl. Richard Yaxley of Boston (English, seminarian, martyred at about age 19 under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1987])

     St. Stephen of Reggio (Italian, bishop, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Zoë of Rome (Italian, wife of court official, martyred [burned (hung in a tree by her hair over a fire)] c. 286)


On July 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Maria Teresa
Goretti of Corinaldo (Italian, defended virginity when attacked by 19-year-old neighbor, martyred by stabbing at age 11 in 1902 [beatified 1947, canonized 1950 (perhaps the only canonization ever witnessed by a parent [Maria's mother, Assunta])])

     St. Dominica
of Campania (Italian, virgin, early martyr)

     St. Goar of Aquitaine (French, priest, hermit in Germany, c. 575)

     St. Godeleva of Ghistelles (Belgian, noblewoman, martyred by drowning at about age 21 in 1070)

     Bl. Innocent Guz of Lviv [Innocenty] [baptized Józef Wojciech (Joseph Adalbert)] (Polish born in Ukraine, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 50 in 1940 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Louis Caburlotto of Venice [Luigi] (Italian, priest, founded Daughters of St. Joseph, died at age 80 in 1897 [beatified 2015])


     Bl. Mary Teresa Ledóchowska of Loosdorf [Maria Teresa] (Polish [born in Austria], noblewoman, founded Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, died at age 59 in 1922 [beatified 1975])

     St. Modwenna of Polesworth (British? virgin, c. 900)

     St. Moninne of Killeavy (Irish, abbess, d. 518) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Nazaria Ignacia of St. Teresa of Jesus March Mesa of Madrid [... de Santa Teresa de Jesús] (Spanish, virgin, founded Congregation of the Missionary Crusaders of the Church at Oruro, died in Argentina at age 54 in 1943 [beatified 1992, canonized 2018])

     St. Noyala of Brittany (French, virgin, early martyr)

     Blessed Martyrs of Orange (French ... one Benedictine  nun, two Cistercian  nuns, sixteen Ursuline  sisters, and thirteen members of the Institute of Perpetual Adoration [Sacramentines] ... martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1794 [beatified 1925]) [Each “beata” has an individual date of commemoration too.]

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]


     Bl. Rosalind of Villeneuve [Roseline] (French, noblewoman, Carthusian contemplative nun, mystic, died at about age 61 in 1329 [incorrupt] [beatified 1851])

     Sts. Romulus, Carissimus, Dulcissimus, and Crescentius, of Fiesole (Italian, converts of Pope St. Peter, bishop and companions, martyred c. 90)

     St. Sexburga of Ely (British, daughter of one king and wife of another, mother of two, sister of five saints, widow, abbess, c. 699)

     St. Sisoes (Egyptian, hermit for over 60 years, c. 429)

     Bl. Thomas Alfield of Gloucester (English, priest, martyred by hanging under Elizabeth I in 1585 [beatified 1929])

     St. Tranquillinus of Rome (Italian, martyred in 286)

[When St. Maria Goretti was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950, a quarter of a million people were present. Among them was an elderly man who was weeping. His name was Alessandro Serenelli. This was the man who attempted to rape Maria and who stabbed her fourteen times, causing her to die about twenty hours later.  He repented after some years, having experienced a conversion following a dream in which Maria appeared to him and offered him lilies. He begged the Goretti family's forgiveness. Upon his release from prison, he visited Maria's mother to personally ask her pardon.  (St. Maria had forgiven him before she died.)]



     Blessed Martyrs of Orange – [CONTINUED]

 (French ... one Benedictine  nun, two Cistercian  nuns, sixteen Ursuline  sisters, and thirteen members of the Institute of Perpetual Adoration [Sacramentines] ... martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1794 [beatified 1925])  [Each “beata” has an individual date of commemoration too.]

----- Bl. Mary Rose de Loye of Sérignan [Marie-Rose] [baptized Suzanne-Agathe (Susan Agatha)] (Benedictine, died at age 53) {This is also her individual memorial date.}
----- Bl. Mary St. Henry
de Justamond of Bollène [Marie Saint-Henri] and Bl. (Sister) of the Heart of Mary de Justamond of Bollène [(Soeur) du Coeur-de-Marie] [baptized Marguerite-Eléonore (Margaret Eleanor) and Madeleine-Françoise (Madeleine Frances)] (biological sisters, Cistercians, died at ages 48 and 40) {July 12 and 16, respectively}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Augustine
Bonnet of Sérignan [(Soeur) Saint-Augustin] [baptized Marguerite (Margaret)] (Sacramentine, died at age 75)
----- Bl. Catherine
de Justamond of Bollène [baptized Marie-Madeleine (Mary Magdalen)] (Ursuline, died at age 70)
----- Bl. Clare
Dubas of Laudun [baptized Claire] (Ursuline, died at age 67)
----- Bl. (Mother) of the Heart of Jesus
de Consolin of Courthézon [(Mere) du Coeur-de-Jesus] [baptized Elisabeth] (Ursuline   superior, died at age 58)
----- Bl. Iphigenia
de Gaillard of Bollène [Iphigénie] [baptized Suzanne] (Sacramentine, died at age 33)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Melanie
de Guilhermier of Bollène [(Soeur) Sainte-Mélanie] [baptized Madeleine] (Ursuline, died at age 61)
----- Bl. Mary of the Angels
de Rocher of Bollène [Marie-des-Anges] [baptized Marie-Anne (Mary Ann)] (Ursuline, died at age 39)
----- Bl. (Sister) of Holy Wisdom
d'Alauzier of Bollène [(Soeur) Sainte-Sophie] [baptized Gertrude] (Ursuline, died at age 37)
----- Bl. Agnes
de Romillon of Bollène [baptized Sylvie] (Ursuline, died at age 44)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Pelagius
Bès of Beaume-du-Transit [(Soeur) Sainte-Pélagie] [baptized Rosalie] (Sacramentine, died at age 41)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Basil
Cartier of Livron [(Soeur) Saint-Basile] [baptized Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 61)
----- Bl. Madeleine
de Justamond of Bollène [baptized Dorothée] (Ursuline, died at age 51)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Andrew
Laye of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-André] [baptized Marie-Rose] (Ursuline, died at age 66)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Michael
Doux of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-Michel] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 56)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Joachim
Béguin-Royal of Bouvantes [(Soeur) Saint-Joachim] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Sacramentine, died at age 58)
----- Bl. Mary of Jesus
Charrensol of Richerenches [Marie-de-Jésus] [baptized Thérèse] (Sacramentine, died at age 36)
----- Bl. Amy
de Gordon of Mondragon [Aimée] [baptized Rose] (Sacramentine, died at age 61)
----- Bl. (Mother) St. Gervase
de Roquard of Bollène [(Mere) Saint-Gervais] [baptized Anastasie (Anastasia)] (Ursuline   superior, died at age 55)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Theoctista
Pélissier of Bollène [(Soeur) Théotiste] [baptized Elisabeth] (Sacramentine, died at age 53)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Martin
Blanc of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-Martin] [baptized Claire] (Sacramentine, died at age 52)
----- Bl. (Sister) of Holy Wisdom
d'Albarède of Saint-Laurent-de-Carnols [(Soeur) Sainte-Sophie] [baptized Marguerite] (Ursuline, died at age 54)
----- Bl. Rose
Talieu of Bollène [baptized Thérèse] (Sacramentine, died at age 48)
----- Bl. (Sister) of the Good Angel
Cluse of Bouvantes [(Soeur) du Bon-Ange] [baptized Marie] (Sacramentine, died at age 33)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Bernard
de Romillon of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-Bernard] [baptized Jeanne (Joan)] (Ursuline, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Madeleine
Verchières of Bollène [baptized Elisabeth] (Sacramentine, died at age 25)
----- Bl. Mary of the Annunciation
Faurie of Sérignan [Marie-de-l'Annonciation] [baptized Thérèse] (Sacramentine, died at age 24)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Alexis
Minutte of Sérignan [(Soeur) Saint-Alexis] [baptized Andrée (Andrea)] (Sacramentine, died at age 54)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Francis
Lambert of Pierrelatte [(Soeur) Saint-François] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 52)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Frances
Depeyre of Tulette [(Soeur) Sainte-Françoise] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 38)

On July 7, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Ampelius
of Milan (Italian, bishop, c. 672)

     St. Angelelmus of Auxerre (French, abbot, bishop, d. 828)

     St. Apollonius of Brescia (Italian, early bishop)

     Sts. Astius of Dyrrachium, Peregrinus, Lucian, Pompeius, Hesychius, Papius, Saturninus, and Germanus (Greek [1] and Italian [7], bishop and refugee laymen, martyred [bishop crucified, others drowned] in Greece c. 120)

     Pope Bl. Benedict XI Boccasini of Treviso [Benedetto] [baptized Niccolo] (Italian, raised by an uncle [a priest], Dominican master general, diplomat, cardinal bishop of Ostia, elected to papacy in 1303, reigned until death at about age 64 in 1304 [beatified 1736])

     St. Bonitus of Monte Cassino (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 582)

     Bl. Charles Liviero of Vicenza [Carlo] (Italian, parish priest, bishop of Città di Castello, founded women's Congregation of Little Servants of the Sacred Heart, died [auto accident] at age 66 in 1932 [beatified 2007])

     Sts. Claudius, Nicostratus, Castorius, Victorinus, and Symphorina (martyred c. 288)

     St. Ethelburga of Faremoutiers [also known as Ercongata] (British, Benedictine  abbess in France, c. 664 [incorrupt])

     St. Felix of Nantes (French, nobleman, bishop, peacemaker, d. 584)

     St. Hedda of Winchester (British, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 705)

     St. Illidius of Clermont (French, bishop, d. 385)

     St. Joseph Mary Gambaro of Galliate [Giuseppe Maria] [baptized Bernardo (Bernard)] (Italian, Franciscan  missionary priest in China, martyred at age 31 in 1900 [beatified 1946, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Laurence Humphrey of Hampshire (English, layman, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at age 20 c. 1591 [beatified 1929])

     St. Maelruain of Tallaght [also spelled Maolrain] (Irish, abbot, c. 792) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Maria Romero Meneses of Granada (Nicaraguan, Salesian  sister, cared for poor and children in Costa Rica, died at age 75 in 1977 [beatified 2002])

     Sts. Medran and Odran (Irish, biological brothers, monk and abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Merryn of Cornwall (French or British)

     St. Odo of Urgell (Spanish, military officer, bishop, d. 1122)

     St. Palladius of Rome (Italian, bishop of Leinster in Ireland, missionary in Scotland, d. 432)

     St. Pantaenus of Alexandria (Sicilian, catechist in Egypt, missionary in India or Ethiopia, c. 216)

     Bl. Peter ToRot of Rakunai (Papua New Guinean, catechist, martyred at age 33 in 1945 [beatified 1995]) [On Australian "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Roger Dickenson of Lincoln and Bl. Ralph Milner of Stackstead (English, priest and plowman who helped him, martyred [hanged] under Elizabeth I in 1591 [beatified 1929])

     St. Sethrida of Faremoutiers-en-Brie (British, Benedictine  abbess in France, c. 660)

     Blessed Ulma Family of Markowa (Polish, parents and seven children, hid eight Jewish people during World War II, martyred [shot] by Nazis in 1944 [beatified 2023])

----- Bl. Joseph Ulma [Jozef] (father, died at age 44)

----- Bl. Victoria Ulma [Wiktoria (nee Niemczak)] (mother, died at age 31)

----- Bl. Stanislava Ulma [Stanisława] (daughter, died at age 7)

----- Bl. Barbara Ulma (daughter, died at age 6)

----- Bl. Ladislas Ulma [Władysław] (daughter, died at age 5)

----- Bl. Francis Ulma [Franciszek] (son, died at age 3)

----- Bl. Anthony Ulma [Antoni] (son, died at age 2)

----- Bl. Maria Ulma (daughter, died at age 1)

----- Bl. _____ Ulma (preborn [8-month-old] infant son, not yet named by his parents)


On July 8, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Holy Abrahamite Monks of Constantinople (monks martyred by iconoclast heretics between 830 and 840)

     Pope St. Adrian III of Rome (Italian, elected to papacy in 884, reigned until death in 885 [canonized 1892])

     St. Albert of Genoa [Alberto] (Italian, Cistercian  brother, hermit, d. 1239)

     St. Apollonius of Benevento (Italian, bishop, c. 327)

     Sts. Aquila and Priscilla of Rome (Italian, Jewish tentmaker and wife in Corinth, converts and missionaries with St. Paul to Ephesus, martyred in Rome or Asia Minor in 1st Century)

     St. Arnold of Julich (Greek, courtier of Bl. Charlemagne, c. 801)

     St. Auspicius of Toul (French, bishop, c. 475)

     St. Auspicius of Trier (German, bishop, c. 131)

     Bl. Benedict d'Alignan of Marseilles [Benoit] (French, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, Franciscan  friar after resignation, d. 1268)

     King St. Edgar the Peaceful (British, monarch, died at about age 32 in 975)

     Pope Bl. Eugene III dei Paganelli of Montemagno [Eugenio] [baptized Pietro (Peter), monastic name: Bernardo (Bernard)] (Italian, Cistercian  abbot, elected to papacy in 1145, reigned until death in 1153 [beatified 1872])

     St. Grimbald of Winchester (French, Benedictine  abbot in France and England, co-founder of University of Oxford, died at about age 78 in 903)

     Sts. Kilian, Colman, and Totnan, of Mullagh (Irish ... missionary bishop, priest, and deacon in Germany ? martyred [Kilian at about age 49] c. 689) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Landrada of Munsterbilsen (Luxembourger, Benedictine  abbess, c. 690)

     Bl. Mancius Araki of Omura (Japanese, layman, martyred [illness in prison] in 1626)

     St. Morwenna of Cornwall (British? virgin, 5th Century)

     Bl. Peter Vigne of Privas [Pierre] (French, parish priest, itinerant missionary for 30+ years, founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, died at age 69 in 1740 [beatified 2004])

     St. Procopius of Scythopolis (Palestinian, translator, lector, exorcist, martyred in 303)

     St. Raymond Gayrard of Toulouse (French, widower, archdeacon, d. 1118)

     Holy Martyrs of Shanxi (European [four nations], seven religious sisters [Franciscan Missionaries of Mary] serving poor in China, martyred by beheading in 1900 [beatified 1946, canonized 2000])
----- St. Mary Adolfina
Dierks [Marie-Adolphine] [baptized Anna Katarina (Ann Catherine)] (Dutch, factory worker, domestic servant, died at age 34)
----- St. Mary Amandina
Jeuris of Schakebroek [Marie-Amandine] [baptized Paulina] (Belgian, nurse, died at age 27)
----- St. Mary Clare
Nanetti of Ponte Santa Maria Maddalena [Maria Chiara] [baptized Clelia] (Italian, died at age 28)
----- St. Mary Hermina of Jesus
Grivot of Beaune [Marie-Hermine-de-Jésus] [baptized Irma] (French, tutor, superior of sisters martyred, died at age 34)
----- St. Mary of Peace
Giuliani of Bolsena [Maria della Pace] [baptized Maria Anna (Mary Ann)] (Italian, organized orphanage in China, died at age 25)
----- St. Mary of St. Justus
Moreau of La Faye [Marie-de-Saint-Just] [baptized Anne-Françoise] (French, farmer, overcame great faith crisis in China, died at age 34)
----- St. Mary of St. Natalie
Kerguin of Belle-Isle en Terre [Marie-de-Sainte-Nathalie] [baptized Jeanne-Marie (Joan Marie)] (French, peasant, died at age 36)

