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On September 1, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Abigail
of Maon (Israelite, wife of King St. David, c. 950 B.C.)

     St. Agia (French, widow, mother of St. Lupus of Sens, 6th Century)

     St. Ammon and forty companions,
of Thrace (Greek, deacon and disciples [young women], martyred [burned with a poker] in 332)

     St. Anna bat Phanuel (Israelite, widow, prophetess at the "presentation" of Jesus [Luke 2:36], 1st Century)

     St. Beatrice
da Silva Meneses of Cueta [Brites] (Portuguese, courtier, Cistercian  abbess, foundress of Benedictine Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Conceptionists], died at about age 66 in 1490 [beatified 1926, canonized 1976]) [commemorated by some on August 17]

     St. Constantius
of Aquino (Italian, bishop, d. 520)

     Bl. Elizabeth Christine
Mrad Campos of Barbacena [Isabel Cristina (known as "Cris")] (Brazilian, laywoman, medical student, Eucharistic adorer, martyred in defense of her virginity at age 20 in 1982 [beatified 2022])

     St. Giles
of Athens (Greek, hermit, abbot in France, c. 724)

     St. Giles
of Borgo San Sepolcro [Gil] (Spanish, founder of Benedictine  abbey, c. 1050)

     St. Giles
of Castaneda [Gil] (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, c, 1203)

     Bl. Jane
Soderini of Florence [Giovanna] (Italian, Servite  tertiary, died at about age 66 in 1367 [beatified 1827])

     Bl. Joseph
Samsó i Elias of Castellbisbal [Josep] (Spanish, parish priest, spiritual director, martyred [shot] during Civil War at age 49 in 1936 [beatified 2009])

     Sts. Joshua ben Nun and Gideon ben Joash
of Ophrah (Israelites [the first, born in Egypt], Old Testament patriarch and judge, 12th and 11th Century B.C.)

     Bl. Juliana
of Collalto [Giuliana] (Italian, Benedictine  abbess, died at about age 76 in 1262 [beatified 1753])

     St. Lupus
of Sens (French, bishop, d. 623)

     St. Lythan (Welsh)

     Bl. Michael Ghebre
of Mertule Mariam (Ethiopian, Vincentian   priest, martyred by abuse in prison at about age 64 in 1855 [beatified 1926])

     St. Nivard
of Reims (French, archbishop)

     St. Regulus
of Tuscany (North African, refugee in Italy, martyred by Ostrogoth Arian heretics in 545)

     St. Terentian
of Todi (Italian, bishop, tortured [racked, tongue cut out] and martyred by beheading in 118)

     St. Verena (Egyptian, hermitess in Switzerland, 3rd Century)

     St. Victorius
of Le Mans (French, bishop, d. 490)

     Sts. Vincent and Laetus (Spanish, early martyrs)

On September 2, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Agricola
of Avignon (French, monk, bishop, died at about age 70 c. 700)

     Bl. Anthony
Franco of Naples [Antonio] (Italian, nobleman, doctor of laws at age 17, royal chaplain, bishop of Santa Lucia del Mela, slept on floor with stone as pillow, died at age 40 in 1626 [beatified 2013]) [incorruptible]

     St. Antoninus
of Pamia (French or Syrian?, destroyer of idols, martyred by pagans in 4th Century)

     St. Brocard
of Mount Carmel (French, Carmelite  prior of hermits, d. 1231)

     St. Castor
of Nimes (French, bishop of Apt, c. 420)

     Sts. Diomedes, Julian, Philip, Eutychian, Hesychius, Leonides, Philadelphus, Menalippus, and Pantagapes (early martyrs [by burning, drowning, beheading, crucifixion])

     St. Elpidius
of Lyons (French, bishop, d. 422)

     St. Elpidius
of Cappadocia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], cave hermit, abbot, 4th Century)

     St. Hieu
of Tadcaster (British, Benedictine  abbess, c. 657)

     Bl. Ingrid
of Skänninge (Swedish, Dominican  nun, d. 1282)

     St. Justus
of Vienne (French, bishop of Lyons, hermit in Egypt, d. 390)

     St. Lolanus (Scottish, bishop, c. 1034)

     St. Margaret
la Fiere of Louvain [Marguerite] (French, maid at an inn, murdered at about age 18 in 1225 [canonized 1905])

     St. Maxima
of Rome (Italian, slave, martyred by scourging in 304)

     St. Nonnosus
of Mount Soracte (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 575)

     Blessed Martyrs of September of the French Revolution (French [190] and Swiss [1] ... [arch]bishops, diocesan priests [86], consecrated men and women religious [including 23 Jesuit  priests], and 4 laymen ... martyred [slain by a mob] in 1792 [beatified 1926])
[Click here to see some of the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Solomon
Leclercq of Boulogne-ser-Mer [Salomon] [baptized Guillaume-Nicolas-Louis (William Nicholas Louis)] (French, son of wealthy merchant, member of Brothers of Christian Schools, teacher, martyred [slain by a mob] at age 46 in 1792 [beatified 1926, canonized 2016])

     St. Valentine
of Strasbourg (French, bishop, 4th Century)

     St. William
of Roskilde (English, king's chaplain, missionary in Denmark, bishop, died at about age 70 c. 1070)

     Sts. Zeno, Concordius, and Theodore,
of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor, father and sons, martyred in 302)

     Blessed Martyrs of September of the French Revolution -- CONTINUED
(French [190] and Swiss [1] ... [arch]bishops, diocesan priests [86], consecrated men and women religious [including 23 Jesuit  priests], and 4 laymen ... martyred [slain by a mob] in 1792 [beatified 1926])
[Some of their names were ...]
----- Bl. Andre
Grasset de Saint Sauveur (French [born in Canada], priest, died at about age 34)
----- Bl. Alexander Charles
Lanfant of Lyon (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 65)
----- Bl. Apollinaris
Morel of Prez-vers-Noréaz (Swiss, Capuchin  priest, died at age 53)
----- Bl. Augustine Ambrose
Chevreux of Saint-Maur [Augustin Ambroise] and Bl. Julian Massey of Saint Florent de Saumur [Julien] [baptized René] (French, Maurist  superior general and prior)
----- Bl. Charles
Bérauld du Pérou of Meursac (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 54)
----- Bl. Charles
de la Calmette of Valfons (French, count)
----- Bl. Charles
le Gué of Rennes (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 67)
----- Bl. Claude
Cayx-Dumas of Martel (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 67)
----- Bl. Claude
Gagnières des Granges of Chambéry (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 70)
----- Bl. Claude
Laporte of Brest (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 57)
----- Bl. Elias
Herque du Roule of Lyon (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 51)
----- Bl. Francis
Balmain of Luzy [François] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 59)
----- Bl. Francis
de la Rochefoucauld of Beauvais [François] (French, bishop, brother of Bl. Louis)
----- Bl. Francis
le Livec of Quimper [François] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 66)
----- Bl. Francis Urban
Salins de Niart of Neu-Breisach [François-Urban] (French, priest, died at about age 32)
----- Bl. Francis
Vareilhe-Duteil of Felletin [François] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 58)
----- Bl. James Julius
Bonnaud of Cap Français [Jacques-Jules] (French born in Haiti, Jesuit  priest, died at age 51)
----- Bl. James
Friteyre-Durvé of Marsac (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 66)
----- Bl. John Benedict
Bourlat of Lyon [Jean-Benoît] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 61)
----- Bl. John
Charton de Millou of Lyon [Jean] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 55)
----- Bl. John Francis
Burte [Jean-Francois] (French, Franciscan  friar)
----- Bl. John Mary
du Lau of Arles [Jean-Marie] (French, archbishop)
----- Bl. John
Seconds of Rodez [Jean] (French, Jesuit  priest, died on his 58th birthday)
----- Bl. Louis
Barreau de la Touche (French, Benedictine  monk)
----- Bl. Louis
de la Rochefoucauld of Saintes [François] (French, bishop, brother of Bl. Francis)
----- Bl. Louis Joseph François
of Busigny (French, Vincentian  priest, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Mathurin
Le Bous de Villeneuve of Rennes (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 60)
----- Bl. Nicholas
Verron of Quimperlé [Nicolas] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 51)
----- Bl. Peter
Guérin du Rocher of Sainte-Honorine-la-Guillaume [Pierre] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 61)
----- Bl. René
Andrieux of Rennes (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 50)
----- Bl. Robert
Guérin du Rocher of Repas (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 55)
----- Bl. Severin
Girault (French, Franciscan  friar)
----- Bl. Vincent
le Rousseau de Rosancoat of Chateauneuf (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 66)
----- Bl. William Anthony
Delfaud of l'Estang-de-Lol [Guillaume-Antoine] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 59)
----- Bl. Wolf Thomas
Bonnotte of Entrains [Loup-Thomas] (French, Jesuit  priest, died at age 72)

On September 3, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Pope St. Gregory I the Great
of Rome (Italian, nobleman, Benedictine  monk, pope's ambassador to Byzantine emperor, elected pope in 590, sent missionaries to Britain, champion of [Gregorian] chant, one of four original Doctors of Western Church, died at about age 63 in 604) [Feast observed in Malta on the Wednesday after Easter]

     St. Aigulf
of Blois, St. Frugentius of Fleury, and companions (French, Benedictine  abbot and monks, martyred in 676) [St. Aigulf died at about age 46.]

     St. Ambrose
of Sens (French, bishop, c. 355)

     Bl. Andrew
Dotti of Borgo San Sepolcro [Andrea] (Italian, soldier, Servite  priest, hermit, died at about age 65 in 1315 [beatified 1806])

     St. Auxanus
of Milan (Italian, bishop, d. 568)

     St. Balin
of Techsaxon (British, prince, missionary in Ireland, 7th Century)

     St. Basilissa
of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred at age 9 c. 303)

     Bl. Bridget of Jesus
Zancano of San Michele di Pagana [Brigida di Gesu] [nee Morello] (Italian, widow, founded Institute of the Ursuline Sisters of Mary Immaculate, died at age 69 in 1679 [beatified 1998])

     Sts. Cuthburga and Quenburga
of Wimborne (British, noblewomen, Benedictine  abbess and nun, c. 725)

     Sts. Euphemia, Dorothea, Thecla, and Erasma,
of Aquileia (Italian, virgins, tortured and martyred by the sword in 1st Century)

     St. Hereswitha
of Chelles (British, princess, widow, nun, c. 690)

     St. Hermann
of Heidelberg (Bavarian, Benedictine  hermit, c 1326)

     Bl. John
of Perugia [Giovanni] and Bl. Peter of Sassoferato [Pietro] (Italian, friars among first disciples of St. Francis, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in Spain in 1231 [beatified 1783])

     St. Mansuetus
of Toul (French, bishop, c. 350)

     St. Martin
de Hinojosa of Siguenza (Spanish, Cistercian  monk, bishop, c. 1200)

     Bl. Mary Louise of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Velotti of Naples [Maria Luigia del Santissimo Sacramento] (Italian, founded Franciscan Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross, visionary, died at age 59 in 1886 [beatified 2019])

     St. Maurilius
of Cahors (French, bishop, d. 580)

     Blessed Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1632 (Christians in Japan, tortured for 33 days [scalded] and martyred by burning in 1632 [beatified 1867])
----- Bl. Anthony
Ishida of Shimabara (Japanese, Jesuit  priest, died at about age 63)
----- Bl. Bartholomew
Gutierrez [Bartolome] (Mexican, Augustinian  priest, missionary in Philippines and Japan, died at about age 62)
----- Bl. Francis of Jesus
Ortega of Villamediana [Francisco de Jesus] (Spanish, Augustinian  friar, missionary in Mexico/Philippines/Japan)
----- Bl. Gabriel of St. Magdalen
of Fonseca [Gabriel de Santa Magdalena] (Spanish, Franciscan  brother, missionary in Philippines and Japan)
----- Bl. Jerome of the Cross
de Torres [Geronimo de la Cruz] (Filipino, priest, missionary to Japan)
----- Bl. Vincent
Carvalho of Alfama [Vincente] (Portuguese, Augustinian  friar, missionary in Mexico and Japan)

     St. Natalis
of Casale (Italian, priest, 6th Century)

     St. Phoebe
of Cenchreae (Greek, disciple of St. Paul [Romans 16], 1st Century)

     St. Regulus
of Rheims (French, Benedictine  monk, archbishop, d. 698)

     St. Remaclus
of Aquitaine (French, courtier, Benedictine  abbot, missionary bishop in Holland, c. 673)

     St. Sandila
of Cordoba (Spanish, martyred by Moslems in 855)

     Bl. Walter
Romanoni of Bergamo [Guala] (Italian, prior among first disciples of St. Dominic, bishop of Brescia, died at about age 64 in 1244 [beatified 1866])

     Sts. Zeno and Chariton (martyred c. 303)

On September 4, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Bl. Agnes
of Bagno [Agnese] (Italian, Camaldolese  nun, c. 1105)

     Sts. Ammianus, Julian, Oceanus, and Theodore (martyred by burning at the stake c. 310)

     Pope St. Boniface I
of Rome (Italian, parish priest, elected to papacy in 418, reigned until death at about age 72 in 423)

     St. Caletricus
of Chartres (French, bishop, died at about age 51 c. 580)

     St. Candida the Elder
of Naples (Italian, virgin, martyred c. 78)

     Sts. Castus, Magnus, and Maximus,
of Galatia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], early martyrs)

     Bl. Catherine
Mattei of Racconigi [Caterina] (Italian, pauper, Dominican  tertiary, virgin, visionary, mystic, died at about age 87 in 1574 [beatified 1810])

     St. Cuthbert
of Lyminge (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Hereford, archbishop of Canterbury, d. 758) [On English "particular calendar"]

     St. Frezal
of Mende (French, bishop)

     St. Hermione
of Ephesus (prophetess, martyr, c. 117)

     St. Ida
of Herzfeld (noblewoman of Charlemagne's court, widow, 9th Century)

     St. Macanisius
of Kells [also called Angus Mac Nissi] (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick, archbishop, c. 514) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Marinus
of Albe [Marino] (Dalmatian [Croatian], stonemason in Italy, bishop, hermit, 5th or 6th Century)

     St. Marcellus
of Lyons (French, priest, martyred c. 178)

     St. Marcellus
of Trier (German, bishop)

     Bl. Mary St. Cecilia of Rome Belanger of Quebec [Marie Sainte-Cécile-de-Rome] [baptized Marie-Marguerite-Dina-Adélaïde, and widely known as "Dina"] (Canadian, pianist, member of Sisters of Jesus and Mary, died [tuberculosis] at age 32 in 1929 [beatified 1993]) [On Canadian "particular calendar"]

     St. Monessa (Irish, virgin, disciple of St. Patrick, died on the day of her baptism in 456)

     St. Moses ben Amram (Israelite born in Egypt, Old Testament patriarch, received Ten Commandments, led Chosen People to Promised Land, author of the Pentateuch, 14th Century BC?)

