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On March 1, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Adrian, Hermes, and 22 companions (African, martyred c. 290)

     St. Albinus of Vannes (French, abbot, bishop of Angers, died at about age 70 in 549)

     St. Antonina of Nicaea (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], virgin, martyred by drowning c. 306)

     Bl. Bonavita of Lugo (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, d. 1375)

     Bl. Christopher of Milan [Cristoforo] (Italian, Dominican  prior, prophet, d. 1484 [beatified 1875])

     St. David of Cardigan (Welsh, prince, missionary priest, archbishop of Caerleon, founder of monasteries, died at about age 58 c. 601) [On English, Irish, and Welsh "particular calendars"]

     St. Eudocia of Heliopolis (Samaritan, repentant courtesan, martyred by beheading probably in 2nd Century)

     Pope St. Felix II (Roman, widower, great-grandfather of Pope St. Gregory the Great, elected to papacy in 483, opposed Monophysite heresy, reigned until death in 492)

     Bl. Jane Mary Bonomo of Asiago [Giovanna Maria] [baptized Maria] (Italian, Benedictine   abbess, mystic, died at about age 63 in 1670 [beatified 1783])

     Sts. Leo, Donatus, Abundantius, Nicephorus, and nine companions (early martyrs)

     St. Leo Luke of Corleone [Leoluca] (Italian, abbot of Basilian  monastery where he lived for eighty years, died at about age 100 c. 915)

     St. Leo of Carentan (French, bishop of Rouen, missionary, martyred [beheaded] by Moslem pirates c. 900)

     St. Roger le Fort of Ternes (French, nobleman, bishop of Limoges, bishop of Bourges, d. 1367)

     Holy Martyrs of Rome (260 martyrs of the 1st Century [shot dead with arrows])

     St. Rosendo of Galicia (Spanish, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Mondonedo, bishop of Compostela, died at about age 69 in 977 [canonized 1195])

     St. Simplicius of Bourges (French, bishop, d. 477)

     St. Siviard of Le Mans (abbot)

     St. Swithbert of Friesland ["Apostle of the Frisians"] (British, Benedictine  monk, missionary on Dutch islands, bishop, died in Germany at about age 65 in 713)




On March 2, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Angela of the Cross Guerrero y Gonzalez of Seville [Angela de la Cruz] (Spanish, poor factory worker, foundress of Congregation of the Cross, died at age 86 in 1932 [beatified 1982, canonized 2003])

     Sts. Basileus and Jovinus (Roman, martyred c. 258)

     Holy Martyrs of Campania (Italian, eighty early martyrs)

     St. Chad of Northumbria (British, missionary monk in Ireland, abbot, bishop of York, died at about age 51 in 672) [On English "particular calendar," with his brother, St. Cedd, October 26]

     Bl. Charles the Good of Flanders [Karl] (Danish, prince, count, crusader, reformer of laws, patron of the poor, walked barefoot to Mass daily, martyred by beheading in church at about age 43 in 1127 [beatified 1883])

     St. Cynibild of Northumbria (British, brother of St. Chad, missionary, 7th Century)

     Bl. Engelmar Unzeitig of Hradec nad Svitavou (Czech, priest of Mariannhill Missionaries, martyred by Nazis in Dachau at age 34 in 1945 [beatified 2016])

     St. Gistilian of Menevia (Welsh, monk, c. 6th Century)

     Bl. Henry Suso of Uberlingen [Heinrich Seuse, nee von Berg] (German, nobleman, Dominican  prior, mystic, spiritual writer, died at age 70 in 1366 [beatified 1831])

     St. Heraclius, Paul, Secundilla, and Januaria of Porto Romano (Italian, martyred c. 305)

     St. Joavan of Landevenec (British, monk in France, c. 570)

     Sts. Lucius, Absalon, and Lorgius, of Caesarea (from Asia Minor [now Turkey], bishop and companions, early martyrs)

     St. Luke Casali of Argira (Sicilian, abbot, c. 800)

     St. Nicholas Owen of Oxford (English, Jesuit  brother, carpenter [constructed hiding places for "illegal" priests], tortured and martyred [abuse in Tower of London] under James I in 1606 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])




On March 3, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Katharine Drexel of Philadelphia (Pennsylvanian, heiress of railroad fortune, foundress of Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People [1891], developed system of Catholic schools for underprivileged, died at age 96 in 1955 [beatified 1988, canonized 2000]) [On U.S. particular calendar]



     Bl. Angela Truszkowska of Kalisz [Aniela] [baptized Zofia Kamila (Sophie Camille)] (Polish, noblewoman, housed the homeless, founded Sisters of St. Felix [Felician Sisters], Franciscan  tertiary, died at age 74 in 1899 [beatified 1993])

     St. Anselm of Nonantola (Italian, duke, soldier, Benedictine  abbot, d. 803)

     St. Arthelais (Roman born in Constantinople, virgin, died at about age 16 in 560)

     St. Camilla of Civitavecchia (Italian, hermitess in France, c. 437)

     St. Celechrist of Leinster (British, hermit, bishop, c. 728)

     Sts. Cleonicus, Eutropius, and Basiliscus (Roman?, soldiers, martyred [crucified] c. 300)

     Blessed Martyrs of Ethiopia (European, Franciscan  missionary priests, martyred in Ethiopia in 1716 [beatified 1988])
----- Bl. Liberatus
Weiss of Konnersreuth (German, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Samuel
Marzorati of Biumo Inferiore [Samuele] (Italian, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Michael Pius
Fasoli of Zerbo [Michele Pio] (Italian, died at age 46)

     Sts. Felix, Luciolus, Fortunatus, Marcia, and 46 companions (North African, early martyrs)

     Bl. Frederick of Hallum (Dutch, Norbertine  abbot, d. 1175)

     St. Gervin of Reims (French, Benedictine  abbot, leper, d. 1075)

     Bl. Jacopino de' Canepaci of Vercelli (Italian, Carmelite  brother, alms-beggar, died at about age 69 in 1508 [beatified 1845])

     St. Kunegunda (Luxembourger, noblewoman, Holy Roman Empress [married to St. Henry], widow, Benedictine  nun, died at about age 60 c. 1040)

     Sts. Marinus and Asterius (Roman?, soldier and senator, martyred [beheaded] in Palestine c. 262)

     Bl. Mary Conception Cabrera Arias de Armida of San Luis Potosí [María Concepción] (Mexican, wife, mother of nine, mystic, writer of spiritual reflections, died at age 74 in 1937 [beatified 2019])


     St. Non of Ty Gwyn (Irish, noblewoman, widow, 6th Century)

     St. Teresa Eustochia Verzeri of Bergamo [baptized Ignazia] (Italian, noblewoman, Benedictine  nun, founded Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, champion of the poor and orphans, writer of over 3,500 extant letters of spiritual direction, died at age 50 in 1852 [beatified 1946, canonized 2001])

     St. Titian of Brescia (German, bishop in Italy, c. 536)

     St. Winwallus of Plou-Fragan (Welsh, abbot in France, died at about age 67 in 530)




On March 4, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Casimir of Krakow [Kazimierz] (Polish, prince of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania, dedicated life to chastity and prayer, died at age 25 in 1484 [canonized 1521])



     St. Adrian of May (British, missionary bishop, martyred by pagan Danes c. 875)

     Bl. Alexander Blake (English, layman, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1590 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Ann of Jesus de Lobera y Torres of Medina del Campo [Ana] [baptized Ana (Ann)] (Spanish, Discalced Carmelite  nun, died at age 75 in 1621 [beatified 2024])

     Holy Appian Way Martyrs (Roman, about 900 Christians, martyred and buried in the catacomb of St. Callixtus)

     Sts. Archelaus, Cyril, and Photius (early martyrs)

     Sts. Basil, Eugenius, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capito, Ephrem, Nestor, and Arcadius, of Chersonesus (from what is now Ukraine, bishops, martyred)

     St. Basinus of Lorraine (French, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Trier)

     Bl. Christopher Bales of Coniscliffe [or Bayles, alias Evers] (English, priest, tortured and martyred at about age 26 under Elizabeth I in 1590)

     St. Gaius and 27 Companions, of Nicomedia (Italian, member of imperial household and others, martyred by drowning c. 254)

     Bl. Humbert III of Savoy (French, count, widower, Cistercian  monk, died at about age 52 in 1189 [beatified 1838])

     St. John Anthony Farina of Gambellara [Giovanni Antonio] (Italian, bishop of Treviso, bishop of Vicenza, founder of Sisters Teachers of St. Dorothy, ordained Pope St. Pius X, died at age 85 in 1888 [beatified 2001, canonized 2014])

     Bl. Ladislaus Mackowiak of Sytki [Wladyslaw], Bl. Mitchell Bohatkiewicz of Krykaly [Mieczyslaw], and Bl. Stanislaus Pyrtek of Bystra Podhalanska [Stanislaw] (Polish, diocesan priests, martyred by Nazis [shot] at Borek [Poland] at ages 32/38/29 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Leonard of Avranches (French, bishop, c. 614)

     Bl. (Mother) Saint Louis de Lamoignon of Paris [baptized/confirmed Louise-Elisabeth] (French, mother of five, widow [lost husband to revolutionaries' guillotine on Easter], founded Sisters of Charity of St. Louis, died at age 61 in 1825 [beatified 2012])

     Pope St. Lucius I of Rome (Italian, elected pope in 233, reigned until death by beheading in 254)