     St. Sunniva of Bergen and companions (Irish, princess and other refugees in Scandinavia, 10th Century)

     St. Urith of Chittlehampton (British, virgin)

     St. Withburga of Dereham (British, Benedictine  nun, c. 743)



On July 9, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Holy Martyrs of China [also called "St. Augustine Zhao Rong and companions"] (87 Chinese, 13 Italians, 12 French, 6 Spanish, 1 Belgian, 1 Dutch ... 120 people [83 men and 37 women] ... 29 ordained and 91 non-ordained [7 bishops, 18 European priests, 4 Chinese priests, 1 European brother, 7 European sisters, 83 Chinese lay men and women (including 7 seminarians and 11 catechists)], whose names and stories are known, are representative of thousands of Catholic clergy, religious, and laity who were martyred [beheaded, strangled, shot, etc.], sometimes after torture, between 1648 and 1930) [All 120 were canonized in 2000, but they had been beatified individually or in groups as follows: 5 who died in 1747 or 1748 were beatified in 1893 ... 13 who died between 1814 and 1856 were beatified in 1900 ... 14 who died between 1648 and 1862 were beatified in 1909 ... 29 who died in 1900 were beatified in 1946 ... 1 who died in 1900 was beatified in 1951 ... 56 who died in 1900 were beatified in 1955 ... and 2 who died in 1930 were beatified in 1983]
{Note: Some of these martyrs are also commemorated individually or in a smaller group on other days during the year.}

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     Bl. Adrian
Fortescue of Punsborne (English, father of five, justice of the peace, Dominican  tertiary, cousin of Anne Boleyn [but opposed her sham marriage], martyred by beheading at about age 63 in 1539 [beatified 1895])

     St. Agilulph of Cologne (German, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop, martyred c. 721)

     St. Agrippinus of Autun (French, bishop, d. 538)

     Sts. Anatolia and Audax (Roman, maiden and her prison guard, martyred c. 250)

     Sts. Benedict [Benedikt], Andrew [Andrzej], Barnabas [Barnaba], and Justus (Polish, Camaldolese  hermits, c. 1000)

     St. Brictius of Martola (Italian, bishop, c. 312)

     St. Cyril of Gortyna (Cretan, bishop, tortured and martyred by beheading in 250)

     St. Everild of Everingham (British, Benedictine  abbess, 7th Century)

     Bl. Fidelis Chojnacki of Lodz [baptized Hieronim (Jerome)] (Polish, Capuchin  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 35 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Golvinus of Rennes (British, bishop of Saint Pol-de-Léon in France, c. 7th Century)

     Holy Martyrs of Gorkum (European [from four nations], nineteen priests and religious [11 Franciscan Recollects, 2 Norbertines, 1 Dominican, 1 Augustinian Canon, 4 diocesan priests), refused to reject papacy and transubstantiation, tortured and martyred [hanged] by Calvinists in Holland in 1572 [beatified 1675, canonized 1867])
----- St. Adrian
Janssen of Hilvarenbeek [also called Adrian Beanus] [Adriaan] (Dutch, Norbertine, died at about age 40)
----- St. Andrew
Wouters of Heinenoord [Andries] (Dutch, Franciscan, died at about age 30)
----- St. Anthony
of Hoornaer [Antonius] (Dutch, Franciscan)
----- St. Anthony
of Weert [Antonius] (Dutch, Franciscan, died at about age 49)
----- St. Anthony
of Holstein [Antonius] [also known as Willehad] (Danish, Franciscan, died at about age 90)
----- St. Cornelius
of Wyk [Cornelis] (Dutch, Franciscan  brother, died at about age 24)
----- St. Godfrey
of Melveren [Govaert] (Dutch, Franciscan   superior, died at about age 60)
----- St. Godfrey
van Duynen of Gorkum [Govaert] (Dutch, parish priest, died at about age 70)
----- St. James
Lacops of Oudenaarde [Jacob] (Dutch, Norbertine, repentant apostate, died at about age 31)
----- St. Francis
van Rooy of Brussels [Frans] (Belgian, Franciscan, died at about age 23)
----- St. Jerome
Weerden of Weert [Jeronymus] (Dutch, Franciscan  missionary to Palestinian Moslems, vicar of friary in Holland, died at about age 50)
----- St. John
Lenartz of Oosterwyk [Johannes] (Dutch, Augustinian, nuns' chaplain, died at about age 68)
----- St. John
of Cologne [Johannes von Köln] (German, Dominican  friar, parish priest in Holand)
----- St. Leonard
Vechel of 's-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc) [Lenaert] (Dutch, parish priest, died at about age 45)
----- St. Nicasius
of Heeze (Dutch, Franciscan, parish priest in Holland, died at about age 40)
----- St. Nicholas
Janssen Poppel of Welde [Nicolaas] (Belgian, parish priest)
----- St. Nicholas
Pieck of Gorkum [Claes] (Dutch, Franciscan, died at about age 38)
----- St. Peter
of Assche (Belgian, Franciscan  brother, died at about age 42)
----- St. Theodore
van der Eem of Amersfoort [Dirk] (Dutch, Franciscan, died at about age 73)

     Bl. Jane Scopelli of Reggio d'Emilia [Giovanna] (Italian, Carmelite  prioress, died at about age 63 in 1491 [beatified 1771])

     Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified Petkovic of Blato [Marija od Propetoga Isusa] (Croatian, virgin, founded Congregation of the Daughters of Mercy, died at age 73 in 1966 [beatified 2003])

     Sts. Patermuthius, Copras, and Alexander (Egyptian ... penitent robber, hermit, converted soldier ... martyred c. 363)

     St. Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus Visintainer of Vigolo Vattaro [Paolina del Cuore Agonizzante di Gesù] [baptized Amabile Lucia] (Italian, founded Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Brazil, died at age 76 in 1942 [beatified 1991, canonized 2002, first Brazilian citizen canonized])

     St. Veronica Giuliani of Mercatello [baptized Ursula] (Italian, Poor Clare  abbess, stigmatist, died at about age 67 in 1727 [beatified 1804, canonized 1839])

     St. Zeno and over 10,000 companions (Christian slaves forced to build imperial baths, martyred c. 300)



     Holy Martyrs of China – CONTINUED

 [also called "St. Augustine Zhao Rong and companions"]  (87 Chinese, 13 Italians, 12 French, 6 Spanish, 1 Belgian, 1 Dutch ... 120 people [83 men and 37 women] ... 29 ordained and 91 non-ordained [7 bishops, 18 European priests, 4 Chinese priests, 1 European brother, 7 European sisters, 83 Chinese lay men and women (including 7 seminarians and 11 catechists)], whose names and stories are known, are representative of thousands of Catholic clergy, religious, and laity who were martyred [beheaded, strangled, shot, etc.], sometimes after torture, between 1648 and 1930) [All 120 were canonized in 2000, but they had been beatified individually or in groups as follows: 5 who died in 1747 or 1748 were beatified in 1893 ... 13 who died between 1814 and 1856 were beatified in 1900 ... 14 who died between 1648 and 1862 were beatified in 1909 ... 29 who died in 1900 were beatified in 1946 ... 1 who died in 1900 was beatified in 1951 ... 56 who died in 1900 were beatified in 1955 ... and 2 who died in 1930 were beatified in 1983]
{Note: Some of these martyrs are also commemorated individually or in a smaller group on other days during the year.}

----- St. Anthoninus
Fantosati of Santa Maria della Valle [Antonino] [baptized Antonio (Anthony)] (Italy, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 58 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Francis
Fogolla of Montereggio [Francesco] (Italian, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 61 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Francis
Serrano Frias of Guenejea [Francisco] (Spanish, Dominican  priest [bishop-elect], tortured [branded, etc.] and strangled at age 53 in 1748 [beatified 1893])
----- St. Gregory
Grassi of Castellazzo Bormida [Gregorio] [baptized Pierluigi (Peter Louis)] (Italian, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 67 [beatified 1946]))
----- St. John Gabriel
Taurin Dufresse of Ville-de-Lezoux [Jean-Gabriel] (French, religious of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died in 1815 at age 65 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Louis
Versiglia of Oliva Gessi [Luigi] (Italian, Salesian, shot to death at age 57 in 1930 [beatified 1983])
----- St. Peter
Sanz y Jorda of Asco [Pedro] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary to Philippines and China for over 30 years, tortured and beheaded at age 67 in 1747 [beatified 1893])
----- St. Alberico
Crescitelli of Altavilla (Italian, missionary priest [member of Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions], tortured and beheaded at age 37 in 1900 [beatified 1951])
----- St. August
Chapdelaine of La Rochelle [Auguste] (French, religious of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, tortured and beheaded at age 42 in 1856 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Augustine
Zhao Rong of Su-Tchuen (former soldier, died due to neglect in prison at age 59 in 1815 [beatified 1900]))
----- St. Caesidius
Giacomantonio of Fossa Acquilana [Cesidio] [baptized Angelo] (Italian, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 27 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Callistus
Caravario of Cuorgné Canavese [Callisto] (Italian, Salesian, shot to death at age 27 in 1930 [beatified 1983])
----- St. Elijah
Facchini of Reno Centese [Elia] (Italian, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 61 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Francis
Diaz del Rincon of Ecija [Francisco] (Spanish, Dominican, died in 1748 at age 35 [beatified 1893])
----- St. Francis Mary
Lantrua of Molini di Triora [Francesco Maria] [baptized Giovanni (John)] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, strangled at age 56 in 1816 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Francis Regis
Clet of Grenoble [François-Régis] (French, Vincentian  missionary for 30 years, tortured and strangled at age 72 in 1820 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Francis
Fernández de Capillas of Baquerín de Campos [Francisco] ["Proto-martyr of China"] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary priest in Philippines, first Christian martyr in China, tortured and beheaded at age 41 in 1648 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Joachim
Rojo Perez of Hinojosa [Joaquín] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary in Philippines and China for 36 years, tortured and strangled at about age 57 in 1748 [beatified 1893])
----- St. John
Alcober Figuera of Gerona [Juan] (Spanish, Dominican, strangled at age 54 in 1748 [beatified 1893])
----- St. John Peter
Néel of Sainte-Catherine-sur-Riviere [Jean-Pierre] (French, member of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, died in 1862 at age 30 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Joseph Mary
Gambaro of Galliate [Giuseppe Maria] [baptized Bernardo (Bernard)] (Italian, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 31 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Joseph
Yuan Zai-de of Pe-Choui-Hien (stranglied at age 51 in 1817 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Leon Ignatius
Mangin of Verny [Leon-Ignace] (French, Jesuit, died in 1900 at age 43 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Modeste
Andlauer of Rosheim (French, Jesuit, died in 1900 at age 53 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Paul
Denn of Lille (French, Jesuit, died in 1900 at age 53 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Paul Liu Han-zuo of Lezi (died in 1819 at age 41 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Remy
Isore of Bambecque (French, schoolteacher, Jesuit  missionary, ordained priest in China, died in 1900 at age 48 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Thaddeus
Liu Rui-ting of Qunglai (died in 1823 at age 50 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Theodore
Balat of Saint-Martin de Tours (French, Franciscan, died in 1900 at age 42 [beatified 1946])
  [Franciscan  brother:]
----- St. Andrew
Bauer of Guebwiller [Andrea] (Italian, died in 1900 at age 34 [beatified 1946])
  [Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, served the poor, all beheaded in 1900:]
----- St. Mary Adolfina
Dierkx of Ossendrecht [Marie-Adolphine] [baptized Anna Katarina (Ann Catherine)] (Dutch, factory worker, domestic servant, died at age 34 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary Amandina
Jeuris of Schakebroek [Marie-Amandine] [baptized Paulina] (Belgian, nurse, died at age 27 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary Clare
Manetti of Ponte Santa Maria Maddalena [Maria Chiara] [baptized Clelia] (Italian, died at age 28 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary Hermina of Jesus
Grivot of Beaune [Marie-Hermine-de-Jesus] [baptized Irma] (French, tutor, superior of sisters martyred, died at age 34 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary of Peace
Giuliani of Bolsena [Maria della Pace] [baptized Maria Anna (Mary Ann)] (Italian, organized an orphanage, died at age 25 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary of St. Justus
Moreau of La Faye [Marie-de-Saint-Just] [baptized Anne-Françoise (Ann Frances)] (French, farmer, overcame great crisis of faith in China, died at age 34 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Mary of St. Natalie
Kerguin of Belle-Isle-en-Terre [Marie-de-Sainte-Nathalie] [baptized Jeanne-Marie (Joan Marie)] (French, peasant, died at age 36 [beatified 1946])
  [Lay men and women:]
----- St. Agatha
Lin Zao of Ma-Tchang (virgin, school teacher, catechist, died in 1858 at age 41 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Agnes
Cao Gui-ying of Wu-jia-zhai (widow, died in 1856 at age 35 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Andrew
Wang Tian-qing of Ma-jia-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 9 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Ann
An Jiao of Liou-Koan-Ying (died in 1900 at age 26 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Ann
An Xin of Liou-Koan-Ying (died in 1900 at age 72 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Ann
Wang of Ma-jia-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 14 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Barbara
Cui Li-an of Xiao-ti-an (died in 1900 at age 51 [beatified 1955])
----- St.
Chi Zhu-ze of De-zhao (catechumen, died in 1900 at age 18 [beatified 1955])
----- Sts. Elizabeth
Qin Bi-an and Simon Qin Kun-fu of Nanpeiluo (mother and son, died in 1900 at ages 54 and 14 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Francis
Zhang Rong of Qizi Shan (Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 62 [beatified 1946])
----- St. James
Yan Guo-dong of Jian-he (died in 1900 at age 47 [beatified 1946])
----- St. James
Zhao Quan-xin of Liu-lin-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 44 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Jerome
Lu Ting-mei of Mo-kou (catechist, tortured and beheaded at age 47 in 1858 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Joachim
Hao Kai-zhi of Zha-zuo (catechist, beheaded at age 65 in 1839 [beatified 1900])
----- St. John Baptist
Luo Ting-ying of Qing-yian (servant, beheaded at age 36 in 1861 [beatified 1909])
----- St. John Baptist
Wu Man-tang of Xi-he-tou (died in 1900 at age 17 [beatified 1955])
----- Sts. John Baptist
Zhao Ming-xi and Peter Zhao Ming-zhen of Bei-wang-tou (died in 1900 at ages 56 and 61 [beatified 1955])
----- St. John Baptist
Zhu Wu-rui of Lou-tcho-ang (died in 1900 at age 17 [beatified 1955])
----- St. John
Chen Xian-heng of Cheng-du (catechist, died in 1862 at age 42 [beatified 1909])
----- St. John
Wang Kui-ju of Qi (died in 1900 at age 25 [beatified 1955])
----- St. John
Wang Rui of Xin-li (seminarian, died in 1900 at age 15 [beatified 1946])
----- St. John
Wu Wen-yin of Dong-er-tou (died in 1900 at age 50 [beatified 1955])
----- St. John
Zhang Hu-an of Nan-she (seminarian, died in 1900 at age 18 [beatified 1946])
----- St. John
Zhang Jing-guang of Fuj-ing Cun (seminarian, died in 1900 at age 22 [beatified 1946])
----- St. John
Zhang Tian-shen of Jia-shanl-ong (catechist, died in 1862 at age 57 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Joseph
Ma Tai-shun of Qian-sheng-zhuang [also known as John Baptist] (died in 1900 at age 60 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Joseph
Wang Kui-xin of Qi (died in 1900 at age 37 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Joseph
Wang Yu-mei of Ma-jia-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 68 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Joseph
Yuan Geng-yin of Hui (died in 1900 at age 47 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Joseph
Zhang Da-peng of Du-yun (catechist, died in 1815 at age 61 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Joseph
Zhang Wen-lan of Ba (seminarian, beheaded at age 30 in 1861 [beatified 1909])
----- Sts.
Lang Yang and Paul Lang Fu of Lu (mother and son, died in 1900 at ages 29 and 7 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Lawrence
Bai Xiao-man of Shui-cheng (beheaded at age 35 in 1856 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Lawrence
Wang Bing of Gui-yang (catechist, tortured and beheaded at age 56 in 1858 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Lucy
Wang Cheng of Lao-chun-tan (died in 1900 at age 18 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Lucy
Wang Wang of Ma-jia-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 31 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Lucy
Yi Zhen-mei of Mian-yang (virgin, school teacher, catechist, died in 1862 at age 47 [beatified 1909])
----- Sts. Magdalene
Du Feng-ju and Mary Du Ti-an of Du-Yong-he (daughter and mother, died in 1900 at ages 19 and 42 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mark
Ji Tian-xiang of Yan-zhuang-tou (died in 1900 at age 66 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Martha
Wang Luo Man-de of Zun-yi (widow, messenger, beheaded at age 59 in 1861 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Martin
Wu Xue-sheng of Chu-chang-bo (catechist, died in 1862 at age 45 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Mary
An Guo of Liou-Koan-Ying (died in 1900 at age 64 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
An Ling-hua of Liou-Koan-Ying (died in 1900 at age 29 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Chi Yu of Da-ji (died in 1900 at age 15 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Du Zhao of Qi-feng-zhuang (died in 1900 at age 51 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Fan Kun of Da-ji (died in 1900 at age 16 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Fu Gui-Lin of Luo-po (died in 1900 at age 37 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Guo Li of Hu-jia-che (died in 1900 at age 65 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Wang Li of Wei (died in 1900 at age 49 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Zhao Guo of Zhao-jia-cun (died in 1900 at age 60 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Zhao of Zhao-jia-cun (died in 1900 at age 17 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Zheng Xu of Kou (died in 1900 at age 11 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Mary
Zhu Wu of Zhu-jia-he (died in 1900 at age 50 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Matthew
Feng De of Xiao-Ba-shi (Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 45 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Patrick
Dong Bo-di of Gu-cheng-yin (seminarian, died in 1900 at age 18 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Paul
Chen Chang-pin of Xing-ren (seminarian, died in 1861 at age 23 [beatified 1909])
----- St. Paul
Ge Ting-zhu of Xiao-tun (died in 1900 at age 61 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Paul
Liu Jin-de of Heng-shui (died in 1900 at age 79 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Paul
Wu An-jyu of Xi-he-tou (died in 1900 at age 62 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Paul
Wu Wan-shu of Xi-he-tou (died in 1900 at age 16 [beatified 1955])
----- Sts. Peter
Li Quan-hui and Raymond Li Quan-zhen of Chen-tun-cun (biological brothers, died in 1900 at ages 63 and 59 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Peter
Liu Wen-yuan of Gui-zhu (catechist, strangled at age 74 in 1834 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Peter
Liu Ze-yu of Zhu-jia-xie (died in 1900 at age 57 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Peter
Wang Er-man of Gu-cheng-yin Cun (died in 1900 at age 36 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Peter
Wang Zuo-lung of Shuang-zhong (died in 1900 at age 58 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Peter
Wu An-bang of Liu-lin-tsuen (Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 40 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Peter
Wu Guo-sheng of Long-ping (catechist of 600 converts, strangled at age 46 in 1814 [beatified 1900])
----- St. Peter
Zhang Ban-niu of Tul-ing (Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 51 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Peter
Zhu Ri-xin of Zhu-jia-he (died in 1900 at age 19 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Philip
Zhang Zhi-he of Shan-quin-gyu (seminarian, died in 1900 at age 20 [beatified 1946])
----- Sts. Rose
Chen Ai-jieh and Teresa Chen Tin-jieh of Feng (died in 1900 at ages 22 and 25 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Rose
Fan Hui of Fan (virgin, died in 1900 at age 45 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Rose
Zhao of Zhao-jia-cun (died in 1900 at age 22 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Simon
Chen Xi-man of An-yang (catechist, Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 46 [beatified 1946])
----- St. Teresa
Zhang He of Yuan (died in 1900 at age 36 [beatified 1955])
----- St. Thomas
Shen Ji-he of An-kao (Franciscan  tertiary, died in 1900 at age 49 [beatified 1946])
----- St.
Zhang Huai-lu of Zhu-ko-tian (catechumen, died in 1900 at age 57 [beatified 1955])