     Bl. Nicholas
Rusca of Bedano [Nicolò] (Italian, diocesan priest in Switzerland, tortured and martyred by Calvinists at age 55 in 1618 [beatified 2013])

     St. Rhuddlad (Welsh, virgin, 7th Century)

     St. Rosalia
of Palermo (Sicilian, hermitess, c. 1160)

     St. Rose
of Viterbo [Rosa] (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, raised dead person at age 3, preached in streets at age 10, prophetess, died at about age 18 in 1252 [canonized 1457])

     Sts. Rufinus, Silvanus, and Victalicus,
of Galatia (from Asia Minor, children, early martyrs)

     St. Salvinus of Verdun (French, bishop, d. 420)

     St. Thamel and companions (converted pagan priest, his sister, and others ... martyred in 125)

     St. Ultan
of Ardbraccan (Irish, bishop, 7th Century)

On September 5, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu of Skopje [baptized Anjezë (Agnes) Gonxhe] ["Mother Teresa of Calcutta," "Saint of the Gutters"] (Albanian [born in Ottoman Empire], member of Sisters of Loreto in Ireland, schoolteacher and principal in India, founded Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity [sisters, brothers, priests -- active and contemplative] to serve "the poorest of the poor," mother superior for almost fifty years, winner of Nobel Peace Prize, died at age 87 in 1997 [beatified 2003, canonized 2016])


     Bl. Albert of Pontida [Alberto] (Italian, soldier, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1095)

     St. Albert of Butrio [Alberto] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1073)

     St. Alvito of Galicia (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, bishop of León, c. 1073)

     St. Bertin of Sithiu (French, abbot, 7th Century)

     Sts. Eudoxius, Zeno, Macarius, and about 1,000 companions, of Melitene (Armenian, soldiers, martyred in 2nd Century)

     St. Genebald of Laon (French, bishop, c. 555)

     Bl. Gentilis of Matelica (Italian, Franciscan  missionary to Moslems, martyred in Persia in 1340)

     St. Herculanus of Porto (Italian, martyr, c. 180)

     St. Jordan of Pulsano [Giordano] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1152)

     St. Joseph Hoang Luong Canh of Tonkin (Vietnamese, physician, Dominican  tertiary, martyred by beheading at about age 74 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized in 1988])

     Holy Martyrs of Košice (martyred [beheaded] by Transylvanian Calvinists in Slovakia in 1619 [beatified 1905, canonized 1995])
----- St. Melchior
Grodziecki of Czeszyn (Polish, Jesuit  priest, died at about age 35)
----- St. Steven
Pongracs of Alvincz [Istvan] (Hungarian, Jesuit  priest, died at about age 36)
----- St. Mark
Križevcanin of Križevci [Marko] (Croatian, nobleman, parish priest, died at about age 31)

     St. Lawrence Giustiniani of Venice [Lorenzo] (Italian, bishop, writer on mystical contemplation, died at age 73 in 1455 [beatified 1524, canonized 1690])

     St. Madrona of Barcelona (Spanish, orphan, virgin in Rome, tortured and martyred by starvation in 300)

     Bl. Mary of the Apostles von Wüllenweber of Monchengladbach [baptized Theresia] (German, noblewoman, co-founder and superior of Sisters of the Catholic Teaching Society and superior general of Sisters of the Divine Savior, died at age 74 in 1907 [beatified 1968])

     St. Obdulia of Toledo (Spanish, nun)

     Sts. Quintius, Arcontius, and Donatus, of Capua (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Romulus of Rome (Italian, courtier, martyred c. 112)

     Sts. Urban, Theodore and about eighty companions (priests and others, martyred [left on burning ship] by Arian heretics in 370)

     St. Victorinus of Como (Italian, bishop, d. 644)

     St. Victorinus of Ponza (martyred in Rome in 2nd Century)

     Bl. William Browne of Northamptonshire (English, layman, martyred [hanged] under James I in 1605 [beatified 1929])

[From "Mother Teresa," whose baptismal names mean "lamb" and "flower bud":]

"By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, I am an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun.  As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus."



On September 6, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Arator
of Verdun (French, bishop, c. 460)

     Sts. Augustine, Sanctian, and Beata [also known as Benedicta] (Spanish, martyred in France in 273)

     St. Bega (Irish, noblewoman, hermit, abbess, 7th Century)

     Bl. Bertrand of Garrigue (France, Dominican  priest and provincial, opposed Albigensian heretics, died at about age 35 in 1230 [beatified 1881])

     St. Cagnoald of Laon (French, bishop, d. 633)

     Sts. Cottidus, Eugene, and companions, of Cappadocia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], deacon and others, early martyrs)

     Sts. Donatian, Praesidius, Mansuetus, Germanus, Fusculus, and Laetus (North African, exiled by Arian Vandals in 5th Century)

     St. Eleutherius of Spoleto (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, miracle worker, c. 590)

     St. Eve of Dreux (French, early martyr)

     Sts. Faustus, Macarius and ten companions, of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred in 250)

     St. Faustus of Siracusa (Sicilian, abbot, c. 607)

     Sts. Felix and Augebert of Champagne (British, slaves in France, redeemed to be priest and deacon, martyred by pagans in 7th Century)

     Bl. Liberato of Loro (Italian, Franciscan  friar, d. 1258 [beatified 1868])

     St. Maccallin of Lusk (Irish, bishop, c. 497)

     St. Magnus of Füssen (German, Benedictine  priest, c. 666)

     Bl. Michael Czartoryski of Pelkinie [Michal] [baptized Jan (John)] (Polish, Dominican  priest, martyred by Nazis at Sluzew at age 47 in 1944 [beatified 1999])

     Bl. Olinto Marella of Pellestrina (Italian, diocesan priest, died at age 87 in 1969 [beatified 2020])

     Sts. Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus (disciple of St. Paul [2 Tim 1] and his servant, martyred in Asia Minor [tied to horses and torn apart] c. 80)

     Bl. Peregrine of Falerone [Pellegrino] (Italian, disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, Franciscan  brother, c. 1240)

     St. Petronius of Verona (Italian, bishop, c. 450)

     St. Zechariah ben Berechiah (Israelite, Old Testament prophet, 6th Century B.C.)


On September 7, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Alcmund and Tilbert
of Hexham (British, Benedictine  monks, bishops, d. 781 and 789)

     St. Anastasius
of Aquileia (Italian, fuller, martyred by drowining in 304)

     St. Augustalis
of Arles (French, bishop, c. 450)

     St. Carissima
of Albi (French, nun, 5th Century)

     St. Cloud
of Nogent (French, prince of Orleans, priest, founder of monastery, died at about age 38 in 560)

     St. Diuma (Irish, bishop in England, 7th Century)

     Bl. Eugenia
Picco of Crescenzago (Italian, superior general of Congregation of the Little Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, died at age 53 in 1921 [beatified 2001])

     St. Eupsychius
of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], martyred c. 130)

     Bl. Eustace
of Flay (French, Cistercian  abbot, papal legate to England, d. 1211)

     St. Evortius
of Rome (Italian, bishop of Orléans in France, 4th Century?)

     St. Faciolus
of Poitiers (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 950)

     St. Gratus
of Aosta (Italian, bishop, c. 470)

     St. Grimonia
of Laon (Irish, laywoman in France, martyred in defense of virginity, 4th Century)

     St. Hiduard
of Dickelvenne (Belgian, Benedictine  monk, missionary bishop, c 750)

     Bl. Ignatius
Klopotowski of Korzeniówka [Ignacy] (Polish, parish priest, hospital chaplain, seminary professor, established a Catholic newspaper and multiple institutions for the needy, founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, died at age 65 in 1931 [beatified 2005])

     Bl. John Duckett
of Underwinder (English, priest, martyred [drawn/hanged/quartered] under Charles I at about age 41 in 1644 [beatified 1929])

     Bl. John and Bl. Louis
Maki (Japanese, laymen, martyred by burning at Nagasaki in 1627 [beatified 1867])

     St. John
of Lodi Vecchio [Giovanni] (Italian, Benedictine  hermit, bishop of Gubbio, d. 1106)

     St. John
of Nicomedia (Turkish, martyred by burning in 303)

     St. Madalberta
of Maubeuge (Belgian, Benedictine  abbess, d. 706)

     St. Memorius and five companions,
of Troyes [also known as Nemorius] (French, deacon and others, martyred [beheaded] by Attila the Hun in 451)

     St. Pamphilus (Greek, bishop of Capua in Italy, c. 400)

     Bl. Ralph
Corby of Maynooth [also known as Corbington] (Irish, Jesuit  priest in England, martyred [drawn/hanged/quartered] under Charles I at age 46 in 1644 [beatified 1929])

     St. Regina
of Autun (French, virgin, martyred in 3rd Century)

     St. Sozon
of Cilicia [name before conversion: Tarasius] (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], shepherd boy, martyred by burning c. 304)

     Bl. Stephen
de Châtillon of Lyons [Etienne] (French, Carthusian  prior, bishop of Die, died at about age 53 in 1208 [beatified 1907]) [commemorated by his order on October 13]

     Bl. Thomas
Tsugi of Sonogi (Japanese, Jesuit  priest, martyred by burning at Nagasaki at about age 57 in 1627 [beatified 1867])




On September 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Church also honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Bl. Adam
Bargielski of Kalinowo (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [German] at age 39 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Adela of Messines (Belgian, countess, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 1071)

     St. Adrian and companions of Nicomedia ((from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], a converted pagan guard [husband of St. Natalia] and his twenty-three Christian prisoners, martyred [limbs crushed] in 304)

     Sts. Ammon, Theophilus, Neoterius, and 22 companions, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyrs)

     St. Corbinian of Freising [baptized Waldegiso] (French, hermit, missionary bishop in Bavaria, died at about age 60 in 730)

     St. Disibod of Bingen (Irish, Benedictine  missionary in Germany, c. 700)

     Sts. Eusebius, Nestabus, Zeno, and Nestor, of Gaza (Palestinian, three brothers and a friend, horribly tortured and martyred [burned] by pagan mob in 362)

     St. Ethelburga of Wessex (British, wife of St. Ina, died at Rome c. 730)

     Bl. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan of Gurtweil [Franziskus Maria vom Kreuze] [baptized Johann Baptist (John the Baptist)] (German, house painter, priest, expert in Semitic languages, founded the Salvatorian congregations [Society of the Divine Savior  and Sisters of the Divine Savior], died at age 70 in Switzerland in 1918 [beatified 2021]) [commemorated by some on July 21]


     St. Ina of Wessex (British, abdicated king, monk, d. 727)

     St. Kingsmark (Scottish, chieftain)

     Bl. Ladislaus Bladzinski of Myzlatycze [Wladyslaw] (Polish, Michaelite  priest, martyred by Nazis at Gross-Rosen at age 36 in 1944 [beatified 1999])

     Blessed Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1628 (Japanese and European Catholics, clergy and laity [some of whom are named below], martyred in 1628 [beatified in 1867])
----- Bl. Anthony of St. Bonaventure
of Tuy [Antonio de San Buenaventura] (Spanish, Franciscan  missionary priest in Philippines and Japan)
----- Bl. Anthony of St. Dominic (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, beheaded at age 20)
----- Bl. Dominic
of Omura (Japanese, catechist, Franciscan  friar, burned)
----- Bl. James
Fayashida (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, beheaded)
----- Bl. John, Bl. Dominic, Bl. Michael, Bl. Paul, and Bl. Thomas
Tomaki (Japanese, father [Dominican  tertiary] and four sons [aged 16, 13, 7, ?], beheaded)
----- Bl. John
Inamura (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, beheaded)
----- Bl. Jordan of St. Stephen [Giordano di San Stefano] (Sicilian, Dominican  missionary priest in Philippines and Japan, infirmarian, tortured and burned)
----- Bl. Michael and Bl. Lawrence
Jamada (Japanese, father [Dominican  tertiary] and son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Leo
Kombiogi (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, beheaded)
----- Bl. Louis, Bl. Francis, and Bl. Dominic
Nifaki (Japanese, father [Dominican  tertiary] and sons [aged 5 and 2], beheaded)
----- Bl. Louise
of Omura (Japanese, laywoman)
----- Bl. Matthew Anjin
Alvarez (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary, catechist, beheaded)
----- Bl. Romanus and Bl. Paul
Aybara (Japanese, father and son, catechists, Dominican  tertiaries, beheaded)
----- Bl. Thomas of St. Hyacinth
of Nagasaki (Japanese, Dominican  priest ordained in Philippines, burned)

     Pope St. Sergius I of Palermo (Sicilian [son of Syrians], reigned from 687 to death in 701)

     Sts. Timothy and Faustus of Antioch (Syrian, early martyrs)


On September 9, we, members of the Catholic Church family, honor in a special way the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Peter
Claver of Verdu [Pedro] (Spanish, Jesuit  priest, missionary to African slaves in West Indies and South America, died at about age 73 in 1654 [beatified 1851, canonized 1888]) [On U.S. particular calendar]

     Sts. Alexander, Hyacinth, and Tiburtus (Italian, early martyrs)

     Bl. Alphonse-Marie Eppinger of Niederbronn-les-Bains [baptized Élisabeth] (French [Alsatian], child of poor farmers, virgin, founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Holy Savior  [nurses of sick and wounded], died [stroke] at age 52 in 1867 [beatified 2018])


     St. Audomarus [or Omer] of Coutances (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Thérouanne, miracle worker, died at about age 75 c. 670)

     St. Bettelin of Croyland (British, Benedictine  hermit, 8th Century)

     St. Ciaran [or Kieran] of Connacht (Irish, princess's tutor, hermit, abbot, miracle worker, died at about age 40 c. 556) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     Sts. Dorotheus, Peter, and Gorgonius, of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], imperial courtiers [eunuchs, bodyguards], grossly tortured and martyred [two hanged, one broiled] in 303)

     Bl. Francis Gárate of Azpeitia [Francisco] (Spanish, Jesuit  brother, died at age 72 in 1929 [beatified 1985])

     Bl. Frederick Ozanam of Lyons [Frédèric] (French, doctor of laws, literature professor, founder of Society of St. Vincent de Paul, husband and father, died at age 40 in 1853 [beatified 1997])

     Bl. George Douglas of Edinburgh (Scottish, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1587 [beatified 1987])

     St. Godfrey of Savigny [Gaudefroy] (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1139)

     St. Isaac the Great of Ashtishat (Armenian, patriarch (bishop), died at about age 90 in 440)

     Bl. James Desiré Laval of Croth [Jacques-Desiré] (French, medical doctor, Spiritan  missionary priest in Mauritius, died nine days before his 61st birthday in 1864 [beatified 1979])

     Bl. Maria Euthymia Uffing of Halverde [baptized Emma] (German, member of the Congregation of Sisters of Compassion, nursed prisoners and others during World War II, died at age 41 in 1955 [beatified 2001])

     Bl. Mary de la Cabeza of Torrejon [Maria] (Spanish, wife of St. Isidore the Farmer, c. 1175 [beatified 1697])

     St. Osmanna
of Brieuc (French, noblewoman, c. 650)

     Bl. Peter
Bonhomme of Gramat [Pierre] (French, parish priest, preacher of missions, founded Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Calvary, died at age 58 in 1861 [beatified 2003])

     Sts. Rufinus and Rufinian (biological brothers, early martyrs)

     Bl. Serafina
Sforza of Urbino (Italian, abused and cast out by husband, Poor Clare  abbess, died at about age 43 in 1478 [beatified 1754] [incorruptible])

     St. Severian
of Sebaste (Armenian, senator, martyred [torn by iron rakes] in 322)

     St. Straton (early martyr by dismemberment)

     St. Wilfrida
of Wilton (British, repentant concubine of a king, abbess, c. 988)

     St. Wulfhilda
of Barking (British, Benedictine  abbess, died at about age 60 c. 1000)

On September 10, the Catholic Church honors, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Agnes
Cao Gui-ying of Wu-jia-zhai (Chinese, widow, catechist, martyred at age 35 in 1856 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])    

     St. Ambrose
Barlow of Manchester [baptized Edward] (English, Benedictine  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Charles I at about age 56 in 1641 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

     St. Autbert
of Avranches (French, bishop, founded Mont St. Michel, d. 725)

     St. Barypsabas (hermit, martyred in Dalmatia in 1st Century)

     St. Candida the Younger
of Naples (Italian, wife and mother, miracle worker, d. 586)

     St. Cosmas
of Palermo [Cosimo] (Sicilian, bishop of Aphrodisia, martyred by Moslems in 1160)

     Sts. Felix, Nemesian, Lucius, Litteus, Polyanus, Victor, Jader, Dativus, [another] Felix, and companions (nine bishops, other clergy, and laity ... condemned for faith to slave labor in quarries, early martyrs)

     St. Finian
of Strangford (Irish, abbot, miracle worker, d. 579)

     St. Frithestan
of Winchester (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 933)

     Sts. Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora,
of Bithynia (from Asia Minor, orphan sisters, martyred [two beaten, one beheaded] in 306)

     Blessed Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1622 (Asian and European Catholics, clergy and laity in Japan, martyred by burning or beheading in 1622 [beatified in 1867])

[Click here to see some of the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Nicholas
of Tolentino [Niccola] (Italian, Augustinian  priest, died at about age 60 in 1305 [canonized 1446])

     Bl. Ogerius
of Locedio (Italian, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1214 [beatified 1875])

     St. Peter
Martinez of Moronzo [Pedro] (Spanish, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop of Compostela, d. 1000)

     St. Pulcheria
of Constantinople (from what is now Turkey, empress of Byzantine Empire, sponsored ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, died at age 54 in 453)

     St. Salvius
of Albi (French, lawyer, abbot, hermit, bishop, d. 584)

     Sts. Sosthenes and Victor (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred [exposed to beasts] c. 304)

     St. Theodard
of Maastricht (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, bishop in Holland, murdered in 670)

     Bl. Thomas
Sherwood of London (English, layman, tortured [racked, left naked in a dungeon] and martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] at about age 27 under Elizabeth I in 1578 [beatified 1895])

     St. Veranus
of Vence (French, monk, bishop, d. 480)

     Blessed Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1622 -- CONTINUED

(Asian and European Catholics, clergy and laity in Japan, martyred by burning or beheading in 1622 [beatified in 1867])

[Some of their names were ...]