     Bl. Nicholas Horner of Grantley (English, layman, martyred under Elizabeth I in 1590 [beatified 1987])

     St. Peter of Salerno (Italian, abbot, d. 1123 [canonized 1893])

     Bl. Placide Viel of Quettehou [baptized and confirmed Eulalie-Victoire-Jacqueline] (French, farmer's daughter, member of Sisters of the Christian Schools, Mother General for 30 years, died at age 61 in 1877 [beatified 1951])

     Bl. Romeo of Limoges (Italian, Carmelite  brother in France, d. 1380 [beatified 1842])




On March 5, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Adrian of Bethany (Palestinian, martyred in 308)

     St. Caron (Welsh)

     St. Carthach the Elder of Ossory (Irish, bishop, d. 540)

     St. Colman of Armagh (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, 5th Century)

     St. Drausinus of Soissons (French, bishop, c. 674)

     St. Eusebius of Cremona (Italian, associate of St. Jerome, abbot in Bethlehem, c. 423)

     St. Gerasimus of Lycia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], monk in Palestine, c. 475)

     Bl. John Gazulli of Dajç i Zadrimes [Gjon] (Albanian, diocesan priest, opposed governmental suppression of Catholic schools, (1893-1927), martyred [hanged] at age 33 in 1927 [beatified 2024])

     St. John Joseph of the Cross Calosirto of Ischia [Giovanni Giuseppe della Croce] [baptized Carlo Gaetano (Charles Cajetan)] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, ascetic, mystic, died at about age 79 in 1734 [beatified 1789, canonized 1839])

     St. Kieran of Corca-Laighde (Irish, ordained by St. Patrick, bishop of Ossory, c. 530) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Mark the Ascetic (from Asia Minor?, monk, prolific theological writer, 5th Century)

     St. Olive of Brescia [Oliva] (Italian, virgin, martyred in 138)

     St. Phocas of Antioch (Syrian, martyred c. 320)

     St. Piran of Cornwall (Irish, monk in England, founder of monasteries in Ireland, d. 480)

     St. Theophilus of Caesarea (Palestinian, bishop, c. 195)

     St. Virgil of Gascony (French, abbot, archbishop of Arles, c. 618)




On March 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agnes of Prague [Aneska] (Czech, princess of Bohemia, Poor Clare  abbess, died at about age 76 in 1282 [beatified 1874, canonized 1989]) [commemorated by Franciscan sisters and nuns on March 2]

     Holy Martyrs of Amorium (Phrygian [from what is now Turkey], forty-two Christians, early martyrs)

     St. Baldred of Strathclyde (Scottish, bishop, hermit, died at about age 64 c. 607)

     St. Balther of Tinningham (British, Benedictine  priest, hermit, d. 756)

     St. Basil of Bologna (Italian, bishop, d. 335)

     St. Billfrith of Lindisfarne (British, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 758)

     St. Cadroe of Waulsort (Scottish, Benedictine  abbot in France, d. 976)

     St. Chrodegang of Hesbaye (Belgian, chancellor of France, bishop of Metz, ambassador to Vatican, died in France at about age 60 in 776)

     St. Colette Boilet of Calcye [also known as Colette of Corbie] [baptized Nicolette] (French, carpenter's daughter, Poor Clare  superior, founded 17 convents, mystic, died in Belgium at age 66 in 1447 [beatified 1604, canonized 1807]) [commemorated by some on February 7]

     St. Conon of Mandona (Nazarene [Galilean], gardener, martyred c. 251)

     St. Cyril of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], Carmelite  priest in Palestine, prior general, died at an advanced age c. 1235)

     St. Evagrius of Constantinople (from Asia Minor, patriarch (archbishop), c. 380)

     St. Fridolin of Sackingen ["Apostle of the Upper Rhine"] (Irish, missionary, Benedictine  abbot, died in Switzerland c. 540)

     Bl. Helen of Gnesen [Jolenta] (Hungarian, princess, widow of Polish duke, Poor Clare  superior, d. 1298 [beatified 1827])

     St. Heliodorus (African, martyred in 3rd Century)

     Bl. Jordan of Pisa [Giordano] (Italian, Dominican  priest, theologian, died at about age 56 in 1311 [beatified 1838])

     Sts. Kyneburga, Kyneswide, and Tibba of Dormancaster (British ... sister princesses and a relative ... Benedictine  abbesses and nun, 7th Century)

     St. Marcian of Tortona (Italian, disciple of St. Barnabas, bishop for 45 years, martyred by crucifixion in 120)

     Bl. Ollegarius of Barcelona (Spanish, Augustinian canon and prior, bishop of Barcelona, archbishop of Tarragona, died at about age 77 in 1137 [beatified 1675])

     St. Sezin of Guic-Sezni (British, bishop in Ireland, died in France c. 529)

     Bl. Sylvester of Assisi [Silvestro] (Italian, nobleman, first Franciscan  priest, d. 1240)

     Bl. Thaddeus Dulny of Kszczonowice [Tadeusz] (Polish, diocesan seminarian, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 27 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Venustus of Milan (Italian, early martyr)

     Sts. Victor, Victorinus, Claudian, and Bassa (Bithynians [from part of what is now Turkey], early martyrs)




On March 7, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     Sts. Perpetua and Felicity of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia] ... wife/mother and maid ... mauled by beasts and martyred by beheading in 203)



     St. Ardo of Aniane [baptized Smaragdus] (French, Benedictine  abbot, died in Germany in 843)

     St. Deifer of Bodfari (Welsh, abbot, 6th Century)

     St. Drausius of Soissons (French, bishop, c. 576)

     St. Enodoch (Welsh, c. 520)

     St. Esterwine of Wearmouth (British, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 36 in 688)

     St. Eubulus of Caesarea (martyred in Palestine in 308)

     Bl. Frowin of Engelberg (Swiss, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1178)

     St. Gaudiosus of Brescia (Italian, bishop, c. 445)

     Bl. Jermyn Gardiner of Winchester, Bl. John Larke of Chelsea, and Bl. John Ireland of Eltham (English ... secretary to a bishop and two diocesan priests ... martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Henry VIII in 1544 [beatified 1886, 1886, and 1929, respectively])

     Bl. Joseph Olallo Valdés of Havana [José] (Cuban, abandoned at an orphanage, religious brother of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, surgeon, pharmacist, educator of poor children, died at age 69 in 1889 [beatified 2008])

     St. María Antonia de San José de Paz y Figueroa of Villa Silípica [Mama Antula] (Argentinian, virgin, founded Daughters of the Divine Savior, died at about age 68 in 1799 [beatified 2016, canonized 2024])

     St. Paul of Prusa (Bithynian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, d. 840)

     St. Paul the Simple (Egyptian, farmer, hermit, c. 340)

     Bl. Reinhard of Reinhausen (French, headmaster, abbot in Germany, d. 1170)

     St. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Redi of Arezzo [Teresa Margherita del Sacro Cuore di Gesu] [baptized Anna Maria] (Italian, noblewoman, Discalced Carmelite  nun, died at age 22 in 1770 [beatified 1929, canonized 1934]) [commemorated by some on the 11th, by others on September 1]

     St. Theophylact of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], monk, bishop, opposed iconoclastic emperor, imprisoned for 30 years, d. 845)

     Bl. Volker of Siegburg (German, Benedictine  monk, missionary, d. 1132)




On March 8, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. John of God Ciudad of Montemoro Novo [(Portuguese:) João de Deus {Cidade} ... (Spanish:) Juan de Dios] (Portuguese, shepherd, mercenary soldier, suffered mental illness, founded Order of Charity and the Order of Hospitallers in Spain to care for the sick/poor/homeless, died on 55th birthday in 1550 [beatified 1630, canonized 1690])



     Sts. Arianus of Thebes, Theoticus, and three companions (Egyptian ... governor and others ... martyred by drowning c. 311)

     St. Beoadh of Ardcarne (Irish, bishop, c. 525)

     Sts. Cyril, Rogatus, Felix, Herenia, Felicitas, Urbanus, Sylvanus, and Mamilius (African ... bishop and disciples ... early martyrs)

     St. Duthac of Ross [also spelled Dubthac] (Irish, bishop in Scotland, d. 1065 [canonized 1898])

     St. Faustinus of the Incarnation Míguez González of Xamirás [Faustino de la Incarnacion] [baptized Manuel (Emmanuel)] (Spanish, Piarist  priest, teacher, medical researcher, founded a religious institute for women, died at age 93 in 1926 [beatified 1998, canonized 2017])

     St. Felix of Burgundy ["Apostle to the East Angles"] (French, missionary in England, bishop of Dunwich, d. 646)

     St. Humphrey of Pruem (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Therouanne, d. 871)

     St. John Helgi Ogmundarson of Holar [Jon] ["Apostle to Iceland"] (Icelandic, bishop, d. 1121 [canonized 1201])

     St. Julian of Agali (Spanish, abbot, archbishop of Toledo, died at about age 48 in 690)

     Sts. Philemon and Apollonius of Antinoe (Egyptian ... entertainer and deacon ... martyred by drowning c. 305)

     St. Pontius of Carthage (Carthaginian [from what is now Tunisia], deacon, c. 262)

     St. Provinus of Gaul (French, bishop of Como in Italy, c. 420)

     St. Quintilis of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, early martyr)

     St. Rhian [also spelled Ryan] (Welsh?, abbot)