On July 10, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Alexander, Felix, Philip, Martial, Vitalis, Silvanus, and Januarius (Roman, seven sons of a martyred mother, martyred c. 150)

     St. Amalburga of Maubeuge (Belgian, widow, Benedictine  nun, c. 690)

     St. Amalburga of Münsterbilsen (Belgian, Benedictine  nun, c. 770)

     St. Anthony of the Caves [Anton] (Ukrainian, hermit in Greece and Ukraine, abbot, died at about age 90 in 1073)

     St. Apollonius of Sardis (Lydian [from part of what is now Turkey], deacon, scourged and martyred by crucifixion in 4th Century)

     Sts. Bianor and Sylvanus (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred by beheading in 4th Century)

     Holy Martyrs of Damascus (European and Syrian [or Lebanese], eight Franciscans  friars and three Maronite laymen, martyred by Moslems in 1860 [beatified 1926, canonized 2024]) [commemorated by some on July 13]
----- St. Emmanuel
Ruiz of Santander [Manuel] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Carmel
Volta of Valencia (Spanish, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Engelbert
Kolland of Tyrolia (Austrian, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Nicanor
Ascanius of Castille (Spanish, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Nicholas
Alberca of Andalusia [Nicolás] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Peter
Soler of Murcia [Pedro] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest)
----- St. Francis
Pinazo d'Arpuentes [Francisco] (Spanish, Franciscan  brother)
----- St. John James
Fernández [Juan Diego] (Spanish, Franciscan  brother)
----- St. Francis
Masabki (Lebanese, layman)
----- St. Abdul-Muti
Masabki (Lebanese, layman)
----- St. Raphael
Masabki (Lebanese, layman)

     St. Etto of Fescau (Irish, Benedictine  missionary in France and Belgium, bishop, c. 670)

     Sts. Lantfrid, Waltram, and Elilantus, of Bavaria (German, biological brothers, Benedictine  abbots, 8th Century)

     Sts. Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, and 42 companions (Armenian, martyred c. 329)

     Sts. Marinus and Nabor (African, early martyrs)

     St. Paschasius of Nantes (French, bishop, c. 680)

     St. Peter Da of Tonkin (Vietnamese, catechist, martyred in 1840 [beatified 1951, canonized 1988])

     St. Peter of Perugia [Pietro] (Italian, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1007)

     Sts. Rufina and Secunda of Rome (Italian, daughters of a senator, virgins, martyred by beheading in 257)

On July 11, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Benedict
of Nursia ["Founder of Western Monasticism"] (Roman, nobleman, twin brother of St. Scholastica, hermit, founder of monastic order now called the Benedictines [once having 40,000 monasteries], died at about age 66 in 547)

     St. Abundius
of Ananelos (Spanish, parish priest, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 854)

     St. Amabilis of Rouen (British, princess, nun in France, d. 634)

     St. Cindeus of Pamphylia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], priest, martyred by burning in 300)

     St. Drostan of Deer (Irish, abbot in Scotland, d. 610)

     St. Hidulphus of Regensburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Trier, d. 707)

     Sts. Januarius and Pelagia (Armenian, martyred by beheading in 320)

     St. John of Bergamo (Italian, bishop for 34 years, opposed Arian heresy, c. 690)

     St. Leontius the Younger of Bordeaux (French, soldier, bishop, d. 565)

     St. Marcian of Iconium (Lycaonian [from part of what is now Turkey], youth, early martyr)

     Bl. Olga of Pskov [baptized Helena] (Ukrainian, queen, brutal but repentant, died at about age 90 in 969)

     St. Oliver Plunkett of Loughenew (Irish, nobleman, professor of theology, archbishop of Armagh [primate of Ireland], imprisoned in England, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Charles II at age 51 in 1681 [beatified 1920, canonized 1975]) [Commemorated in England and Ireland on July 1]

     St. Placid of Dissentis (Swiss, wealthy man who donated all his land for a Benedictine  abbey, martyred in 7th Century [canonized 1905])

     St. Sabinus (French, martyred? in 5th Century)

     Sts. Savinus and Cyprian of Brescia (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Turketil (British, king's brother and chancellor, abbot, d. 995)

On July 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Bl. Andrew
Oexner of Rinn [Andreas] (Austrian, 3-year-old boy, martyred in 1462)

     St. Ansbald of Prüm (Luxembourger, courtier, Benedictine  abbot, d. 886)

     St. Balay of Ploermellac (French, hermit)

     Bl. Benno of Osnabrück (German, Benedictine  monk, headmaster, architect, archbishop, d. 1088)

     Bl. (Sir) David Gonson [also spelled Genson or Gunston] (English, layman, Knight of St. John, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Henry VIII in 1541 [beatified 1929])

     St. Epiphania (early martyr)

     Sts. Hermagoras and Fortunatus of Aquileia (Italian, bishop and deacon, tortured and martyred by Emperor Nero c. 66)

     St. Ignatius Delgado y Cebrian of Villa Feliz [Ignacio] (Spanish, Dominican  friar, missionary in Vietnam for over forty years, bishop of East Tonkin, martyred [hunger and exposure in a cage] at about age 77 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Jason of Thessalonica (Greek, convert of St. Paul [Acts 17], martyred in 1st Century)

     St. John Gualbert of Florence [Giovanni Gualberto] (Italian, nobleman, Vallumbrosan  abbot, died at about age 80 in 1073 [canonized 1193])

     St. John Jones of Clynog Fawr [aliases: John Buckley, John Griffith, and Godfrey Maurice] (Welsh, Franciscan  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 39 under Elizabeth I in 1598 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970]) [On Welsh "particular calendar"]

     St. John the Hagiorite (Georgian, abbot in Greece, c. 1002)

     Bl. John, Bl. Monica, and Bl. Louis Naisen, of Arima (Japanese ... father, mother, and 7-year-old son ... martyred by burning at Nagasaki in 1626 [beatified 1867])

     Bl. John Tanaka and Bl. Matthias Araki (Japanese, laymen, sheltered illegal clergy, martyred by burning in 1626 [beatified 1867])

     Bl. Lambert of Morimond (French, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1163)

     St. Leo of Cava (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 89 in 1079 [canonized 1893])

     Sts. Louis Joseph Aloysius Stanislaus Martin of Bordeaux [Louis-Joseph-Aloys-Stanislaus] and Mary Azelia Martin of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon [Marie-Azélie, known as "Zelie"] [nee Guérin] (French, watchmaker and lacemaker, married couple ... parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, four other religious sisters, and four other children ... died at ages 70 [stroke] and 45 [cancer] in 1894 and 1877 respectively [beatified 2008, canonized 2015])

     St. Marciana of Toledo (virgin, martyred [exposed to animals] in Spain c. 303)

     St. Menulphus of Quimper (Irish, bishop in France, 7th Century)

     Sts. Nabor and Felix of Milan (Italian, biological brothers, martyred c. 304)

     St. Paternian of Bologna (Italian, bishop, c. 407)

     St. Paulinus of Antioch and three companions (Syrian? and Italians ... bishop of Lucca in Italy, priest, deacon, and soldier ... early martyrs)

     Bl. Peter Araki Kobioje and Bl. Susanna Kobioje (Japanese, husband and wife, martyred [one burned, one beheaded] in 1626 and 1628 [beatified 1867])

     St. Peter Khanh of Tonkin (Vietnamese, priest, martyred by beheading at about age 62 in 1842 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])

     Sts. Proclus and Hilarion of Ankara (Galatian [from part of what is now Turkey], martyred in 115)

     St. Proculus of Bologna (Italian, bishop, martyred by pagan Goths in 542)

     St. Veronica of Jerusalem (Israelite, woman who wiped the face of Jesus on the way to Calvary, 1st Century)

     St. Viventiolus of Lyons (French, monk, archbishop, d. 524)

On July 13, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Henry
of Albach [Heinrich II] (Bavarian, husband of St. Cunegunda, ruled Holy Roman Empire, died at age 52 in 1024 [canonized 1146])

     Bl. Angelina of Marsciano (Italian, widow at age 17, Superior General of Regular Tertiaries of St. Francis of Foligno, died at about age 58 in 1435 [beatified 1825])

     Bl. Charles Emmanuel Cecil Rodriguez Santiago of Caguas [Carlos Manuel Cecilio] (Puerto Rican, layman, died at age 44 in 1963 [beatified 2001, first Puerto Rican "Blessed"])

     St. Clelia Barbieri of Bundrie di San Giovanni (Italian, founded Congregation of Minims of the Sorrowful Mother, died [tuberculosis] at age 23 in 1870 [beatified 1968, canonized 1989])

     St. Dogfan (Welsh, martyred by pagans in 5th Century)

     Sts. Eugene, Salutaris, Muritta, and companions, of Carthage (North African, bishop and about five hundred of his flock (clergy and laity), persecuted and exiled by Arian Vandals, c. 505)

     St. Ezra ben Seraiah of Babylon (Israelite, scribe, author of Old Testament historical books, led people back to Jerusalem from exile, 5th Century B.C.)