----- Bl. Agnes and Bl. Cosmas Takea (Japanese, husband and wife, beheaded)
----- Bl. Angel
Orsucci of Lucca [Angelo] (Italian, Dominican  missionary priest in Philippines and Japan, burned)
----- Bl. Anthony
Kiun of Makata (Japanese, Jesuit  priest, burned)
----- Bl. Anthony, Bl. Mary, and Bl. John
of Korea (Korean ... catechist, wife, and 12-year-old son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Anthony, Bl. Magdalen, and Bl. Peter
Sanga (Korean ... catechist, wife and 3-year-old son ... beheaded)
----- Bl. Apollinaris
Franco of Aguilar del Campo (Spanish, lawyer, Franciscan  superior, missionary priest, burned)
----- Bl. Bartholomew and Bl. Peter
Shikiemon (Japanese, father and 7-year-old son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Caspar
Kotenda (Japanese, nobleman)
----- Bl. Charles
Spinola of Prague (Italian born in Bohemia, nobleman, Jesuit  missionary priest, burned)
----- Bl. Clare and Bl. Dominic
Shamada (Japanese, husband and wife, beheaded)
----- Bl. Clement and Bl. Anthony
Vom (Japanese, father and son)
----- Bl. Damien and Bl. Michael
Yamiki (Japanese, father and 5-year-old son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Elizabeth
Jorjes [nee Fernandez] and Bl. Ignatius Jorjes [Isabel and Ignacio] (Spanish, mother and 4-year-old son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Francis
de Morales of Madrid [Francisco] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary priest in Japan, burned)
----- Bl. Gonzalo
Fusai (Japanese, converted imperial courtier, burned)
----- Bl. Hyacinth
Orfanel of Llana [Jacinto] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary, burned at about age 44)
----- Bl. John
Kingoku of Amanguchi (Japanese, catechist, beheaded)
----- Bl. Joseph of St. Hyacinth
of Villareal [Jose de San Jacinto] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary, burned)
----- Bl. Leo
Satsuma (Japanese, Franciscan  tertiary, burned)
----- Bl. Louis
Kawara of Arima (Japanese, court page, burned)
----- Bl. Lucy
de Freitas [Lucia] (Japanese, laywoman, burned)
----- Bl. Mary
Tanaura (Japanese, beheaded)
----- Bl. Mary
Tokuan and Bl. Mary Choun and husbands (Japanese)
----- Bl. Michael
Shumpo (Japanese, burned)
----- Bl. Matthias and Bl. Dominic
Nakano (Japanese, father and son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Paul and Bl. Mary
Tanaka (Japanese, husband and wife, beheaded)
----- Bl. Paul, Bl. Thecla, and Bl. Peter
Nangashi (Japanese ... husband, wife, and 7-year-old son ... beheaded)
----- Bl. Peter
of Avila [Pedro] (Spanish, Franciscan  missionary priest in Philippines and Japan, burned)
----- Bl. Peter
Sampo of Ochu (Japanese, burned)
----- Bl. Richard of St. Ann
of Brussels [Ricardo de Santa Ana] (Spanish born in Belgium, tailor, Franciscan  priest, missionary in Mexico/Philippines/Japan)
----- Bl. Sebastian
Kimura (Japanese, grandson of St. Francis Xavier's first Japanese convert, catechist working with Jesuits, burned)
----- Bl. Thomas and Bl. Francis
Takea (Japanese, father and 12-year-old son, beheaded)
----- Bl. Thomas of the Holy Rosary (Japanese, catechist working with Dominicans, beheaded)

On September 11, we, members of the Catholic Church family, honor in a special way the following friend of God, a saint whose soul is now in heaven:

     St. Adelphus
of Remiremont (French, Benedictine  abbot, d.670)

     St. Agapius (Italian, bishop of Novara)

     St. Almirus
of Auvergne(French, hermit, d. 560)

     Sts. Apellius, Luke, and Clement (early martyrs)

     St. Bodo
of Toul (French, bishop, d. 670)

     St. Daniel
of Bangor [Deiniol] (Welsh, bishop, d. 584) [On Welsh "particular calendar"]

     Sts. Diodorus, Diomedes, and Didymus,
of Laodicea (Syrian, early martyrs)

     St. Emilian
of Vercelli (Italian, hermit for 40 years, bishop, d. 520)

     Sts. Felix and Regula (Italian, brother and sister, martyred in Switzerland in 3rd Century)

     Bl. Francis John Bonifacio of Piran [Francesco Giovanni] (Italian [from what is now Slovenia], diocesan priest in what is now Croatia, martyred by Communists at age 34 in 1946 [beatified 2008])

     Sts. Hyacinth and Protus
of Rome (Italian, martyrs, c. 257)

     St. John Gabriel
Perboyre of Le Puech [Jean-Gabriel] (French, Vincentian  priest, theology professor, seminary rector, missionary to China, tortured [hung by thumbs, flogged with bamboo, tied to a cross on a hill], martyred [strangled] at age 38 in 1840 [beatified 1889, canonized 1996])

     Bl. Louis
of Thuringia [Ludwig] (German, count, husband of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, father of three, died at age 27 in Italy [fever] in 1227)

     St. Paphnutius (Egyptian, hermit, bishop, opposed Arian heresy, 4th Century)

     St. Patiens
of Lyons (French, archbishop, opposed Arian heresy, d. 491)

     St. Peter
of Chavanon [Pierre] (French, Augustinian  priest, d. 1080)

     St. Sperandea
of Cingoli (Italian, Benedictine  abbess, mystic, d. 1276 [incorruptible])

     St. Theodora
of Alexandria (Egyptian, penitent hermitess, d. 491)

     St. Vincent
of Leon (Spanish, abbot, martyred by Arian Visigoths in 6th or 7th Century)


On September 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor the Holy Name of Mary.
We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Ailbe [or Ailbhe]
of Emly (Irish, missionary bishop, 5th or 6th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Autonomus
of Bithynia (Italian, bishop in Asia Minor [modern Turkey], martyred c. 300)

     St. Curonotus
of Iconium (Lycaonian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, martyred c. 258)

     St. Eanswida
of Folkestone (British, Benedictine  abbess of first convent in Britain, c. 640)

     Bl. Francis of St. Bonaventure
of Musashi, Bl. Peter Paul of St. Clare of Saigo, and Bl. Mancius of St. Thomas (Japanese, catechists, martyred by burning at Omura in 1622 [beatified 1867])

     St. Guy
of Anderlecht (Belgian, peasant, lay sacristan, died at about age 62 in 1012)

     Sts. Hieronides, Leontius, Serapion, Seleucus, Valerian, Straton, and companions,
of Alexandria (Egyptian, deacon and others, martyred by drowning c. 300)

     Bl. John Juvenal
Ancina of Fossano [Giovanni Giovenale] (Italian, professor of medicine, Oratorian   with St. Philip Neri, bishop of Saluzzo, martyred by poison at about age 59 in 1604 [beatified 1869])

     Sts. Macedonius, Theodulus, and Tatian,
of Mevos (Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], destroyed pagan idols, martyred [roasted on gridirons] in 362)

     Bl. Mary Louise Angelica Prosperi of Flogiano [Maria Luisa Angelica] [baptized/confirmed Gertrude Teresa Elisabetta] (Italian, Benedictine  abbess, mystic, died at age 68 in 1847 [beatified 2012])

     Bl. Mary Victoria
Strata of Genoa [Maria Vittoria] [nee Fornari] (Italian, mother of six, widow at age 25, foundress and superior of the "Blue Nuns," died at about age 55 in 1617 [beatified 1828])

     Bl. Miro
of Vich (Spanish, Augustinian  friar, d. 1161)

     St. Sacerdos
of Lyons (French, bishop, d. 551)

     Bl. Sigmund
Sajna of Zurawlowka [Zygmunt] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Palmiry [Poland] at age 43 in 1940 [beatified 1999])

     St. Silvinus
of Verona (Italian, bishop, c. 550)

     Bl. Thomas
Zumárraga of Vitoria [Tomás] (Spanish, Dominican  missionary priest in Japan, martyred by burning at Omura in 1622 [beatified 1867])

On September 13, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God, "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. John Chrysostom
of Antioch [means "Golden-mouthed"] (from Asia Minor [modern Turkish], monk, patriarch (bishop) of Constantinople, Father and Doctor of the Church, died at about age 60 in 407)

     St. Amatus
of Grenoble (French, Benedictine  hermit, abbot, died at about age 63 in 630)

     St. Columbinus of Lure (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 680)

     St. Eulogius (Egyptian, bishop of Alexandria)

     St. Hedwig of Westphalia (German, Benedictine  abbess, c. 887)

     St. Julian of Galatia (from Asia Minor [modern Turkish], priest, martyred c. 321)

     St. Ligorius (early martyr of the East)

     St. Macrobius of Cappadocia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], early martyr)

     Bl. Mary of Jesus López de Rivas of Tartanedo [María de Jesus] (Spanish, Discalced Carmelite  prioress, died at age 80 in 1640 [beatified 1976])

     St. Maurilius of Angers (Italian, bishop in France, 5th Century)

     St. Nectarius of Autun (French, bishop)

     St. Philip (confessor, 3rd Century)

     St. Venerius of Tino (Italian, hermit, abbot, 7th Century)

[St. John Chrysostom, the Eastern Father, once wrote the following, which would be so apropos to share with Eastern non-Catholics today:]

     "O envious one, you injure yourself more than he whom you would injure, and the sword with which you wound will recoil and wound yourself.

     "What harm did Cain do to Abel? Contrary to his intention he did him the greatest good, for he caused him to pass to a better and a blessed life, and he himself was plunged into an abyss of woe. ... What harm did his brothers do to Joseph, whose envy went so far as to wish to shed his blood? Were they not driven to the last extremity, and well-nigh perishing with hunger, whilst their brother reigned all through Egypt?

     "It is ever thus; the more you envy your brother, the greater good you confer upon him. God, who sees all, takes the cause of the innocent in hand, and, irritated by the injury you inflict, deigns to raise up him whom you wish to lower, and will punish you to the full extent of your crime.

     "If God usually punishes those who rejoice at the misfortunes of their enemies, how much more will He punish those who, excited by envy, seek to do an injury to those who have never injured them?"





On September 14, we members of the Catholic Church family celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (also called the Triumph of the Cross).

We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Caerealis and Sallustia
of Rome (Italian, soldier and wife, martyred in 251)

     King St. Cormac of Cashel (Irish, monarch, bishop, d. 908)

     Sts. Crescentian, Victor, Rosula, and Generalis (North African, martyred c. 258)

     St. Crescentius of Perugia (Italian, 11-year-old boy, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 300)

     St. John Gabriel Taurin Dufresse of Ville-de-Lezoux [Jean-Gabriel] (French, religious of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, bishop in China, martyred by beheading at age 65 in 1815 [beatified 1900, canonized 2000])

     Bl. Mary Celeste Crostarosa of Naples [Maria Celeste] [baptized Giulia Marcella (Julia ...)] (Italian, virgin, founded Redemptoristine Nuns, died at age 58 in 1755 [beatified 2016])


     St. Maternus of Cologne (German, bishop of Trier, c. 326)

     St. Notburga of Rattenburg (Austrian, maidservant, died at about age 48 in 1313 [canonized 1862])




On September 15, we members of the Catholic Church family honor Mary under her title, "Our Lady of Sorrows."

We also honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Adam
of Caithness (Scottish, Cistercian  abbot, bishop, martyred by burning in 1222)

     St. Aichard of Jumièges (French, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot, c. 687)

     Bl. Aichard of Clairvaux (French, Cistercian  monk under St. Bernard, c. 1170)

     St. Albinus of Lyons (French, bishop, c. 390)

     Bl. Anthony Mary Schwartz of Baden [Anton Maria] (Austrian, founded Pious Workers of St. Joseph Calasanz of the Mother of God, died at age 77 in 1929 [beatified 1998])

     St. Aprus of Trier (German, lawyer, bishop of Toul, d. 507)

     St. Catherine Adorno of Genoa [Caterinetta (nee Fieschi)] (Italian, childless widow, Franciscan  tertiary, mystic, died at about age 63 in 1510 [beatified 1675, canonized 1737])

     Sts. Emilas and Jeremias of Cordova (Spanish, deacon and friend, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 852)

     St. Eutropia of Auvergne (French, widow, 5th Century)

     St. Hernan of Brittany (British, hermit in France)

     St. Joseph Abibos of Alavendi (Syrian, abbot in Georgia, c. 590)

     Bl. Joseph Puglisi of Palermo [Giuseppe] ["Pino"] (Italian [Sicilian], son of shoemaker and dressmaker, diocesan priest, vigorously opposed organized crime, martyred by the Mafia on his 56th birthday in 1993 [beatified 2013])

     Bl. Ladislaus Miegon of Samborzec [Wladyslaw] (Polish, priest, chaplain of Military Ordinariate, martyred by Nazis at age 49 in 1942 [beatified 1999]) [born September 30, 1892]

     St. Leobinus of Chartres (French, hermit, abbot, bishop, d. 556)

     St. Mamilian of Palermo (Sicilian, bishop, exiled for opposition to Arian heresy, d. 460)

     Sts. Maximus, Theodore, and Scelpiodotus, of Marcianopolis (Bulgarian, martyred c.310)

     St. Melitina of Marcianopolis (Bulgarian, virgin, martyred by the sword in 2nd Century)

     St. Mirin of Bangor (Irish, abbot in Scotland, c. 620)

     St. Nicetas (central European Goth, martyred [burned])

     St. Nicomedes of Rome (Italian, priest, martyred by scourging c. 90)

     Bl. Paul Manna of Avellino [Paolo] (Italian, missionary priest in Burma, in Italy promoted the Mission Societies for the Propagation of the Faith and Holy Childhood, founded Pontifical Missionary Union, founded Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Mary, died at age 80 in 1952 [beatified 2001])

     St. Porphyrius (horse trader, actor, martyred in 362)

     St. Ribert of Saint-Valèry (French, Benedictine  abbot, 7th Century)

     St. Ritbert of Varennes (French, Benedictine  abbot, preached countryside missions, c. 690)

     Bl. Roland de' Medici of Florence [Orlando] (Italian, renounced inheritance of famed family's power, forest hermit for 26 years, died at about age 56 in 1386 [beatified 1852])

     St. Valerian of Lyons (French, bishop, martyred by beheading in 178)

     St. Vitus of Pontida [Vito] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, d. 1095)

[from St. Catherine of Genoa:]

     "If it were given to a man to see virtue's reward in the next world, he would occupy his intellect, memory, and will in nothing but good actions, careless of danger and fatigue."




On September 16, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Pope St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian
of Carthage (martyrs)

----- St. Cornelius (Italian, 21st pope, reigned 251 until death in 253)
----- St. Cyprian [full name: Thaschus Caecilius Cyprianus] (North African, bishop, Father of the Church, beheaded in 258)

     Sts. Abundantius, Abundius, Marcian, and John,
of Rome (Italian ... deacon, priest, senator and his son ... tortured and martyred by beheading c. 304)

     St. Curcodomus of Maroilles (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 680)

     St. Dulcissima (Italian, virgin, early martyr)

     St. Edith of Wilton (British, princess, Benedictine  nun from age 15, died at about age 23 in 984)

     St. Euphemia of Chalcedon (Bithynian [from part of modern Turkey], virgin, tortured and martyred [exposed to animals] c. 304)

     Sts. Geminian and Lucy of Rome (Italian, catechist and widow, martyred in 300)

     Bl. John Baptist and Bl. Hyacinth of the Angels, of San Francisco Cajonos [Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Ángeles] (Mexican, attorneys, martyred by non-Christians both at about age 40 in 1700 [beatified 2002])

     Bl. Louis Allemand of Arles (French, cardinal archbishop, repented of his support for an antipope, d. 1450)

     St. Ludmila of Mielnik (Bohemian, duchess, grandmother of St. Wenceslas, martyred by strangling at about age 61 in 921)

     Bl. Michael and Bl. Paul Fimonaya (Japanese, father and son, Dominican  tertiaries, martyred by beheading at Nagasaki in 1628 [beatified 1867])

     St. Ninian of Cumbria (British, missionary bishop in Scotland, miracle worker, died at about age 72 c. 432) [On Scottish "particular calendar"] [Commemorated by some on August 26]

     Sts. Rogellus and Servus Dei of Cordoba (Spanish, monk and student, martyred by Moslems in 852)

     St. Sebastiana of Heraclea (Greek, converted by St. Paul, tortured and martyred [beheaded] in 1st Century)

     Bl. Pope Victor III of Benevento [baptized Dauferius] [monastic name: Desiderius] (Italian, son of a prince, Benedictine  abbot, cardinal, elected to papacy in 1086, reigned until death at about age 60 in 1087 [beatified 1887])

[from St. Cyprian, in "The Unity of the Catholic Church":]

     "You cannot have God for your Father if you do not have the Church for your mother.... God is one and Christ is one, and his Church is one; one is the faith, and one is the people cemented together by harmony into the strong unity of a body."