     St. Senan of Corca Bhaisin (Irish, bishop, died at about age 55 c. 560) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Stephen of Obazine [Etienne] (French, Cistercian  priest, abbot, died at about age 68 in 1154)

     St. Veremund of Hirache (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1092)

     Bl. Vincent Kadlubek of Karnow [Wincenty] (Polish, bishop of Krakow, Cistercian  monk, died at about age 62 in 1223 [beatified 1764])




On March 9, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Frances Bussa of Rome [Francesca] (Roman, aristocrat, married forty years [from age 12], mother of three, widow, foundress of oblates known as Collatines, visionary, died at about age 56 in 1440 [canonized 1608])



     St. Anthony of Froidemont [Antoine] (French, Benedictine  hermit, 10th Century)

     St. Bosa of York (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 686)

     St. Catherine de' Vigri of Bologna [Caterina] (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, Poor Clare  abbess, artist, prophetess, mystic, visionary, died at age 49 in 1463 [beatified 1703, canonized 1712] [incorruptible]) [commemorated by some on May 9]

     St. Cyrion, St. Candidus, and 38 Companions (Cappadocian [from part of modern Turkey], soldiers in Armenia, tortured and martyred [limbs crushed] c. 308)

     St. Dominic Savio of Riva [Domenico] (Italian, peasant boy, student of St. John Bosco, died in 1857 at age 15 [beatified 1950, canonized 1954, the youngest canonized non-martyr until the Fatima shepherds]) [commemorated by some on May 6]

     St. Gregory of Nyssa (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], brother of St. Basil the Great, hermit, metropolitan (archbishop) of Caesarea, mystic, battled Arianism, Father of the Church, died between age 60 and 70 c. 400)

     St. Pacian of Barcelona (Spanish, bishop, c. 390)

     St. Vitalis of Calabria (Italian, hermit, founder of monasteries, d. 990)




On March 10, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Anastasia the Patrician of Constantinople (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], virgin, d. 507)

     Bl. Andrew of Strumi [Andrea] (Italian, Vallumbrosan  abbot, d. 1097)

     Holy Martyrs of Armenia (forty soldiers, martyred by freezing in 320)

     St. Attalas of Bobbio (French, abbot in Italy, miracle-worker, d. 627)

     Sts. Caius and Alexander of Apamea (Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], opposed Montanist heresy, martyred c. 172)

     Sts. Codratus, Dionysius, Cyprian, Anectus, Paul, and Crescens of Corinth (Greek, martyred by beheading c. 258)

     St. Droctoveus of Paris (French, abbot, c. 580)

     Bl. Elijah of Succor Nieves of Guanajuato [Elias del Socorro] [baptized Mateo (Matthew)] (Mexican, peasant, Augustinian  friar, parish priest, martyred [shot] by soldiers at age 45 in 1928 [beatified 1997])

     St. Emilian of Lagny (Irish, Benedictine  abbot in France, d. 675)

     St. Failbhe the Little of Iona (Scottish, abbot, d. 754)

     St. Himelin of Vissenaeken (Irish or Scottish, priest, died in Belgium c. 750)

     Bl. John Joseph Lataste of Cadillac [Jean-Joseph] [baptized Alcide-Vital] (French, Dominican  priest, founded Dominican Sisters of Bethany, died at age 36 in 1869 [beatified 2012])

     Bl. John of the Holy Trinity of Florence [Giovanni] (Italian, penitent ex-practitioner of black magic, Vallumbrosan  monk, hermit, c. 1380)

     St. John Ogilvie of Banffshire (Scottish, nobleman, convert from Calvinism, Jesuit  priest, tortured for months under James I and martyred by hanging at about age 35 in 1615 [beatified 1929, canonized 1976]) [Feast on Scottish "particular calendar"]

     St. Kessog of Lennox (Irish, prince, missionary bishop in Scotland, martyred c. 560)

     St. Macarius of Jerusalem (Palestinian, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, c. 335)

     St. Mary Eugene of Jesus Milleret de Brou of Metz [Marie-Eugenie de Jesus] [baptized Eugenie] (French, convert from atheism, founded and led Congregation of the Assumption [Assumptionists], died at about age 80 in 1898 [beatified 1975, canonized 2007])

     Holy Martyrs of Persia (forty-two early martyrs)

     Bl. Peter of Jeremiah of Palermo [Pietro de Geremia] (Sicilian, Dominican  prior, miracle-worker, died at about age 71 in 1452 [beatified 1784])

     Pope St. Simplicius of Tivoli (Italian, elected to papacy in 468, opposed Monophysite heresy, survived end of Roman Empire, reigned until death in 483)

     St. Victor (early martyr)




On March 11, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Alberta of Agen (martyred by beheading c. 286)

     St. Angus the Culdee of Clonenagh [also spelled Aengus] (Irish, abbot, c. 830) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Holy Martyrs of Antioch (Syrian, many martyred [set on red-hot gridirons] c. 300)

     St. Aurea of San Millan [also known as Amunia] (Spanish, Benedictine  hermitess, daughter of St. Amunia, died at about age 27 in 1069)

     St. Benedict Crispus of Milan (Italian, archbishop for 45 years, d. 725)

     Sts. Candidus, Piperion, and twenty companions (North African, martyred c. 259)

     Bl. Christopher Macassoli of Milan [Cristoforo] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, d. 1485 [beatified 1890])

     St. Constantine of Crail (Scottish, prince, martyred by Danish pagans in 874)

     St. Constantine of Cornwall (British, missionary to Scottish Picts, martyred c. 598)

     St. Constantine of Carthage (North African, priest, early martyr)

     St. Eulogius of Cordoba (Spanish, nobleman, priest, scourged and martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 859)

     St. Euthymius of Sardis (Lydian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, martyred [scourged to death] by iconoclasts c. 840)

     St. Firmian of Fermo (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 1020)

     St. Firminus of Amiens (French, abbot)

     Sts. Gorgonius and Firmus (Middle Eastern, martyred in 3rd Century)

     Sts. Heraclius and Zosimus of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], martyred c. 263)

     Bl. John the Baptist Righi of Fabriano [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, Franciscan  hermit, died at about age 70 in 1539 [beatified 1903])

     St. Peter of Babuco (Spanish, hermit in Italy)

     St. Sophronius the Sophist of Damascus (Syrian, patriarch [archbishop] of Jerusalem, ecclesiastical writer, opponent of Monothelite heresy, died at Jerusalem or Alexandria in 639)

     Bl. Thomas Atkinson of East Riding (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I in 1616 [beatified 1987])

     Sts. Trophimus and Thalus of Laodicea (Syrian, martyred by crucifixion c. 300)

     St. Vigilius of Auxerre (French, bishop, martyred in 685)

     St. Vindician of Bullecourt (French, bishop of Arras-Cambrai, died in Belgium at about age 80 in 712)




On March 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Alphege of Winchester (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 951)

     Bl. Angela Salawa of Sieprawie [Aniela] (Polish, virgin, member of Religious of the Third Order of St. Francis, d. 1922 [beatified 1991])

     St. Bernard of Capua [Bernardo] (Italian, bishop of Carinola, d. 1109)

     Bl. Dionysius of Ryckel ["Doctor Ecstaticus"] (Belgian, Carthusian  monk, mystical writer, d. 1471)

     St. Egdunus and seven companions (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred by suffocation [suspended over smoky fire] in 303)

     Blessed Martyrs of El Salvador [also known as Bl. Rutilio Grande García and companions] (Salvadoran, one priest and two laymen [altar servers], martyred [shot] by a security force, while on their way to Saturday evening Mass, in 1977 [beatified 2022])

----- Bl. Rutilio Grande García of El Paisnal (Jesuit, parish priest and schoolteacher, died at age 48)

----- Bl. Emmanuel Solórzano Solórzano of Suchitoto [Manuel] (married layman, father of ten, died at about age 71)

----- Bl. Nelson Lemus Chávez of El Paisnal (adolescent layman, died at age 16)

     St. Fina of San Gimignano [full name: Serafina] (Italian, sickly poor girl, died at age 15 in 1253)

     St. Joseph Zhang Da-peng of Du-yun (Chinese, catechist, martyred at age 61 in 1815 [beatified 1909, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Justine Francucci Bezzoli of Arezzo [Giustina] (Italian, Benedictine  nun, died at about age 59 in 1319 [beatified 1891])

     St. Louis Orione of Pontecurone [Luigi] (Italian, priest, founder of Hermits and Ladies of Divine Providence, founder of Little Missionaries of Charity, died at age 67 in 1940 [beatified 1980, canonized 2004])

     St. Maximilian of Theveste (Roman in North Africa, martyred by beheading at about age 21 in 295)

     St. Mura McFeredach (Irish, abbot, died at about age 95 in 645)

     St. Paul Aurelian of Ouisman (Welsh, monk, bishop, spiritual director, d. 572)

     St. Peter of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor, valet of emperor, tortured and martyred [slowly roasted] in 303)

     St. Peter of Salassola (Italian, Benedictine, deacon, secretary of Pope St. Gregory the Great, c. 605)

     Bl. Rustico of Vallumbrosa (Italian, Vallumbrosan  abbot, d. 1092)

     St. Simeon of Paphlagonia (Turkish, theologian, died at about age 72 in 1022)

     St. Theophanes the Chronicler of Constantinople (Turkish, abbot, historian, exiled by iconoclasts, died in Greece in 817)