     Bl. Ferdinand Mary Baccilieri of Campodoso [Ferdinando Maria] (Italian, priest, Servite  tertiary, founded Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Galeazza, died at age 72 in 1893 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. James of Voragine [Giacomo] (Italian, Dominican provincial, archbishop of Genoa, died at about age 68 in 1298 [beatified 1816])

     Bl. Marian of Jesus Euse Hoyos of Yerumal [Mariano de Jesus] (Colombian, priest, died at age 80 in 1926 [beatified 2000, first Colombian "Blessed"])

     Bl. Mary Ann Biernacka of Lipsk [Marianna] [née Czokala] (Polish, laywoman, martyred by Nazis at Naumowicze [Poland] at about age 55 in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     St. Mildred of Minster (British, princess, Benedictine  abbess, c. 700)

     St. Myrope of Chios (Greek, virgin, martyred [effects of torture] c. 251)

     St. Serapion of Macedonia (Greek, martyred in 195)

     St. Silas (Israelite, missionary with St. Paul, bishop, died in Greece in 1st Century)

     St. Teresa of Jesus Fernandez Solar of Santiago [Teresa de Jesus] [better known as "St. Teresa of the Andes"] [baptized/confirmed Juanita Enriqueta Josefina de los Sagrados Corazones (Joan Henrietta Josephine of the Sacred Hearts)] (Chilean, Discalced Carmelite  nun, died [typhus] at age 19 in 1920 [beatified 1987, canonized 1993])

     Bl. Thomas Tunstal (English, priest, became Benedictine in prison, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under James I in 1616 [beatified 1929])

     St. Turiaf of Dol (French, bishop, d. 750)

[From St. Teresa
of the Andes:] "Love is the fusion of two souls in one in order to bring about mutual perfection."

     "A Carmelite is a sister to priests. Both priest and sister offer a host [victim] of holocaust for the salvation of the world. A sister sanctifies herself, that by being more united to God, the blood of the Divine Prisoner which she receives in her soul might circulate through the other members of Christ's Body. In a word, a sister sanctifies herself to sanctify her brothers."



On July 14, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Camillus
de Lellis of Bucchianico [Camillo] (Italian, soldier, reformed gambling addict, hospital administrator, priest, founded Congregation of the Servants of the Sick [Camellians], died at about age 64 in 1614 [beatified 1742, canonized 1746]) [Transferred to July 18 in the U.S.]

     St. Kateri Tekakwitha of Ossernenon ["Lily of the Mohawk"] (New Yorker [American Indian (Mohawk/Algonquin)], virgin, died in Canada at about age 23 in 1680 [beatified 1980, canonized 2012]) [On U.S. and Canadian "particular calendars"] [Commemorated in Canada on April 17 also]

     Bl. Boniface
of Savoy (French, Carthusian  prior in Italy, bishop of Valence in France, archbishop of Canterbury in England, died in France at about age 63 in 1270 [beatified 1838])

     Bl. Caspar de Bono of Valencia [Gaspar] (Spanish, silk merchant, soldier, Minim  superior, priest, died at age 74 in 1604 [beatified 1786])

     St. Deusdedit of Canterbury [baptized Frithona] (British, Benedictine  monk, archbishop, d. 664)

     St. Felix of Como (Italian, bishop, c. 390)

     St. Francis Solano of Montilla [Francisco] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest, missionary to Latin America [especially Peru], had true gift of tongues, died at age 61 in 1610 [beatified 1675, canonized 1726])

     St. Heraclas of Alexandria (Egyptian, assistant and successor of theologian/teacher Origen, bishop, died at about age 67 in 247)

     Bl. Humbert of Romans (French, civil lawyer, Dominican master general, died at about age 84 in 1277)

     St. Idus of Leinster (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, bishop of Alt-Fadha, 5th Century)

     St. Justus of Rome (Italian, early martyr)

     St. Libert of Saint-Trond (French, Benedictine  monk, martyred by barbarian invaders in 783)

     St. Marcellinus of Oldensee (British, monk, missionary, died in Holland c. 762)

     St. Optatian of Brescia (Italian, bishop for over fifty years, c. 505)

     St. Phocas of Sinope (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, martyred in 117)

     Bl. Richard Langhorne of Bedfordshire (English, lawyer, martyred under Charles II in 1679 [beatified 1929])

     St. Toscana of Verona (Italian, widow, nun of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem [Gerosolimitan], died at about age 53 in 1343)

     St. Ulrich of Zell (German, empress's page, archdeacon, convent chaplain, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 73 in 1093)

     St. William of Breteuil [Guillaume] (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1130)


[Litany of St. Kateri Tekakwitha]

      Lord, have mercy on us.       Christ, have mercy on us.

      Lord, have mercy on us.      Christ, hear us.      Christ, graciously hear us.

      God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

      God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.

      God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

      Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

      St. Kateri, lily of purity, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, consoler of the heart of Jesus, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, bright light for all Indians, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, courage of the afflicted, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, lover of the cross of Jesus, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, flower of fortitude for the persecuted, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, unshakeable in temptations, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, full of patience in suffering, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, keeper of your virginity in persecutions, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, leader of many Indians to the true faith through your love for Mary, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, who loved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, lover of penance, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, who traveled many miles to learn the faith, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, steadfast in all prayer, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, who loved to pray the rosary for all people, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, example to your people in all virtues, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, humble servant to the sick, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, who by your love of humility, gave joy to the angels, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, who by your holy death gave strength to all Indians to love Jesus and Mary, pray for us.

      St. Kateri, whose scarred face in life became beautiful after death, pray for us.

      Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, o Lord.

      Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, o Lord.

      Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

   Let us pray ...

   O Jesus, who gave St. Kateri to the Indians as an example of purity, teach all men to love purity and to console your immaculate Mother Mary through the lily, Kateri Tekakwitha, and through your Holy Cross, Amen.  St. Kateri Tekakwitha, pray for us.


[Novena prayers to St. Kateri Tekakwitha]

   St. Kateri, favored child and Lily of the Mohawk, I come to seek your intercession in my present needs: _______.

   I admire the virtues which adorned your soul: love of God and neighbor, humility, obedience, patience, purity, and the spirit of sacrifice. Help me to imitate your example in my state of life. Through the goodness and mercy of God, Who has blessed you with so many graces, which led you to the true faith and to a high degree of holiness, pray to God for me and help me.

   Obtain for me a very fervent devotion to the Holy Eucharist, so that I may love Holy Mass as you did and receive Holy Communion as often as I can. Teach me also to be devoted to my crucified Savior as you were, that I may cheerfully bear my daily crosses for love of Him Who suffered so much for love of me.  Most of all I beg you to pray for me, that I may avoid sin, lead a holy life, and save my soul.  Amen.

   [Add, in thanksgiving to God for the graces bestowed upon St. Kateri:  the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, the “Glory Be,” and ... St. Kateri, pray for me.]



On July 15, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Bonaventure
di Fidanza of Bagnoregio [Bonaventura] [baptized Giovanni] ["Seraphic Doctor"] ["Second Founder of the Franciscans"] (Italian, Franciscan  priest and Minister General, teacher of scripture in France, theologian, cardinal bishop of Albano, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 53 in 1274 [canonized 1482])

     St. Abudimus
of Tenedos (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred in 4th Century)

     St. Adalard the Younger of Corbie (French, Benedictine  monk, died at about age 20 c. 824)

     Sts. Agrippinus, Secundinus, Maximus, Fortunatus, and Martialis (from Pannonia [now called Hungary], martyred in 4th Century)

     Bl. Anne Marie Javouhey of Jallanges (French, co-founded Congregation of St. Joseph of Cluny, teacher of slaves in French Guiana [in South America], died at age 52 in 1851 [beatified 1950])

     Bl. Anthony Beszta-Borowski of Borowskie Olki [Antoni] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Piliki [Poland] at age 63 in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Anthony Francisco of Coimbra [Antonio], Bl. Francis Aranha of Braga [Francisco], Bl. Rudolph Acquaviva of Atri [Rodolfo], and Bl. Peter Berna of Ascona [Pietro] (2 Portuguese, 1 Italian, and 1 Swiss, Jesuit  missionary priests in India, martyred [all in their early 30s] in 1583 [beatified 1893])

     Sts. Antiochus and Cyriacus of Sebaste (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], physician and converted executioner, martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Apronia of Troyes (German, nun in France, 5th or 6th Century)

     St. Athanasius of Naples (Italian, nobleman, bishop at age 18, imprisoned and exiled after 20 years, d. 872)

     St. Baldwin of Rieti [Balduino] (Italian, Cistercian  monk in France, abbot in Italy, d. 1140)

     St. Barhadbesaba of Arbela (Persian, deacon, tortured [racked] and martyred by stabbing in 355)

     St. Benedict of Angers (French, bishop, c. 820)

     Bl. Bernard of Baden [Bernhard] (German, civil official, died at about age 30 in 1458 [beatified 1769])

     Sts. Catulinus, Januarius, Florentius, Julia, and Justa, of Carthage (North African, early martyrs)

     St. David of Munkentorp (English, Benedictine  abbot, missionary bishop in Sweden, c. 1080)

     St. Donald of Ogilvy (Scottish, widower, 8th Century)

     St. Edith of Polesworth (British, widow, Benedictine  abbess, c. 927)

     St. Egino of Augsburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, died in Italy in 1122)

     St. Eternus of Évreux (French, bishop, c. 661)

     Sts. Eutropius, Zosima, and Nonosa, of Porto (Italian, martyred c. 273)

     St. Felix of Pavia (Italian, early martyr)

     St. Haruch of Werden (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, c. 830)

     St. James of Nisibis (Syrian, monk, bishop, c. 340)

     Blessed Jesuit Martyrs of 1570 [also called "Bl. Ignatius de Azevedo and companions"] (Portuguese [31] and Spanish [9] ... Jesuit college rector, superior, and his band of Jesuit  missionaries [novices, coadjutors, brothers, priests] headed to Brazil ... martyred by drowning off the Canary Islands by Huguenot pirates in 1570 [beatified 1854])

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Peter Nguyên Bá Tuân of Tonkin (Vietnamese, priest, martyred at about age 72 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     Sts. Philip, Zeno, Narseus, and companions, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyrs [including ten little children])

     St. Plechelm of Guelderland (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop, missionary in Holland, martyred while preaching c. 730)

     St. Pompilio Maria Pirotti of Montecalvo Irpino (Italian, Piarist  priest, died at age 45 in 1756 [beatified 1890, canonized 1934])

     St. Swithun of Winchester (British, king's chaplain and counselor, prince's tutor, bishop, d. 862)

     St. Vladimir Svyatoslavich I of Kiev [baptized Basil] (Ukrainian, Grand Prince, first Christian ruler of his land, died at about age 59 in 1015)

[From St. Bonaventure:]

     "Since happiness is nothing but the enjoyment of the Supreme Good, and since the Supreme Good is above us, we cannot be happy unless we rise beyond ourselves. Since we cannot reach above ourselves in our own strength, we must be helped by supernatural strength, lifted up by a higher power that stoops to raise us. However much we structure our inner lives and make progress, it does us no good unless our efforts are accompanied by help from on high. Divine aid is available for those who seek it with a devout and humble heart; this is done by fervent prayer. Prayer is, therefore, the source and origin of every upward journey toward God. Let us each, then, turn to prayer and say to our Lord God: 'Lead me, O Lord, on your path, that I may walk in your truth.'"

  (Prayer after Communion)

     "Pierce, O most sweet Lord Jesus, my inmost soul with the most joyous and healthful wound of Thy love, and with true, calm and most holy apostolic charity, that my soul may ever languish and melt with entire love and longing for Thee, may yearn for Thee and for thy courts, may long to be dissolved and to be with Thee.

     Grant that my soul may hunger after Thee, the Bread of Angels, the refreshment of holy souls, our daily and supersubstantial bread, having all sweetness and savor and every delightful taste.

     May my heart ever hunger after and feed upon Thee, Whom the angels desire to look upon, and may my inmost soul be filled with the sweetness of Thy savor; may it ever thirst for Thee, the fountain of life, the fountain of wisdom and knowledge, the fountain of eternal light, the torrent of pleasure, the fulness of the house of God; may it ever compass Thee, seek Thee, find Thee, run to Thee, come up to Thee, meditate on Thee, speak of Thee, and do all for the praise and glory of Thy name, with humility and discretion, with love and delight, with ease and affection, with perseverence to the end; and be Thou alone ever my hope, my entire confidence, my riches, my delight, my pleasure, my joy, my rest and tranquility, my peace, my sweetness, my food, my refreshment, my refuge, my help, my wisdom, my portion, my possession, my treasure; in Whom may my mind and my heart be ever fixed and firm and rooted immovably. Amen."



     Blessed Jesuit Martyrs of 1570 -- CONTINUED

[also called "Bl. Ignatius de Azevedo and companions"] (Portuguese [31] and Spanish [9] ... Jesuit college rector, superior, and his band of Jesuit  missionaries [novices, coadjutors, brothers, priests] headed to Brazil ... martyred by drowning off the Canary Islands by Huguenot pirates in 1570 [beatified 1854])

----- Bl. Ignatius
de Azevedo of Oporto [Ignacio] (Portuguese, superior, died at about age 42)
----- Bl. James
Andrade of Pedrógao Grande [Iago] (Portuguese, died at age 39)
----- Bl. Louis
Correa of Évora [Luis] (Portuguese)
----- Bl. Alphonse
de Baena of Villatobas [Alonso] (Spanish, died at age 31)
----- Bl. Caspar
Alvares of Oporto [Gaspar] (Portuguese)
----- Bl. Emmanuel
Alvares of Estremoz [Manuel] (Portuguese, died at age 34)
----- Bl. Francis
Alvares of Covilha [Francisco] (Portuguese, died at age 31)
----- Bl. Peter
Fontoura of Braga [Pedro] (Portuguese)
----- Bl. Steven
of Zudaire [Esteban] (Spanish)
  [Other laymen:]
----- Bl. Alexis
Delgado of Elvas (Portuguese, novice, died at age 14)
----- Bl. Alvaro
Borralho Mendes of Elvas (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Andrew
Gonzalves of Viana de Alvito [Andre] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Anthony
Correia of Oporto [Antonio] (Portuguese, novice scholastic, died at age 17)
----- Bl. Anthony
Fernandes of Montemór-o-Novo [Antonio] (Portuguese, novice brother)
----- Bl. Anthony
Soares of Vila de Trancoso [Antonio] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Benedict
de Castro of Vila de Chacim [Bento] (Portuguese, scholastic, died at age 27)
----- Bl. Blaise
Ribeiro of Braga [Bras] (Portuguese, novice brother)
----- Bl. Dominic
Fernandes of Villa de Borba [Domingos] (Portuguese, novice brother, died at age 19)
----- Bl.
Emmanuel Fernandes of Celorico da Beira [Manuel] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl.
Emmanuel Pacheco of Ceuta [Manuel] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Emmanuel
Rodrigues of Alcochete [Manuel] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Ferdinand
Sanchez of Gamle Castilla [Fernando] (Spanish, scholastic)
----- Bl. Francis
de Magalhaes of Vila de Alcácer do Sal [Francisco] (Portuguese, novice scholastic)
----- Bl. Francis
Perez Godoy of Torrijos [Francisco] (Spanish, novice scholastic)
----- Bl. Gregory
Escribano of Gamle Logroño [Gregorio] (Spanish, coadjutor)
----- Bl. Gonzalo
Henriques of Oporto [Gonçalo] (Portuguese, deacon)
----- Bl. James
Pires Mimoso of Nisa [Didacus] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. John
de Baeza [Juan] (Spanish, candidate)
----- Bl. John
Fernandes of Braga [João] (Portuguese, novice scholastic, died at age 23)
----- Bl. John
Fernandes of Lisbon [João] (Portuguese, scholastic, died at age 19)
----- Bl. John
de Mayorga of Saint Jean Pied de Port [Juan] (Spanish, novice brother, died at age 37)
----- Bl. John
de San Martin of Yuncos [Juan] (Spanish, novice scholastic, died at age 20)
----- Bl. John
de Zafra of Jerez de Badajoz [Juan] (Spanish, novice brother)
----- Bl. Louis
Rodrigues of Évora [Luis] (Portuguese, novice scholastic)
----- Bl. Mark
Caldeira of Vila da Feira [Marcos] (Portuguese, novice brother, died at age 23)
----- Bl. Maurus
Vaz of Bemfazer [Amaro] (Portuguese, novice brother)
----- Bl. Nicholas
Dinis of Bragança [Nicolau] (Portuguese, novice scholastic)
----- Bl. Peter
Nunes of Vila da Fronteira [Pedro] (Portuguese, scholastic)
----- Bl. Simon
da Costa of Oporto [Simão] (Portuguese, novice brother)
----- Bl. Simon
Lopes of Ourèm [Simão] (Portuguese, scholastic)


On July 16, we members of the Catholic Church family honor the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title, "Our Lady of Mount Carmel."