On September 17, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Robert
Bellarmine of Montepulciano [Roberto Bellarmino] (Italian, Jesuit, cardinal archbishop of Capua, counter-deformer, writer of catechisms, advisor to popes, Doctor of the Church, died at age 78 in 1621 [beatified 1923, canonized 1930])

     St. Hildegard of Bingen (German, tenth child of noble family, nun, mystic, theologian, Doctor of the Church, advisor to bishops/popes/kings, died at about age 81 in 1179)


     St. Agathoclia (slave, virgin, tortured, early martyr)

     St. Ariadne of Phrygia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], prince's slave, martyred c. 130)

     St. Brogan of Ossory (Irish, abbot, 7th Century)

     St. Columba of Cordova (Spanish, nun, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 852)

     Sts. Crescentio and Narcissus of Rome (Italian, early martyrs)

     St. Emmanuel Nguyen Van Trieu of Saigon (Vietnamese, diocesan priest, martyred by beheading at about age 42 in 1798 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Flocellus of Autun (French, tortured and martyred [thrown to animals] in 2nd Century)

     Sts. Gordian, Niacrinus, and Valerian (early martyrs)

     St. Justin (priest, martyred in 259)

     St. Lambert of Maastricht (Belgian, nobleman, bishop of Tongres-Maastricht, martyred at about age 65 c. 700)

     Bl. Leonella Sgorbati of Gazzola [baptized Rosa Maria (Rosemary)] (Italian, virgin, religious of Consolata Mission Sisters, children's nurse and educator of nurses, served first in Kenya, martyred [shot] by Moslems in Somalia at age 65 in 2006 [beatified 2018])


     St. Peter Arbues of Aragon [Pedro] (Spanish, canon lawyer, Augustinian  priest, inquisitor, martyred by Jews at about age 43 in 1485 [beatified 1664, canonized 1867])

     St. Rodingus (Irish, Benedictine  missionary priest in Germany, hermit, abbot, d. 7th Century)

     St. Satyrus of Trier (German, brother of Sts. Ambrose of Milan and Marcellina, lawyer in Italy, d. 376)

     St. Sigmund Szczesny Felinski of Wojutyn [Zygmunt] (Polish, parish priest, archbishop of Warsaw, founded Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary, exiled to Siberia for 20 years, died at age 72 in 1895 [beatified 2002, canonized 2009])

     Sts. Socrates and Stephen (British, early martyrs)

     St. Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczynski of Podegrodzie [Stanislaw] [baptized Jan (John)] (Polish, shepherd boy, Piarist  priest, founded Congregation of Marian Clerics of the Immaculate Conception, died at age 70 in 1701 [beatified 2007, canonized 2016])

     St. Theodora of Rome (Italian, noblewoman, martyred in 305)

     St. Uni of Saxony (German, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Bremen-Hamburg, d. 936)

 [Members of the Franciscan  orders and congregations  also remember this as the day on which St. Francis of Assisi received the stigmata in 1224.]




On September 18, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     Bl. Charles Eraña Guruceta of Aozaraza-Arechavaleta [Carlos], Bl. Fidel Fuidio Rodriguez of Yeroca, and Bl. Jesus Hita Miranda of Calagurri (Spanish, Marist religious, martyred during Civil War [at ages 51, 56, and 36] in 1936 [beatified 1995])

     St. Dominic Trach Doai of Tonkin (Vietnamese, priest, Dominican  tertiary, martyred by beheading at age 49 in 1842 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Eumenus (Cretan, bishop of Gortyna)

     St. Ferreolus of Vienne (army officer in France, martyred by beheading in 304)

     St. Ferreolus of Limoges (French, bishop, d. 591)

     St. Hygbald of Bardney (British, Benedictine  abbot, c. 690)

     Sts. Irene and Sophia (Egyptian, martyred by beheading c. 200)

     St. John de Massias of Ribera del Fresno [Juan] (Spanish, Dominican  brother in Peru, died at age 60 in 1645 [beatified 1837, canonized 1975])

     St. Joseph Desa of Cupertino [Giuseppe] ["The Flying Friar"] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, mystic known for ecstatic levitation, died at age 60 in 1663 [beatified 1753, canonized 1767])

     Bl. Joseph Kut of Slawin [Józef] (Polish, diocesan priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 37 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

     St. Methodius of Olympus (theologian admired by St. Jerome, bishop of Olympus [in Asia Minor (Turkey)], bishop of Tyre [in what is now Lebanon], martyred c. 311)

     St. Richardis of Andlau (Alsatian, empress of Holy Roman Empire in 881, Benedictine  nun, died at about age 56 in 895)


On September 19, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Januarius
of Benevento (Italian, bishop, martyred by beheading c. 304)


     St. Acutius of Pozzuoli (Italian, martyred c. 304)

     St. Alphonse de Orozco of Oropesa [Alonso] (Spanish, Augustinian  prior, emperor's "royal preacher," devoted life to poor, wrote ascetical and mystical works, died at age 91 in 1591 [beatified 1882, canonized 2002])

     St. Arnulph of Vendome (French, Benedictine, bishop of Gap, d. 1070)

     Blessed Martyrs of Boves (Italian, two diocesan priests, martyred [in massacre of 23 villagers] by Nazis in 1943 [beatified 2022])

----- Bl. Joseph Bernardi of Caraglio [Giuseppe] (died [doused with gasoline and set afire] at age 45)

----- Bl. Mario Ghibaudo of Borgo San Dalmazzo (died [shot while giving absolution] at age 23)

     Sts. Constantia and Felix of Nocera (Italian, martyred by Nero c. 65)

     Sts. Desiderius and Festus of Pozzuoli (Italian, lector and deacon, martyred c. 304)

     St. Dorymedon of Antioch (senator, tortured and martyred by beheading in Syria c. 277)

     Sts. Elias of Phunon, Nilus, and Peleus (Egyptian, bishops, martyred by burning in Palestine)

     St. Emily de Rodat of Rodez [baptized Marie Guillemette (Mary Wilhelmina), but known by confirmation name: Emilie] (French, foundress of Religious Congregation of the Holy Family of Villefranche, died at age 65 in 1852 [beatified 1940, canonized 1950])

     St. Eustochius of Tours (French, bishop)

     St. Eutychius of Pozzuoli (Italian, martyred c. 304)

     St. Francis Mary Croese of Camporosso [Francesco Maria] [baptized Giovanni Evangelista (John Evangelist)] (Italian, shepherd, Capuchin  brother, infirmarian, questor [beggar], nursed cholera victims, died at age 61 in 1866 [beatified 1929, canonized 1962])

     St. Goeric of Metz (French, bishop, d. 647)

     Bl. Hugh of Sassoferrato [Ugo] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, died at about age 23 c. 1290 [beatified 1757])

     Bl. Maria de Cerevellon of Barcelona (Spanish, foundress of Mercedarian  sisters, died at about age 60 in 1290 [beatified 1692])

     St. Pomposa of Cordoba (Spanish, nun, martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 835)

     Sts. Proculus and Sosius of Pozzuoli (Italian, deacons, martyred c. 304)

     St. Sabbatius of Antioch (Syrian, tortured and martyred by scourging c. 277)

     St. Sequanus of Mesmont (French, hermit, abbot, d. 580)

     St. Susanna of Eleutheropolis (from town now in Israel, martyred in 362)

     St. Theodore of Tarsus (Greek born in Turkey, archbishop of Canterbury in England, d. 690) [On English "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Thomas Akafuji of Higo (Japanese, nobleman, catechist, martyred by burning in 1622 [beatified 1867])

     St. Trophimus of Antioch (Syrian, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 277)

On September 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Holy Martyrs of Korea [also known as "Sts. Andrew
Kim Tae-gon of Solmoi, Paul Chong Ha-sang of Majae, and companions"] (Korean [93] and French [10] ... clergy [3 missionary bishops, 7 missionary priests, 2 native priests] and laity [91] ... tortured and martyred by beheading between 1839 and 1867 [beatified 1925 (79 who died before 1847) or 1968 (24 who died after 1859), canonized (all 103) 1984])

[Click here to see  the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]

     St. Cajetan Catanoso of Chorio di San Lorenzo [Gaetano] (Italian, parish priest, founder of Congregation of the Daughters of St. Veronica [Missionaries of the Holy Face], died at age 84 in 1958 [beatified 1998, canonized 2005])

     St. Candida of Carthage (North African, virgin, martyred in 300)

     Bl. Clement Marchisio of Racconigi [Clemente] (Italian, priest, founded Institute of the Daughters of St. Joseph, died at age 70 in 1903 [beatified 1984])

     Sts. Denis and Privatus (Phrygian [from part of what is now Turkey], early martyrs)

     St. Eustachius of Rome [born Placidus] (Italian, pagan general [convert], martyred by boiling in 188)

     Sts. Evilasius and Fausta of Cyzicum (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], repentant judge and girl of thirteen tortured by him, martyred in 303)

     Bl. Francis de Posadas of Cordova [Francisco] (Spanish, Dominican  priest, died at age 68 in 1713 [beatified 1818])

     St. Glycerius of Milan (Italian, archbishop, c. 438)

     St. John Charles Cornay of Loudin [Jean] (French, missionary priest in Vietnam, tortured and caged for three months, martyred [cut to pieces] in 1837 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     Bl. John Eustace of Mons [Jean] (Belgian, Cistercian  abbot in France, d. 1481)

     St. Joseph Mary de Yermo y Parres of Jalmolonga [Jose Maria] (Mexican, priest, founded Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor, died at age 52 in 1904 [beatified 1992, canonized 2000])

     Blessed Martyrs of Korea [also known as "Bl. Paul Yun Ji-Chung of Jinsan and 123 Companions"] (Korean, one priest and 122 lay people [men and women, married and single, old and young], martyred [mainly beheaded, beaten, or hanged] between 1791 and 1888 [beatified 2014])
[Click here to see the martyrs' names and other facts about them.]


     Bl. Mark of Modena [Marco] (Italian, Dominican  priest, itinerant preacher, d. 1498)

     Bl. Mary Therese of St. Joseph Tauscher van den Bosch of Sandow [Maria Teresia van de heilige Jozef] [baptized Anna Maria] (from Brandenburg [now in Poland], daughter of Lutheran minister, virgin, director of insane asylum, convert at age 33, founded Congregation of Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus [to care for orphans] in Italy, died in Holland at age 83 in 1938 [beatified 2006])

     St. Priscus (early martyr by stabbing and beheading)

     Sts. Theodore, Philippa, Socrates, and Dionysius (soldier, his mother, soldier, and converted pagan priest ... martyred by crucifixion in 220)

     Bl. Thomas Johnson (English, Carthusian  monk, martyred [starvation] under Henry VIII in 1537 [beatified 1886])

     St. Vincent of Strepy [baptized Madelgarus] (Belgian, father of four, widower, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 62 in 677)



     Holy Martyrs of Korea -- CONTINUED

[also known as "Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon of Solmoi, Paul Chong Ha-sang of Majae, and companions"] (Korean [93] and French [10] ... clergy [3 missionary bishops, 7 missionary priests, 2 native priests] and laity [91] ... tortured and martyred by beheading between 1839 and 1867 [beatified 1925 (79 who died before 1847) or 1968 (24 who died after 1859), canonized (all 103) 1984])

[Below are the names of the canonized martyrs. They are representative of the more than 10,000 people who died in Korean persecutions that extended over more than one hundred years. (Note: When a Korean person's name is made up of three parts, the first is the baptismal name, the second is the surname, and the third is the pre-Christian given name. Consider the name of the most famous of the martyrs: Andrew Kim Tae-gon.  If using the "Western" style of naming, we would have called him "Tae-gon Kim" before his conversion and "Father Andrew Kim" after his conversion.)]
[Missionary bishops:]
----- St. Anthony
Daveluy of Amiens [Antoine] (French, died at age 48 in 1866)
----- St. Lawrence
Imbert of Marignane [Laurent] (French, 43, 1839)
----- St. Simon
Berneux of Chateau-du-Loir (French, 52, 1866)
[Missionary priests and native priests:]
----- St. James Honorat
Chastan of Marcoux [Jacques-Honoré] (French, died at age 36 in 1839)
----- St. Justin Ranfer
de Bretenières of Chalon-sur-Saône (French, 28, 1866)
----- St. Louis
Beaulieu of Langon (French, 26, 1866)
----- St. Martin Luke
Huin of Guyonville [Martin-Luc] (French, 30, 1866)
----- St. Peter
Aumaitre of Aizecq [Pierre] (French, 29, 1866)
----- St. Peter
Maubant of Vassy [Pierre] (French, 36, 1839)
----- St. Peter Henry
Dorie of Saint-Hilaire-de-Talmont [Pierre-Henri] (French, 27, 1866))
----- St. Andrew
Kim Tae-gon of Solmoi (first Korean-born priest, 25, 1846)
----- St. Joseph
Chang Chu-gi (Korean, 1860)
[Lay catechists:]
----- St. Andrew
Chong Kwang-yong (d. 1840)
----- St. Damian
Nam Myong-hyog of Munan (38, 1839)
----- St. Ignatius
Kim Che-jun of Myonch'on (43, 1839)
----- St. John Baptist
Chong Chang-un (1860)
----- St. John Baptist
Yi Kwang-nyol of Kwangju (42, 1839)
----- St. John
Yi Yun-il (1860)
----- St. Joseph Peter
Han Jae-kwon (1860)
----- St. Lawrence
Han Ih-yong (1840)
----- St. Mark
Chong Ui-bae (1860)
----- St. Paul
Chong Ha-sang of Majae (44, 1839)
----- St. Paul
Hong Yong-ju (1840)
----- St. Peter
Ch'oe Ch'ang-hub (1860)
----- St. Peter
Ch'oe Hy-ong (1840)
----- St. Peter
Nam Kyong-mun (1840)
----- St. Peter
Son Son-ji (1860)
----- St. Peter
Yu Chong-yul (1860)
----- St. Stephen
Min Kuk-ka (1840)
[Other laity:]
----- St. Agatha
Chon Kyong-hyob of Seoul (virgin, died at age 49 in 1839)
----- St. Agatha
Kim A-gi of Kangch'on (56, 1839)
----- St. Agatha
Kwon Chi-ni (1840)
----- St. Agatha
Yi of Seoul (16, 1840)
----- St. Agatha
Yi Kan-nan ((1860)
----- St. Agatha
Yi Kyong-I (1840)
----- St. Agatha
Yi So-sa of Ich’on (55, 1839)
----- St. Agnes
Kim Hyo-ju of Banisom (23, 1839)
----- St. Alexis
U Se-yong (1860)
----- St. Anna
Kim Chang-gum of Seoul (50, 1839)
----- St. Anna
Pak A-gi (1840)
----- St. Anthony
Kim Song-u (1840)
----- St. Augustine
Pak Chong-won (1840)
----- St. Augustine
Yi Ching-il of Cho Dong (48, 1839)
----- St. Augustine
Yi Kwang-hon of Kwangju (52, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Cho Chung-I of Ich’on (57, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Ch'oe Yong-I of Seoul (21, 1840)
----- St. Barbara
Han A-gi of Kwang-ch’on (47, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Kim of Shi-heung (34, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Ko Su-ni (1860)
----- St. Barbara
Kwon Hu-I of Seoul (45, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Yi of Ch’ongp’a (14, 1839)
----- St. Barbara
Yi Chong-hui of Pongch’on (40, 1839)
----- St. Bartholomew
Chong Mun-ho (1860)
----- St. Benedicta
Hyon Kyong-nyon (1840)
----- St. Catherine
Chong Ch'or-yom (1840)
----- St. Catherine
Yi of Seoul (56, 1839)
----- St. Cecilia
Yu So-sa of Seoul (mother of St. Paul Chong Ha-sang, 78, 1839)
----- St. Charles
Cho Shin-ch'ol of Hoeyang (44, 1839)
----- St. Charles
Hyon Song-mun (1840)
----- St. Columba
Kim Hyo-im of Bamsom (25, 1839)
----- St. Elisabeth
Chong Chong-hye of Majae (virgin, 42, 1939)
----- St. Francis Ch'oe Hyong-hwan
of Ch'ungchong (34, 1839)
----- St. John Baptist
Nam Chong-sam (1860)
----- St. John
Pak Hu-jae of Yongin (40, 1839)
----- St. John
Yi Mu-nu (1839)
----- St. Joseph
Chang Song-jib of Seoul (53, 1839)
----- St. Joseph
Cho Yun-ho (1860)
----- St. Joseph
Im Ch'i-baeg (1840
----- St. Juliet
Kim of Hanyang (virgin, 55, 1839)
----- St. Lucia
Kim of Kanch’on (21, 1839)
----- St. Lucia
Kim of Seoul (70, 1839)
----- St. Lucia
Pak Hui-sun (1840)
----- St. Luke
Hwang Sok-tu (1860)
----- St. Magdalen
Cho of Seoul (32, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen
Han Yong-I (1840)
----- St. Magalen
Ho Kye-im of Yongin (66, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen
Kim O-bi of Seoul (65, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen
Pak Pong-son of Seoul (widow, 43, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen
Son Sob-yog (1840)
----- St. Magdalen
Yi Yong-dok (1840)
----- St. Magdalen
Yi Yong-hui of Pongch’on (30, 1839)
----- St. Maria
Pak K'un-agi of Seoul (53, 1839)
----- St. Maria
Won Kwi-im of Yongmo Ri (virgin, 21, 1839)
----- St. Maria
Yi In-dok (1840)
----- St. Maria
Yi Yon-hui of Seoul (35, 1839)
----- St. Martha
Kim Song-im of Pup’yong (52, 1839)
----- St. Paul
Ho Hy-op (1840)
----- St. Perpetua
Hong Kum-ju of Seoul (widow, 35, 1839)
----- St. Peter
Cho Kwa-so (1860)
----- St. Peter
Chong Won-ji (1860)
----- St. Peter
Hong Pyong-ju (1840)
----- St. Peter
Kwon Tu-gin of Kyonggi (34, 1839)
----- St. Peter
Yi Ho-yong of Ich’on (35, 1839)
----- St. Peter
Yi Myong-so (1860)
----- St. Peter
Yu Tae-ch'ol of Ipjong Dong (13, 1839)
----- St. Protase
Chong Kur-bo of Songdo (40, 1839)
----- St. Rosa
Kim of Seoul (widow) (55, 1866)
----- St. Sebastian
Nam Ig-wan of Ch'ungju (59, 1839)
----- St. Susanna
U Su-rim (1840)
----- St. Teresa
Kim of Myonch'on (43, 1840)
----- St. Teresa
Kim I-mi (1840)
----- St. Teresa
Yi Mae-im of Pongch’on (51, 1839)
----- St. Thomas
Son Cha-son (1860)