On March 13, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Agnello of Pisa (Italian, Franciscan  friar in France, provincial in England, died at Oxford at about age 40 in 1236 [beatified 1892]) [commemorated by some on May 7]

     St. Ansovinus of Camerino (Italian, hermit, bishop, emperor's confessor, miracle-worker, d. 840)

     St. Christina of Persia (virgin, martyred by scourging)

     St. Dulce de Souza Brito Lopes Pontes of Salvador da Bahia [baptized Maria Rita] (Brazilian, religious of Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, founded St. Francis Union of Workers  to aid the poor, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, died at age 77 in 1992 [beatified 2011, canonized 2019] [incorruptible])

     St. Euphrasia of Constantinople (Roman born in Asia Minor [now called Turkey], noblewoman, nun in Egypt, died at about age 40 in 420)

     St. Gerald of Mayo (British, abbot in Ireland, d. 712)

     Bl. Heldrad of Provence (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 842 [beatified 1904])

     Sts. Macedonius, Patricia, Modesta, and companions of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor, husband/wife/daughter and others, martyred c. 304)

     St. Mochoemoc of Leamokevoge (Irish, abbot, c. 656)

     St. Nicephorus of Constantinople (from Asia Minor, patriarch [archbishop], opposed iconoclasts, died at about age 69 in 828)

     Bl. Peter of Cava [Pietro] (Italian, abbot, d. 1208 [beatified 1928])

     St. Ramirus and companions, of Leon (Spanish, abbey prior and all his monks, martyred by Visigoths [Arian heretics] while chanting Nicene Creed in 6th or 7th Century)

     Sts. Roderic and Solomon of Cabra (Spanish ... priest and fellow prisoner ... martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 857)

     St. Sabinus (Egyptian, nobleman, martyred by drowning in 287)

     Sts. Theusitas, Horres, Theodora, Nymphora, Mark, and Arabia of Nicaea (Bithynian [from part of what is now Turkey] ... father, son, and others ... early martyrs)




On March 14, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Ambrose Fernandes of Sisto [Ambrosio] (Portuguese, Jesuit  brother, martyred [died in prison] in Japan at age 68 in 1620 [beatified 1867])

     Bl. Arnold of Padua [Arnaldo] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, persecuted by a tyrant, martyred [died in prison] at about age 70 in 1254)

     St. Boniface Curitan of Rome (Italian, bishop of Ross in Scotland, c. 630)

     St. Diaconus of Marsi (Italian, deacon, martyred by heretics in 6th Century)

     Bl. Dominic Jorjes of Aguilar de Sousa [Domingos] (Portuguese, soldier, martyred by burning in Japan in 1619 [beatified 1867])

     St. Eutychius and companions, of Carrhes (Mesopotamian [from what is now Iraq], martyred by Moslems in 741)

     Bl. James Cusmano of Palermo [Giacomo] (Italian, priest, founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Servants of the Poor, founder of Sister Servants of the Poor, died one day short of age 54 in 1888 [beatified 1983])

     Bl. James Capocci of Viterbo [Giacomo] ["Doctor Speculativus"] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, teacher of theology, bishop of Benevento, bishop of Naples, died at about age 53 c. 1308 [beatified 1911])

     St. Leo (bishop, early martyr)

     St. Leobinus of Chartres (French, peasant field worker, monk, bishop, miracle-worker, d. 558)

     Bl. Mary Josephine of Jesus Crucified Catanea of Naples [Maria Giuseppina di Gesu Crocefisso] [baptized Giuseppina (Josephine)] (Italian, nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites,  died at age 52 in 1948 [beatified 2008])


     St. Matilda of Engern [Mechtilde] (German, duchess of Saxony, queen, widow, foundress of abbeys, died at about age 73 in 968)

     St. Paulina of Zell (German, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 1107)

     Sts. Peter and Aphrodisius (North African, martyred by Arian heretics in 5th Century)

     Holy Martyrs of Rome (forty-seven baptized by Pope St. Peter, martyred the same day c. 67)

     St. Talmach of Lough Erc (Irish, founder of monastery, 7th Century)


     Holy Martyrs of Valeria (Italian, two monks, martyred by hanging in 6th Century)



On March 15, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Aristobulus (Palestinian, disciple of Jesus, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Artemide Zatti of Boretto (Italian, Salesian  brother, ran hospital and pharmacy in Argentina for forty years, died at age 70 in 1951 [beatified 2002, canonized 2022])

     St. Clement Mary Hofbauer of Tasswitz [Klement Maria] [baptized Karel (Charles) Dvorak] (Moravian [from part of what is now Czech Republic], baker, hermit, priest, Redemptorist  missionary, died in Austria at age 70 in 1820 [beatified 1888, canonized 1909])

     Bl. John Adalbert Balicki of Staromiescie [Jan Wojciech] (Polish, diocesan priest, theology professor, died at age 79 in 1948 [beatified 2002])

     St. Leocritia of Cordoba (Spanish, convert from Islam, virgin, scourged and martyred by Moslems, in 859)

     St. Longinus the Centurion (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], soldier who pierced Jesus, martyred in 1st Century)

     St. Louise de Marillac of Ferrires-en-Brie (French, widow, co-founder of Daughters of Charity, died at age 68 in 1660 [beatified 1920, canonized 1934])

     St. Malcoldia of Asti (Italian, Benedictine  hermitess, c. 1090)

     St. Mancius of Evora (Roman, slave in Portugal, martyred in 5th Century)

     St. Matrona of Thessalonica (Greek, maidservant, virgin, martyred [scourged to death] by her Jewish mistress c. 350)

     St. Menignus of Parium (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], cloth dyer, martyred by beheading in 251)

     St. Nicander (Egyptian, physician, martyred by beheading c. 304)

     St. Probus of Rieti (Italian, bishop, c. 571)

     St. Raymond of Aragon [Ramon] (Spanish, priest, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1163 [beatified 1719])

     St. Sisebuto of Cardena (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1082)

     St. Speciosus of Terracina (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 555)

     Bl. William Hart of Wells (English, priest, martyred by hanging under Elizabeth I in 1583 [beatified 1886])

     Pope St. Zachary I of San Severino (Italian of Greek extraction, deacon, elected to papacy in 741, reigned until death in 752)

[From St. Clement Mary Hofbauer:]

     "O Good Jesus, Author of our faith, preserve it pure within us; keep us safe in the bark of Peter, faithful and obedient to his successor, Your vicar here on earth, so that the unity of the holy Church may be maintained, holiness fostered, the Holy See protected in freedom, and the Church universal extended to the benefit of souls. ... O Jesus, Author of our faith, let me live for You and die for You. Amen."




On March 16, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Abban of Kill-Abban (Irish, abbot, 5th Century)

     St. Abraham Kidunaia of Edessa (Syrian, hermit, missionary priest, died at about age 70 c. 366)

     St. Agapitus of Ravenna (Italian, bishop, 4th Century)

     St. Benedicta of Assisi [Benedetta] (Italian, Poor Clare  abbess, d. 1260)

     St. Dentlin of Mons (French, member of a family of saints, died at age 7 in 7th Century)

     St. Eusebia of Hamay (French, Benedictine  abbess, member of another family of saints, died at about age 40 c. 680)

     St. Finnian Lobhar of Bregia ["lobhar" means "the leper"] (Irish, abbot, c. 560)

     St. Gregory Makar of Pithivier (Armenian, monk, bishop of Nicropolis, hermit, miracle-worker, c. 1000)

     St. Heribert of Worms (German, archbishop of Cologne, died at about age 50 in 1021 [canonized 1075])

     Sts. Hilary, Tatian, Felix, Largus, and Denis of Aquileia (Italian ... bishop, deacon, and members of their flock ... martyred by beheading c. 284)

     Bl. John Amias of Wakefield [alias John Anne] (English, widower, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. John Sordi of Cremona [also known as John Cacciafronte] [Giovanni] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, hermit, bishop of Mantua, bishop of Vicenza, martyred at about age 56 in 1181)

     St. Joseph Gabriel of the Rosary Brochero of Villa Santa Rosa [José Gabriel del Rosario] (Argentinian, diocesan priest ministering in remote mountainous areas, became a deaf-blind leper, died at age 73 in 1914 [beatified 2013, canonized 2016])

     St. Julian of Antioch (Cilician [from part of what is now Turkey], tortured and martyred by drowning in 4th Century)

     St. Malcoldia of Asti (Italian, Benedictine  nun, c. 1090)

     St. Megingaud of Wurzburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 794)

     St. Papas of Lycaonia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred c. 300)

     St. Patrick of Malaga (Spanish, bishop, died in France c. 307)

     Bl. Robert Dalby of Hemingborough (English, priest, martyred [hanged] under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. Torello of Poppi (Italian, Vallumbrosan oblate for 60 years, c. 1292)




On March 17, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Patrick [name as pagan: Maewyn Succat] [baptized Patricius] ["Apostle of Ireland"] (probably Scottish, slave shepherd in Ireland, escaped to Scotland, missionary bishop in Ireland for 33 years, died at about age 74 c. 461)



     St. Agricola of Chlon (French, bishop for 50 years, died at about age 83 in 580)

     Sts. Alexander and Theodore (early martyrs)

     Holy Martyrs of Alexandria (d. 390)

     St. Ambrose of Alexandria (Egyptian, nobleman, patron of Origen, c. 250)

     St. Gertrude of Landen (French, Benedictine  abbess, mystic, died at about age 32 in 659)