     We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Athenogenes
of Pontus (probably from Asia Minor [now known as Turkey], theologian, bishop, early martyr by fire)

     Bl. Bartholomew Fernandes dos Martires of Lisbon [Bartolomeu] (Portuguese, Dominican  friar, archbishop of Braga, died at age 76 in 1590 [beatified 2001])

     Holy Martyrs of Natal, Brazil (27 Brazilian, one Portuguese, one Spanish, one French ... two Jesuit  parish priests and 28 parishioners ... tortured and martyred by Dutch Calvinist fanatics and local Indians in 1645 [beatified 2000, canonized 2017])
[Some of the horrible tortures endured: limbs were severed ... heads cut off ... bodies burned ... eyes, tongues, and noses torn off. One child was pinned to a tree trunk, and another sliced in half with a sword.  St. Matthew Moreira had his heart ripped out through his back, as he cried: "Praised be the Blessed Sacrament".]
----- St. Ambrose Francis
Ferro [Ambrosio Francisco] (Portuguese, priest)
----- St. Andrew
de Soveral [Andre] (priest)
----- St. Anthony
Baracho [Antonio]
----- St. Anthony
Vilela Cid [Antonio] (Spanish)
----- St. Anthony
Vilela [Antonio, the younger] and his son
----- St. Dominic
Carvalho [Domingos]
----- St. Francis
de Bastos [Francisco]
----- St. Francis
Mendes Pereira [Francisco]
----- St. James
Pereira [Diogo]
----- St. John
da Silveira [João]
----- St. John
Lostau Navarro [Jean] (French)
----- St. John
Martins [João] and seven young companions
----- St. Joseph
do Porto [Jose]
----- St. Manuel
Rodrigues de Moura and his wife
----- St. Matthew
Moreira [Mateus]
----- St. Simon
Correia [Simão]
----- St. Steven
Machado de Miranda [Estêvão] and his two children
----- St. Vincent
de Souza Pereira [Vincente]
----- St. [name unknown]
Dias (son of Francisco Dias)

     St. Domnio of Bergamo (Italian, martyred c. 295)

     St. Eustathius of Side (Pamphylian [from part of what is now Turkey], patriarch [bishop] of Antioch, opposed Arian heresy, c. 338)

     St. Faustus (martyred [crucified and shot by arrows] in 250)

     St. Fulrad of Saint-Denis (French, Benedictine  abbot, counselor to emperors, d. 784)

     St. Generosus of Poitou (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 682)

     St. Helier of Tongres (Belgian, hermit on British island, martyred in 6th Century)

     Bl. Irmengard of Chiemsee (German, princess, Benedictine  abbess, d. 866 [beatified 1928])

     Bl. John Sugar of Wombourne (English, priest, martyred at about age 46 under James I in 1604 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Milo of Selincourt (French, Norbertine  abbot, d. 1159)

     St. Reineldis of Saintes (Belgian, nun, martyred by pagan Huns c. 680)

     Bl. Robert Grissold of Romington (English, layman, martyred under James I in 1604 [beatified 1987])

     St. Sinach MacDara (Irish or Scottish, fisherman, 6th Century)

     St. Sisenandus of Badajoz (Portuguese, deacon in Spain, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 851)

     St. Tenenan of Léon (British, hermit in France, bishop, c. 635)

     St. Valentine of Trier (German, bishop, martyred c. 305)

     St. Vitalian of Capua (Italian, bishop)

     St. Vitalian of Osimo (Italian, bishop, d. 776)


On July 17, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Alexis
of Rome ["The Man of God"] (Italian, wealthy man, beggar for the poor in Syria and Rome, 5th Century)

     St. Andrew of Opatovec na Visle [Andrej or Ondrej] [baptized Swierad (Svorad, in Slovak)] (Polish, Byzantine Catholic, Benedictine monk, teacher of St. Benedict the hermit in Slovakia, died at about age 54 c. 1034 [canonized 1083])


     St. Ansuerus of Schleswig and companions (German, Benedictine  abbot and monks in Denmark, martyred by stoning c. 1067)

     St. Benedict of Považan [Beňadik or Benedikt] [baptized Stojislav] (Slovak, Benedictine hermit at Skalka nad Vahom, murdered by robbers in 1033 [canonized 1083])


     Bl. Benigno Visdomini of Florence (Italian, priest, Vallumbrosan  abbot general, hermit, d. 1236)

     Bl. Czeslaw Odrowatz of Kannen (Silesian [Polish], priest, Dominican  missionary, died at about age 62 in 1242 [beatified 1712])

     St. Cynllo (Welsh, 5th Century)

     St. Ennodius of Pavia [as a pagan, Magnus Felix Ennodius] (Italian, professor of rhetoric, bishop, writer of hymns, died at about age 48 in 521)

     St. Fredegand of Kerkelodor (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 740)

     St. Generosus of Tivoli (Italian, early martyr)


     St. Gorazd (Slovak, aristocrat, disciple of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, bishop, 9th Century)

     St. Hyacinth of Paphlagonia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], early martyr)

     King St. Kenelm of Mercia (British, monarch, c. 820)

     Blessed Martyrs of La Rioja [also known as Bl. Enrique Angelelli and Companions] (bishop, two priests, and layman ... martyred in Argentina by oppressive government in 1976 [beatified 2019])

~~~~~ Bl. Henry Angel Angelelli of Córdoba [Enrique Ángel] (Argentinian, beaten to death at age 53)

~~~~~ Bl. Charles of God Murias of Córdoba [Carlos] (Argentinian, Franciscan  priest, tortured and mutilated, died [shot] at age 30)

~~~~~ Bl. Gabriel Longueville of Margillac de Étables (French, diocesan priest in Argentina, tortured and mutilated, died [shot] at age 45)

~~~~~ Bl. Wenceslas Pedernera of Los Jagüeles [Wenceslao] (Argentinian, married layman, shot to death [witnessed by his wife and three daughters] at age 39)


     Pope St. Leo IV of Rome (Italian, subdeacon, cardinal, elected to papacy in 847, reigned until death in 855)

     St. Marcellina of Rome (Italian, elder sister of St. Ambrose [whom she taught], consecrated virgin, c. 398)

     St. Mary Magdalen Postel of Barfleur [Marie-Madeleine] [baptized Julie-Françoise-Catherine (Julia Frances Catherine)] (French, co-foundress and superior of Sisters of the Christian Schools of Mercy, died at age 89 in 1846 [beatified 1908, canonized 1925])

     St. Nerses of Lampron (Armenian, hermit, archbishop of Tarsus in Turkey, worked for Christian unity, died at about age 45 in 1198)

     Bl. Paul Gojdic of Ruské Peklany [Pavol] [baptized Peter] (Slovak, diocesan parish priest, became Basilian  monk, Byzantine Catholic bishop of Prešov, aided war refugees, arrested and tortured by Communists, died on his 72nd birthday in 1960 [beatified 2001])

     Seven Holy Apostles of Bulgaria [Sts. Cyril, Methodius, Gorazd, Nahum, Sabas, Angelarius, and Clement Slovensky] (Eastern Christians, foremost evangelizers of Bulgaria, 7th through 10th centuries)

     Sts. Speratus, Narzales, Cythinus, Veturius, Felix, Acyllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda, of Scillium (North African, seven men and five women, martyred by the sword in 180)

     Holy Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne (French, 16 women from a Carmelite  monastery [10 nuns, 3 lay sisters, 1 novice, 2 servants], martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1794 [beatified 1906, canonized 2024])
----- St. Catherine
Soiron and St. Marie-Thérèse Soiron of Compiègne (biological sisters, monastery's servants for over twenty years, ages 52 and 46 at death)
----- St. Charlotte of the Resurrection
Thouret of Mouy [baptized/confirmed Anne-Marie-Madeleine-Françoise (Ann Mary Magdalen Frances)] (nun, chapel sacristan, age 78)
----- St. Constance
Meunier of Saint-Denis [baptized Marie-Geneviève] (novice, age 29)
----- St. Euphrasia of the Immaculate Conception
Brard of Bourth [Euphrasie de l'Immaculee Concepcion] [baptized/confirmed Marie-Claude Cyprienne] (nun, age 58)

----- St. (Sister) St. Francis Xavier Vérolot of Laignes [(Soeur) Saint-François-Xavier] [baptized Juliette] (lay sister, age 30)

----- St. (Mother) Henrietta of Jesus Lesieurre de Croissy of Paris [(Mère) Henriette de Jésus] [baptized/confirmed Marie-Françoise Gabrielle (Mary Frances Gabriel)] (novice-mistress [and former prioress], age 49)
----- St. Mary Henrietta of Providence
Pelras of Cajarc [Marie-Henriette de la Providence] [baptized Marie-Anne] (nun, age 34)
----- St. (Sister) of Jesus Crucified
Piedcourt [(Soeur) de Jésus Crucifie] [baptized Marie-Anne] (nun, age 79)
----- St. Julie Louise of Jesus
de la Neuville of Evreux [Julie-Louise de Jésus] [baptized/confirmed Rose Chrétien (Rose Christian)] (widow, nun, age 53)
----- St. (Mother) Saint-Louis
Brideau of Belfort [(Mère) Saint-Louis] [baptized Marie-Anne (or Antoinette)] (sub-prioress, age 41)
----- St. (Sister) Saint-Martha
Dufour of Beaune [(Soeur) Sainte-Marthe] [baptized Marie] (lay sister, age 51)
----- St. Mary of the Holy Spirit
Roussel of Fresnes [Marie du Saint Esprit] [baptized Angélique (Angelica)] (lay sister, age 51)
----- St. (Mother) Therese of St. Augustine
Ledoine of Paris [(Mère) Thérèse de Saint-Augustin] [baptized/confirmed Marie-Madeleine-Claudine] (prioress, age 41)
----- St. Therese of the Heart of Mary
Hanisset of Rheims [Thérèse du Coeur-de-Marie] [baptized Marie-Anne)] (nun, age c. 54)
----- St. Therese of St. Ignatius
Trézel of Compiègne [Thérèse de Saint-Ignace] [baptized Marie-Gabrielle (Mary Gabriel)] (nun, age 51)

     St. Theodosius of Auxerre (French, bishop, d. 516)

     St. Theodota of Constantinople (from what is now Turkey, protector of forbidden icons, martyred c. 735)

     St. Turninus of Antwerp (Irish, monk, missionary priest in Holland, 8th Century)

On July 18, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Camillus
de Lellis of Bucchianico [Camillo] (Italian, soldier, reformed gambling addict, hospital administrator, priest, founded Congregation of the Servants of the Sick [Camellians], died at about age 64 in 1614 [beatified 1742, canonized 1746]) [Transferred from July 14 in the U.S., to allow for commemoration of St. Kateri Tekakwitha]

     Bl. Alanus
of Sassovivo (Austrian, Benedictine  monk, hermit in Italy, d. 1313)

     St. Arnulf of Metz (French, courtier, soldier, bishop, hermit, died at about age 60 in 640)

     Bl. Bertha of Marbais [Berthe] (French, widow, Cistercian  abbess, d. 1247)

     St. Bruno of Solero (Italian, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot, counselor to four popes, bishop of Segni, Vatican librarian, papal legate, died at about age 74 in 1123 [canonized 1183])

     St. Dominic Nicholas Dinh Dat of Tonkin (Vietnamese, soldier, martyred by strangling at about age 35 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     Sts. Edburga and Edith of Aylesbury (British, princesses, Benedictine  nuns, c. 650)

     St. Emilian of Silistria (Bulgarian, martyred in 362)

     St. Frederick of Utrecht [Fridrich] (Dutch, bishop, martyred by stabbing in 838)

     St. Goneri of Brittany (British, hermit in France, 6th Century)

     St. Gundenis of Carthage (North African, virgin, martyred in 203)

     St. Harvey of Anjou [Hervé] (English, hermit in France, d. 1130)

     St. Marina of Orense (Spanish, virgin, early martyr)

     St. Maternus of Milan (Italian, bishop, c. 307)

     St. Minnborinus of Cologne (Irish, missionary to Germany, Benedictine  abbot, d. 986)

     St. Pambo of the Nitrian Desert (Egyptian, abbot, c. 390)

     St. Philastrius of Brescia (Spanish, bishop in Italy, opposed Arian heresy, champion of the poor, c. 387)

     Bl. Robert of Salentino [Roberto] (Italian, Celestine  abbot, died at about age 69 in 1341)

     St. Rufilius of Forlimpopoli (Italian, bishop, d. 382)

     St. Simon of Lipnicza [Szymon z Lipnicy] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, nursed plague victims, died at about age 42 in 1482 [beatified 1685, canonized 2007]) [commemorated by some on the 30th]

     Sts. Symphorosa, Crescens, Julian, Nemesius, Primitivus, Justin, Stacteus, and Eugene, of Tivoli (Italian, widow and seven sons, martyred c. 135)

     St. Theneva of Glasgow (Scottish, princess, 7th Century)

     Bl. Tiburcio Arnáiz Muñoz of Valladolid (Spanish, Jesuit  priest, co-founded Missionaries of the Rural Parishes, died at age 60 in 1926 [beatified 2018])

On July 19, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Bl. Achilles
Puchala of Kosina [baptized Józef (Joseph)] and Bl. Herman Stepien of Lodz [baptized Karol (Charles)] (Polish, Franciscan  priests, martyred by Nazis at Borowikowszczyzna [Poland] both at age 32 in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     St. Ambrose Autpert (French, tutor of Bl. Charlemagne, Benedictine  abbot in Italy, exegete, c. 778)

     St. Arsenius the Great of Rome (Italian, hermit in Egypt, died at about age 96 c. 450)

     St. Aurea of Cordova (Spanish, widow, nun, martyred by beheading in 856)

     Bl. Bernard of Rodez (French, Benedictine  abbot, cardinal, papal legate to Germany and Spain, d. 1079)

     St. Epaphras of Colossae (Greek?, disciple of St. Paul [Col. 1], bishop, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Felix of Verona (Italian, bishop)

     Bl. Hroznata of Tepl (Czech, widower, Norbertine  monk in Bavaria, martyred by starvation at about age 57 in 1217 [beatified 1897])

     St. Jerome of Pavia (Italian, bishop, d. 787)

     St. John Plessington of Dimples Hall [aliases: William Pleasington, William Scarisbrick] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 42 under Charles II in 1679 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     Sts. Justa and Rufina of Seville (Spanish, biological sisters, potters, tortured [racked] and martyred in 287)

     St. Macrina the Younger of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], nun, died at about age 72 in 379)

     St. Martin of Trier (German, bishop, c. 210)

     St. Stephen del Lupo of San Liberatore di Majella [Stefano] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1191)

     Bl. Stilla of Abenberg (German, virgin, c. 1141 [beatified 1927])

     Pope St. Symmachus of Sardinia (Italian, archdeacon in Rome, elected to papacy in 498, reigned until death in 514)

On July 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Apollinaris
of Ravenna (Syrian? disciple of St. Peter, bishop in Italy, tortured, c. 75)

     St. Ansegisus
of Fontenelle (French, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 63 in 833)

     St. Aurelius of Carthage (North African, opposed various heresies, friend of St. Augustine, bishop, c. 429)

     St. Elijah of Tishbe [also called Elias] (Israelite, Old Testament prophet, 8th Century B.C.)