     Blessed Martyrs of Korea [also known as "Bl. Paul Yun Ji-Chung of Jinsan and 123 Companions"] -- CONTINUED
(Korean, one priest and 122 lay people [men and women, married and single, old and young], martyred [mainly beheaded, beaten, or hanged] between 1791 and 1888 [beatified 2014])
[Their names were ...]

----- Bl. Agatha Han Sin-ae (liaison, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Agatha Magdalene Kim Yun-deok (beaten to death at end of April or early in May, 1815)

----- Bl. Agatha Yun Jeom-hye (virgin, catechist, beheaded on July 4, 1801)

----- Bl. Alexius Kim Si-u (single layman, died before October 21, 1816)

----- Bl. Ambrose Kim Se-bak (died on December 3, 1828)

----- Bl. Anastasia Kim Jo-i (died c. October, 1839)

----- Bl. Anastasia Yi Bong-geum (virgin, hanged on December 5 or 6, 1839)

----- Bl. Andrew Kim Cheon-ae (servant, beheaded on August 27 or 28, 1801)

----- Bl. Andrew Kim Gwang-ok (chief of township, beheaded on August 25, 1801)

----- Bl. Andrew Kim Jong-han (lay leader, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Andrew Kim Sa-geon (beheaded on May 26, 1839)

----- Bl. Andrew Pak Sa-ui (beheaded on May 26, 1839)

----- Bl. Andrew Seo Seok-bong (layman, died before October 21, 1816)

----- Bl. Andrew Yi Jae-haeng (layman, beheaded on May 26, 1839)

----- Bl. Anna Yi (married woman, died in 1867)

----- Bl. Anna Yi Si-im (widow, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Anthony Hong Ik-man (lay leader, beheaded on January 29, 1802)

----- Bl. Anthony Jeong Chan-mun (beaten to death on January 25, 1867)

----- Bl. Anthony Yi Hyeon (beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Augustine Jeong Yak-jong (catechist, beheaded on April 8, 1801)

----- Bl. Augustine Yu Hang-geom (catechist, died on October 24, 1801)

----- Bl. Barbara Choe Jo-i (widow, beheaded on January 4, 1840)

----- Bl. Barbara Jeong Sun-mae (virgin, beheaded on July 3 or 4, 1801)

----- Bl. Barbara Ku Seong-yeol (married woman, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Barbara Sim A-gi (virgin, beaten to death in early April, 1801)

----- Bl. Barbara Sim Jo-i (died on November 11, 1839)

----- Bl. Barnabas Jeong Gwang-su (lay leader, beheaded on January 29, 1802)

----- Bl. Barnabas Kim I-u (lay leader, beaten to death in May, 1801)

----- Bl. Benedict Song (died in 1867)

----- Bl. Brigid Choe (widow, hanged on December 8 or 9, 1839)

----- Bl. Candida Jeong Bok-hye (liaison  widow, beheaded on May 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Charles Jeong Cheol-sang (lay leader, beheaded on May 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Charles Yi Gyeong-do (beheaded on January 29, 1802)

----- Bl. Columba Kang Wan-suk (catechist, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Felix Peter Kim Gi-ryang (trader, hanged in January 1867)

----- Bl. Florus Hyeon Gye-heum (lay leader, pharmacist, beheaded on December 10, 1801)

----- Bl. Francis Bae Gwan-gyeom (lay leader, beaten to death on January 7, 1800)

----- Bl. Francis Bang (petty official, beaten to death or hanged on January 21, 1799)

----- Bl. Francis Choe Bong-han (layman, died in about May, 1815)

----- Bl. Francis Kim Hui-seong (beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Francis Kim Jong-gyo (physician, beheaded on October 4, 1801)

----- Bl. Francis Kim Sa-jip (beaten to death on January 25, 1802)

----- Bl. Francis Pak Gyeong-jin (layman, died on September 28, 1868)

----- Bl. Francis Xavier Hong Gyo-man (scholar, beheaded on April 8, 1801)

----- Bl. Francis Yi Bo-hyeon (beaten to death on January 9, 1800)

----- Bl. Francis Yun Ji-heon (lay leader, died on October 24, 1801)

----- Bl. Gervase Son Gyeong-yun (catechist, pharmacist, beheaded on January 29, 1802)

----- Bl. Ignatius Choe In-cheol (lay leader, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. James  Heo In-baek (farmer, beheaded on September 14, 1868)

----- Bl. James Kim Hwa-chun (layman, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. James Kwon Sang-yeon (layman, scholar, beheaded on December 8, 1791)

----- Bl. James Oh Jong-rye (beheaded on January 4, 1840)

----- Bl. James Won Si-bo (beaten to death on April 17, 1799)

----- Bl. James Yun Yu-o (lay leader, beheaded on April 27, 1801)

----- Bl. James Zhou Wen-mo (priest, died on May 31, 1801)

----- Bl. Job Yi Il-eon (layman, beheaded on May 29, 1839)

----- Bl. John Choe Chang-hyeon (catechist, beheaded on April 8, 1801)

----- Bl. John Choe Hae-seong (catechist, beheaded on September 6, 1839)

----- Bl. John Won Gyeong-do (beheaded on April 25, 1801)

----- Bl. John Yi Jeong-sik (catechist, military officer, beheaded in September, 1868)

----- Bl. John Yu Jung-cheol (single layman, hanged on November 14, 1801)

----- Bl. John Yu Mun-seok (virgin, hanged on November 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Joseph (or Peter) Yun Bong-mun (catechist, hanged on April 1, 1888)

----- Bl. Joseph Ko Seong-un (single layman, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Juliana  Kim Yeon-i (liaison, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Lawrence Pak Chwi-deuk (lay leader, hanged on April 3, 1799)

----- Bl. Leo Hong In (beheaded on January 30, 1802)

----- Bl. Lucy Yun Un-hye (liaison, beheaded on May 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Luke Hong Nak-min (government official, beheaded on April 8, 1801)

----- Bl. Luke Kim Jong-ryun (beheaded on September 14, 1868)

----- Bl. Lutgarda Yi Sun-i (single layman, beheaded on January 31, 1802)

----- Bl. Magdalene Yi Jo-i (widow, beheaded on January 4, 1840)

----- Bl. Marcellinus Choe Chang-ju (beheaded on April 25, 1801)

----- Bl. Margaret Oh (married woman, died on  September 28, 1868)

----- Bl. Mark Sin Seok-bok (merchant, hanged on March 18 or 31, 1866)

----- Bl. Martin In Eon-min (scholar, beaten to death on January 9, 1800)

----- Bl. Martin Yang Jae-hyeon (petty official, beheaded in September, 1868)

----- Bl. Martin Yi Jung-bae (beheaded on April 25, 1801)

----- Bl. Mary Yi Seong-rye (beheaded on January 31, 1840)

----- Bl. Matthew Kim Hyeon-u (lay leader, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Matthew Yu Jung-seong (virgin, beheaded on January 31, 1802)

----- Bl. Matthias Pak Sang-geun (petty official, hanged in January, 1867)

----- Bl. Matthias Choe In-gil (lay leader, translator, beaten to death on June 28, 1795)

----- Bl. Matthias Choe Yeo-gyeom (beheaded on August 27, 1801)

----- Bl. Paul Yi Do-gi (potter, beaten to death on July 24, 1798)

----- Bl. Paul Jeong Tae-bong (layman, beheaded on May 29, 1839)

----- Bl. Paul Oh Ban-ji (layman, hanged on March 26 or 27, 1866)

----- Bl. Paul Pak Gyeong-hwa (died on November 15, 1827)

----- Bl. Paul Yi Guk-seung (teacher, beheaded near the end of May, 1801)

----- Bl. Paul Yi Gyeong-eon (lay leader, died on June 27, 1827)

----- Bl. Paul Yun Ji-chung (lay leader, scholar, beheaded on December 8,1791)

----- Bl. Paul Yun Yu-il (lay leader, secret envoy, beaten to death on June 28, 1795)

----- Bl. Peter Choe Pil-je (lay leader, pharmacist, beheaded on May 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Peter Jeong San-pil (catechist, beheaded or beaten to death in 1799)

----- Bl. Peter Jo Suk (lay leader, virgin, beheaded after August 10, 1819)

----- Bl. Peter Jo Yong-sam (single layman, died on March 27, 1801)

----- Bl. Peter Kim Dae-gwon (layman, beheaded on May 29, 1839)

----- Bl. Peter Kim Jeong-deuk (beheaded on August 25, 1801)

----- Bl. Peter Ko Seong-dae (single layman, beheaded on December 19, 1816)

----- Bl. Peter Sin Tae-bo (lay leader, beheaded on May 29, 1839)

----- Bl. Peter Song (died in 1867)

----- Bl. Peter Won Si-jang (beaten to death on January 28, 1793)

----- Bl. Peter Yi Tae-gwon (beheaded on May 29, 1839)

----- Bl. Peter Yi Yang-deung (catechist, merchant, beheaded on September 14, 1868)

----- Bl. Philip Hong Pil-ju (lay leader, beheaded on October 4, 1801)

----- Bl. Pius Kim Jin-hu (petty official, died on December 1, 1814)

----- Bl. Protase Hong Jae-yeong (lay leader, beheaded on January 4, 1840)

----- Bl. Richard An Gun-sim (layman, d.1835)

----- Bl. Saba Ji Hwang (lay leader, secret envoy, beaten to death on June 28, 1795)

----- Bl. Sebastian Kwon Sang-mun (lay leader, beheaded on January 30, 1802)

----- Bl. Simon  Hwang Il-gwang (beheaded on January 30, 1802)

----- Bl. Simon Kim Gang-i (lay leader, died on December 5, 1815)

----- Bl. Simon Kim Gye-wan (acolyte, pharmacist, beheaded on January 29, 1802)

----- Bl. Stanislaus Han Jeong-heum (teacher, beheaded on August 26, 1801)

----- Bl. Stephen Kim Won-jung (layman, hanged on December 16, 1866)

----- Bl. Susan Kang Gyeong-bok (virgin, liaison, courtier, beheaded on July 2, 1801)

----- Bl. Teresa Kwon Cheon-rye (virgin, couple, beheaded after August 10, 1819)

----- Bl. Thaddeus Jeong In-hyeok (lay leader, pharmacist, beheaded on May 14, 1801)

----- Bl. Thaddeus Ku Han-seon (acolyte,  beaten to death in 1866)

----- Bl. Thomas Choe Pil-gong (lay leader, pharmacist, beheaded on April 8, 1801)

----- Bl. Thomas Han Deok-un (beheaded on January 30, 1802)

----- Bl. Thomas Jang (beheaded in 1866)

----- Bl. Victorinus Pak Dae-sik (layman, beheaded on October 12, 1868)

----- Bl. Vivian Mun Yeong-in (virgin, liaison, courtier, beheaded on July 2, 1801)


On September 21, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Matthew
of Capernaum [also called Levi] (Israelite Jew, tax collector, apostle of Jesus, evangelist, missionary to dispersed Jews, martyred c. 48)

     St. Alexander (Italian, bishop, tortured and martyred in 2nd Century)

     St. Eusebius (Phoenician [from modern Lebanon], tortured and martyred [beheaded])

     St. Francis Jaccard of Onnion [François] (French, missionary priest in Vietnam, martyred by strangling at about age 39 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

     St. Gerulph (Flemish, layman, martyr, c. 746)

     St. Hieu of Northumbria (British, abbess, d. 657)

     St. Iphigenia (Ethiopian, convert of St. Matthew)

     Sts. Isaac and Meletius, of Cyprus (Cypriot, bishops, early martyrs)

     St. Jonah ben Amittai of Gath-Hepher (Israelite, prophet to Nineveh in Assyria in Old Testament book, 8th Century B.C.)