     St. Guy Mary Conforti of Casalora [Guido Maria] (Italian, archbishop of Parma, founded Pious Society of St. Francis Xavier for Foreign Missions, died at age 66 in 1931 [beatified 1996, canonized 2011])

     Bl. John Nepomucene Zegrí y Moreno of Granada [Juan Nepomuceno] (Spanish, parish priest, chaplain to Queen Isabel II, founded Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, died at age 73 in 1905 [beatified 2003])

     St. John Sarkander of Skotschau [Jan] (Silesian [from part of what is now Czech Republic], widower, Jesuit  parish priest, refused to reveal secrets of the confessional, tortured [racked, branded] and martryed [covered with tar and burned] at age 43 in 1620 [beatified 1859, canonized 1995])

     St. Joseph of Arimathea (Israelite, member of Jewish Sanhedrin, sympathetic to Jesus, allowed his tomb to be used for Christ's burial, 1st Century)

     Bl. Marcel Callo of Rennes (French, single layman, martyred [malnutrition/dysentery] in Mauthausen camp in Germany at age 24 in 1945 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Mary Barbara of the Blessed Trinity Maix of Vienna [Maria Bárbara da Santíssima Trindade] [baptized Barbara] (Austrian, political exile to Brazil, founded Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, died at age 54 in 1873 [beatified 2010])

     St. Paul of Cyprus (Cypriot, monk, tortured and martyred [hanged upside down over slow fire] by iconoclasts in 777)

     St. Peter Liu Wen-yuan of Gui-zhu (Chinese, layman, martyred at age 74 by strangling in 1834 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Stephen of Palestrina [Etienne / Stefano] (French, Cistercian  monk, cardinal archbishop in Italy, d. 1144)

     St. Thomasello of Etruria (Italian, Dominican  friar, d. 1270)


[Here is one of the versions of the prayer known as St. Patrick's "Breastplate" or "Faeth Fiadha" (Deer's Cry). The Gaelic name is based on the legend that St. Patrick and his eight companions were miraculously turned into deer to be able to pass unnoticed by the king's guards who had been sent to intercept them:]


        "I bind to myself today the strong virtue of the Incarnation of Christ with his Baptism,

     The virtue of His Crucifixion with his burial,

     The virtue of His Resurrection with His Ascension,

     The virtue of His coming on the Judgment Day.

        I bind to myself today the virtue of the love of the seraphim,

     In the obedience of angels, in the hope of resurrection unto reward, in prayers of Patriarchs,

     In predictions of Prophets, in preaching of Apostles, in faith of Confessors,

     In purity of holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men.

        I bind to myself today

     The power of Heaven, the light of the sun, the brightness of the moon,

     The splendor of fire, the flashing of lightning, the swiftness of wind,

     The depth of the sea, the stability of the earth, the compactness of rocks.

        I bind to myself today

     God's power to guide me, God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to teach me,

     God's eye to watch over me, God's ear to hear me, God's word to give me speech,

     God's hand to guide me, God's way to lie before me, God's shield to shelter me, God's host to secure me,

     Against the snares of demons, against the seductions of vices,

     Against the lusts of nature, against everyone who meditates injury to me,

     Whether far or near, whether few or many.

        I invoke today all these virtues

     Against every hostile, merciless power which may assail my body and my soul,

     Against the incantations of false prophets, against the black laws of heathenism,

     Against the false laws of heresy, against the deceits of idolatry,

     Against every knowledge that binds the soul of man and woman.

        Christ, protect me today

     Against poison, against burning, against drowning, against death-wound,

     That I may receive abundant reward.

        Christ be with me, Christ be before me, Christ behind me, Christ be with me,

     Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me,

     Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, Christ be in the fort, Christ be in the chariot,

     Christ be in the ship, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me,

     Christ in mouth of friend and stranger, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.

        I bind to myself today the strong virtue of the Invocation of the Trinity.

     I believe the Trinity in the Unity, the Creator of the Universe. Amen."




On March 18, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Palestinian, bishop, Father of the Church, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 71 in 386)

     St. Alexander
of Jerusalem (Egyptian?, bishop, martyred [maltreatment in prison] in 251)

     St. Anselm of Mantua [Anselmo] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Lucca, died at about age 49 in 1086)

     Bl. Celestina of the Mother of God Donati of Marradi [baptized Marianna] (Italian, foundress and superior of Daughters of the Poor of St. Joseph Calasanz [Calasanctian Sisters], cared for needy children, died at age 76 in 1925 [beatified 2008])


     St. Edward the Martyr (British, king at age 13, martyred by stabbing near age 16 in 978)

     Sts. Eucarpius and Trophimus (early martyrs)

     St. Frigidian of Ulster (Irish, prince, bishop of Lucca in Italy, d. 588)

     Bl. John the Angelic di Pietro of Vicchio [Giovanni Angelico] [baptized Guido (Guy)] [better known as "Fra Angelico"] (Italian, Dominican  friar, religious artist, died at about age 67 in 1455 [beatified 1982]) [commemorated by some on February 18]


     Bl. John Thules of Whalley [also known as Thulis and Thouless] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I at about age 48 in 1616 [beatified 1987])

     Bl. Martha Le Bouteiller of Percy [Marthe] [baptized Aimée-Adèle (Amy Adele)] (French, virgin, member of Sisters of the Institute of Christian Teachers of Mercy, died at age 66 in 1883 [beatified 1990])

     St. Narcissus of Gerona (Spanish, bishop, martyred c. 307)

     Bl. Roger Wrenno of Chorley [also known as Roger Warren] (English, layman, martyred [hanged] under James I at about age 40 in 1616 [beatified 1987])

     St. Salvador of Horta (Spanish, shepherd, shoemaker, Franciscan  brother, cook, beggar, miracle-worker, healer [of as many as 2,000 in a single day], died at about age 47 on Italian Sardinia in 1567 [beatified 1606, canonized 1938])

[From St. Cyril of Jerusalem, writing about the Mass and saints' intercession before the year 390:]

     "Then during the Eucharistic prayer we make mention also of those who have already fallen asleep: first, the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, that through their prayers and supplications God would receive our petition."




On March 19, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Joseph of Nazareth (Israelite, carpenter or builder, husband of Blessed Virgin Mary, foster father of Jesus Christ, died before 30 A.D.)

     St. Adrian
of Maestricht (Belgian, monk, martyred c. 668)

     St. Alcmund of Northumbria (British, prince, martyred at about age 26 in 819)

     Bl. Andrew de' Gallerani of Siena [Andrea] (Italian, soldier, founded an order of brothers, c. 1236)

     Sts. Apollonius and Leontius (Portuguese, bishops of Braga, early martyrs)

     Bl. Clement of Dunblane (Scottish, Dominican  missionary, bishop, c. 1258)

     St. Gemus of Moyenmoutier (French, Benedictine  monk)

     St. John of Pinna (Syrian, hermit, abbot in Italy for 44 years, 6th Century)

     St. Lactan of Freshford (Irish, abbot, healer, d. 672)

     Sts. Landoald and Amantius of Rome (Italian, priest and deacon [missionaries to France and Belgium], c. 668)

     St. Leontius of Saintes (French, bishop, d. 640)

     Bl. Narcissus Turchan of Biskupice [Narcyz] [baptized Jan (John)] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 62 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Pancharius of Nicomedia (Roman, military officer, martyred in Asia Minor by beheading in 303)

     Sts. Quintus, Quintilla, Quartilla, Mark, and companions, of Sorrento (Italian ... brother, two sisters, and others ... early martyrs)




On March 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Alexandra, Caldia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliana, Euphemia, Theodosia, Derphuta, and a companion, of Amisus (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred by burning c. 300)

     Bl. Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena [Ambrogio] (Italian, Dominican  friar, student with St. Thomas Aquinas, missionary, mystic, died at about age 67 in 1287 [beatified 1622])

     St. Archippus of Colossae (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, disciple of St. Paul [Philemon 2 and Colossians 4], 1st Century)

     St. Benignus of Flay (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 725)

     St. Clement of the Paris Schools (Irish, teacher in France, died at about age 67 in 826)

     St. Cuthbert of Melrose (British, orphan shepherd, Benedictine  prior, bishop of Hexham, bishop of Lindisfarne, healer, prophet, died at about age 52 in 687 [incorrupt])

     Bl. Eberhard of Mons (Belgian, Cistercian  monk, c. 1150)

     Bl. Evangelista and Bl. Peregrine of Verona [Pellegrino] (Italian, Augustinian  friars, c. 1250 [beatified 1837])

     St. Herbert of Derwentwater (British, Benedictine  hermit, d. 687)

     Bl. Hippolytus Galantini of Florence [Ippolito] (Italian, silk weaver, catechist, founder of Italian Doctrinarians, died at about age 54 in 1619 [beatified 1825])

     Bl. John Baptist Spagnuolo of Mantua [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, Carmelite  prior general, Latin poet, died at age 68 in 1516 [beatified 1885]) [commemorated by some on the 23rd]

     Bl. John Buralli of Parma [Giovanni] (Italian, Franciscan minister general, teacher, papal legate, hermit, died at about age 80 in 1289 [beatified 1777]) [commemorated by some on June 16]

     St. Joseph Bilczewski of Wilamowice [Jozef] (Polish, archbishop of Lviv in Ukraine, died at age 62 in 1923) [beatified 2001, canonized 2005])