     St. Etheldwitha of Winchester (British, princess, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 903)

     Sts. Flavian of Antioch and Elias of Jerusalem (Syrian and Palestinian, patriarchs [bishops], opposed Monophysite heresy, died c. 512 and 518)

     Bl. Gregory Lopez of Madrid [Gregorio] (Spanish, king's page, hermit in Mexico, died at about age 54 in 1596)

     Bl. John Hambley of St. Mabyn (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 27 in 1587 [beatified 1987])

     St. Joseph Barsabas Justus (Israelite, disciple of Jesus [Acts 1], 1st Century)

     Bl. Joseph Beotti of Gragnano Trebbiense [Giuseppe] (Italian, farmer, diocesan parish priest, assisted Jews and other World War II victims, martyred [shot] by Nazis at age 31 in 1944 [beatified 2023])

     Bl. Louis Novarese of Casale Monferrato [Luigi] (Italian, diocesan priest, worked in Vatican curia, founded four associations to aid the sick and handicapped, died nine days before 70th birthday in 1984 [beatified 2013])

     St. Margaret of Antioch (Pisidian [from part of what is now Turkey], virgin, martyred c. 304)

     St. Paul of Córdova (Spanish, deacon, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 851)

     St. Rheticus of Autun (French, bishop, opposed Donatist heresy, d. 334)

     Bl. Rita Dolores Pujalte Sánchez of Aspe and Bl. Frances of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Aldea Araujo of Somolinos [Francisca del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus] (Spanish, members of Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [83-year-old, blind former Superior General and 54-year-old college secretary], martyred [shot by Civil War rebels] in 1936 [beatified 1998] [incorruptible])

     Sts. Sabinus, Julian, Maximus, Macrobius, Cassia, Paula, and ten companions (Syrian, early martyrs)

     St. Severa of Villeneuve (German? abbess in France, c. 680)

     St. Severa of Öhren (German, Benedictine  abbess, c. 750)

     St. Vulmar of Samer (French, Benedictine  brother, woodchopper, herder, priest, abbot, d. 689)

On July 21, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Lawrence
de' Rossi of Brindisi [Lorenzo] [baptized Giulio Cesare (Julius Cæsar)] (Italian, Capuchin Master General, theologian, linguist, military chaplain, writer of catechism, diplomat, Doctor of the Church, died in Portugal the day before his 60th birthday in 1619 [beatified 1783, canonized 1881])

     St. Arbogast
of Aquitaine (French? hermit, bishop of Strasbourg, c. 678)

     Bl. Christopher of St. Catherine López de Valladolid Orea of Mérida [Cristóbal de Santa Catalina] (Spanish, priest of Third Order Regular of Saint Francis, founded Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitallers of Jesus the Nazarene, died on his 52nd birthday in 1690 [beatified 2013])

     Sts. Claudius, Justus, Jucundinus, and five companions, of Troyes (French, martyred in 273)

     St. Constantine of Monte Cassino (Italian, Benedictine  abbot [succeeded St. Benedict], c. 560)

     St. Daniel (Israelite, Old Testament prophet, died in Babylon in 5th Century B.C.)

     St. John of Edessa (Syrian, monk, 6th Century)

     Sts. John and Benignus of Moyenmoutier (French, twin brothers, monks, c. 707)

     St. Julia of Troyes (French, virgin, martyred c. 273)

     Bl. Louis Lenzini of Fiumalbo [Luigi] (Italian, archdiocesan priest, tortured and martyred [bludgeoned] by communists at age 64 in 1945 [beatified 2022])

     Bl. Oddino Barrotti of Fossano (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, parish priest, died at about age 76 in 1400 [beatified 1808])

     St. Praxedes of Rome (Italian, virgin, 2nd Century)

     Sts. Victor, Alexander, Felician, and Longinus, of Marseilles (military officer and guards, tortured and martyred by beheading in 304)

     St. Wastrada of Utrecht (Dutch, widow, c. 670)

     St. Zoticus of Comana (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, opposed Montanist heresy, martyred in 204)

On July 22, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Mary
Magdalene [also called Mary of Magdala] ["Apostle to the Apostles"] (Israelite, disciple of Jesus, present at Calvary and at the tomb on Easter, 1st Century)

     Bl. Augustine
Fangi of Biella [Agostino] (Italian, nobleman, Dominican  prior, miracle worker, died at about age 63 in 1493 [beatified 1872] [incorruptible])

     St. Cyril of Antioch (Syrian, patriarch [bishop], c. 300)

     St. Dabius of Albany (Irish, missionary priest in Scotland, 6th Century?)

     St. Joseph of Tiberias (Palestinian, converted Jewish layman, c. 356)

     Bl. Mary Agnes Therese of the Blessed Sacrament Arias Espinosa of Ixtlán del Río [Maria Inés Teresa] [baptized Manuela de Jesús] (Mexican, virgin, religious of Poor Clare Sacramentarians, founded Missionary Poor Clares of the Blessed Sacrament  and Missionaries of Christ for the Universal Church, died in Italy at age 77 in 1981 [beatified 2012])

     St. Meneleus of Ménat (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 720)

     St. Movean of Inis-Coosery (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, abbot, hermit, 6th Century)

     St. Pancharius of Besançon (French, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, c. 356)

     Sts. Philip Evans of Monmouthshire and John Lloyd of Brecknockshire (Welsh, priests [one Jesuit, one diocesan], martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Charles II at about ages 34 and 49 in 1679 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970]) [Commemorated in Wales on July 23]

     St. Plato of Ancyra (Galatian [from part of what is now Turkey], rich young man, martyred c. 306)

     St. Syntyche of Philippi (Macedonian [Greek], female disciple of St. Paul [Philippians 4], 1st Century)

     St. Theophilus (fleet admiral, captured by Moslem invaders on Cyprus, martyred in 789)

     St. Wandrille of Fontenelle (French, courtier, hermit, priest, abbot, died at about age 68 in. 668)

On July 23, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Bridget
Birgersdotter of Uppsala [Birgitta] (Swedish, aristocrat, visionary from age 7, princess by marriage, mother of eight, Franciscan  tertiary, widow, counselor of Swedish royal family and of three popes, founded Order of the Most Holy Savior [Brigittine  nuns and monks], mystical writer, died in Italy at about age 70 in 1373 [canonized 1391])

     St. Anne
of Constantinople (Turkish, spent inherited fortune on the poor, hermitess, died at about age 78 c. 918)

     Sts. Apollonius and Eugene of Rome (Italian, early martyrs [one shot with arrows, one beheaded])

     Holy Martyrs of Bulgaria (9th Century)

     Bl. Christian Gondek of Slona [Krystyn] [baptized Wojciech (Adalbert)] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 33 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Ezekiel ben Buzi of Tel-Abib (Israelite, priest, among exiles in Babylon, Old Testament prophet, 6th Century B.C.)

     Bl. Jane of Orvieto [Giovanna] (Italian, Dominican  tertiary, died at about age 42 in 1306 [beatified 1754])

     St. John Cassian of Marseilles (pilgrim to Holy Land, monk in Egypt, deacon in Asia Minor, abbot in France, died at about age 73 c. 433)

     St. Liborius of Le Mans (French, bishop, d. 390)

     Bl. Margaret Mary López de Maturana y Ortiz de Zárate of Bilbao [Margarita María] [baptized Pilar] (Spanish, Mercedarian  sister, founded Missionary Sisters of Mercy, died two days before her 50th birthday in 1934 [beatified 2006])

     Blessed Passionist Martyrs of Spain (Spanish, father provincial and 25 religious [6 priests, 4 brothers, 15 students] of the Passionist congregation [mostly 18 to 21 in age], martyred in civil war in 1936 [beatified 1989])

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Phocas (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], innkeeper, gardener who fed the poor, martyred by beheading c. 303)

     St. Primitiva of Rome (Italian, virgin, early martyr)

     St. Rasyphus of Rome (Italian, early martyr)

     Sts. Rasyphus and Ravennus of Macé (British, hermits in France, martyred in 5th Century)

     Sts. Romula, Redempta, and Herundo, of Rome (Italian, virgins, c. 580)

     Sts. Trophimus and Theophilus (martyred in Rome c. 302)

     St. Valerian of Cimiez (French, monk, bishop, c. 460)



     Blessed Passionist Martyrs of Spain -- CONTINUED

(Spanish, father provincial and 25 religious [6 priests, 4 brothers, 15 students] of the Passionist congregation [mostly 18 to 21 in age], martyred in civil war in 1936 [beatified 1989])

----- Bl. Nicephorus of Jesus and Mary
Diez Tejerina of Herreruela [Niceforo de Jesus y María] (priest, father provincial, died at age 43)
----- Bl. Herman of Jesus and Mary
Pérez Giménez of Cornago [German de Jesus y María] [baptized Manuel (Emmanuel)] (died at age 30)
----- Bl. Ildephonse of the Cross
García Nozal of Becerril del Carpio [Ildefonso de la Cruz] (died at age 38)
----- Bl. John Peter of St. Anthony
Bengoa Aranguren of Santa Agueda [Juan Pedro de San Antonio] [baptized José María (Joseph Mary)] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Justinian of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Cuesta Redondo of Alba de los Cardaños [Justiniano de San Gabriel de la Dolorosa] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Peter of the Heart of Jesus
Largo Redondo of Alba de los Cardaños [Pedro del Corazon de Jesus] (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Philip of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Valcabado Granado of San Martín de Rubiales [Felipe del Corazon Inmaculado de Maria] (died at age 62)
  [Religious Brothers:]
----- Bl. Anacario of the Immaculate Lady
Benito Nozal of Becerril del Carpio [Anacario de la Inmaculada] (died at age 30)
----- Bl. Benedict of the Virgin of Villar
Solano Ruiz of Cintruenigo [Benito de la Virgen de Villar] (died at age 38)
----- Bl. Paul Mary of St. Joseph
Leoz y Portillo of Leoz [Pablo Maria de San Jose] (died at age 54)
----- Bl. Philip of St. Michael
Ruiz Fraile of Quintanilla [Felipe de San Miguel] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Abilio of the Cross
Ramos y Ramos of Resoba [Abilio de la Cruz] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Epiphanius of St. Michael
Sierra Conde of San Martín de los Herreros [Epifanio de San Miguel] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Eufrasius of the Merciful Love
Celes Santos of Palencia [Eufrasio del Amor Misericordioso] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Felix of the Five Wounds
Ulgade Irurzum of Mendigorría [Feliz de las Cinco Llagas] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Fulgentius of the Heart of Mary
Calvo Sánchez of Cubillo de Ojeda [Fulgencio del Corazon de Maria] (died at age 19)
----- Bl. Honorino of the Sorrowful Virgin
Carracedo Ramos of La Lastra [Honorino de la Dolorosa] (died at age 19)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary of Jesus
Cuartero Gascón of Tabuenca [José María de Jesus] (died at age 19)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary of the Dying Jesus
Ruiz Martínez of Puente la Reina [José María del Jesus Muriente] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Joseph of Jesus and Mary
Osés Sainz of Peralta [Jose de Jesus y María] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Joseph of the Sacred Hearts
Estalayo Garcia of San Martin de Perapertú [Jose de los Sagrados Corazones] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Julius of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mediavilla Concejero of La Lastra [Julio del Sagrado Corazon] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Lauren of the Crucified Jesus
Profaño Cuesta of Villafría [Laurino del Jesus Crucificado] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Maurilio of the Child Jesus
Macho Rodríguez of Villafría [Maurilio del Niño Jesus] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Thomas of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Cuartero Gascón of Tabuenca [Tomás del Santísimo Sacramento] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Zachary of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Fernández Crespo of Cintruenigo [Zacarías del Santísimo Sacramento] (died at age 19)

On July 24, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Sharbel
Makhlouf of Beqaa-Kafra [baptized Joseph Zaroun] (Lebanese, Maronite Catholic priest, Baladite  hermit, died at age 70 in 1898 [beatified 1965, canonized 1977]) [incorrupt]

     St. Aliprandus
of Ciel d'Oro (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, 8th Century)

     Bl. Anthony Turriani of Milan [Antonio] (Italian, physician, Augustinian  friar, hermit, died at about age 50 in 1694 [beatified 1759])

     Sts. Boris and Glev [baptized Romanus and David] (Ukrainian, brother princes [sons of St. Vladimir], murdered at about age 15 to 20 in 1015 [canonized 1724])

     Blessed Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara (Spanish, three Discalced Carmelite  nuns, martyred [shot] by communists during Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1987]) [Their names follow:]

----- Bl. Mary of the Angels of St. Joseph Valtierra Tordesillas of Getafe [Maria Angeles de San José]  [baptized Marciana] (died at age 30)

----- Bl. Mary Pilar of St. Francis Borgia Martínez García of Tarazona [Maria Pilar de San Francisco Borgia] [baptized Jacoba] (died at age 58)

----- Bl. Teresa of the Child Jesus and of St. John of the Cross García y García of Mochales [Teresa del Niño Jesus y de San Juan de la Cruz] [baptized Eusebia] (died at age 27)


     St. Christiana of Termonde (British, princess, nun in Belgium, 7th Century)

     St. Christina of Bolsena (Roman, virgin, martyred by arrows in 4th Century?)