     St. Mabyn (Welsh, 6th Century)

     St. Maura of Troyes (French, single noblewoman, died at about age 23 in 850)

     St. Pamphilus (early martyr in Rome)

     Bl. Rosary Angel Livatino of Canicattì [Rosario Angelo] (Italian [Sicilian], attorney, magistrate/judge, martyred [shot] by organized-crime hit-men at age 37 in 1990 [beatified 2021])


     St. Thomas Tran Van Thien of Trung Quan (Vietnamese, seminarian, tortured and martyred by strangling at about age 18 in 1838 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])


On September 22, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Digna and Emerita
of Rome (Italian, virgins, martyred in 259)

     St. Emmeramus of Poitiers (French, Benedictine  abbot in Germany, bishop of Regensburg, martyred in 690)

     Pope St. Felix III of Rome [also called Felix IV, due to numbering error] (Italian, priest, elected to papacy in 526, reigned until death in 530)

     St. Florentius of Bavaria (German, missionary in France, hermit, abbot, 5th Century)

     St. Ignatius Belvisotti of Santhia [Ignazio] [baptized Lorenzo Maurizio (Lawrence Maurice)] (Italian, parish priest, Capuchin  friar for 54 years, army chaplain, died at age 84 in 1770 [beatified 1966, canonized 2002])

     St. Irais (Egyptian, martyred by beheading c. 300)

     St. Jonas of Paris (French, priest, martyred by stabbing in third Century)

     St. Lauto of Constance [better known as St. Lo] (French, bishop for 40 years, d. 568)

     St. Lindru of Partois (French, virgin)

     St. Liobgetha of Wessex (British, Benedictine  abbess in Germany, d. 781)

     St. Lolanus (Scottish, bishop, d. 1034)

     St. Phocas of Paphlagonia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], gardener, hermit, early martyr by beheading)

     St. Salaberga of Laon (French, mother of five, hermitess, abbess, d. 665)

     St. Sanctinus of Meux (French, bishop, d. 300)

     Blessed Scalopian Martyrs of Spain [also known as the Piarist Martyrs] (Spanish, 13 men [11 priests and 2 brothers, members of Clerks Regular of the Pious Schools], martyred during Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1995])
----- Bl. Alfred
Parte Saiz of Cilleruelo de Bricia [Alfredo] (priest, died at age 36)
----- Bl. Charles
Navarro Miquel of Torrente [Carlos] (priest, died at age 25)
----- Bl. David
Carlos Maranon of Asarta (brother, died at age 28)
----- Bl. Dennis
Pamplona Polo [Dionisio] (died at age 68)
----- Bl. Emmanuel
Segura Lopez of Almonacid de la Sierra [Manuel] (priest, died at age 55)
----- Bl. Faustino
Oteiza Segura of Ayegui (priest, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Florentino
Felipe Naya of Alquezar (brother, died at age 79)
----- Bl. Francis
Carceller Galindo of Forcall [Francisco] (priest, died one day before 35th birthday)
----- Bl. Henry
Canadell Quintana of Olot [Enrique] (priest, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Ignatius
Casanovas Perramon of Igualada [Ignacio] (priest, died at age 43)
----- Bl. John
Agramunt Rivera of Almazora [Juan] (priest, died at age 32)
----- Bl. Joseph
Ferrer Esteve of Algemesí [Jose] (priest, died at age 32)
----- Bl. Matthias
Cardona Meseguer of Vallibona [Matias] (priest, died at age 33)

     St. Sylvanus of Bourges (French)

     St. Thomas of Villanova [Tomás de Villanueva] (Spanish, professor of theology, Augustinian  prior, archbishop of Valencia, died at about age 67 in 1555 [beatified 1618, canonized 1658]) [commemorated by some on the 18th]

     Holy Marytrs of the Theban Legion (mainly Egyptian, at least 6,000 imperial soldiers in France [led by Mauritius, Exuperius, Candidus, Innocent, Vitalis, Victor, and Victor], refused to adore pagan gods, martyred in what is now Switzerland c. 304)

     Blessed Martyrs of Valencia (1 French, 2 Uruguayan, 230 Spanish ... clergy, religious men and women, lay persons ... martyred during the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1938 [beatified 2001])

[Here is a list of the 233 beatified martyrs, who include 37 diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Valencia, 19 women of Catholic Action  of the Archdiocese of Valencia, 18 men and youth of Catholic Action  of the Archdiocese of Valencia, 20 Dominicans  (priests, novices, etc.), 4 Franciscans of the Order of Friars Minor, 6 Franciscan  priests and brothers of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, 12 Capuchin  priests, deacon, and brothers, 5 Capuchin Sisters of the Order of Saint Clare, 1 Discalced Augustinian  friar, 12 Jesuits, 30 Salesians  (priests, etc.), 2 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, 20 Third Order Capuchins of Our Lady of Sorrows, 1 priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 6 Brothers of the Christian Schools, 24 Carmelite Sisters of Charity, 1 Servant of Mary, 8 Sisters of the Pious Schools, 1 Claretian Sister, 2 Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly, 3 Third Order Capuchins of the Holy Family, and 1 member of Catholic Action Youth of the Diocese of Lleida.]
  [Diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Valencia:]
----- Bl. Alphonse
Sebastián Viñals of Valencia [Alfonso] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Anthony
Silvestre Moya of Ollería [Antonio] (died at age 44)
----- Bl. Carmel
Sastre Sastre of Alicante [Carmelo] (died at age 45)
----- Bl. James
Llorca Llopis of Oliva [Diego] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Elijah
Carbonell Mollá of Cocentaina [Elías] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Henry
Juan Requena of Aielo de Malferit [Enrique] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Henry
Morant Pellicer of Bellreguard [Enrique] (died at age 28)
----- Bl. Ferdinand
García Sendra of Pego [Fernando] (died at age 31)
----- Bl. Ferdinand
González Añón of Turís [Fernando] (died at age 50)
----- Bl. Francis
Ibáñez Ibáñez of Penaguila [Francisco] (died at age 60)
----- Bl. Francis
Sendra Ivars of Benissa [Francisco] (died at age 37)
----- Bl. Felix
Yuste Cava of Chuilla [Félix] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Herman
Gozalbo Andreu of Torrent [Germán]
----- Bl. Gonzalo
Viñes Masip of Xativa (died at age 53)
----- Bl. Joachim
Vilanova Camallonga of Ontynient [Joaquín] (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Joseph
Aparicio Sanz of Enguera [José] (died at age 43)
----- Bl. Joseph
Canet Giner of Bellreguard [José] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Joseph
Fenollosa Alcayna of Rafelbuñol [José] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Joseph
García Mas of Pego [José] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Joseph
González Huguet of Alaquas [José] (died at age 62)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Ferrándiz Hernández of Campo de Mirra [José Maria] (died at age 57)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Segura Penadés of Ontynient [José Maria] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Joseph
Ruiz Bruixola of Foios [José] (died at age 79)
----- Bl. Joseph
Toledo Pellicer of Llaurí [José] (died at age 27)
----- Bl. John
Carbonell Mollá of Cocentaina [Juan] (died at age 62)
----- Bl. John
Ventura Solsona of Villahermosa del Rio [Juan] (died at age 61)
----- Bl. Paschal
Ferrer Botella of Algemesí [Pascual] (died at age 42)
----- Bl. Paschal
Penadés Jornet of Montavemer [Pascual] (died at age 42)
----- Bl. Raymond Steven
Bou Pascual of Benimanteill [Ramón Esteban] (died at age 30)
----- Bl. Raymond
Martí Soriano of Burjassot [Ramón] (died at age 34)
----- Bl. Salvador
Estrugo Salves of Alzira (died at age 74)
----- Bl. Salvador
Ferrandis Seguí of L'Orxa (died at age 56)
----- Bl. Vincent
Ballester Far of Benidoleig [Vicente] (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Vincent Mary
Izquierdo Alcón of Cheste [Vicente Maria] (died at age 45)
----- Bl. Vincent
Pelufo Orts of Alzira [Vicente] (died at age 68)
----- Bl. Vincent
Rubiols Castelló of La Pobla Liarga [Vicente] (died at age 62)
----- Bl. Vincent
Sicluna Hernández of Navarres [Vicente] (died at age 77)
  [Women of Catholic Action of the Archdiocese of Valencia:]
----- Bl. Amalia
Abad Casasempere of Alcoi (widow, died at age 39)
----- Bl. Ann Mary
Aranda Riera of Denia [Ana María] (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Crescencia
Valls Espí of Ontynient (died at age 73)
----- Bl. Incarnation
Gil Valls of Ontynient [Encarnación] (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Florence
Caerols Martínez of Caudete [Florencia] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Frances
Cualladó Baixauli of Valencia [Francisca] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Hermione
Martínez Amigó of Puçol [Herminia] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Josephine
Moscardó Montalvá of Alzira [Josefina] (died at age 56)
----- Bl. Mary
Climet Mateu of Xativa [María] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Mary of Carmel
Viel Ferrando of Sueca [María Carmen] (died at age 43)
----- Bl. Mary del Olvido
Noguera Albelda of Carcaixent [María del Olvido] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Mary of the Pillar
Jordá Botella of Alcoi [María del Pilar] (died at age 31)
----- Bl. Mary Louise
Frías Cañizares of Valencia [María Luisa] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Mary Louise
Montesinos Orduña of Valencia [María Luisa] (died at age 36)
----- Bl. Mary of the Purification
Vidal Pastor of Alzira [María Purificación] (died at age 44)
----- Bl. Mary Sophie Therese
Ximénez Ximénez of Valencia [María Sofía Teresa] (widow, died at age 60)
----- Bl. Mary Teresa
Ferragut Roig of Algemesí [María Teresa] (died at age 83)
----- Bl. Pilar
Villalonga Villalba of Valencia (died at age 45)
----- Bl. Társila
Córdoba Belda of Sollana (widow, died at age 75)
  [Men and Youth of Catholic Action of the Archdiocese of Valencia:]
----- Bl. Arthur
Ros Montalt of Vinalesa [Arturo] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Charles
Díaz Gandía of Ontynient [Carlos] (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Charles
López Vidal of Gandía [Carlos] (died at age 42)
----- Bl. Emmanuel
Torró García of Ontynient [Manuel] (died at age 34)
----- Bl. Ishmael
Escrihuela Esteve of Tavemes de Valldigna [Ismael] (died at age 34)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Faubel Cano of Lima [Juan Bautista] (died at age 47)
----- Bl. John
Gonga Martínez of Carcaixent [Juan] (died at age 25)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Corbín Ferrer of Valencia [José María] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Zabal Blasco of Valencia [José Maria] (died at age 38)
----- Bl. Joseph
Medes Ferrís of Almagesí [José] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Joseph
Perpiñá Nacher of Sueca [José] (died at age 25)
----- Bl. Joseph Raymond
Ferragud Girbés of Algemesí [José Ramón] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Marino
Blanes Giner of Alcoi (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Paul
Meléndez Gonzalo of Valencia [Pablo] (died at age 60)
----- Bl. Paschal
Torres Lloret of Carcaixent [Pascual] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Raphael
Alonso Gutiérrez of Ontynient [Rafael] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Salvador
Enguix Garés of Alzira (widower, died at age 74)
----- Bl. Vincent
Galbis Gironés of Ontynient [Vicente] (died at age 26)
----- Bl. Anthony Emmanuel
López Conceiro of El Ferrol [Antonio Manuel] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Constantine
Fernández Alvarez of La Vecilla [Constantino] (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Felicisimo
Díez González of Devesa de Curueño (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Philip James
Meseguer Burillo of Híjar [Felipe Santiago] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Francis
Calvo Burillo of Híjar [Francisco] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Francis Mary
Monzón Romeo of Híjar [Francisco María] (died at age 24)
----- Bl. Gumersindo
Soto Barros of Amil (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Hyacinth Ignatius
Serrano López of Urrea de Gaén [Jacinto Ignacio] (priest, died at age 35)
----- Bl. Joachim
Prats Baltueña of Zaragoza [Joaquín] (died at age 21)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Muro Sanmiguel of Tarazona [José María] (died at age 31)
----- Bl. Joseph Mary
Vidal Seguí of Secuita [José María] (died at age 24)
----- Bl. Lambert Mary
Navascués y Juan of Zaragoza [Lamberto María] (novice, died at age 25)
----- Bl. Lucio
Martínez Mancebo of Vegas del Contado (priest, died at age 34)
----- Bl. Louis
Urbano Lanaspa of Zaragoza [Luis] (priest, died at age 54)
----- Bl. Emmanuel
Albert Ginés of Calanda [Manuel] (priest, died at age 69)
----- Bl. Raphael
Pardo Molina of Valencia [Rafael] (died at age 37)
----- Bl. Raymond
Peiró Victori of Aiguafreda [Ramón] (died at age 45)
----- Bl. Saturio
Rey Robles of Devesa de Curueño (died at age 29)
----- Bl. Tirso
Manrique Melero of Alfaro (died at age 59)
----- Bl. Zosimus
Izquierdo Gil of Villahermosa del Campo [Zósimo] (priest, died at age 41)
  [Order of Friars Minor:]
----- Bl. Alfred
Pellicer Muñoz of Bellreguard [Alfredo] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. Paschal
Fortuño Almela of Villareal [Pascual] (priest, died at age 50)
----- Bl. Placid
García Gilabert of Benitachell [Placido] (died at age 41)
----- Bl. Salvador
Mollar Ventura of Manises (died at age 40)
  [Order of Friars Minor Conventual:]
----- Bl. Alphonse
López López of Secorum [Alfonso] (priest, died at age 58)
----- Bl. Dennis
Vicente Ramos of Caudé [Dionisio] (priest, died at age 65)
----- Bl. Francis
Remón Játiva of Caudé [Francisco] (brother, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Michael
Remón Salvador of Caudé [Miguel] (brother, died at age 29)
----- Bl. Modesto
Vegas Vegas of La Serna (priest, died at age 24)
----- Bl. Peter
Rivera Rivera of Villacreces [Pedro] (priest, died at age 24)
  [Order of Friars Minor Capuchin:]
----- Bl. Ambrose
Valls Matamales of Benaguacil [Ambrosio] [baptized Luis (Louis)] (priest, died at age 66)
----- Bl. Aurelius
Ample Alcaide of Vinalesa [Aurelio] [baptized José (Joseph)] (priest, died at age 40)
----- Bl. Berard
Bleda Grau of Lugar Nuevo de Fenollet [baptized José (Joseph)] (brother, died at age 69)
----- Bl. Bonaventure
Esteve Flors of Puzol [Buenaventura] [baptized Julio (Julius)] (priest, died at age 39)
----- Bl. Henry
García Beltran of Almazora [Enrique] [baptized Enrique (Henry)] (deacon, died at age 34)
----- Bl. Fidel
Climent Sanchis of Puzol [baptized Mariano (Marian)] (brother, died at age 80)
----- Bl. Herman
Garrigues Hernández of Carecagente [Germán] [baptized Jorge María (George Mary)] (priest, died at age 41)
----- Bl. Joachim
Ferrer Adell of Albocácer [Joaquín] [baptized José (Joseph)] (priest, died at age 57)
----- Bl. Modesto
García Marti of Albocácer [baptized Modesto] (priest, died at age 56)
----- Bl. Pacifico
Salcedo Puchades of Valencia [baptized Pedro (Peter)] (brother, died at age 62)
----- Bl. Peter
Más Ginestar of Benisa [Pedro] [baptized Alejandro (Alexander)] (priest, died at age 60)
----- Bl. James
Mestre Iborra of Rafelbuñol [Santiago] [baptized Santiago (James)] (priest, died at age 27)
  [Capuchin Sisters of the Order of Saint Clare:]
----- Bl. Isabel
Calduch Rovira of Alcala de Chivert [Isabel] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Mary Felicitas
Masiá Ferragud of Algemesí [María Felicidad] [baptized Maria Felicidad (Mary Felicitas)] (died at age 46)
----- Bl. Mary Jesus
Masiá Ferragud of Algemesí [María Jesús] [baptized Maria Vicenta (Mary Vincent)] (died at age 54)
----- Bl. Mary Veronica
Masiá Ferragud of Algemesí [María Verónica] [baptized María Joaquina (Mary Joachim)] (died at age 52)
----- Bl. Miracles
Ortells Gimeno of Valencia [Milagros] (died at age 54)
  [Discalced Augustinian:]
----- Bl. Josepha of the Purification
Masiá Ferragud of Almegesi [Josefa Purificación] (died at age 49)
  [Society of Jesus (Jesuit):]
----- Bl. Alfred
Simón Colomina of Valencia [Alfredo] (died at age 59)
----- Bl. Constantine
Carbonell Sempere of Alcoi [Constantino] (died at age 70)
----- Bl. Darius
Hernández Morato of Buñol [Dario] (died at age 56)
----- Bl. Joseph
Tarrats Comaposada of Manresa [José] (died at age 58)
----- Bl. John Baptist
Ferreres Boluda of Ollería [Juan Bautista] (died at age 75)
----- Bl. Louis
Campos Górriz of Valencia [Luis] (seminarian, died at age 31)
----- Bl. Narcissus
Basté Basté of San Andrés de Palomar [Narciso (died at age 70)
----- Bl. Paul
Bori Puig of Vilet de Malda [Pablo] (died at age 72)
----- Bl. Peter
Gelabert Amer of Manacor [Pedro] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Raymond
Grimaltos Monllor of Puebla Larga [Ramón] (died at age 75)
----- Bl. Thomas
Sitjar Fortiá of Gerona [Tomás] (died at age 70)
----- Bl. Vincent
Sales Genovés of Valencia [Vicente] (died at age 55)
  [Salesian Society of Saint John Bosco:]
----- Bl. Angel
Ramos Velázquez of Sevilla [Ángel] (priest, died at age 62)
----- Bl. Augustine
García Calvo of Santander [Agustín] (priest, died at age 31)
----- Bl. Alexander
Planas Saurí of Mataró [Alejandro] (layman, died at age 58)
----- Bl. Álvaro
Sanjuán Canet of Alcocer de Planes (priest, died at age 28)
----- Bl. Anthony Mary
Martín Hernández of Béjar [Antonio María] (priest, died at age 51)
----- Bl. Eliseus
García García of El Manzano [Elíseo] (priest, died at age 29)
----- Bl. Francis
Bandrés Sánchez of Hecho [Francisco] (priest, died at age 40)
----- Bl. Felix
Vivet Trabal of San Feliu de Torelló [Felix] (priest, died at age 25)
----- Bl. Gil
Rodicio Rodicio of Requejo (priest, died at age 48)
----- Bl. James
Bonet Nadal of Santa María de Monmagastrell [Jaime] (priest, died at age 52)
----- Bl. James
Buch Canals of Bescanó [Jaime] (priest, died at age 47)
----- Bl. James
Ortiz Alzueta of Pamplona [Jaime] (priest, died at age 23)
----- Bl. John
Martorell Soria of Picasent [Juan] (priest, died at age 47)
----- Bl. Joseph
Batalla Parramón of Abella [José] (priest, died at age 63)
----- Bl. Joseph
Bonet Nadal of Santa María de Monmagastrell [José] (priest, died at age 61)
----- Bl. Joseph
Calasanz Marqués of Azanuy [José] (priest, died at age 64)
----- Bl. Joseph
Caselles Moncho of Benidoleig [José] (priest, died at age 29)
----- Bl. Joseph
Castell Camps of Ciudadela [José] (priest, died at age 34)
----- Bl. Joseph
Giménez López of Cartagena [José] (priest, died at age 32)
----- Bl. Joseph
Otín Aquilué of Huesca [José] (priest, died at age 35)
----- Bl. Joseph
Rabasa Ventanach of Noves de Segre [José] (priest, died at age 74)
----- Bl. Julius
Junyer Padern of Vilamariscle [Julio] (priest, died at age 46)
----- Bl. Julian
Rodríguez Sánchez of Salamanca [Julian] (priest, died at age 40)
----- Bl. Michael
Domingo Cendra of Caseras [Miguel] (priest, died at age 27)
----- Bl. Peter
Mesonero Rodríguez of Aldearrodrigo [Pedro] (priest, died at age 24)
----- Bl. Philip
Hernández Martínez of Villena [Felipe] (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Recaredo
de los Rios Fabregat of Bétera (priest, died at age 43)
----- Bl. Sergio
Cid Pazo of Allariz (priest, died at age 52)
----- Bl. Xavier
Bordás Piferrer of San Pol de Mar [Javier] (priest, died at age 22)
----- Bl. Zachary
Abadía Buesa of Almuniente [Zacarias] (priest, died at age 23)
  [Daughters of Mary Help of Christians:]
----- Bl. Mary of Carmel
Moreno Benítez of Villamartín [María del Carmen] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Mary Amparo
Carbonell Muñoz of Alboraya [María Ámparo] (died at age 43)
  [Third Order of Capuchins of Our Lady of Sorrows:]
----- Bl. Ambrose Mary
Chullá Ferrandis of Torrente [Ambrosio María] [baptized Salvador] (died at age 70)
----- Bl. Benedict Mary
Ferrer Jordá of Burriana [Benito María] [baptized Manuel (Emmanuel)] (died at age 64)
----- Bl. Bernardine Mary
Martínez Robles of Andujar [Bernardino María] [baptized Pablo (Paul)] (died at age 57)
----- Bl. Carmen García
Moyón of Nantes (French, died at age 49)
----- Bl. Crescencio
García Pobo of Celadas (died at age 33)
----- Bl. Dominic Mary
Hurtado Soler of Alboraya [Domingo María] [baptized Agustín (Augustine)] (died at age 64)
----- Bl. Florentin
Pérez Romero of Valdecuenca (died at age 32)
----- Bl. Francis Mary
Lerma Marunez of Torrente [Francisco María] [baptized Justo (Justus)] (died at age 50)
----- Bl. Francis
Tomás Serer of Alcalalí [Francisco] (died at age 25)
----- Bl. Gabriel Mary
Sánchis Mompó of Benifayó [Gabriel María] [baptized José María] (died at age 78)
----- Bl. Joseph
Llosá Balaguer of Benaguacil [José] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Laureano María
Ferrer Cardet of Vurriana [baptized Salvador] (died at age 52)
----- Bl. Leon Mary
Legua Martí of Alacuas [Leon María] [baptized Manuel (Emmanuel)] (died at age 61)
----- Bl. Modest Mary
Gay Zarzo of Torrente [Modesto María] [baptized Vicente (Vincent)] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Recaredo Mary
Llópez Mora of Torrente [Recaredo María] [baptized José María (Joseph Mary)] (died at age 62)
----- Bl. Timothy
Valero Pérez of Torrente [Timoteo] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Urban
Gil Sáez of Albarracin [Urbano] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Valentine Mary
Jaunzarás Gómez of Torrente [Valentín María] [baptized Vicente (Vincent)] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Vincent
Cabanes Badenas of Torrente [Vicente] (died at age 28)
----- Bl. Welcome Mary
Arahal de Miguel of Dos Hermanas [Bienvenido María] [baptized José (Joseph)] (died at age 49)
  [Priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus]
----- Bl. John Mary of the Cross
García Mendez of Avila [Juan María de la Cruz] [baptized Mariano] (died at age 45)
  [Brothers of the Christian Schools:]
----- Bl. Ambrose Leo
Lorente Vicente of Ojos Negros [Ambrosio León] [baptized Pedro (Peter)] (died at age 22)
----- Bl. Bertrand Francis
Lahoz Moliner of Campos [Bertran Francisco] [baptized Francisco (Francis)] (died at age 24)
----- Bl. Elijah Julian
Torrijo Sánchez of Torrijo del Campo [Elías Julian] [baptized Julian] (died at age 36)
----- Bl. Florencio Martin
Ibáñez Lázaro of Godos [baptized Álvaro] (died at age 23)
----- Bl. Honorat Andrew
Zorraquino Herrero of Bañon [Honorato Andres] [baptized Andres (Andrew)] (died at age 28)
----- Bl. Leonard
Olivera Buera of Campo [Leonardo] (priest, died at age 47)
  [Carmelite Sisters of Charity:]
----- Bl. Agatha of Our Lady of Virtue
Hernández Amorós of Villena [Agueda de Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes] (died at age 43)
----- Bl. Antonia of St. Timothy
Gosens Sáez de Ibarra of Vitoria [Antonia de San Timoteo] (died at age 66)
----- Bl. Ascension of St. Joseph of Calasanz
Lloret Marco of Gandía [Ascensión de San José de Calasanz] (died at age 57)
----- Bl. Clare of Our Lady of Hope
Ezcurra Urrutia of Uribarri de Mondragón [Clara de Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza] (died at age 40)
----- Bl. Conception of St. Ignatius
Odriozola Zabalia of Azpeitia [Concepción de San Ignacio] (died at age 54)
----- Bl.
Conception of St. Magdalen Rodríguez Fernández of Santa Eulalia de las Manzanas [Concepción de Santa Magdalena] (died at age 41)
----- Bl.
Consuelo of the Most Blessed Sacrament Cuñado González of Bilbao [Consuelo del Santísimo Sacramento] (died at age 52)
----- Bl. Candace of Our Lady of the Angels
Cayuso González of Ubiarco [Candida de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Daria of Holy Wisdom
Campillo Paniagua of Vitoria [Daria de Santa Sofía] (died at age 63)
----- Bl. Elvira Torrentallé Paraire of Balareny (died at age 53)
----- Bl. Erundina of Our Lady of Carmel
Colino Vega of Lagarejos [Erundina de Nuestra Señora del Carmen] (died at age 53)
----- Bl. Feliciana of Our Lady of Carmel
de Uribe Orbe of Múgica [Feliciana de Nuestra Señora del Carmen] (died at age 43)
----- Bl. Frances of St. Teresa
de Amezua Ibaibarriaga of Abadiana [Francisca de Santa Teresa] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Justa of the Immaculate
Maiza Goicoechea of Ataún [Justa de la Inmaculada] (died at age 39)
----- Bl. Mary of Our Lady of Providence
Calaf Miracle of Bonastre [María de Nuestra Señora de la Providencia] (died at age 65)
----- Bl. Mary of the Purification
Ximénez Ximénez de San José of Valencia [María de la Purificación] (died at age 65)
----- Bl. Mary of the Snows of the Most Holy Trinity
Crespo López of Ciudad Rodrigo [María de las Nieves de la Santisima Trinidad] (died at age 39)
----- Bl. Mary of the Abandoned of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Giner Lister of El Grao de Valencia [María Desamparados del Santísimo Sacramento] (died at age 59)
----- Bl. Mary of Sorrows of St. Francis Xavier
Vidal Cervera of Valencia [María Dolores de San Francisco Javier] (died at age 41)
----- Bl. Mary Josepha of Holy Wisdom
del Río Messa of Tarragona [María Josefa de Santa Sofia] (died at age 41)
----- Bl. Niceta of Holy Prudence
Plaja Xifra of Torrente [Niceta de San Prudencia] (died at age 73)
----- Bl. Paula of St. Anastasia
Isla Alonso of Villalaín [Paula de Santa Anastasia] (died at age 73)
----- Bl. Rose of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Pedret Rull of Falset [Rosa de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo] (died at age 72)
----- Bl. Teresa
Chambó Palés of Valencia (died at age 47)
  [Servant of Mary:]
----- Bl. Mary Guadalupe
Ricart Olmos [María Guadalupe] (died at age 55)
  [Sisters of the Pious Schools:]
----- Bl. Carmen of St. Philip Neri
Gómez Lezáun of Eulz [Carmen de San Felipe Neri] [baptized Nazaria] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Clemency of St. John Baptist
Riva Mestres of Igualada [Clemencia de San Juan Bautista] [baptized Antonia] (died at age 43)
----- Bl. Consuelo
Aguilar-Mella Díaz of Montevideo (Uruguayan, died at age 38)
----- Bl. Dolores
Aguilar-Mella Díaz of Montevideo (Uruguayan, died at age 39)
----- Bl. Mary of Jesus
de la Yglesia de Varo of Cabra [María de Jesús] [baptized Maria de Encarnación (Mary of the Incarnation)] (died at age 45)
----- Bl. Mary of the Boy Jesus
Baldillou Bullit of Balaguer [María del Nino Jesús] [baptized María] (died at age 31)
----- Bl. Mary Louise of Jesus
Girón Romera of Bujalance [María Luisa de Jesús] [baptized María Luisa (Mary Louise)] (died at age 49)
----- Bl. Presentation of the Holy Family
Gallén Martí of Morella [Presentación de la Sagrada Familia] [baptized Pascuala Presentación (Paschal Presentation)] (died at age 64)
  [Claretian Sister:]
----- Bl. Mary Patrocinio of St. John
Giner Gómis of Tortosa [María] (died at age 62)
  [Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly:]
----- Bl. Dolores of St. Eulalia
Puig Bonany of Berja [Dolores de Santa Eulalia] (died at age 79)
----- Bl. Josepha of St. John
Ruano García of Berja [Josefa de San Juan] (died at age 82)
  [Third Order Capuchins of the Holy Family:]
----- Bl. Seraphina Mary
Fernández Ibero of Ochovi [Serafina María] [baptized Manuela] (died at age 64)
----- Bl. Frances Xavier
Fenollosa Alcaina of Rafelbuñol [Francisca Javier] [baptized María] (died at age 35)
----- Bl. Rosary
Quintana Argos of Soano [Rosaria] [baptized Victoria] (died at age 70)
[Member of Catholic Action Youth of the Diocese of Lleida:]
----- Bl. Francis of Paola
Castelló y Aleu of Alicante [Francisco de Paula] (died at age 22)