     Holy Martyrs of Mar Sabas [John Sergius, Anastasius, and nineteen companions] (Palestinian?, monks of hermitage near Jerusalem, martyred by Moslems in 796)

     Bl. Mark of Montegallo [Marco] (Italian, nobleman, married physician, Franciscan  priest, died at about age 71 in 1497)

     St. Martin (Pannonian [Hungarian], abbot, bishop of Dumio, archbishop of Braga in Portugal, died about age 60 to 65 in 580)

     St. Mary Josepha of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra of Vitoria [Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus] (Spanish, founded Institute of the Servants of Jesus, died at age 69 in 1912 [beatified 1992, canonized 2000])

     St. Nicetas of Apollonias (Bithynian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, c. 735)

     Sts. Paul, Cyril, Eugene, and four companions (Syrian, early martyrs)

     Sts. Photina, Joseph, Victor, Sebastian, Anatolius, Photius, Photis, Parasceve, and Cyriaca (Roman?, martyred [beheaded] by Nero in 1st Century)

     Bl. Remigius of Strasburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 783)

     St. Tetricus of Langres (French, bishop, d. 572)

     St. Urbitius of Metz (French, bishop, c. 420)

     Bl. Vincent Prennushi and 37 Companions [also known as Blessed Martyrs of Albania] (31 Albanian and 7 other European ... 2 bishops, 30 priests [9 religious, 21 diocesan], 1 religious brother, and 5 laity [4 men, 1 woman] ... many tortured, all martyred [mostly shot to death] by Communist atheists between 1945 and 1974 [beatified 2016]) [Their names and other facts follow:]


  ----- Bl. Francis Gjini of Shkodrë [Frano] (Albanian, Bishop and Abbot Nullius of Shën Llezhri-Oroshit, tortured [electric shocks, salted lacerations, splinters under fingernails and toenails] and died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 62 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Vincent Prennushi of Shkodrë [Vinçens] [baptized Nikollë (Nicholas)] (Albanian, Franciscan  priest, Bishop of Sapë, Archbishop of Durrës, tortured (e.g., rolled inside a nail-studded barrel) and died at age 63 in 1949)

 [Religious Priests:]

  ----- Bl. Bernardin Palaj of Shllak [baptized Zef (Joseph)] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [tetanus] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1947)

  ----- Bl. Caspar Suma of Shkodrë [Gaspër] [baptized Mikel (Michael)] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [wounds] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1950)

  ----- Bl. Cyprian Nikaj of Shkodrë [Ciprian] [baptized Dedë] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 47 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Daniel Dajani of Blinisht (Albanian, Jesuit, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 38 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. John Fausti of Brozzo In Val Trompia [Giovanni] (Italian, Jesuit, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 45 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. John Shllaku of Shkodrë [Gjon] [baptized Kolë (Nicholas)] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 37 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. Karl Serreqi of Shkodrë [baptized Ndue] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [wounds] in Burrel at age 43 in 1954)

  ----- Bl. Matthew Prennushi of Shkodrë [Mati] [baptized Pal (Paul)] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 66 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Seraphim Koda of Janjevo [Serafin] [baptized Gjon (John)] (Serbian, Franciscan, tortured and died [of wounds] in Lezhë at age 54 in 1947)

 [Diocesan Priests:]

  ----- Bl. Alexander Sirdani of Bogë [Leke] (Albanian, died [drowned in septic tank] in Koplek at age 57 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Alphonse Tracki of Bliszczyce (Alfons) (Polish, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 49 in 1946)

  ----- Bl. Andrew Zadeja of Shkodrë [Ndre] (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. Anthony Muzaj of Vrnakolo [Anton] (Serbian, died in Shkodrë at about age 27 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Anthony Zogaj of Kthellë (Anton) (Albanian, died in Durrës at age 38 in 1946)

  ----- Bl. Dedë Maçaj of Mali Jushit (Albanian, died in Përmet at age 27 in 1947)

  ----- Bl. Dedë Malaj of Dushkul (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 41 in 1959)

  ----- Bl. Dedë Plani of Shiroka (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 57 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Ejëll Deda of Shkodrë (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 31 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. James Bushati of Shkodrë [Jak] (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 58 in 1949)

  ----- Bl. Joseph Marxen of Worringen [Josef] (German, died [shot] in Tiranë at age 40 in 1946)

  ----- Bl. Joseph Mihali of Elbasan [Josif] (Albanian, Byzantine Catholic, died [buried alive] in Maliq at age 36 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Julius Bonati of Shkodrë [Jul] (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 77 in 1951)

  ----- Bl. Lazarus Shantoja of Shkodrë [Lazër] (Albanian, tortured [hands and feet amputated] and died [shot] in Tiranë at age 52 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. Louis Prendushi of Shkodrë (Luigj) (Albanian, died in Shelqet on 51st birthday in 1947)

  ----- Bl. Marin Shkurti of Samrish (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 35 in 1969)

  ----- Bl. Mark Gjani of Mirditë [baptized Xhani] (Albanian, died [shot] in Shën Pal at about age 43 in 1947)

  ----- Bl. Michael Beltoja of Beltoj [Mikel] (Albanian, tortured and died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 38 in 1974)

  ----- Bl. Ndoc Suma of Nenshat (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 70 in 1958)

  ----- Bl. Peter Çuni of Shkodrë [Pjetër] (Albanian, died [drowned in septic tank] in Shkodrë at age 33 in 1948)

  ----- Bl. Stephen Kurti of Ferizaj [Shtjefën] (Serbian, died in Fushe at age 72 in 1971)

 [Religious Brother:]

  ----- Bl. John Pantalia of Prizren [Gjon] (Serbian, Jesuit, died in Shkodrë at age 60 in 1947)


  ----- Bl. Francis Mirakaj of Pukë-Iballë (Fran) (Albanian, died [shot] in Tiranë at about age 29 in 1946)

  ----- Bl. Gjelosh Lulashi of Shosh (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 20 in 1946)

  ----- Bl. Mark Çuni of Ranza Bushat (Albanian, seminarian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 25 in 1945)

  ----- Bl. Maria Tuci of Ndërfushaz (Albanian, refused to yield her virginity to military officer, tortured and died [wounds] in Shkodrë at age 22 in 1950)

  ----- Bl. Qerim Sadiku of Vuthaj (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 26 in 1945)

     St. William of Peñacorada [Guillermo] (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 1042)

     St. Wulfram of Fontenelle (French, Benedictine  priest, missionary in Scandinavia, archbishop of Sens, c. 720)




On March 21, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Holy Martyrs of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred on Good Friday by Arians in 342)

     Bl. Alphonse de Rojas of Coria [Alonso] (Spanish, professor, Franciscan  friar, d. 1617)

     St. Benedicta Frassinello of Langasco [Benedetta, nee Cambiagio] (Italian, married woman, Ursuline  nun, foundress of Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence, died at age 66 in 1858 [beatified 1987, canonized 2002])

     St. Brillus of Catania (Syrian, disciple of St. Peter, bishop in Sicily, c. 90)

     Bl. Bruno Zembol of Letownia [Brunon] [baptized Jan (John)] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 36 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Clementia of Oehren (German, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 1176)

     St. Enda of Arranmore (Irish, abbot, 6th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Isenger of Verdun (Irish, monk, bishop in Germany, 9th Century?)

     St. Lupicinus of Lyons (French, abbot)

     Bl. Matthew Flathers of Weston (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I at about age 48 in 1608 [beatified 1987])

     St. Nicholas Lowenbrugger of Flüe [Niklaus] ["Brüder Klaus"] (Swiss, farmer, soldier, judge, father of ten, hermit, mystic, consumed nothing for twenty-one years except the Blessed Sacrament, died on his 70th birthday in 1487 [beatified 1649, canonized 1947]) [commemorated by some on March 22, by others on September 25]

     Sts. Philemon and Domninus (Roman, preachers, early martyrs)

     Bl. Santuccia Terrebotti of Gubbio (Italian, widow, Benedictine  abbess, foundress of Servants of Mary, d. 1305)

     St. Serapion of Arsinoe (Egyptian, abbot ["desert father" of over 10,000 monks], 4th Century?)