     St. Christina the Astonishing of Brustheim (Belgian, orphan, eccentric wonder worker, nun, died at about age 74 in 1224)

     St. Christina of Tyre (Phoenician [Lebanese], virgin, early martyr)

     St. Declan of Desi (Irish, bishop of Ardmore, 5th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Dictinus of Astorga (Spanish, one-time heretic, bishop, d. 420)

     St. Germoc of Cornwall (Irish, chieftain who settled in England, 6th Century)

     St. Godo of Oye (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 690)

     Bl. John Tavalli of Tossignano [Giovanni] (Italian, bishop of Ferrara, translated Bible into Italian, d. 1446)

     St. John Boste of Dufton [or Boast] (English, priest, tortured [racked] and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 50 under Elizabeth I in 1594 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     St. Joseph Fernandez of Ventosa de la Cueva [José] (Spanish, Dominican  priest, missionary in Vietnam, martyred by beheading at about age 63 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Kinga of Esztergom (Hungarian, princess, Franciscan  tertiary, queen of Poland, widow, Poor Clare  nun, virgin [despite 40 years of marriage], died at about age 68 in 1292 [beatified 1690, canonized 1999]) [commemorated by some on July 23]

     St. Lewina of Berg (British, virgin, martyred in 5th Century)

     Bl. Louise of Savoy (French, widow, Poor Clare  nun, died at about age 41 in 1503 [beatified 1839])

     Bl. Mary Bernice Duque Heckner of Salamina [María Berenice] [baptized/confirmed Ana Julia (Ann Julia)] [surname sometimes spelled Hencker] (Colombian, eldest of 19 children, Dominican  nun, teacher, founded Little Sisters of the Annunciation  to teach poor girls, prolific writer, died at age 94 in 1993 [beatified 2022])

     Bl. Mary of Mercies of the Sacred Heart Prat y Prat of Barcelona [María Mercedes del Sagrado Corazón] [baptized Mercedes] (Spanish, sister of the Society of St. Teresa of Jesus, martyred by shooting at age 56 in 1936 [beatified 1990])

     Bl. Maximilian Binkiewicz of Zarnowiec [Maksymilian] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis [beaten to death] at Dachau [Germany] at age 29 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Menefrida of Cornwall (British, virgin, 5th Century)

     Sts. Meneus and Capito (early martyrs)

     Bl. Modestino of Jesus and Mary Mazzarella of Frattamaggiore [Modestino di Gesu e Maria] [baptized Domenico (Dominic)] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, died at age 51 in 1854 [beatified 1995])

     Sts. Niceta and Aquilina (early martyrs)

     Bl. Nicolas Garlick of Dinting, Bl. Richard Simpson of Well, and Bl. Robert Ludlam of Radbourne (English, priests, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I [at about ages 33/35/37] in 1588 [beatified 1987])

     St. Sigolena of Troclar (French, noblewoman, widow, Benedictine  abbess, c. 769)

     St. Ursicinus of Sens (French, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, c. 380)

     Sts. Victor, Stercatius, and Antinogenes, of Merida (Spanish?, biological brothers?, martyred in 304)

     St. Vincent of Rome (Italian, early martyr)

     Sts. Wulfhade and Ruffinus of Mercia (British, brother princes, martyred in 675)

On July 25, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. James the Greater
of Galilee (Israelite, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of St. John, fisherman, apostle of Jesus, martyred by the sword [first Apostle martyred] c. 44)

     Bl. Angel Darius
Acosta Zurita of Naolinco [Ángel Darío] (Mexican, orphan, parish priest for three months, martyred [shot in church] at age 22 in 1931 [beatified 2005])

     Bl. Anthony Lucci of Agnone [Antonio] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, bishop, died 18 days before his 70th birthday in 1752 [beatified 1989])

     St. Christopher of Canaan (Palestinian, carried people across a stream, martyred c. 251)

     St. Cucuphas of Scillis (North African, nobleman, martyred in Spain in 304)

     St. Ebrulf of Bayeux (French, hermit, abbot, d. 600)

     Sts. Felix and Florentius of Rome (Italian, soldiers, martyred in 235)

     St. Glodesind of Metz (French, abbess, c. 608)

     Bl. John Soreth of Caen [Jean] (French, Carmelite  prior general, died at about age 51 [cholera] in 1471 [beatified 1865]) [commemorated by some on the 30th]

     St. Magnericus of Trier (German, bishop, d. 596)

     Bl. Marie Therese of the Child Jesus Kowalska of Warsaw [Maria Teresa od Dzieciatka Jezus] [baptized Mieczyslawa] (Polish, Poor Clare Capuchin  sister, martyred by Nazis at Dzialdowo [Poland] at about age 39 in 1941 [beatified 1999]) [commemorated by some on July 28]

     St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Sallés Barangueras of Vich [Maria de Monte Carmelo] [baptized Carmen] (Spanish, virgin, founded Sisters of the Immaculate Conception for the Instruction of Children, died at about age 63 in 1911 [beatified 1998, canonized 2012])

     St. Nissen (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Paul of Gaza (Palestinian, martyred in 308)

     Bl. Peter Corradini of Mogliano [Pietro] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, died at about age 48 in 1490 [beatified 1760]) [commemorated by some on the 30th]

     Sts. Thea of Gaza and Valentina of Caesarea (Palestinian, tortured, early martyrs by burning)

     St. Theodomir of Córdoba (Spanish, monk, martyred by Moslems c. 850)

On July 26, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Joachim and Ann, of Nazareth (Israelite, parents of Mary, grandparents of Jesus, 1st Century)

     Bl. Andrew
of Phu Yen (Vietnamese, catechist, martyred at age 19 in 1644 [beatified 2000])

     St. Bartholomea Capitanio of Lovere (Italian, teacher, co-founded Sisters of Charity of Lovere, died at age 26 in 1833 [beatified 1926, canonized 1950])

     Bl. Edward Thwing of Heworth (English, priest, martyred under Elizabeth I at about age 35 in 1600 [beatified 1987])

     St. Erastus of Corinth (Greek, city treasurer [Romans 16], disciple of Sts. Paul and Timothy, bishop of Philippi, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. George Preca of Valletta (Maltese, priest, founded Society of Christian Doctrine, died at age 82 in 1962 [beatified 2001, canonized 2007]) [Commemorated in Malta on May 9]

     Bl. George Swallowell of Durham and Bl. John Ingram of Stoke Edith (English, teacher and priest, tortured and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1594 [beatified 1929]) [Bl. John died at about age 29.]

     St. Hyacinth (martyred c. 110)

     Bl. Maria Pierina de Micheli of Milan [baptized Giuseppina (Josephine)] (Italian, virgin, religious of Daughters of the Immaculate Conception  in Argentina, promoter of Holy Face medal, died at age 54 in 1945 [beatified 2010])


     Sts. Olympius, Exuperis, Theodulus, and Symphronius, of Rome (Italian ... wife, husband, son, and servant ... early martyrs [burned])

     St. Parasceva of Rome (Italian, virgin, missionary teacher, tortured and martyred by beheading in 180)

     St. Pastor of Rome (Italian, priest, c. 160)

     Bl. Robert Nutter of Burnley (English, Dominican  priest, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1600 [beatified 1987])

     St. Simeon of Padolirone (Armenian, hermit, monk in Italy, d. 1016)

     St. Titus Brandsma of Bolsward [baptized Anno Sjoera] (Dutch, Carmelite  priest, translator, philosopher, teacher, university president, opposed anti-Judaism, tortured in concentration camps, abused in medical experiments, martyred [lethal injection given at Dachau by ex-Catholic Nazi nurse] at age 61 in 1942 [beatified 1985, canonized 2022])

     St. Valens of Verona (Italian, bishop, d. 531)

     Bl. William Webster of Thornby [alias Ward] (English, priest, imprisoned 20 years, martyred under Charles I at about age 81 in 1641 [beatified 1929])

On July 27, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Bl. Alphonse
Pacheco of Minaya [Alonso] and Bl. Anthony Francisco of Coimbra [Antonio] (Spanish and Portuguese, Jesuit  missionary priests to pagans in India, martyred [speared and hacked by scimitars] both at about age 32 in 1583 [beatified 1893])

     St. Anthusa of Constantinople (Turkish, abbess, tortured but not martyred, 8th Century)

     St. Arethas of Nedshran (Arabian, martyred by beheading at about age 96 in 523)

     St. Berthold of Garsten (Swiss, widower, Benedictine  abbot in Austria, died at about age 82 in 1142 [canonized 1970])

     St. Congall of Iabnallivin (Scottish, abbot)

     Bl. Conrad of Ottobeuren (Bavarian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1227)

     St. Ecclesius of Ravenna (Italian, bishop, d. 532)

     St. Etherius of Auxerre (French, bishop, d. 573)

     Sts. Felix, Julia, and Jucunda, of Nola (early martyrs)

     Sts. George, Aurelius, Natalia, Felix, and Liliosa, of Córdova (one Palestinian and four Spanish, deacon and two married couples, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 852)

     Sts. Hermolaus, Hermippus, and Hermacrates, of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], priest and two brothers, martyred c.300)

     Bl. Joseph Lambton of Malton (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 24 in 1592 [beatified 1987])

     St. Luican (Irish)

     Bl. Lucy Bufalari of Castel Porziano [Lucia] (Italian, Augustinian  prioress, d. 1350 [beatified 1832])

     Bl. Mary Clement of the Crucified Jesus Staszewska of Zloczew [Maria Klemensa] [baptized Elena (Helen)] (Polish, Ursuline  sister, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] three days before her 53rd birthday in 1943 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Mary Magdalen Martinengo of Brescia [Maria Maddalena] (Italian, Capuchin  prioress, died at about age 50 in 1737 [beatified 1900])

     Bl. Mary of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Tarallo of Barra (Maria della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesu Cristo) [baptized Mary Grace (Maria Grazia)] (Italian, virgin, member of the Institute of the Sisters Crucified Adorers of the Eucharist, mystic, stigmatist, died at age 45 in 1912 [beatified 2006])

     Sts. Maurus, Pantalemon, and Sergius, of Bisceglia (bishop and others, martyred c. 117)

     Sts. Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John, Serapion, and Constantine, of Ephesus (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred in 3rd or 4th Century)

     Bl. Nevolo of Faenza (Italian, shoemaker, first Franciscan  tertiary, Camaldolese  brother, d. 1280 [beatified 1817])

     St. Pantaleon of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], physician, martyred by beheading c. 305)

     Bl. Robert Sutton of Burton-on-Trent (English, priest, martyred under Elizabeth I at about age 43 in 1588 [beatified 1987])

     St. Theobald of Marly (French, knight, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1247)

     Bl. William Davies of Colwyn Bay (Welsh, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1593 [beatified 1987])



On July 28, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Acacius
of Miletus (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred c. 310)

     St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception Mattathupandatu of Arpukara ([Asian] Indian, virgin, religious sister of Congregation of the Third Order of St. Francis, died at age 36 in 1946 [beatified 1986, canonized 2008])

     Bl. Anthony della Chiesa of San Germano [Antonio] (Italian, nobleman, Dominican  prior, missionary with St. Bernardine, mystic, died at about age 64 in 1459 [beatified 1819])

     St. Arduinus of Ceprano (Italian, 7th Century)

     St. Botvid of Sodermannland (Swedish, lay missionary working with English monks, martyred in 1100)

     St. Camelian of Troyes (French, bishop for almost 50 years, c. 525)

     St. Eustace of Galatia (from Asia Minor, victim of torture and early martyr by drowning)

     Pope St. Innocent I of Albano (Italian, elected to papacy in 401, reigned until death in 417)

     Bl. Joseph Ambrosoli of Ronago [Giuseppe] (Italian, medical doctor/surgeon, educator/philanthropist, priest of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, died [kidney disease] in Uganda at age 63 in 1987 [beatified 2022])

     St. Lucidus of Aquara (Italian, Benedictine  monk, hermit, died at about age 78 c. 938)

     Sts. Nazarius and Celsus of Rome (Italian, disciple of St. Peter and a child, martyred by beheading c. 68)

     St. Peregrine of Lyons (French, priest, hermit, 2nd Century)

     St. Peter Poveda Castroverde of Linares [Pedro] (Spanish, diocesan priest, founder of Teresian Institute, martyred at age 61 in Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1993, canonized 2003])

     St. Raymond Palmarius Zansogni of Piacenza [Raimondo] (Italian, pilgrim to Holy Land and throughout Europe, died at about age 60 in 1200)

     St. Samson of Glamorgan (Welsh, nobleman, abbot, hermit, bishop of Caerleon in Cornwall, missionary in France, died at about age 75 c. 565)

     Bl. Stanley Francis Rother of Okarche (American [Oklahoman], diocesan priest, missionary in Guatemala, martyred [shot by extremists] at age 46 in 1981 [beatified 2017])


     Pope St. Victor I (North African, elected to papacy in 189, may have been first to use Latin in liturgy, reigned until death [possibly martyred] in 199)


On July 29, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of Bethany (Israelite, virgins, siblings, disciples of Jesus, 1st Century A.D.)

     St. Callinicus
of Paphlagonia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred by burning in 3rd Century)

     St. Faustinus of Spello (Italian, bishop's attendant, 4th Century)

     Sts. Joseph Zhang Wen-lan of Ba, John Baptist Luo Ting-ying of Qing-yian, and Martha Wang Luo Man-de of Zun-yi (Chinese ... seminarian, servant, and widow/messenger ... martyred by beheading at ages 30/36/59 in 1861 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     St. Kilian of Inishcaltra (Irish, abbot, 7th Century)

     Bl. Louis Bertrán of Barcelona [Luis], Bl. Mancius of the Holy Cross, and Bl. Peter of God's Holy Mother (Spanish and two Japanese ... Dominican  missionary priest and catechists ... martyred by burning in Japan in 1627 [beatified 1867])

     Sts. Lucilla, Flora, Eugene, Anthony, and Theodore (martyred c. 260)

     St. Lupus of Toul (French, lawyer, bishop of Troyes for 52 years, died at about age 95 c. 478)

     King St. Olaf II Haraldsson of Ringerike (Norwegian, converted pirate, monarch, died [in battle] at about age 35 in 1030 [canonized 1164])

     St. Paul Chen Chang-pin of Xing-ren (Chinese, seminarian, martyred at age 23 in 1861 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     St. Prosper of Orléans (French, bishop, c. 453)

     St. Seraphina (virgin, c. 426)

     St. Serapia (Syrian, slave, martyred in 119)

     Sts. Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice, of Rome (Italian, brothers and sister, tortured and martyred c. 303)

     St. Sulian (British, abbot, 6th Century)

     Pope Bl. Urban II of Châtillons-sur-Marne [Urbano] [baptized Odo] (French, nobleman, Benedictine  prior, cardinal bishop of Ostia in Italy, papal legate, elected to papacy in 1088, approved First Crusade, reigned until death at about age 57 in Rome in 1099 [beatified 1881])

     St. William Pinchon of Brittany [Guillaume] (French, nobleman, bishop of Saint-Brieuc, died at about age 54 in 1234 [canonized about 1253] [incorrupt])


On July 30, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Peter Chrysologus of Imola ["chrysologos" is Greek for "golden word"] (Italian, adult convert, bishop of Ravenna, fought paganism and Monophysite heresy, great preacher, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 70 c. 450)

     Sts. Abdon and Sennen (Persian, coopers, buried remains of martyrs, martyred in Rome in 3rd or 4th Century)

     Bl. Archangel of Calafatimi [Arcangelo] (Sicilian, hermit, Franciscan  friar, d. 1460 [beatified 1836])

     Bl. Edward Powell, Bl. Richard Featherstone of Brecknock, and Bl. Thomas Abel (1 Welsh, 2 English ... counselor of Queen Catherine [of Aragon] / confessor and tutor of Princess Mary / queen's chaplain ... martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Henry VIII in 1540 [beatified 1886]) [Bl. Thomas died at about age 43.]