On September 23, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:


     St. Pius Forgione of Pietrelcina [better known as "Padre Pio"] [baptized Francesco (Francis)] (Italian, Capuchin  priest, stigmatist with gifts of bilocation, levitation, healing, reading hearts, died at age 81 in 1968 [beatified 1999, canonized 2002])

     St. Adomnan
of Donegal [also called Eunan] (Irish, missionary, abbot, biographer, died at about age 76 in 704)

     Sts. Andrew, John, Peter, and Anthony (Sicilian, deported and tortured in Africa, martyred by Moslems in 900)

     Bl. Bernardina Jablonska of Pyzuny Lukawica [baptized Maria] (Polish, virgin, co-founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of the Poor Servers, died at age 62 in 1940 [beatified 1997])

     Holy Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala (Mexican, children, martyred 1527 to 1529 [beatified 1990, canonized 2017])
----- St. Christopher [Cristóbal] (died at age 13 in 1527)
----- St. John [Juan] (d. 1527)
----- St. Anthony [Antonio] (died at age 13 in 1529)

     St. Cissa of Northumbria (British, Benedictine  hermit, 7th Century)

     St. Constantius of Ancona (Italian, sacristan, 6th Century)

     Bl. Emily Gamelin of Montreal [Emilie, nee Tavernier] (Canadian, orphan, mother of three sons who died young, widow, foundress and superior of Sisters of Providence, died [cholera] at age 51 in 1851 [beatified 2001]) [On Canadian "particular calendar"]

     Bl. Francis of Paola Victor of Campanha [Francisco de Paula] (Brazilian, son of a slave, priest, died at age 78 in 1905 [beatified 2015])


     Bl. Guy of Durnes (French, disciple of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian  abbot, c. 1157)

     Bl. Helen Duglioli of Bologna [Elena] (Italian, widow, died at about age 48 in 1520 [beatified 1828])

     St. Linus of Tuscany (Italian, pope who succeeded St. Peter, reigned from c. 67 until death by martyrdom in 76)

     Sts. Polyxena and Xantippa (Spanish? virgins, 1st Century)

     St. Thecla of Iconium (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], disciple of St. Paul, virgin, hermitess, 1st Century)

     Bl. William Way of Exeter (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1588 [beatified 1929])




On September 24, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Anathalon of Milan (companion of St. Barnabas, bishop, 1st Century)

     Sts. Andochius and Thyrsus of Smyrna and St. Felix of Autun (from Asia Minor (2) and France ... missionary priest, deacon, and merchant in France ... tortured and martyred in 2nd Century)

     Bl. Anthony Martin Slomsek of Ponikva [Anton] (Slovenian, educator, bishop of Maribor, died at age 61 in 1862 [beatified 1999, first Slovene beatified])

     St. Bercthun of Beverley (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 733)


     St. Bystrík of Nitra (Slovak, bishop, martyred by a pagan's sword while visiting Hungary in 1046 [canonized 1083])

     Holy Martyrs of Chalcedon (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], 49 choir members, martyred in 394)

     Sts. Chuniald and Gislar (Irish or Scottish, missionaries in Germany and Austria, 7th Century)

     Bl. Columba Gabriel of Stanislawow [Colomba] [baptized Joanna Matylda (Jane Matilda)] (Ukrainian, founded Benedictine Sisters of Charity, died in Italy at age 68 in 1926 [beatified 1993])

     St. Erinhard of Normandy (French, monk and prior, d. 739)

     St. Gerard Sagredo of Venice [Gerardo] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, bishop of Csanad in Hungary, martyred by stabbing at about age 66 in 1046)

     St. Geremarus of Beauvais (French, abbot, later hermit, c. 658)

     St. Isarne of Toulouse (French, abbot, d. 1048)

     St. Pacifico of San Severino (Italian, Franciscan  priest, teacher, parish missionary, lame/deaf/blind contemplative for last 29 years, died at age 68 in 1721 [beatified 1786, canonized 1839])

     St. Paphnutius and companions (Egyptian, martyred in 303)

     Bl. Robert Hardesty of Yorkshire (English, layman, martyred by hanging under Elizabeth I in 1589 [beatified 1987])

     St. Rusticus of Clermont (French, bishop, d. 446)

     Bl. William Spenser of Gisburn (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 34 in 1589 [beatified 1987])

On this date, the Blessed Virgin Mary is also honored …

       under the title Our Lady of Mercy (or Our Lady of Ransom) [especially in Spain], and

       under the title Our Lady of Walsingham [especially in England].