     St. Serapion the Scholastic of Thmuis (Egyptian, monk, bishop, c. 370)

     Bl. Thomas Pilchard of Battle [also known as Pilcher] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 30 in 1587 [beatified 1987])



On March 22, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Basil of Ancyra (Galatian [from part of what is now Turkey], priest, tortured and martyred [pierced by red-hot spikes] by Arian heretics in 362)

     St. Benvenuto Scotivoli of Ancona (Italian, Franciscan  friar, bishop of Osimo, d. 1282)

     Bl. Bronislaus Komorowski of Barlozno [Bronislaw] and Bl. Marian Gorecki of Poznan (Polish, diocesan priests, martyred by Nazis at Stutthof [Germany] at ages 50/36 in 1940 [beatified 1999])

     Sts. Callinica and Basilissa (Galatian, martyred in 250)

     Bl. Clement August Graf von Galen of Dinklage [Clemens] ["Lion of Münster"] (German, nobleman, cardinal archbishop of Münster, outspoken opponent of Communism and Naziism, died at age 68 in 1946 [beatified 2005])

     St. Darerca (probably Scottish, sister of St. Patrick, mother of fifteen, widow, 5th Century)

     St. Deogratias of Carthage (North African [Tunisian], bishop, opponent of Arian Vandals, d. 457)

     St. Epaphroditus of Philippi (Greek, disciple of St. Paul [Philippians 2], bishop, 1st Century)

     St. Failbhe of Iona (Irish, abbot, c. 680)

     Bl. Hugolino Zefferini of Cortona (Italian, Augustinian  friar, c. 1470 [beatified 1804])

     Bl. Isnardo of Chiampo (Italian, Dominican  prior, d. 1244 [beatified 1919])

     St. Lea of Rome (Italian, leader of community of widows, d. 384)

     St. Octavianus and several thousand companions, of Carthage (North African [Tunisian], archdeacon and flock, martyred by Arian Vandals in 484)

     St. Paul of Narbonne and companions (Roman, priest and others, martyred in France in 1st Century)

     St. Saturninus and nine companions (Northwest African, early martyrs)

     St. Trien of Killelga (Irish, disciple of  St. Patrick, abbot, 5th Century)




On March 23, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Turibius Alphonse de Mongrovejo of Mayorga [Toribio Alonso] (Spanish, professor of law, archbishop of Lima in Peru, died at about age 68 in 1606 [beatified 1679, canonized 1726])



     Bl. Álvaro del Portillo Díez de Sollano of Madrid (Spanish, bishop, prelate of Opus Dei, died in Italy at age 80 in 1994 [beatified 2014])

     Bl. Annunciata Cocchetti of Rovato (Italian, virgin, founded Dorothean Sisters of Cemmo, died at age 81 in 1882 [beatified 1991])

     St. Benedict of Campania (Italian, hermit, c. 550)

     Sts. Domitius, Pelagia, Aquila, Eparchius, and Theodosia (martyred in Palestine in 361)

     Bl. Edmund Sykes of Leeds (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1587 [beatified 1987])

     St. Ethelwald of Farne (British, Benedictine  priest, hermit, d. 699)

     St. Felix of Monte Cassino [Felice] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1000)

     Sts. Felix, Fidelis, and twenty companions (African, martyred in 5th Century)

     Sts. Gwinear, Phiala, and companions (Irish ... prince, princess, and many others converted by St. Patrick ... missionaries in Wales and Brittany ... martyred in 460)

     St. Joseph Oriol of Barcelona [Jose] (Spanish, parish priest, lived on bread and water for 26 years, died at age 51 in 1702 [beatified 1896, canonized 1909])

     St. Julian (early martyr)

     St. Liberat and companions (physician, wife, and some of their children ... martyred by Vandals in 484)

     St. Maidoc of Fiddown (Irish, abbot, 5th Century)

     Bl. Methodius Dominic Trcka of Frýdlant nad Ostravicí [Metod Dominik] (Slovak born in Moravia, Redemptorist  superior, arrested by Communists in 1950, sent to a concentration camp, died forgiving persecutors at age 72 in 1959 [beatified 2001])

     St. Nicon of Rome and 200 companions (Roman, soldier and fellow Christians, martyred in Sicily c. 250)

     Bl. Peter Ghisengi of Gubbio [Pietro] (Italian, Augustinian provincial, c. 1300 [beatified 1847])

     St. Rebecca Agnes Shabaq ar-Rayes of Hemlaya [Rafqa Anissa] [baptized Boutrossieh (Petra)] ["Little Flower of Lebanon"] (Lebanese, servant in Syria, Maronite nun of the Baladiya Order, became blind but also a seer [!], died at age 81 in 1914 [beatified 1985, canonized 2001])

     Bl. Sibyllina Biscossi of Pavia (Italian, orphan, blind at age 12, Dominican  tertiary, hermitess for 67 years, died at about age 79 in 1367 [beatified 1854])

     St. Theodolus of Antioch (Syrian, priest)

     Sts. Victorian of Adrumetum, Frumentius of Carthage, and three companions (African ... proconsul and merchants ... tortured and martyred by Arian Vandals in 484)




On March 24, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Agapitus of Synnada (Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, 3rd Century)

     St. Aldemar the Wise of Capua (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 1080)

     Bl. Bertha de'Alberti of Florence [Berta] (Italian, Vallumbrosan  abbess, d. 1163)

     St. Caimin of Lough Derg (Irish, abbot, d. 653)

     St. Cairlon of Cashel (Irish, abbot, archbishop, 6th Century)

     St. Catherine Ulfsdotter of Ulfasa [also spelled Katherine] [Karin] (Swedish, widow, abbess of Order of the Most Holy Savior (Brigittines) at Vadstena, daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden, died at about age 49 in 1381 [canonized 1484])

     St. Domangard of Maghera (Irish, hermit, c. 500)

     St. Epigmenius of Rome (Italian, priest, martyred c. 300)

     St. Hildelid of Barking (British, princess, Benedictine  abbess, c. 715)

     St. Irenaeus of Sirmium (Pannonian [Hungarian], bishop, tortured and martyred by beheading in 304)

     Bl. John del Bastone of Monte Fano [Giovanni] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, d. 1290 [beatified 1772])

     St. Latinus of Brescia (Italian, bishop, d. 115)

     St. Macartan of Clogher (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, missionary, bishop, c. 505) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Sts. Mark and Timothy of Rome (Italian, martyred c. 150)

     Bl. Mary Seraphim of the Sacred Heart Micheli of Imer [Maria Serafina del Sacro Cuore] [baptized Clotilde] (Italian, founded Institute of the Sisters of the Angels, died at age 61 in 1911 [beatified 2011])

     St. Óscar Arnulfo
Romero y Galdámez of Ciudad Barrios (Salvadoran, archbishop of San Salvador, protested governmental repression and violations of human rights. martyred [shot by an assasin after delivering a homily during Mass] at age 52 in 1980 [beatified 2015, canonized 2018])

     Sts. Romulus and Secundus (African, brothers, early martyrs)

     St. Seleucus (Syrian, early martyr)

     Sts. Timolaus, Dionysius (1), Alexander (1), Romulus, Pausis, Agapius, Dionysius (2), and Alexander (2) of Caesarea (Palestinian, martyred by beheading in 303)




On March 25, we members of the Catholic Church family usually celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord by the angel Gabriel. (When the date falls within Holy Week or during the Octave of Easter, it is transferred to Monday of the second week of Easter.)

We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Alfwold of Sherborne (English, bishop, c. 1075)

     Sts. Barontius of Berry and Desiderius of Pistoia (French and Italian, Benedictine  hermits in Italy, c. 725)

     St. Dismas ["The Good Thief"] (Israelite, probably an insurrectionist, crucified beside Jesus, c. 30)

     St. Dula of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], soldier's slave, virgin, martyred by stabbing in defending her chastity)

     Bl. Hermann of Zähringen (Germany, Benedictine  monk in France, d. 1074)

     St. Hermenland of Noyon (French, royal cup-bearer, Benedictine  abbot, c. 720)

     Bl. Hilary Januszewski of Krajenki [baptized Pawel (Paul)] (Polish, Carmelite  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 38 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

     St. Humbert of Marolles (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, c. 680)

     St. Isaac (Old Testament patriarch, son of Sts. Abraham and Sarah, father of St. Jacob and Esau)

     Bl. James Bird of Winchester [or Byrd or Beard] (English, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 19 under Elizabeth I in 1593 [beatified 1929])

     St. Kennocha of Fife (Scottish, nun, d. 1007)

     St. Lucy Filippini of Corneto [Lucia] (Italian, orphan, teacher, co-foundress of the Pious Matrons [Religious Teachers Filippini], died at age 60 in 1732 [beatified 1926, canonized 1930])

     St. Marie Alfonsine Danil Ghattas of Jerusalem [baptized Soultaneh Maria (Sultana Mary)] (Palestinian, visionary, co-founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of Jerusalem, died at age 83 in 1927 [beatified 2009, canonized 2015])

     Bl. Mary Rose Flesch of Schönstatt [Maria Rosa] [baptized Margaretha (Margaret)] (German, orphaned at 16, served the poor and sick, founded and led Franciscan Sisters of St Mary of the Angels, died at age 80 in 1906 [beatified 2008])

     St. Pelagius of Laodicea (from Asia Minor, bishop, fought Arian heresy, 4th Century)

     St. Quirinus of Rome [also called Cyrinus] (Italian, martyred c. 269)

     Bl. Thomas of Costacciaro [Tommaso] (Italian, peasant, Camaldolese  hermit, d. 1337)




On March 26, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Basil the Younger (from Asia Minor? hermit, d. 952)

     Bl. Bertillo of Dijon (French, Benedictine  abbot, martyred in the sanctuary c. 888)

     St. Braulio of Zaragoza (Spanish, monk, archbishop, hagiographer, converter of Arian Visigoths, died at about age 61 c. 651)

     St. Castulus of Rome (Italian, military officer, tortured and martyred [buried alive] c. 287)

     St. Eutychius and companions of Alexandria (Egyptian, subdeacon and others who opposed Arianism, d. 356)

     St. Felicitas of Padua (Italian, nun, 9th Century)

     St. Felix of Trier (German, bishop, c. 400)

     St. Garbhan (Irish, abbot, 7th Century)

     St. Ludger of Frisia ["Apostle of Saxony"] (Dutch, nobleman, missionary, bishop of Munster in Germany, died at about age 65 in 809)

     Bl. Magdalen Catherine Morano of Turin [Maddalena Caterina] (Italian, teacher, catechist, provincial superior of Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians in Sicily, died at age 60 in 1908 [beatified 1994])