     St. Ermengytha of Thanet (British, Benedictine  nun, c. 680)

     Bl. Everard Hanse of Northamptonshire (English, priest, martyred by hanging under Elizabeth I in 1581 [beatified 1886])

     St. Hatebrand of Olden-Klooster (Dutch, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1198)

     Blessed Hospitaller Martyrs of Spain (64 Spanish men, 7 Colombian men ... 71 members of Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of God [6 priests, 47 brothers, 13 novices, 1 postulant, 4 oblates], martyred in Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1992])

[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]


     St. Julitta of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], widow, martyred by asphyxiation in 303)

     St. Leopold Mandic of Castelnovo [baptized Bogdan] (Dalmatian [from part of what is now Bosnia], Capuchin  priest in Italy, heard confessions all day after Mass for forty years, died [cancer of esophagus] at age 76 in 1942 [beatified 1976, canonized 1983]) [commemorated by some on May 12]

     Bl. Manes de Guzmán of Calaruega (Spanish, elder brother of St. Dominic, Dominican  friar in France, nuns' chaplain in Spain, d. 1230 [beatified 1834])

     St. Mary of the Sacramental Jesus Venegas de la Torre of Jalisco [María de Jesús Sacramentado] [baptized María Natividad] (Mexican, co-founder and superior of Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 90 in 1959 [beatified 1992, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Mary Vincent of St. Dorothy Chávez Orozco of Cotija [María Vicenta de Santa Dorotea] (Mexican, virgin, founded Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Trinity and the Poor, died at age 82 in 1949 [beatified 1997])

     Sts. Maxima, Donatilla, and Secunda, of Tebourba (North African, virgins, martyred in 304)

     King St. Olav of Stockholm (Swedish, monarch for 30 years, convert who established Swedish Christianity, martyred by pagans c. 950)

     St. Rheticus of Autun (French, bishop, opposed Donatist heresy, d. 334)

     St. Rufinus of Assisi (Italian, early martyr)

     Bl. Solanus Casey of Oak Grove [Bernard Francis] (Wisconsinite, Capuchin  priest, reputed miracle worker, died at age 86 in 1957 [beatified 2017])


     St. Tatwin of Canterbury (British, Benedictine  monk, archbishop, d. 734)

     St. Ursus of Auxerre (French, hermit, bishop, d. 508)

     Bl. Zdenka Schelingova of Kriva [baptized Cecilia] (Slovak, member of Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross, nurse, imprisoned by Communists, tortured, martyred at age 38 in 1955 [beatified 2003])



     Blessed Hospitaller Martyrs of Spain -- CONTINUED

(64 Spanish men, 7 Colombian men ... 71 members of Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of God [6 priests, 47 brothers, 13 novices, 1 postulant, 4 oblates], martyred in Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1992])

[In the list, assume "Spanish" unless "Colombian" is mentioned.]

----- Bl. Braulio Maria
Corres Diaz de Cerio of Torralba del Rio [baptized Pablo (Paul)] (died at age 39)
----- Bl. Cristinos
Roca Huguet of Milins de Rey [baptized Miguel (Michael)] (died at age 37)
----- Bl. Francis
Arias Martín of Granada [Francisco] (died at age 52)
----- Bl. Frederick
Rubio Alvarez of Benavides de Orbigo [Federico] [baptized Carlos (Charles)] (died at age 74)
----- Bl. John Jesus
Adradas Gonzalo of Conquezuela [Juan Jesús] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. Joseph
Mora Velasco of Cordoba [José] (died at age 50)
----- Bl. Arthur
Ayala Niño of Paipa [Arturo] [baptized Luis (Louis)] (Colombian, died at age 27)
----- Bl. Arthur
Donoso Murillo of Puebla de Alcocer [Arturo] (died at age 19)
----- Bl. Benedict Joseph Labré
Mañoso González of Lomoviejo [Benito José Labré] [baptized Arsenio (Arsenius)] (died at age 57)
----- Bl. Benjamín
Cobos Celada of Palencia [baptized Alejandro (Alexander)] (brother, died at age 49)
----- Bl. Caesar
Niño Pérez of Torregutierrez [Cesar] [baptized Mariano (Marian)] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. Carmel
Gil Arano of Tudela [Carmelo] [baptized Isidro (Isidore)] (died at age 57)
----- Bl. Caspar
Páez Perdomo of Unión [Gaspar] [baptized Luis Modesto (Louis Modest)] (Colombian, died at age 23)
----- Bl. Cecil
López López of Fondón [Cecilio] [baptized Enrique (Henry)] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Clement
Díez Sahagún of Fuentes de Nava [Clemente] (died at age 75)
----- Bl. Constantine
Roca Huguet of San Sadurní de Noya [Constantino] [baptized Sadurni] (died at age 41)
----- Bl. Cosmas
Brun Arará of Santa Coloma di Farnes [Cosme] [baptized Simó Isidre Joaquím (Simon Isidore Joachim)] (died at age 42)
----- Bl. Dositheus
Rubio Alonso of Madrigalejo [Dositeo] [baptized Guillermo (William)] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Eugene
Ramírez Salazar of La Ceja [Eugenio] [baptized Alfonso Antonio (Alphonse Anthony)] (Colombian, died at age 23)
----- Bl. Eusebius
Forcades Ferraté of Reus [Eusebio] [baptized Antonio (Anthony)] (died at age 61)
----- Bl.
Euthymius Aramendía García of Oteiza de la Solana [Eutimio] [baptized Nicolas (Nicholas)] (died at age 58)
----- Bl.
Faustino Villanueva Igual of Sarrión [baptized Antonio (Anthony)] (died at age 23)
----- Bl. Flavius
Argüeso González of Mazuecos de Valdeginate [Flavio] [baptized Atilano Dionisio (Atilla Dennis)] (died at age 59)
----- Bl. Gonzalo
Gonzalo Gonzalo of Conquezuela (died at age 27)
----- Bl. Hilary
Delgado Vilchez of Cañar [Hilario] [baptized Antonio (Anthony)] (died at age 18)
----- Bl. Hyacinth
Hoyuelos Gonzalo of Materrepudio [Jacinto] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. Francis Xavier
Ponsa Casallach of Moya [Francisco Javier] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. James of Cádiz
García Molina of Moral de Calatrava [Diego de Cádiz] [baptized Santiago (James)] (died at age 44)
----- Bl. Jerome
Ochoa Urdangarin of Goñi [Geronimo] (died at age 32)
----- Bl. Jesús
Gesta de Piquer of Madrid (died at age 21)
----- Bl. John Anthony
Burró Más of Barcelona [Juan Antonio] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Velázquez Peláez of Jardín [Juan Bautista] [baptized Jose (Joseph)] (Colombian, died at age 27)
----- Bl. John of the Cross
Delgado Pastor of Puebla de Alcocer [Juan de la Cruz] [baptized Eloy Francisco Felipe (Eligius Francis Philip)] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. Julián
Carrasquer Fos of Sueca [baptized Miguel (Michael)] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Julián
Plazaola Artola of San Sebastian (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Knute
Franco Gómez of Aljucer [Canuto] [baptized Jose (Joseph)] (died at age 65)
----- Bl. Lazarus
Múgica Goiburu of Idiazabal [Lázaro] [baptized Juan Maria (John Mary)] (died at age 69)
----- Bl. Martinian
Meléndez Sánchez of Malaga [Martiniano] [baptized Antonio (Anthony)] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. Melchiades
Ramírez Zuloaga of Sonsón [Melquiades] [baptized Ramon (Raymond)] (Colombian, died at age 27)
----- Bl. Michael
Rueda Mejías of Mordi [Miguel] [baptized Miguel Francisco (Michael Francis)] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Nicephorus
Salvador del Río of Villamorco [Nicéforo] (died at age 23)
----- Bl. Peter Mary
Alcalde Negredo of Ledesma [Pedro Maria] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. Peter of Alcántara
Villanueva Larráyoz of Osinaga [Pedro de Alcántara] [baptized Lorenzo (Lawrence)] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Primo of St. Vincent
Martínez Castillo of San Roman de Campezo [Primo de San Vicente] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Proceso
Ruiz Cascales of Beniel [baptized Joaquin (Joachim)] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Protase
Cubells Minguell of Coll de Nargó [Protacio] (died at age 56)
----- Bl. Reuben of Jesus
López Aguilar of Concepción [Rúben de Jesús] (Colombian, died at age 28)
----- Bl. Roman
Touceda Fernández of Madrid [Román] [baptized Rafael (Raphael)] (died at age 32)
----- Bl. Rufinus
Lasheras Aizcorbe of Arandigoyen [Rufino] [baptized Crescencio] (died at age 36)
----- Bl. Steven
Maya Gutiérrez of Pacora [Esteban] [baptized Gabriel] (Colombian, (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Tobías
Borrás Román of Villa de San Jorge [baptized Francisco (Francis)] (died at age 75)
----- Bl. Vincent de Paul
Canelles Vives of Onda [Vicente de Pablo] (died at age 42)
----- Bl. William
Llop Gaya of Villareal [Guillermo] [baptized Vicente Andres (Vincent Andrew)] (died at age 56)
----- Bl. Angelo
Sastre Corporales of Villalbo del Vino (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Anthony
Llauradó Parisi of Reus [Antonio] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Anthony
Martínez Gil-Leonis of Montellano [Antonio] (died at age 20)
----- Bl. Anthony
Sanchiz Silvestre of Villamarchante [Antonio] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Dominic
Pitarch Gurrea of Villareal [Domingo] (died at age 27)
----- Bl.
Emmanuel López Orbara of Puente de la Reina [Manuel] (died at age 23)
----- Bl.
Henry Beltrán Llorca of Villareal [Enrique] (died at age 37)
----- Bl. Ignatius
Tejero Molina of Monzalbarba [Ignacio] (died at age 20)
----- Bl.
Isidore Martínez Izquierdo of Madrid [Isidro]
----- Bl. John
Alcalde Alcalde of Zuzones [Juan] (died at age 25)
----- Bl. Peter of Alcántara
Bernalte Calzado of Moral de Calatrava [Pedro de Alcántara] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Raphael
Flamarique Salinas of Mendívil [Rafael] (died at age 33)
----- Bl.
Thomas Urdánoz Aldaz of Echarri [Tomás] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Joseph
Ruiz Cuesta of Dilar [José] (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Acisclus
Piña Piazuelo of Caspe [Acisclo] [baptized Joaquin (Joachim)] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. Edward
Bautista Jiménez of La Gineta [Eduardo] (died at age 51)
----- Bl.
Emmanuel Jiménez Salado of Jerez de la Frontera [Manuel] (died at age 29)
----- Bl.
John Baptist Egozcuezábal Aldaz of Nuin [Juan Bautista] (died at age 54)


On July 31, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Ignatius
Lopez de Recalde of Loyola [Iñigo] (Spanish, nobleman, court page, seriously wounded soldier, hermit, pilgrim to Holy Land, evangelized Moslems, priest, founder of Society of Jesus [Jesuits] in Italy, died at about age 65 in 1556 [beatified 1609, canonized 1622])

     St. Calimerius
of Milan (Greek, bishop in Italy, martyred [cast into well] c. 190)

     Sts. Democritus, Secundus, and Dionysius (early martyrs)

     Sts. Emmanuel Le Van Phung of Dan-nuoc and Peter Doan Cong Quy of Bung (Vietnamese, catechist and priest, martyred [one garrotted at about age 63, one beheaded at about age 33] in 1859 [beatified 1909, canonized 1988])

     St. Fabius of Mauritania (Roman, soldier in Africa, martyred by beheading in 300)

     St. Firmus of Tagaste (North African, early bishop, tortured)

     Bl. Francis Stryjas of Popowo [Franciszek] (Polish, layman, martyred by Nazis at Kalisz [Poland] at age 62 in 1944 [beatified 1999])

     St. Germanus of Auxerre (French, governor, bishop, opposed Pelagian heresy, died in Italy at about age 70 in 448) [Commemorated in Wales on August 3]

     St. Helen of Skövde [Elin] (Swedish, widow, c. 1160 [canonized 1164])

     Bl. John Colombini of Siena [Giovanni] (Italian, merchant, magistrate, founded society of Gesuati  for lay brothers, died at about age 67 in 1367)

     St. Justin de Jacobis of San Fele [Giustino] (Italian, Vincentian  missionary in Africa, helped twelve thousand to convert, vicar apostolic of Abyssinia [now called Ethiopia], died at age 59 in 1860 [beatified 1939, canonized 1975])

     Bl. Michael Ozieblowski of Izdebno [Michal] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 41 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Neot of Cornwall (British, dwarf, Benedictine  priest, hermit, c. 880)

[From St. Ignatius of Loyola:]

     "We were created to praise, to reverence and to serve God. And everything else on the face of the earth was created for our sake, to help us to achieve the goal for which we were created."


     "In a time of desolation, never forsake the good resolutions you made in better times. Strive to remain patient -- a virtue contrary to the troubles that harass you -- and remember that you will be consoled."


     "Prefer neither health nor sickness, neither riches nor poverty, neither honor nor ignominy, neither a long life nor a short one."


     "We must put aside all judgment of our own, and keep the mind ever ready and prompt to obey in all things the true Spouse of Christ our Lord, our holy Mother, the hierarchical Church." 


     "Do not let any occasion of gaining merit pass without taking care to draw some spiritual profit from it; as, for example, from a sharp word which someone may say to you; from an act of obedience imposed against your will; from an opportunity which may occur to humble yourself, or to practice charity, sweetness, and patience.  All of these occasions are gain for you, and you should seek to procure them; and at the close of that day, when the greatest number of them have come to you, you should go to rest most cheerful and pleased, as the merchant does on the day when he had had most chance for making money; for on that day business has prospered with him."


     "If God [allows] you to suffer much, it is a sign that He has great designs for you, and that He certainly intends to make you a saint. And if you wish to become a great saint, entreat Him yourself to give you much opportunity for suffering; for there is no wood better to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross, which Christ used for His own great sacrifice of boundless charity."


     "Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess you have given me. I surrender it all to you to be disposed of according to your will. Give me only your love and your grace.  With these I will be rich enough and will desire nothing more."


     "Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve: to give, and not count the cost; to fight, and not to heed the wounds; to toil, and not to seek for rest; to labor, and not to ask for reward, except that of knowing that I am doing Your Will."


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Thank you.)