On September 25, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:



     St. Albert Avogadro of Parma [Alberto] (Italian, bishop of Bobbio, bishop of Vercelli, patriarch (bishop) of Jerusalem, murdered at about age 66 in 1215) [commemorated by some on April 8]

     St. Anacharius of Auxerre (French, bishop, d. 604)

     Bl. Augustine Ota of Firando (Japanese, Jesuit catechist, martyred by beheading in 1622 [beatified 1867])

     Sts. Aurelia and Neomisia, of Anagni (virgins)

     St. Austin of Bordeaux [Ostend] (French, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop of Auch, d. 1068)

     Sts. Bardomian, Eucarpus, and 26 companions (from Asia Minor [modern Turkey])

     Blessed Benedictine Martyrs of Madrid [also known as Bl. José Antón Gómez and Companions] (Spanish, four Benedictine priests martyred during Civil War by Communists in 1936 [beatified 2016])

----- Bl. Joseph Antón Gómez of Hacinas [José] (died at age 58)

----- Bl. Raphael Alcocer Martínez of Madrid [Rafael] (died at age 46)

----- Bl. Antolín Pablos Villanueva of Lerma (died at age 65)

----- Bl. Louis Vidaurrázaga González of Bilbao [Luis] (died at age 35)

     St. Cadoc of Llancarvan (Welsh, priest, hermit, martyred c. 580)

     St. Caian of Brecknock (Welsh, 5th Century)

     St. Ceolfrid of Northumbria [aka Jeffrey, Godfrey] (British, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 74 in 716)

     St. Cleophas (Israelite, disciple of Jesus [one of two at Emmaus], husband of Mary [at Calvary], possibly father of St. James the Less, possibly brother of St. Joseph, 1st Century)

     St. Egelred of Crayland (British, Benedictine  monk, martyred by pagan Danes in 870)

     St. Finbarr of Connaught (Irish, bishop of Cork, died at about age 73 in 623) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

     St. Firminus of Pamplona (Spanish, missionary in France, bishop of Amiens, martyred by beheading at about age 31 c. 303)

     St. Fymbert (Scottish, bishop, 7th Century)

     St. Herculanus of Rome (Italian, soldier, martyred in 2nd Century)

     Bl. Hermann the Cripple of Altshausen [also called "Herman Contractus"] (German, Benedictine  monk, poet, composed immortal Marian hymns ["Salve Regina" and "Alma Redemptoris Mater"], died at age 41 in 1054 [beatified 1863])

     St. Lupus of Lyons (French, archbishop, d. 542)

     Bl. Mancius Shisiso-iemon (Japanese, Augustinian  tertiary, martyred by beheading at Nagasaki in 17th Century)

     Bl. Mark Criado of Andujar [Marco] (Spanish, Trinitarian  priest, martyred by Moslems in 16th Century)

     St. Mewrog (Welsh)

     St. Paphnutius of Alexandria (Egyptian, abbot, d. 480)

     Sts. Paul, Tatta, Savinian, Maximus, Rufus, and Eugenius, of Damascus (Syrian, parents and their four sons, tortured and martyred)

     St. Principius (French, bishop of Soissons)

     St. Solemnius of Blois (French, bishop of Chartres)

     St. Vincent Mary Strambi of Civitavecchia [Vincenzo Maria] (Italian, druggist's son, parish priest, Passionist provincial, theology professor, bishop of Macerata-Tolentino, advisor to pope, died on his 79th birthday [January 1] in 1824 [beatified 1925, canonized 1950])

[From St. Herman Contractus:]

  SALVE, REGINA, mater misericordiae:

     vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.

     Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae.

     Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.

     Eia, ergo, advocata nostra,

     illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.

     Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,

     nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.

     O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. Amen.


  ALMA REDEMPTORIS MATER, quae pervia caeli porta manes,

     et stella maris, succurre cadenti,

     surgere qui curat, populo:

     tu quae genuisti, natura mirante,

     tuum sanctum Genitorem virgo prius ac posterius,

     Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud Ave, peccatorum miserere.




On September 26, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Cosmas and Damian
of Egaea (Arabian, twin brothers, physicians in Asia Minor, tortured and martyred by beheading, c. 303)

     St. Amantius
of Cittá di Castello (Italian, parish priest, d. 600)

     St. Callistratus and 49 companions (North African, martyred by drowning at Constantinople in 300)

     Bl. Caspar Stangassinger of Unterkälberstein [Kaspar] (Bavarian, son of farmer, Redemptorist  priest, seminary official, died at age 28 [peritonitis] in 1899 [beatified 1988])

     St. Colman of Glenelly (Irish, abbot, bishop of Connor, spiritual writer, d. 612)

     Bl. Dalmatius Moner of San Coloma de Farnés [Dalmacio] (Spanish, Dominican  priest, died at about age 50 in 1341 [beatified 1721])

     St. Eusebius (Italian, Bishop of Bologna, friend of St. Ambrose, opposed Arianism, c. 400)

     Bl. John Baptist Mazzucconi of Rancio di Lecco [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, priest, religious of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, martyred in Australia at age 29 in 1855 [beatified 1984])

     St. John of Meda [Giovanni] (Italian, priest, d. 1159)

     St. Justina of Antioch (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], virgin, martyred by beheading c. 304)

     Sts. Justina and Cyprian of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor [most of modern Turkey], virgin and converted magician, martyred [exposed to beasts])

     Bl. Louis Tezza of Conegliano [Luigi] (Italian, priest, member of Order of the Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus in France and Peru, founder of Daughters of St. Camillus, died at age 81 in 1923 [beatified 2001])

     Bl. Mary Augustina Rivas López of Coracora [María Agustina, nicknamed "Aguchita"] [baptized/confirmed Antonia Luzmila] (Peruvian, virgin, professed religious of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, schoolteacher, servant of the rural poor, martyred [shot at least five times by a 17-year-old communist girl] at age 70 in 1990 [beatified 2022])


     St. Mary Victoria Teresa Couderc of Sablières [Marie-Victoire-Therese] (French, member of Sisters of St. Regis, co-founder of Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle at age 21, died at age 80 in 1885 [beatified 1951, canonized 1970])

     St. Meugant of Bardsey (British, hermit, 6th Century)

     St. Nilo the Younger of Rossano (Italian, Basilian  abbot, died at about age 95 c. 1004)

     St. Senator of Albanum (probably Italian or French)

     St. Vigilius of Brescia (Italian, bishop, d. 506)

[From St. Mary Victoria Teresa Couderc, 1864]

     I pray to our Lord to give an understanding of this word ["surrender"] to all souls desirous of pleasing him and to inspire them to take advantage of so easy a means of sanctification.

     Oh! If people could just understand ahead of time the sweetness and peace that are savored when nothing is held back from the good God! How He communicates Himself to the one who seeks him sincerely and has known how to SURRENDER herself! Let her experience it and she will see that here is found the true happiness she is vainly seeking elsewhere.  The surrendered soul has found Paradise on Earth ...


On September 27, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Vincent
de Paul of Gascony (French, peasant, parish priest, slave of Moslem pirates, chaplain of French court, worker for poor and abandoned, co-founder of Daughters of Charity and Congregation of Priests of the Mission [Lazarists/Vincentians], died at age 79 in 1660 [beatified 1729, canonized 1737] [incorruptible])

     St. Adheritus
of Ravenna (Greek, bishop in Italy, 2nd Century)

     Sts. Adolphus and John of Seville [Adolfo and Juan] (Spanish, biological brothers, martyred by Moslems in 850)

     St. Barrog (Welsh, island hermit, 7th Century)

     St. Bonfilius of Osimo [Bonfiglio] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, bishop of Storace, d. 1125)

     St. Ceraunus of Paris (French, bishop, d. 614)

     Bl. Delphine of Glandenes (French, noblewoman, widow of St. Elzear, Franciscan  tertiary, died at about age 77 in 1360)

     St. Deodatus of Sora (Italian)

     St. Elzear of Ansouis (French, husband of Bl. Delphine, Franciscan  tertiary, count and king's tutor in Italy, uncle of a pope, died in France at about age 38 in 1323 [canonized 1369])

     St. Epicharis of Byzantium (wife of Roman senator, martyred in Asia Minor in 300)

     Sts. Fidentius and Terence of Todi (early martyrs)

     St. Gaius of Milan (Italian, bishop, father of two saints, 1st Century)

     Sts. Hilary the Hermit and Florentinus (French and Swiss, early martyrs)

     St. Hiltrude of Liessies (French, recluse, c. 790)

     St. Marcellus of Saint Gall (Irish, monk in Switzerland, c. 869)

[From St. Vincent de Paul:]

“The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.”

“Even though the poor are often rough and unrefined, we must not judge them from external appearances nor from the mental gifts they seem to have received. On the contrary, if you consider the poor in the light of faith, then you will observe that they are taking the place of the Son of God who chose to be poor. Although in his passion he almost lost the appearance of a man and was considered a fool by the Gentiles and a stumbling block by the Jews, he showed them that his mission was to preach to the poor: ‘He sent me to preach the good news to the poor.’ We also ought to have this same spirit and imitate Christ's actions, that is, we must take care of the poor, console them, help them, support their cause. Since Christ willed to be born poor, he chose for himself disciples who were poor. He made himself the servant of the poor and shared their poverty. He went so far as to say that he would consider every deed which either helps or harms the poor as done for or against himself. Since God surely loves the poor, he also loves those who love the poor.“


On September 28, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Holy Martyrs of Nagasaki of 1637 [also known as "St. Lorenzo
Ruiz and companions"] (Filipino [1], Spanish [4], Japanese [9], French [1], Italian [1] ... 14 men [9 Dominican  priests, 2 brothers, 3 laymen] and 2 women [Dominican  tertiaries] ... martyred at Nagasaki between 1633 and 1637 [beatified 1981, canonized 1987])
----- St. Anthony
Gonzalez [Antonio] (Spanish, Dominican  priest)
----- St. Dominic
Ibáñez de Erquicia [Domingo] (Spanish, Dominican)
----- St. Francis
Shoyemon (Japanese, layman)
----- St. James of St. Mary
Kyusei (Japanese)
----- St. Jordan of St. Steven [Jordán de San Esteban] (Spanish, Dominican)
----- St. Lawrence
Ruiz of Manila [Lorenzo] (Filipino, married father of three, martyred [crushed after hanging upside down for three days] in 1637)
----- St. Lazarus
of Kyoto (Japanese, layman, leper)
----- St. Luke of the Holy Spirit [Luca del Espíritu Santo] (Italian)
----- St. Magdalen
of Nagasaki (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary)
----- St. Marina
of Omura (Japanese, Dominican  tertiary)
----- St. Matthew of the Rosary
Kohioye (Japanese)
----- St. Michael
de Aozaraza [Miguel] (Spanish, Dominican  priest)
----- St. Michael
Kurobioye (Japanese)
----- St. Thomas of St. Hyacinth
Hioji (Japanese)
----- St. Vincent of the Cross
Shiwozuka (Japanese, Dominican  priest)
----- St. William
Courtet [Guillaume] (French, Dominican  priest)

     St. Annemund
of Lyons (French, king's counselor, bishop, d. 658)

     Bl. Bernardine of Feltre [Bernardino] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, teacher and preacher, died at about age 55 in 1494 [beatified 1654])

     St. Eustochium of Rome (Italian, virgin, disciple of St. Jerome, died at about age 50 c. 419)

     St. Exuperius (French, bishop of Toulouse)

     St. Faustus of Riez (French, abbot, spiritual writer, bishop, opposed heresies, d. 490)

     St. Heliodorus of Antioch (Pisidian [from part of what is now Turkey], martyred c. 303)

     St. John of Dukla [Jan] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, died at about age 70 in 1484 [beatified 1733, canonized in 1997]) [commemorated by some on July 19]

     Sts. Lawrence, Martial, and twenty companions (North African, early martyrs)

     Bl. Lawrence of Ripafratta [Lorenzo] (Italian, Dominican  priest, died at about age 83 in 1456)

     Bl. Lawrence Shizu, Bl. Michael Kinoshi, Bl. Peter Kufioji, Bl. John Shozaburo, and Bl. Thomas Kufioji (Japanese, Augustinian  tertiaries, martyred by beheading at Nagasaki in 1630)

     St. Machan (Scottish, bishop [in Ireland?])

     Sts. Mark, Alexander, Alphius, Zosimus, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, and thirty companions, of Antioch (Pisidian [from part of what is now Turkey], shepherd and his six brothers with thirty soldiers, early martyrs)

     Sts. Martin and Willigod of Romont (French, Benedictine  abbots, 7th Century)

     St. Maximus of Ephesus (early martyr)

     St. Paternus of Bilbao (Spanish, bishop of Auch in France, d. 150)

     St. Simon de Rojas of Valladolid (Spanish, Trinitarian  priest and superior, teacher, founded Servants of the Sweet Name of Mary, queen's spiritual advisor, died at age 71 in 1624 [beatified 1766, canonized 1988])

     St. Solomon (Italian, bishop of Genoa)

     St. Tetta of Wimborne (British, Benedictine  abbess, d. 772)

     St. Thiemo of Meglin (Bavarian, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop of Salzburg, exiled to Palestine, martyred by Moslems in 1102)

     St. Wenceslas of Prague [Vaclav] (Bohemian, duke and "Good King Wenceslas," martyred [murdered by his brother] at about age 22 in 929)

[The Japanese governors asked: "If we grant you life, will you renounce your faith?"

 St. Lawrence Ruiz replied: "That I will never do, because I am a Christian, and I shall die for God, and for him I would give many thousands of lives if I had them. And so, do with me as you please."]


On September 29, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     Sts. Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael (archangels)

     Bl. Charles of Blois (French, duke, died at about age 44 in 1364 [beatified 1904])

     Sts. Dadas, Casdoe, and Gabdelas (Persian ... nobleman, wife, and fellow Christian ... martyred in 368)

     St. Fraternus of Auxerre (French, bishop, martyred in 450)

     St. Garcia of Artanza (Spanish, abbot, c. 1073)

     St. Grimoaldo of Pontecorvo (Italian, priest, c. 1135)

     St. Gudelia (Persian, virgin, martyred c. 340)

     Sts. Heracleas, Eutychius, and Plautus, of Thrace (Greek, early martyrs)

     St. John of Montmirail [Jean] (French, nobleman, husband, father, later Cistercian  monk, died at about age 52 in 1217)

     Bl. Louis Monza of Cis-lago [Luigi] (Italian, field worker, parish priest, imprisoned by Fascists, founded "Our Family" [association for children with disabilities], died at age 56 in 1954 [beatified 2006])

     St. Ludwin of Trier [also known as Liutwin] (German, widower, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 713)

     St. Quiriacus (Greek, hermit in Palestine, 6th Century)

     St. Rhipsime and companions (Armenian, virgins, martyred in 290)

     Bl. Richard Rolle de Hampole of Thornton (English, hermit, mystic, advisor to Cistercian  nuns, d. 1349)

     St. Theodota of Thrace (Greek, penitent prostitute, martyred in 318)

On September 30, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

     St. Jerome
of Strido (Dalmatian [from part of what is now Croatia], convert at 18, hermit priest in Syria and Bethlehem, prolific writer, secretary to pope, translated Bible into Latin [Vulgate] over 30 years, Doctor and Father of the Church, died at about age 72 in 419)

     Bl. Conrad
of Urach [Konrad] (German, Cistercian  abbot in Belgium, cardinal bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina in Italy, Cistercian  superior general, papal legate, combated Albigensian heretics in France, preached crusade in Germany, died in Italy at about age 47 in 1227)

     St. Enghenedl (Welsh, 7th Century)

     Bl. Frederick Albert of Turin [Federico] (Italian, priest, founded Congregation of the Vincentian Sisters of Mary Immaculate [Albertines], died at age 55 in 1876 [beatified 1984])

     St. Gregory the Illuminator of Ashtishat (Armenian, bishop, died at about age 75 in 332)

     St. Honoratus of Rome (Italian, Benedictine  monk, missionary in Britain, bishop of Lincoln, archbishop of Canterbury, d. 653)

     St. Laurus of Brittany (Welsh, abbot in France, 7th Century)

     St. Leopardus (slave, martyred in Rome in 362)

     St. Midan of Anglesey (Welsh, missionary, d. 610)

     St. Simon of Crépy (French, nobleman, monk, died in Rome at age 36 in 1082)

     St. Sophia (Roman, widow, mother of Sts. Faith, Hope, and Charity)

     Sts. Tancred, Torthred, and Tova, of Thorney (Danish, hermits, martyred in 870)

     Sts. Ursus and Victor (soldiers, martyred in Egypt in 286)

[St. Jerome, writing in 406 A.D., on one aspect of the Communion of Saints that has often been attacked by our separated brethren:]

     "You say in your book that while we live we are able to pray for each other, but afterwards when we have died, the prayer of no person for another can be heard. ... But if the apostles and martyrs while still in the body can pray for others, at a time when they ought still be solicitous about themselves, how much more will they do so after their crowns, victories, and triumphs?"     (From "Against Vigilantius")


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