     Bl. Melior of Vallumbrosa (Italian, monk, hermit, d. 1198)

     St. Mochelloc of Kilmallock (Irish, c. 639)

     Sts. Montanus and Maxima (Central European, priest and wife, martyred by drowning in 304)

     Bl. Peter Marginet of Poblet [Pedro] (Spanish, Cistercian  monk, apostate, leader of bandits, penitent, d. 1435)

     Sts. Peter, Marcian, Jovinus, Thecla, Cassian, and companions, of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     Sts. Quadratus, Theodosius, Emmanuel, and forty companions, of Anatolia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop and flock, c. 304)

     St. Sincheall of Killeigh (Roman, convert of St. Patrick, abbot, 5th Century)

     Sts. Theodore, Irenaeus, Serapion, and Armonius, of Pentapolis (Libyan ... bishop, deacon, and lectors ... tortured [tongues cut out], d. 310)




On March 27, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Alexander (Pannonian [Hungarian], soldier, martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Alkeld of Middleham (Saxon in Britain, princess, nun, martyred by strangling c. 800)

     St. Amator of Guarda (Portuguese, hermit)

     St. Ananias (Israelite, prophet of Old Testament era)

     St. Augusta of Treviso (Italian, virgin, martyred [beheaded by her pagan father] in 5th Century)

     Bl. Francis Faa di Bruno of Alessandria [Francesco] (Italian, priest, founded Sisters of Our Lady of Suffrage and St. Zita, died 2 days before his 63rd birthday in 1888 [beatified 1988])

     St. Gelasius of Armagh (Irish, abbot, bishop, d. 1174)

     St. John of Lycopolis (Egyptian, hermit for 40 years, advisor to emperor, died at about age 89 c. 395)

     Bl. Louis Edward Cestac of Bayonne [Louis-Édouard] (French, priest, founded Congregation of the Servants of Mary, died at age 67 in 1868 [beatified 2015])

     Bl. Mary Eugene of the Infant Jesus Grialou of Le Gua [Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant-Jésus] [baptized Henri (Henry)] (French, priest of the Discalced Carmelites, founded Secular Institute of Notre-Dame de Vie, died at age 72 in 1967 [beatified 2016])

     St. Matthew of Beauvais [Mathieu] (French, crusader, martyred by Moslems c. 1098)

     Sts. Philetus, Lydia, Macedo, Theoprepius, Amphilochius, and Chronidas, of Illyria (from Balkan region, martyred c. 121)

     St. Romulus of Nîmes (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 730)

     St. Suairlech of Fore (Irish, bishop, c. 750)

     Bl. William Tempier of Poitiers [Guillaume] (French, bishop, d. 1197)

     Sts. Zanitas, Lazarus, Marotas, Narses, Elias, Abibos, Sembeeth, Mares, and Sabas (Persian, martyred in 344)




On March 28, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Castor and Dorotheus of Tarsus (Cilician [Armenian], early martyrs)

     St. Conon of Nesi (Sicilian, Basilian  monk, d. 1236)

     St. Gwendolyn of Niedermünster [Gundelindis] (German, Benedictine  abbess, c. 750)

     St. Guntramnus of Orléans (French, regional king, d. 592)

     St. Hesychius of Jerusalem (Palestinian, priest, exegete, d. 434)

     St. Kortyla of Verden (Irish, bishop, c. 830)

     Sts. Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, of Caesarea (Palestian, tortured and martyred [thrown to beasts] in 260)

     Sts. Rogatus, Successus, and 16 companions (North African, early martyrs)

     St. Spes of Campi (Italian, blind abbot, c. 513)

     St. Tutilo of Saint-Gall (Irish, Benedictine  monk in Switzerland, teacher, poet, painter, sculptor, musician, died at about age 65 c. 915)




On March 29, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Sts. Armogastes and Saturus of Carthage, and St. Archinimus of Mascula (North African, royal officials, tortured by Arian Vandals c. 460)

     St. Berthold of Mt. Carmel (French, priest, crusader, founder and superior of Order of Mt. Carmel [Carmelites], hermit, c. 1195)

     Sts. Mark and Cyril of Heliopolis (Lebanese, bishop and deacon, martyred c. 362)

     Bl. Diemut of Wessobrunn (Bavarian, Benedictine  hermitess, c. 1130)

     St. Eustace of Luxeuil (French, abbot of six hundred monks, d. 625)

     St. Firminus of Viviers (French, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Gery of Sens (French, bishop, d. 711)

     St. Gundleus of Newport (Welsh, chieftain, hermit in England, c. 500)

     St. Gwaladys of Brecknock [also known as Gladys] (Welsh, wife of St. Gundleus, hermitess, 5th Century)

     Bl. Hugh of Vaucelles [Hugues] (French, Cistercian  monk, d. 1239)

     Bl. Joan Mary de Maillé of Tours [Jeanne-Marie] (French, widow, Franciscan  tertiary, died at about age 83 in 1414 [beatified 1871])

     Sts. Jonas and Barachisius of Beth-Asa and nine companions (Persian, two brothers and others, tortured incredibly and martyred [one crushed, one choked on burning pitch] by pagan king in 327)

     St. Lasar of Clonard (Irish, nun, 6th Century)

     St. Ludolf of Ratzeburg (German, Norbertine canon, bishop, d. 1250)

     St. Mark of Arethusa (Syrian, bishop, martyred c. 362)

     Sts. Pastor, Victorinus, and five companions, of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred c. 311)

     St. Rupert of Salzburg (Irish or French?, Benedictine  monk, missionary, archbishop in Austria, c. 720)

     St. Secundus of Asti (Italian, patrician, military officer, martyred by beheading in 119)




On March 30, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Amadeus IX of Thonon [Amedee] (French, epileptic duke, died at age 37 in 1472 [beatified 1677])

     St. Clinius of Pontecorvo (Greek, Benedictine  abbot in Italy, 5th Century?)

     Bl. Dodo of Asch (Dutch, Norbertine  hermit, d. 1231)

     Sts. Domninus, Victor, Philocalus, Achaicus, Palotinus, and companions, of Thessalonica (Greek, martyred c. 304)

     St. Fergus of Downpatrick (Irish, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Irene of Rome (Italian, widow, healed arrow wounds of St. Sebastian)

     St. John Climacus of Thole ["climacus" means "ladder"] (Syrian, hermit, abbot, ascetical writer, died on Mt. Sinai c. 650)

     St. Leonard Murialdo of Turin [Leonardo] (Italian, priest, educator of poor boys, founded Congregation of St. Joseph,  died at age 71 in 1900 [beatified 1963, canonized 1970])

     St. Ludwig of Casoria [Ludovico] (Italian, Franciscan  friar, died at about age 70 in 1885 [beatified 1993, canonized 2014])

     St. Mamertinus of Auxerre (French, abbot, c. 462)

     Bl. Maurice of Assisi [Morico] (Italian, fifth follower of St. Francis, d. 1236)

     St. Osburga of Coventry (British, abbess, c. 1016)

     St. Pastor of Orleans (French, bishop, 6th Century)

     St. Patto (British, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Werden in Germany, c. 788)

     St. Peter Regalado of Valladolid [Pedro] (Spanish, Franciscan, reformer of friaries, died at about age 65 in 1456 [beatified 1683, canonized 1746]) [commemorated by some on May 13]

     St. Quirinus of Rome (Italian, jailer of a pope, martyred c. 117)

     St. Regulus of Senlis (Greek, bishop in France, c. 260)

     St. Regulus (Scottish, abbot, 6th Century?)

     St. Tola of Meath (Irish, abbot, bishop, c. 733)

     St. Zosimus of Siracusa (Sicilian, abbot, bishop, died at about age 90 c. 660)

[Spiritual maxims from St. John Climacus:]

     "Without weapons there is no way of killing wild animals. Without humility there is no way of conquering anger."

     "It is not without risk that one climbs up a defective ladder. And so with honor, praise, and precedence which are all dangerous for humility."

     "A tool which is in good condition may sharpen one which is not in good condition, and a fervent brother may save the person who is only lukewarm about his faith."




On March 31, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Acacius Agathangelos ["agathangelos" means "good angel"] (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop of Antioch in Phrygia, c. 251)

     Bl. Aldo of Hasnon (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, 8th Century)

     St. Balbina of Rome (Italian, virgin, c. 130)

     St. Benjamin (Persian, deacon, tortured and martyred [too horribly to describe] c. 421)

     Bl. Bonaventure Tornielli of Forli [Bonaventura] (Italian, Servite  priest, died at about age 80 in 1491 [beatified 1911])

     St. Daniel of Murano (German, Camaldolese  hermit in Italy, d. 1411)

     Bl. Guy of Vicogne (French, Norbertine  abbot, d. 1147)

     St. Guy of Pomposa [Guido] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot for 40 years, d. 1046)

     Bl. Joan of Toulouse [Jeanne] (French, foundress of the Carmelite  third order (tertiaries), d. 1286 [beatified 1895])

     St. Machabeo of Armagh (Irish, abbot for 40 years, died at about age 70 in 1174)

     Bl. Maria Mamala of Seville (Spanish, widow, Poor Clare  nun, d. 1453)

     Bl. Natalie Tulasiewicz of Rzeszow [Natalia] (Polish, laywoman, martyred by Nazis [gassed] at Ravensbruck [Germany] at age 38 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

     Sts. Theodolus, Anesius, Felix, Cornelia, and companions (North African, early martyrs)


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